Let's be perfectly clear...disagreeing with a conspiracy theory is one thing and perfectly Ok. Waltzing into threads and claiming conspiracies don't exist and everyone should believe the MSM narrative is something else altogether...it's harassment.

190  2018-02-21 by naturalproducer


Harassment seems like a strong word for it. It's more just obnoxious. And counterproductive, more to the point.

its offtopic at the very least and shouldn't be anywhere in this sub. Its no different than me going to r/atheist and telling everyone they're wrong and going to hell

And gay

No u

Am gay so what?


No, it's harassment.

I don't think you know what harassment means

Harassment nothing to me. I am more interested in her breasts.

Harassment nothing to me. I am more interested in her breasts.

Nice! Reminds me of Groucho or The Road series with Hope and Crosby.

You strike me as one of those users who can't link us to an example of you endorsing any conspiracy theory whatsoever. Care to prove me wrong, or are you just here to harass?

Why, oh why, do you always act as a gatekeeper? I see you in almost every thread demanding a user post proof of them "endorsing" (?) a conspiracy theory.

You're not the r/conspiracy gatekeeper.

Can you link us to any conspiracy that you've ever endorsed or are you just here to harass?

Did you actually just read my comment and decide that this was the best way to respond? Holy hell.

Again, you're not the conspiracy gatekeeper. None of us elected you, you don't even have a key to the gate. YOU just harass people who you feel aren't real r/conspiracy users (which, judging by my time here seeing you, appears to be anyone who disagrees with you).

Nobody has to prove anything to you, ever, and you don't speak for all of the users on r/conspiracy, ever.

There are many things wrong with r/conspiracy at the moment - not the least of which is brigading by outsiders simply looking to pick a fight - but one of the problems is definitely people like you.

So, what you're saying is, you don't believe in any conspiracy ever, at all, but you like to come here and harass users who theorized about conspiracies?

You don't get to determine who comes into this sub.

So, you're not a conspiracy theorist. Gotcha gotcha.

Thanks gatekeeper!

Thanks for confirming that you're not a conspiracy theorist.

You're just here for...wait...why are you here again?

I'm here for discussion about conspiracies. You are here to complain about those that disagree with you it would seem.

And which conspiracy theory did you say you believe is true?

Someone who is not a conspiracy theorist, but likes to go to a conspiracy sub and attack the users there for being conspiracy theorists...it's an interesting concept. Just trying to get my head around why they do it.

Can you link us to any conspiracy that you've ever endorsed or are you just here to harass?

Yeah I can. But I won't.

No, that's not at all what I said.

But you know what I said, you just cant address it, so per usual you're just attacking the person saying it.

No one has to prove anything to you, ever. Full stop.

I didn't come to a board full of freethinkers to join your little victim club, and I'm tired of seeing this crap on here.

So you're not a conspiracy theorist?

Heavy Sigh

So you don't know how to read?

You're not a conspiracy theorist, you're here because you're...very...concerned?

Christ, you maybe actually can't read.

Because I'm starting to feel like I'm just punching down, i'll give you this - I'm guessing I'm older than you, pal, and I've been cutting my teeth on conspiracies before there was an internet for you to shit-post and gatekeep on. I'm a conspiracy theorist through and through, albeit the Birkenstock wearing type.

But you know what I don't do? Try to limit who can and can't talk about conspiracies. I also don't wail all up and down this board with a little like-minded group of super victims who all pat each other on the back and whine about pushback and brigades.

I could care less if you and your buds think I'm a "genuine" conspiracy theorist or not. But then again, I've never been much of a joiner.

Can you give an example of a comment by yourself where you weren't disparaging, belittling, sliding, etc...?


You really can't help it, can you? For the last time, no one has to prove anything to you. Ever. Full stop.

No one appreciates what you're trying to do around here.

So, you're telling us that you're not a conspiracy theorist, you just come here to...wait...why do you come here?

Wow. I'm actually starting to think you're just a semi-aware chatbot at this point. Which keywords do I use that trigger this response?

Because it's readily apparent you're incapable of parsing new information.

You'll get no more from me today, troll. I'll regretfully see you around.

Why are you here? I'm more convinced that you are a program at this point.

Who goes through day old arguments between two other people and looks to interject themselves? One of the best things in life is time, bud, and its finite - I’d hazard there’s probably better ways for you to spend yours.

Last time I’m responding to you. Take care.

I'd say the main problem. Most people interested in the topics posted here can just ignore dickheads. These people feel the need to lecture everyone

Oh yeah, totally agree.

The part that really activates my almonds is people like him pretend they're speaking for everyone else here. I try to just ignore them (like the dickheads), but once these almonds start acting up....

Can you link us to any conspiracy that you've ever endorsed or are you just here to harass?

Oh god are there two of you now? It’s like we got our very own Keystone Cops around here.

Shove off, pal. Not going through this with someone else. No one has to prove anything to you, ever. Full stop. Quit tying to gatekeep the sub.

lol, you didn't link to any examples of this happening to you either though.

