The real reason of gun confiscation and school shooting false flags

14  2018-02-20 by Mrexreturns

A big revolution in america is coming and the current american government is about to be overthrown in front of some ad hoc revolutionary tyranny acting as a core of the new world order.

And revolutionaries KILL millions in revolutions. You see this in soviet russia, communist china, revolutionary france and now, nazi ukraine. They kill millions! But because the revolutionaries are feared of resistance like a lion feared of a zebra they want to hunt mule kicking them in the neck, they are feared of your guns. If everyone had a gun, the revolutionaries will be terrified and will just leave right at the door of your town.

If they take your guns, they can basically kill you at free will after the revolution ends. You will not act as any form of resistance and will be taken away to fun camps.

And no, trump will not save you, he's exactly playing into the plan. Only you can save yourself by rejecting the gun confiscation propaganda and hiding your guns somewhere and deny the gun confiscation orders attention. The orders are no more effective than a piece of paper.

Disarmed states WILL be the first to be purged in the big revolution by ISIS and Mexican gang criminals as well as russian and chinese soldiers. The liberals will be singing in their pro-hillary, revolutionary agenda and will be the tokens to the revolutionary protests.

The "Free-Thinker" students are nothing more than the facade and the aformentioned foreign gangs will be the ones carrying the killing. These "protestors" and "revolutionaries" have no idea that they are not "fighting for freedom" and will be slaughtered like cattle in the protest scenes, and the very people they worship treat them nothing more than pawns.

The other side, the "Alt-Rightists" act as the ready made opposition against the upcoming revolutionaries and will quickly be destroyed and disbanded when the revolutionary government strikes. Just look at the whites versus the soviets and you know what happens.

And THIS is why they confiscate your guns. THIS is why they organize school shooting false flags. So that the revolution strikes, you WILL be selected out for purging. And they kill MILLIONS.



Ladies and gentlemen: the state of mental health care in the United States.


The liberals will be singing in their pro-hillary, revolutionary agenda


this is way out there. even for r/conspiracy

I really don’t think it’s about guns. I really don’t think an armed civilian population is a credible threat to the us government. I wouldn’t even call it a speedbump

The People vastly outnumber the military. Yes, many would die. But with tactful guerrilla ware fare and strong leadership with force to be fucking reckoned with. Don’t underestimate your power as an individual and never underestimate the power of the People. It was said the American Revolution was a hopeless cause against the worlds leading military power. Look what our forefathers were able to do. We can do it again.

I would argue there was a difference of technology. If they had Facebook to divide them based on which group liked American idol and which group liked X factor we probably wouldn’t be a country right now

You have way more faith in people than I do.

Yes, there are differences in technology and social media is divisive but consider what happened when Hurricane Harvey catastrophically flooded downtown Houston and the greater metropolitan area. You had good ole boys from all over the South hooking up there fishing boats and heading down to the city with food and water to rescue the stranded. It didn’t matter who they were, black or white, rich or poor, men and women came together to help their fellow countrymen. Our differences fall to wayside in times of crisis.

A small group of people on boats going to help people with 0% chance of dying themselves vs taking on the US military is not a great comparison.

It is all about guns my dude. A population that is unarmed is much more controllable in an event. That is the end game.

You are so incredibly wrong that it's actually suspicious.

Cool. Please don’t tell anyone. My MKULTRA programming needs renewed

I don’t think the populations right to firearms has ever stopped or prevented the government from controlling us in the first place.

Your mockery tactics reveal your intentions. Try harder.

We need to realize there is indeed a point of no return. We have crossed it and lost already.

It's kind of depressing that you don't see how despicable your words come off as in the eyes of families surviving these types of crisis. It's fine to have theories but when people like you talk as if they are absolutely true it's extremely inconsiderate. Have you ever even experienced a tragedy or do you just not care about people who are suffering?

Looks like you forgot to switch accounts.

I have only one account. I just had more I wanted to say.

Oooooh busted

No not really. Nice try though. Keeping fighting the good fight? I guess that's why you think you're doing?

Nah just discussing shit on r/conspiracy lol the snark is real

Lol yeah I guess I should be more relaxed. Sometimes I guess I'm just in a pissy mood. I don't try to be but once someone points it out I try to be more nice for the rest of the day.

Ah yes the modern world of feelings over everything.

Not everything should be about feelings and you shouldn't see the world as being so absolutely black and white.. but what the fuck.. what if your brother was just shot to death and someone tells you that it's fake and staged.

Yeah I'd be pissed. I wouldn't just blame guns though as I have some use of my brain.

muh families meme

You are a blatant shill holy shit look at this guys posts.

Who do I shill for? You're calling me a shill but I'm just trying to bring peyote back down to earth. You should either look up the definition of shill or you should fuck off with these baseless accusations. If you actually went through my nearly 10 years of Reddit activity you would clearly see that I have literally nothing to hide not even where I live.

There is no revolution coming. This is a partisan pipe dream. You probably demonize liberals just like they demonize you.. where in fact you're both just being partisan planes. Instead of fantasizing about a political revolution you should instead be having a revolution in your mind and consciousness.

Looks like you forgot to switch accounts.

Why would I need to switch accounts? Why wound I even need a second one?

Come and take them.

The question is...Do you think the Military will side with the people if this were to take place?

I think most would.

Unless that their definition of "The people" are the revolutionaries.

I think less that 15% of Americans would join "The Revolution" teaming up with foreign agents. I'm talking about the rest. I think most military would side with the rest. Next question, what would the propaganda look like if this went down?

That's not going to matter once they reach a critical mass of autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots.

Agreed, most military and law enforcement would. The problem with all of this is the propaganda machine. Many people will side with either cause under false pretenses. Most Americans believe ridiculously false narratives today because of what they’re spoon fed. This “revolution” would be the greatest of all propaganda machines ever created. I believe most people will side with whatever side provides them the least amount of discomfort today (read availability to internet and Starbucks). .

The revolution is not coming. The Revolution will not be televised.

I'll die before they take mine.

I think they at least want a bunch of fear mongering to get people to feel they should keep their guns so they can keep whatever political party in the election runnings. Maybe they want the citizens to try a revolution?

The government wouldn't try any worse than they're already doing now because they know it would destroy them. You can't really take away all the guns unless you have some sort of psychic being that knows everything or some sort of gun detector.

yes, it happened many times around the world and it will happen in america, the very moment the people drop their guard. there wont be a second chance.

I would argue there was a difference of technology. If they had Facebook to divide them based on which group liked American idol and which group liked X factor we probably wouldn’t be a country right now

You have way more faith in people than I do.