The Black Knight satellite?
62 2018-02-21 by steinbolt
If this satellite orbits earth in retrograde orbit for some years now and is called a space junk, shouldn't it get closer to the earth and burn in the atmosphere as it has no propullsion to stay on orbit? As far as i know it's really hard for anything to stay in retrograde orbit without orbit corrections.
2 Salamander7645 2018-02-21
It's a thermal blanket.
Where are you people getting this information that it's still up there? It was last photographed in 1998 on a STS mission. It probably has burned up.
1 Wasafunga1 2018-02-21
It had to get into orbit somehow and i assume it used its own propulsion to do so. If i am correct then there is no reason why it couldnt make course corrections to stay in a retrograde orbit.
1 steinbolt 2018-02-21
Damn these insulation blankets...
1 IbDotLoyingAwright 2018-02-21
I believe it's not of this world. It must be highly advanced.
1 DontTreadOnMe16 2018-02-21
I believe it’s of this world, but the people who made it have been dead for about 9000 years now.
1 963189_137 2018-02-21
I am assuming that in this article The Adam and Eve Story CIA Declassified that the black knight satellite is what they are referring to when they suggest that 11,500 years ago ancient peoples with more advanced science put a satellite in orbit that was so spectacularly balanced that they used it as a would have remained undamaged in the shift and would still, theoretically due to a lack of 'religious interference' in the development of those societies be functional today.
1 steinbolt 2018-02-21
wow, that's fascinating, this whole Adam and Eve Story book seems very interesting, haven't heard about it yet.
1 963189_137 2018-02-21
I freaking loved it...took it all in quickly and now I am going over it for research, pulling up the glyphs, looking for consistency and inconsistency (historically and anthropologically). We can't assume that just because they scrubbed the data that we ourselves won't also be able to figure this out based on strenuous study. Unfortunately it was scrubbed of the important points, like when to expect the cataclysm and where the safest parts of the planet will be (see the movement of the worlds most important artifacts to Tristan de Cruna, reading up for the shipping down to Antarctica, the age old Head of the world governance [Tartar myth]) but there are some interesting correlations. The taking of the ark of Gabriel and placing it in the temple in Antarctica gives us a pretty good clue about the future location of Antarctica...combine that with the 4 great masonic cities which all must be located in temperate zones after the shift and you can almost plot out where a 'safe location might be'...almost...I am still struggling through this.
1 steinbolt 2018-02-21
I've reached Randall Carlson on fb and asked him about this book, waiting for reply. This books seems like a holy grail of some sort.
1 963189_137 2018-02-21
Well that is cool...I don't have fb, would you consider sharing anything relevant he says with me?
1 steinbolt 2018-02-21
Sure, i'll let you know as soon as he replies me, you should consider watching Joe Rogan podcast with Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock, it was pretty awesome for me.
1 963189_137 2018-02-21
Oh yeah, that is a nice sync for me...I will check that out. It popped up in my feed when I was leaving the house and didn't have time to watch it the other day and by the time I got back I had forgotten to pull it up again. Thanks for that...I always keep one eye open for Hancock lectures...I have heard the name Randall Carlson but I look forward to learning more about him.
1 treeslooklikelamb 2018-02-21
What happened to the original version?
1 963189_137 2018-02-21
We are not allowed access to it. Only the parasites get to read the most important parts of it; the parts that would save lives. See the writing on the bottom...the stamp saying 'sanitized copy'? That means they took out or redacted all of the information that would help us survive a cataclysmic event or ELE (extinction level event). They don't mind us knowing the history, but they don't want us to survive either.
1 Ieuan1996 2018-02-21
Interesting the dates it gives for those cataclysms.
"Like Adam and Eve's 11,500 years ago" - younger dryas impact period?
"Like Noah's 6,500 years ago" - Storegga Slide/flooding of Doggerland?
2 963189_137 2018-02-21
Yes, I have contemplated the truth about one of the lines that they 'didn't bother to sanitize' literally won't leave my head...and it is highly relevant based on a few other historic documents.
First off, none of these events would qualify as "the greatest population regulator of all"...nor would it be relevant in the sense that mankind refused to regulate population for is that relevant? This is a comment that wasn't scrubbed clean.
