What if the establishment's "Russians meddling" plan was well-designed to be leveraged, regardless of who won the presidency. If Trump won it would be used against a D.C. outsider. If Hillary won it would be used by her cabinet as an excuse to push for further sanctions / aggression against Russia.

5  2018-02-21 by [deleted]



I thought about this too.

The anti-russia rhetoric has been going on since at least 2010.

Why were people going out of their way to make fun of Putin with memes and private photos?

You are completely wrong


Relations with Russia were going OK until they uhhhhh ANNEXED CRIMEA

I remember when the "Russian anti-gay laws" hysteria was being pumped daily by the Western media. I can vividly remember subs like r/"worldnews" pushing an anti-Russian, anti-Putin headline to reddit's front page for months on end.

This was in 2013. Proof.

Crimea was in 2014.

Yes and Russia still hates gay people

That's not propaganda

Putin says if you don't vote for him you will have gays living in your home


That is Russia, its a backwards shit hole full of destitute poor people who can't protest the government.

Have you been there?

When I visited Moscow as a tourist -- and it's a beautiful, culturally rich city like no other city on earth -- I witnessed an anti-government protest rally organised by the Communist Party. Granted, it wasn't the most well-attended rally I've seen in my life, but it was happening.

Also, the Russians are the politest subway travellers I've ever seen. They literally leapt out of their seats when anyone from the older generation boarded a carriage.

Oh look, a real human being who doesn't base their opinions of a foreign country on US military and Hollywood propaganda!

Thank you!!!!

Funny how every time the US needs to brainwash their own population about Russia they use the exact same publication without fail: "The Moscow Times".

The "Moscow" Times is a Western-planted publication. I have been watching the US use it as a "source" for years now. I researched it years ago and it turns out that it is a news-rag given away for free in ex-pat cafe's and has no relevance whatsoever, even to English-speaking locals.

As a matter of fact, "The Moscow Time" fills up the back pages with escort and prostitution ads. Its only actual purpose is as a propaganda rag.

Also your views about Russia are completely wrong and conform perfectly to the type of person who knows nothing about a country but thinks he is an expert.

I'm not American.

You're attacking the source.

The video where Putin says gays will come to your home is real.

What's your point caller?

You don't need to be American to be bombarded with and influenced by our propaganda.

As you have already proven by linking "The Moscow Times".

I like how you ignore the very real Putin anti gay video

Someone's consumed the kool aid

the very real Putin anti gay video

I hope you are not taking about that trash was on the reddit front page a couple days ago. You know that had nothing to do with Putin right? You know that multiple native-Russian speakers tried explaining to the reddit dipshits that it was a parody video.

You keep saying Putin says it, but he doesn't. Have you seen the video?

Putin controls the media

Have you seen the video? What company released the video?

No I've not seen the video I just thought I'd talk out my ass for a while.

If you want to know who produced it I recommend Google.com.

I just thought I'd talk out my ass for a while

Again, have you even visited this country you appear to be such an authority on?

That was sarcasm and no I have not visited Russia but I would love to.

I'd recommend it. We found a host family to stay with instead of a hotel -- Air B&B by any other name -- which gave us a different perspective and brought us into contact with ordinary Russians (and was much cheaper, of course). The subways are amazing although it does help if you familiarise yourself with the alphabet a little so you can read the maps. The cultural riches of Moscow and its environs in terms of art and architecture have an incredible historical depth, and we also experienced some great music, from classical to jazz.

The Moscovites were very friendly to us and I never felt uneasy on the streets, but I guess we were just following fairly well established tourist trails. I'd love to go again.

One comment I would make about homophobia in Russia is I think it's quite a conservative, religious society outside of the urban centres and I'm afraid that's where a lot of the homophobia springs from. In this respect I don't see Russia as being hugely different from the USA, where there's also a lot of homophobia in religiously conservative, rural areas.

Well you did say Putin said those things, which is incorrect, so I was making sure you weren't "talking out of your ass for a while."

I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or was meant to be literal. My point is that I believe you have a few misconceptions regarding the Russian people, their opinions towards politics, gays, etc. The actions of the state don't speak for the people. The same goes for the US.

When you're dealing with Russian propagandists as I was, it is best to keep things simple.

I have 0 problems with Russian people but don't try and tell me Russia is sunshine and flowers when the average wage is less than $300/mth.

And they are racist as fuck, and they hate gays. These are facts and I have no interest in debating them with that Russian propagandist I was talking to (until I blocked him for following me around).

I appreciate my comments could be better but the amount of bs spewed here requires a firehose approach to neutralising the retardation.

I have 0 problems with Russian people but don't try and tell me Russia is sunshine and flowers when the average wage is less than $300/mth.