I don't have to prove anything to you, good luck on your harassment crusade

I feel so harassed here, what does "good luck" supposed to mean? What are you implying here? /s

How many characters is in "good luck"?


What happens if you flip it over??


How many times do you repeat something for good luck?!?

3 times!!!

What happens when you put it all together????


What happens when you put it all together???? 666


Pretty sure your alt account was going off on the same thing yesterday.

Oh look, it's another one of those users who only has disparaging words to say about conspiracy theorists visiting the conspiracy sub again. Isn't that neat?

Because I'm tired of people like you bitching. Or acting like you're above the rest of the sub. I can barely go in to a post without people just like you throwing out this tired whining. Fucking harassment? Grow a pair and move on.

But if you're not a conspiracy theorist, you're here because...you're concerned?

When did I say I'm not? Oh, never? But I'm smart enough to not get sucked in to every single one, and see boogeymen around every corner. This used to be my favorite sub, and I've been reading it since I found Reddit. But you go ahead, call me a shill or whatever you want because I'm not like you and I don't fall in line with how you think. This whole sub needs a lot more of an overhaul than just figuring out how to deal with people sent here for an agenda, cause frankly they've created people like you that distract from this sub's purpose in the first place.

What do you think is the most important conspiracy theory today?

Why? Are you attempting to validate my validity for commenting here?

Edit: not gonna change it but a little too much use of the word validate.

So, you're not a conspiracy theorist?

Holy shit man, you're just going to disregard my previous statement huh? I'm not your fucking monkey alright, and I'm not gonna dance because you told me I need to to prove myself. Have a good one.

So you're not a conspiracy theorist and you don't have to justify the harassment you bring into this sub.

Gotcha gotcha.

Dude, you're a troll. You have pages of comments trying to get other people to dance to your tune, telling them to leave the sub, calling them shills, playing this harassment victim bullshit. I told you, I nor anyone else, we aren't your monkeys, and to further the point, this isn't your sub, this is our sub, and regarding your whining about harassment, good luck when you go outside buddy, cause you are weak as shit. You and people like you are a bigger problem for this sub than anyone paid to be here.

Have you ever discussed conspiracy theory in this sub in a way that wasn't insulting, disparaging or belittling to the conspiracy theorists who theorize here?

I'm starting to think you have an agenda that lines up more with what you're trying to accuse others of. Quite a bit of interrogating on your part. Have you ever discussed points written out beforehand? Have you ever been trained in interrogation? As a mod of all those subs, are you hiding in plain sight? Do you go outside ever?

Edit: forgot a word

Don't you find it weird that you think you're allowed to do whatever the fuck you want, but I have to live by your rules? I'm just trying to understand the intention of those users who come here, only speak disparagingly about conspiracy theories, and can't confirm in the slightest that they even are conspiracy theorists. You don't like that, and I get that, and I don't give a fuck. Why are you here if you don't believe in conspiracy theories?

You are straight up a crazy person. And you play this victim shit way too much. How many people have you told to leave the sub? Several judging by a short look at your comment history. I don't care what rules you wanna run by but if you're gonna be a bitch, expect to get called out. And i won't be going off your rules either, nor will I have you define my thinking, my beliefs, because I won't answer your silly ass questions. You're fucking toxic, and you need to disconnect cause you're so far up your own ass you think you can dictate how shit goes down here. Ever had a shill talk like this before in a thread? The answer is no, so go be productive hypocrite.

I'm just trying to understand why those of you that don't believe in any conspiracy theories are coming to this sub and discouraging the conspiracy theorists here from theorizing about conspiracies. That's all. If you don't want to tell me, just admit it.

This is the last time I'm going to tell you, and also the last time I'll be replying to you. I do believe in conspiracies. So do a lot of other people. So when you lay your giant smug head on your pillow tonight, smiling cause you think you got me, realize that in all honesty, you're just completely full of shit.

I was just trying to get you to give a real-world example. If you don't want to talk about conspiracy theories, that's fine. I just find it odd why you and so many others who believe in conspiracies come here and disparage others from theorizing about conspiracies. You don't want to divulge this information and I get that. Take care.

Literally they just respond with insults.. It's like it's not a real person. I think the anonymous factor is too much for humanity at this point. People just wanna wear a mask and throw out insults, because it makes them feel good?? Idk. You just asked the same question over and over only to be insulted over and over again. Yeah that is harrassment.

Their everywhere now

And they can't crowd control the narrative anymore now either. The hand has been overplayed.

The best thing is, r/conspiracy is the worst place in the world to try to come to in order to produce influence and narratives. That shit will never work here because we question everything and everyone endlessly with healthy skepticism

So it should be fair to apply that same skepticism to the theories proposed here, without being accused of harassment or told to leave.

I'm gonna guess that most people that come here are just like me. Rarely comment on the ones that make sense, just agree and move on. But the vast majority of posts that are pure nonsense, it blows me away the lack of critical thinking most of them have and I feel compelled to say something.