The Georgia Guidestones insist that mankind will have a pop exceeding no more than 500,000,000 but why cap it at that number? Who made this decision and WHY? What data do they have that we don't?
Now, in Sumerian tablets Noah was one of the four chosen races of 'unclean animals' that 'the gods' took onboard THEIR ARK in order to save his life, there was an 'exemplary couple' from each race. Asian (yellow), European (white), Native American (red) and Khoisan (black)...these weren't 'noah's sons' they were exemplary specimens of humanity by their own right chosen by 'the gods'. And we know that they were considered 'unclean' because they went on to the Ark in the ratio of 'unclean animals' as a pair and not as a group.
Now the first thing that Noah does the second he gets off the Ark is murder for God 'in thanks' so...not a very good person, because being reintroduced to a pristine and perfect world, he introduces human/animal sacrifice into it, right off the bat (and all his children follow in this same vein of human sacrifice/torture as their patriarch spirit led them [I tend to think of Noah as Khoisan as that is where the 'african' values of violence predation, deviance and human sacrifice tend to be strongest]).
Also, of all the races only Whites are in balance or harmony with their environment on a large scale.
Jesus who taught the Tengrist/Turkic (NON-SEMITIC) values of X-INRI or Tengri (the one the jews view as their greatest enemy, the Father in Heaven) though the following; "that Two will be in the field, one will be taken (killed) and the other one left to live" "They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all." which means that there is no 'natural cataclysm' that sparks the death of all mankind...but that the 'cleansing cycle' happens after the death of all mankind in order to leave the world in pristine condition for the survivors.
There is a lot more we can learn from this from the Sumerian records...but the one important take away would be the things that are not said...the things we can glean by reading inbetween the lines of the destroyed documents they will let us see and then correlating them backwards through historic, archetypal and 'religious' belief systems.
2 Justsaguy12345 2018-02-21
Good post
1 963189_137 2018-02-21
Thanks...99% of the time I feel like I am speaking into the void. It is nice to get some feedback.
1 supremesamurai 2018-02-21
Don’t feel that way. I too appreciated that comment. You made some interesting points.
1 monkey-see-doggy-do 2018-02-21
1 LeBrons_Mom 2018-02-21
Check out the very end when it switches to a list of things to get from the hardware store. The PDF goes from sequential pages to only showing the odd numbered pages.
1 thegreenwookie 2018-02-21
Just had a friend post a pic of this claiming it was "activating" as well as alleging we would pass Nemesis&Nibiru in April/May..
1 steinbolt 2018-02-21
Why did he said it was activating?
1 thegreenwookie 2018-02-21
I haven't gotten a reply yet. All the comments on the photo linked were in an Asian dialect that didn't have a button for translating
1 steinbolt 2018-02-21
Let me know when you'll get a reply, thanks!
1 Loud_Volume 2018-02-21
There was an odd Pepsi commercial that focused on the black knight satellite
Pretty interesting subject.
1 Blake7160 2018-02-21
Not to shit on your post or anything but, no, an object does not need fuel to stay in orbit. Nor does an orbiting object "always" fall back to earth. FYI :)
1 963189_137 2018-02-21
I freaking loved it...took it all in quickly and now I am going over it for research, pulling up the glyphs, looking for consistency and inconsistency (historically and anthropologically). We can't assume that just because they scrubbed the data that we ourselves won't also be able to figure this out based on strenuous study. Unfortunately it was scrubbed of the important points, like when to expect the cataclysm and where the safest parts of the planet will be (see the movement of the worlds most important artifacts to Tristan de Cruna, reading up for the shipping down to Antarctica, the age old Head of the world governance [Tartar myth]) but there are some interesting correlations. The taking of the ark of Gabriel and placing it in the temple in Antarctica gives us a pretty good clue about the future location of Antarctica...combine that with the 4 great masonic cities which all must be located in temperate zones after the shift and you can almost plot out where a 'safe location might be'...almost...I am still struggling through this.
1 963189_137 2018-02-21
Thanks...99% of the time I feel like I am speaking into the void. It is nice to get some feedback.
1 supremesamurai 2018-02-21
Don’t feel that way. I too appreciated that comment. You made some interesting points.