Be vigilant: Watch out for fake stories that are used to discredit conspiracy theorists

152  2018-02-21 by That_Is_Precious

It appears like the MSM is starting to go attack-mode on conspiracy theories. One of the techniques used to discredit this community is the insertion of conspiracy theories that can be easily disproved. An example of this occurred yesterday:

David Hogg didn't attend Parkland high school went viral

When this was posted yesterday I stated:

"This seems like deliberate misinformation to discredit other claims. The media could easily prove this claim was false, and then associate all other claims with this false claim."

Fake conspiracy theories are especially dangerous because we are essentially discrediting ourselves. Now, more than ever, it is important to search for evidence and motives before making claims.

Edit: Grammar


Good call. You're describing a Straw Man Fallacy. You attribute false points to someone else's argument as a means of invalidating the rest of the argument by associating your manufactured points with their actual argument.

Also, Poisoning the Well is a close fit


Example I just came across. Refutation is in my reply to the comment

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What are some valid arguments on the David Hogg is an actor theory? I haven't seen any.

I don't think he's an "actor" per se, but he is director of his school's news (including tv) and has said he wants to be a journalist. What better way to put his name out there and land some cushy gig at a major news outlet than to plaster his face all over every MSM station and talk about how he interviewed other students while the shooting was happening?

I agree that he is an opportunist, if that's what we can agree to call him. Does this prove the shooting was fake or a false flag? I don't think so, but that is what some are insinuating. Does this negate his message? Again, I don't think so.

I think it negates his message as it makes him disingenuous. He's already proven to have a political agenda prior to the shooting, so he's now capitalizing on that.

He's already proven to have a political agenda

I disagree. The agenda he has show is an interest in journalism. That is different from politics. And even if he had a political agenda to begin with that should not negate his message. You are attacking an 18 year olds character, how about sticking to his message?

Having a political agenda and then using a tragedy to exploit it certainly undermines someone’s message.

You are attacking an 18 year olds character,

Where did I do that? By stating facts?

how about sticking to his message?

Okay. His message is stupid. It’s the same rhetoric that happens after each shooting: “something must be done! Their blood is on Trump’s hands.” (He literally said that last part.)

Okay, like what? Background checks? Already exist. Waiting periods? Already exist. Outlawing automatic weapons? Done.

He says he is pro 2nd Amendment, yet wants some “action” to keep guns out of the hands of people who kill kids (again, his own words). That already exists. Criminals will ignore any and every law people try to put out there. That’s why they are criminals. They do not care about the law.

This school shooter CLEARLY had no respect for the “gun free zone” that was established at the school. So what law will help? What law will prevent this from happening? Other than disarming law abiding citizens, there aren’t any laws that will help.

But you had a political agenda before the shooting happened so how can we trust your message?

theres a hundred posts about it on reddit, go ask in one of them. thats not really the topic at in this thread.

It is very much on topic. Are you the person I asked? NO. Why are you answering then?

because its reddit and i can numbnuts

I didn't see any posts about that yearbook. I did see some comments about it. One dude said "woah this needs it's own post." Then the other person said "nah, this could be fake. Don't want to post it until we get more of a confirmation."

I was like, there we go baby. When we see something online, assume it's bullshit and work forward from there. That way you wont be chasing dragons all over the internet.

Excellent comment

Critical thinking at its finest. Thank you!

There's more than enough genuine shit around these parts to discredit "the community".

We are the company we keep. Until the day these subs and others start banning the more absurd/scandalous crap, expect to be considered your retarded brother's keeper.

now days, people are NOT the company they keep. people turn on people daily, for a few bucks. there are so many people willing to turn on their siblings / friends / family / lovers / ethics, that the World is chaotic.

What's the best way to keep discussion going when schills come full force astroturfing their pet topics while burying legitimate posts. I, for one, been scrolling down to the negative karma posts and just making my comments and replying there. Any better ideas?

Yup exactly what they did with pizzagate. Made it all about alafantis and the fact that there was no basement in comet ping pong. When the theory was about a much larger ring.

Nope. That was literally all pizzagate was for quite a while until it became impossible to defend and the goal posts w were moved and the rebranding to pedogate was attempted.

Oh wow I never saw your post this morning. Seems like we're quite on the same page.

Something wants all info regulated to advertising profit only. To Hell with the obvious fake adverts, and their employees. No, I will not watch that bullshit documentary or tv series. The manipulation is obvious to many, and will not be successful.

I thought this exact thought when that Laguna Beach Antifa’s twitter put out the photo of the (alleged) Radondo beach yearbook which turned out to be fake. This had to be one of those cases because the account conveniently said right on their profile that it was from Russia, so they can say “ Ha! See? He was just a Russian bot, this is fake” and then post of a video of someone debunking it.

the only nutcases claiming Florida was fake, or that their person-of-hate, a high school student Hogg, is an actor and there was in fact no actual shooting by a crazed trump supporter and that a dozen children didn't actually die... are trump supporters.

the trumpenwaffen are the ones actively attempting to discredit a conspiracy sub with so-insane 'theories' (lies) that no sane person can even attempt to counter it.

good job.

Here’s my theory Ur an asshole.

Would it make you feel better if said persons voted on Hillary or whatever other only choice they had?