I think the shills have gone from attacking comments to massively posting to make it seem the "community" is leaning a certain way. Filter by new and see for yourself. Quantity doesnt mean quality.

167  2018-02-20 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Ss the title! The sub has gone from angry shills attacking threads to basically flooding all posts with agenda politics. So many things at 0 and are obvious manipulation. They want it to seem that things are being accepted by conspiracy thinkers by sheer volume like so many people are posting this then it must be true... You have to be patient and very responsible with the information being spammed. Keep your mind strong. Entertain all thoughts and info but be careful on settling.


What they do is pose as people who act like they agree with conspiracys but have a different opinion to what ever is posted.

Is this a recent phenomenon? I've noticed it heavily in the last month and I've never seen that kind of thing happen in discussions here. Usually there is some difference of opinion but these people I'm referring to usually dominate the top comment threads with 3-4 times the upvotes even though they express views that discount everything this sub is about. Of course there have always been people attempting to shape discussion here but I'm talking about the specific phenomenon of a majority of top comments to be against the OP's position while at the same time being upvoted 3-4 times higher than any other comments in the discussion. I guess it could be an influx of users with a different mindset but what are the odds that we would see a native influx of users, all sharing a similar mindset, but one that is against the sentiment of this sub? Then what lead them here in the first place?

The content gets upvoted to the top so the top comments disregarding it can be seen.

well, they're definitely still brigading and swarming the comments. All the usual suspects are out in force today.

It happens during Tuesdays and Wednesdays, that's when the active user counts jumps by 1000-2000 and the discussions get weird and fake. I've been seeing this happen for over a year now. Tue and Wed are the extra hard working days.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the days when the antiPG "users" mega-brigade this sub, I've been noting it for over a year now. It always happens. Saturdays quite often too. Those are the days when you should just ignore this sub and you'll get viciously attacked and all the conversations seem fake, and the user count jumps up by 1000-2000.

Remember this next week too.

Ignore the votes and focus on the conversations.

We all know they wanna bury stuff.

Read, educate yourself and help spread awareness. That's all you can do.

Good point. It's hard to break the conditioning of looking at the votes. In some cases, enough negative votes will cause the comment to be hidden. So they definitely are significant to our discussions here on Reddit. Maybe one day a site can be created that doesn't rely on scoring to manipulate discussion.

It's something I have noticed too.

No complex rebuttals or debate ,just lot's of one liners drowning out the good conversation.

Lots and lots of downvotes, as well... Manufacturing consensus.

I love the conspiracy theorists are nuts comments that have 57 upvotes and the response sits at 0 or -1....really.

Yes, always open the downvoted comments. You are on a conspiracy subreddit. You can handle unpopular opinions ( unfortunately people tend to downvote when they disagree).

But through it all, there seems to be a pretty clear redirection from anything about Israel.

Would like to point out I got -37 on this comment and the person I was responding to or was pulling the good ol occams razor doubt got +447

Narcisstical Psychopaths,

I understand your point of view 100% I would have agreed with it a year ago,

It isnt any individual restaurant, it isnt even specifically restaurants, it isnt even specifically body disposal.

Its front businesses to launder money for organized pedophilic activities

Restaurants have a lot more wiggle room when it comes to their expenses and profits compared to other businesses.

Im not saying the pizza sauce is made with blood, It may be that their is no human in any of their food or even in any of the similar locations such as comet.

But the idea is that these locations are legal front companies operating as covers for illicit human trafficking organizations that are multi-national in nature.

The previous sentence is about as cut and dry as it gets, their ARE horrible criminals operating out of legal businesses to launder their illicit gains regardless if this specific restaurant is one of them (high chance it is) the previous statement is true.

The type of people invovled in these type of operations would be extremely high functioning but extremely mentally unwell.

They would likely be millionaires and cocky that they are able to operate in plain site, and a narciscists in this type of field would likely put little in your face "clues" such as discussed in the OP as it would give them a kind of power high over all the "sheep" who they are able to trick.

I've been screencapping it for several years. It's the best way I know to document the activity. Take screencaps. Often. Save them. Remember the usernames and what they post. Only posting NY Times links, always arguing a specific bizarre angle, robitically shove Russia down our throats etc.

Often they'll delete and repost later. Best way to understand it and fight it is to document it.

In the last 2 months they just bomb thus sub with narrative posts. Their goal is if you say it enough, it'll become true. Before that, they tried individual attacks to change people 1 by 1. That didn't work so here we are, CNN apple is an apple and reddit slamming the same shit worded differently down everyone's throat.

The latest tactics I have noticed are... derailing with humor/shitposting, wall of text posting, and of course the classic super upvoted "conversation" between USAF... err... conspiracy theorists... at the very top of every new thread.

What is the USAF angle? I have noticed that background on some of the more obvious shill posts lately.

Not really an angle, just funny old news.


Eglin Air Force Base was one of the most "Reddit addicted cities"

Even a tard can figure out what that means lol

This was 2013. Is this still true or have shills just got better at hiding?

What an ignorant question.

A lot of nerds looking at Redditgonewild... /s

There are 3 military bodies over cia fbi nsa ;)


And what would those be?

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Strategic_Services

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 151728

But through all the murkiness, there seems to be a pretty clear redirection from anything about Israel.

True, but despite their great influence, even they get chemtrailed. JIDF cannot even defend Israel from such things. Which begs the question.., what sort of organization has such great power that they can spray any country with impunity.., even countries that are seemingly enemies or competitors as presented in media?

I haven't been posting around here too long... most of what I say isn't super controversial, I try to stick to the facts I know and my own experiences when responding. Most of my posts get a small handful of upvotes... so far nothing had been downvoted to oblivion except for a comment I made trashing neo libs/their media for giving certain pedophiles/rapists a pass (Woody Allen, David Bowie, etc) - and even putting them on a pedestal. I stated in the post I am a leftist but despise those types... and sure enough it ended up hidden because it was so downvoted. It could of been a not well thought out comment on my part or it pissed off a bunch of die hard neo libs... but are there really that many real/non shill neo libs in this sub? Just a thought...

As Joseph Stalin said “Quantity has a quality all of its own”

We are under attack.

True, but despite their great influence, even they get chemtrailed. JIDF cannot even defend Israel from such things. Which begs the question.., what sort of organization has such great power that they can spray any country with impunity.., even countries that are seemingly enemies or competitors as presented in media?