Average monthly wages in Russia are currently 50500 rub/month, or about $890/month. https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/wages

In terms of purchasing power parity, Russia is mid-low table but above equally interesting and culturally powerful nations such as Brazil, Mexico, India and Turkey.


And they are racist as fuck, and they hate gays.

They're not all like that, and it takes an extremely prejudiced outlook to characterise such a massive nation in such a way. As I say, Russia is a religiously conservative society which, like the religiously conservative society in the US, tends to give rise to homophobia.

I have to say, your words reflect a kind of intense closed-mindedness. But then that's what you are, if you think you're in a position to judge a whole country and its people without ever having stirred from in front of your computer screen to visit the place.

After, uuuhhhh, the USA and NATO organized violent uprisings in Ukraine and, uuuhhhh, funded literal neo Nazi militias.

Meanwhile, Russia annexed Crimea, which was by a large majority ethnically Russian, without major bloodshed.

Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh /s

This is very true. Right before the Sochi olympics is when I noticed the mainstream media really laying it on thick. I figured it would stop after the olympics (like they did with Brasil).

But the anti-Russia propaganda never stopped and only continued to build on itself. It was interesting watching the general public use the previous propaganda as a lubricant to blindly swallow the next serving.

Did you know Russia is a totalitarian kleptocracy?

It's a shit hole.

The people of Russia would be glad to have Putin shot.

Blah blah blah.....

"Russia is a shithole, trust me, Hollywood and the Western media told me so and why would they lie?!!!"

Uh huh. Blah blah.

Blah blah

Russia is paradise let's ban all blacks and gays and lesbians and democratic protest and murder some journalists and whistle blowers

Blah blah

licking Putin's boots

Blah blah blah

Russia is paradise let's ban all blacks and gays and lesbians and democratic protest and murder some journalists and whistle blowers

Nice fan fiction. No doubt inspired by the nonsense you blindly swallow about a country you actually know fuck-all about.

I'm sure the nonsense that inspires your defence of the corrupt Russian regime is of excellent quality lmao

In August 2016, Hillary threatened direct military conflict with Russia over the baseless allegations that Russia was involved in cybercrime on the DNC's email server. She says she'd use the military in response to the claim that Russia helped Wikileaks publish a bunch of emails. And it's on video. https://youtu.be/jz_dZ2SlPgw

She was expecting to win after having said that too. They turned Russia into the Boogeyman du jour before the primaries even ended. If she were president today, I wouldn't be surprised if we had invaded Russia by this point. Don't for one moment think that that shit started in November 2016 when Trump won. The MIC needs a scary Boogeyman no matter which puppet is put in office.

You're onto something. The good news is though that the good guys expected it and were ready to prevent this lunacy.

That's been my opinion for a long time.

I think a lot of people underestimate the power of the DC establishment. These people are not stupid and any plan they would go forward with would be multi-faceted.

I agree, but I do think that they didn't actually think Trump could win, and turning it against him was an adaptation they made kind of late in the game. That is to say, the "meddling" narrative was always part of the plan, but the "collusion" narrative was conjured up once they realized that Trump was going to win the primary and it wasn't going to be Hillary vs Jeb!/Rubio.

What if Trump is a plant by the DC establishment to give the illusion of reform while continuing business as usual.

Repeal Obamacare, Trump gave up. "Lock her up", he said no on day one. Leave NAFTA, no progress. Trump is so good for the DNC, he might be a Democrat. Oh wait he was one his entire life...

What if Trump is a plant by the DC establishment to give the illusion of reform while continuing business as usual.

The behavior of both sides of the political establishment and the media since Trump won makes that impossible for me to believe.

Repeal Obamacare, Trump gave up.

He tried. The neocons like McCain, who literally ran on repealing Obamacare, wouldn't vote for it when they got the chance.

"Lock her up", he said no on day one.

How would he do that? Comey gave immunity to everyone involved.

Leave NAFTA, no progress.

He said renegotiate or leave. Renegotiation is in progress now.

Trump is so good for the DNC, he might be a Democrat. Oh wait he was one his entire life...

He was only a Democrat during GWB's two terms. He was a Republican before and after that time period, and he was an Independent for a short time as well.

You're making excuses. He could of tried harder to come up with a solution for repeal that congress could support.

Hilary is dirtiest bitch that ever lived. Trump could have DOJ investigate so many different things it wouldn't be hard.

I'm not gonna hold my breath for NAFTA to change. I guess you are one of the people that listens to Trump and believes him for some reason. He is a know bs artist. I can't believe the American people are falling for this.

Yes, that is a very good point! Makes a lot of sense.


No I've not seen the video I just thought I'd talk out my ass for a while.

If you want to know who produced it I recommend Google.com.