Conspiracy theory about jet fuel. No, not that one.

0  2018-02-19 by joe_jaywalker

Hello folks. Heard an interesting sounding theory the other day but am having a hard time finding any kind of research or detail about it anywhere. Was wondering if you had ever heard of it and what you thought about it.

The theory goes as follows:

Jets cannot actually carry the purported weight of the jet fuel we are told they use for flight. The weight would amount to a huge strain on the wings, where we are told the fuel is stored, and the varying weight as the mass of fuel is consumed would further complicate takeoff vs. landing.

The implications of this are that there is a cleaner, cheaper way to power jets and planes that is being kept secret so airline companies can gouge their airfare and, of course, so we can be kept dependent on so-called "fossil fuels."

What say you?


Emphasis on the word theory.

I saw this video the other day about this subject. I don't know what to make of it.

There are other people out there questioning the mainstream understanding of aircraft:

Everything we are told is lies so it wouldn't surprise me at all if this theory ended up having some validity. People who are aware of the outer space hoax and the spinning wet ball lie know that gravity is just another elaborate hoax as well.

I feel sorry for you and what your life is like off the Internet. Hopefully, you don't have any children that you corrupt to make more copies of yourself. It would be best if your genetics didn't get passed along further and just kinda died out.

Steady on, man! He was just asking a question about something, we all need to do so to learn.

I watched some of that first video and all it really highlights is the general ignorance of whoever made it.

Take the Airbus 380 they use as an example - it's wings are huge, and at their deepest, where the wing joins the fuselage, you can quite easily stand up inside them. It can carry 320,000 litres, or 85,000 US gallons, and has a maximum take-off weight of 575 tons.

They also quite obviously don't understand how jet aircraft work - you can't run a jet engine on compressed air.

They also quite obviously don't understand how jet aircraft work

The entire point is considering that all of our "understanding" is based on lies. If someone has expert knowledge of something that is base on lies it's useless. They effectively become pawns of the system without even knowing it. A perfect example of this phenomenon is with those who support the Moon landing hoax.

Well, I know how a jet engine works, and that isn't based on a lie, it's based on facts.

Yeah that's exactly what people say about rockets working in a vacuum as well and they are wrong so...

My point is, the "official story" is not the point of this thread. It's considering that everything you know could be wrong.

Err, rockets do work in a vacuum.

I think the problem is you're trying to reject reality. Not everything is a 'story', not everything is a lie, a hoax or a cover-up.

You are just further proving my point. Don't worry about it. Sleep is good.

No, you're right, I have no knowledge of science or engineering, no common sense, the IQ of a warm pasty, and blindly accept everything I'm told.

Pride is a tough thing to swallow.

Not hard as the nonsense you spout on here. Don't worry, just make sure your tin foil hat doesn't slip.

Love your tinfoil reference while on the conspiracy sub. Perhaps you would prefer politics or news?

No, just actual conspiracies, not just blind 'everything is a lie' bullshit.

I was just like you at one time too. Thinking I was "red pilled" but still completely in the hands of controlled opposition. Good luck finding the truth.

You do talk some bollocks.

Science is what it is because you can actually test it yourself. If you have evidence disproving any tenet of science, show it. Otherwise you’re full of it and have no room to talk.

If you don’t have the initiative to educate yourself and conduct experiments, that’s your prerogative. Don’t expect anyone to take your opinion seriously though, when it appears to be founded on feelings.

Most of modern so called science is simply a very successful religious cult based on human evolution (ascension). You say you can test it yourself, yet you probably believe man went to the moon and NASA is the pinnacle of modern science. None of what they do can be tested and in fact can be easily seen to be a fraud. The same goes for Fake-X and their "car in space." You believe it because you are part of the false religion.

Appears that not everyrhing we are told is lies. You seem to not understand air pressure, both on outer and inner side of the wings of airplane.

Sometimes the simplest answers are the true ones.

Did I ever say it used compressed air? I didn't even say I subscribed to this particular conspiracy. OP asked for info a conversation on it and I provided him with what I had come across.

If gravity is a hoax, why arent there more short jews winning gold medal and playing basketball?


Aircraft are designed to be able to take the fuel necessary for the trip, especially airliners as they don't have the ability to refuel in-flight like military aircraft. The wings are the strongest part of the aircraft, to withstand the forces exerted on them while taking off, flying and landing, and also because it's the most convenient place to mount the fuel tanks.

The larger airliners also have tanks in the tail so that balance can be maintained by pumping fuel back and forth, in much the same a submarine uses trim and balance tanks.

I can also confirm from personal experience that aviation fuel smells just like paraffin when it burns.

I work at an aerospace company and we have 30ft tall fuel tanks that can be emptied by a single experi test.

That said I fully believe there are cleaner methods out there

Ah, the lack of understanding of basic chemistry.

We are going to talk about a basic rocket fuel reaction here:

Hydrazine (N2H2)+ dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) = 2 N2H2 + N2O4 = 4H2O + 3N

There are a few things to take into consideration here before we start, at all.

Nitrogen. Nitrogen is explosive because it wants to become diatomic nitrogen, whatever compound it is in, it is LESS stable than if its diatomic (N2) nitrogen, especially when the compound has a direct oxygen + nitrogen connection. There is also a great amount of energy released when nitrogen breaks off of things, think of TNT, the three nitric oxides want to rip off, and then on top of that, the nitrogen wants to split from that oxygen and meet another nitrogen.

Secondly, this is a liquid reaction, these are liquid injected into each other and create a great amount of gas and energy, think of boiling water, you can stick a finger in that shit, but when there is really hot steam, that shit will fuck you up, it has much more energy.

This is cute.

This guy is also making videos about this subject:

find the place you found the theory, delete it, and never go back.