Yup. That describes me to a T. I upvote the things I agree with. Downvote things that call people shills. And comment when I feel the evidence is extremely weak, or when theories start getting spread as fact (especially when there seems to be an agenda of disinformation).

Exactly, except I almost never downvote. Not like I'm against the use of it, but up or down it rarely crosses my mind.

I think demanding that people list their endorsed conspiracies to prove legitimacy is more of harassment than claiming a conspiracy doesn't exist.

It does feel kinda like a stalker is going around making sure everyone's opinion is correct.

“It’s harassment “

“Stop being such a pussy and it won’t be harassment anymore” ~Mahatma Gandhi

They already won if this is 'Harassment'.

Lol okay who claimed conspiracies don't exist and everyone should believe the MSM narrative?

Marco Rubio. He said ya'll are idiots.

I swear I heard the strawman say it


/r/topmindsofreddit more or less

Top men.

Literally every highest updooted comment in every page on the front page

Can you link one?

The claim isn’t even remotely true. Took two minutes to find two “false flag” posts with top comment being “pro” false flag on the front page of top for today.

It's actually always like that indeed.

Seems more like trolling, but if it makes you feel better, #metoo

They also attack threads if you use one word out of context or has a different meaning. Instead of discussing the thought of what's being discussed they petty attack your grammar.


If a conspiracy theory has no underlying evidence to support it, it's an unfounded accusation.

Asking for evidence isnt saying you should believe the MSM narrative, its saying, convince me with something tangible.

But if a user has never endorsed any conspiracy whatsoever, they're being more than a little disingenuous swaggering into a thread and asking for evidence, because they're not looking to confirm a conspiracy theory, they're looking to derail, deride, slide, insult, belittle, etc...

Have you ever endorsed a conspiracy theory or can you link us to an example of you ever being a conspiracy theorist?

I used to run one of the largest data dumps on the internet in the 1990s. I've subscribed to many theories. 9/11 is obviously one of the major ones. JFK's assassination is another. Most conspiracy theories start because of a piece of hard evidence made it to the public or a photo that conflicts with the official narrative causes people to dig deeper and uncover more facts and pieces of evidence.

With 911 there are so many data points that conflict its hard not to disbelieve the official narrative.

But Pizzagate is based on making inferences to words used in emails. There is nothing concrete at all. They are reading profiles in style magazines and saying "Look at the art!! That's PROOF this guy is a pedo!" when really its just art on the wall that doesnt prove anything.

The only people that say "trust me" with a straight face after making wild claims with no evidence are used car salesmen trying to mislead you for their own purposes.

So, what's your conspiracy theory regarding 9/11?

You're not going to tell me Larry Silverstein is Saudi are you?

I believe it was an inside job that created the precedent to implement a security apparatus and increase defense budgets over 400%. I believe the global war on terror is just an excuse for American unilateralism to put US troops in territories rich with fossil fuels.

Some conspiracy theories are even misdirections. For instance, Roswell. The prevailing idea is that Roswell started a whole new era of technological development based on reverse engineering alien technology. But really, this process was started in 1942 after the Battle of Los Angeles incident and defense companies (mainly Hughes at that point in time) along the California coast were already RE'ing technology by the time Roswell even happened.

Enough about Roswell. Tell me more about 9/11.

Any Zionist involvement in your world?

I wouldnt be surprised if Mossad was included. They are extremely capable operators. It's pretty clear many people had foreknowledge of the event and were told to not fly, traded stocks based on that foreknowledge, and within 30 days of the incident already had multiple bills prepared to be implemented.

Politicians who spoke out against those bills died under suspicious circumstances or were targeted by anthrax mailings or embroiled in some kind of controversy that forced them out of office.

As far as some greater Zionist controlled plot, that's not the most logical path to me.

So you've never heard of the Greater Israel Project?

I'm not going to go down the anti-semitic rabbit hole and allege a global Zionist conspiracy.

Maybe we should get back to the original point of discussion: conspiracy theories without direct evidence are simply unfounded accusations.

Examining potential Zionist crimes is "anti-semitic"? Are you sure about that? Doesn't make sense, does it? Do you really want to bolster the "to know who rules over you, find out who you can't criticize"? Because that's what you're doing. Are you a Zionist?

Seriously, dude?

Do you want to have a rational conversation or personally attack me and make wild accusations that I am a Zionist because I don't subscribe to some global Zionist conspiracy?

Are you a Zionist?

It's pretty clear I am not.

Do you want to get back to the original discussion or make more ad hominem attacks?

This is all he does.

I see why people say hes an unhinged lunatic.

Asking if you're a Zionist is an ad hominem attack?

Hmmm...I would love to hear your explanation of this.

When you allege there is a global Zionist conspiracy and then ask if I am a Zionist because I don't want to talk about it, you're implying I am part of some vast conspiracy and are therefore personally attacking me and my credibility.

Did you want to get back to the original discussion or make more empty accusations because I don't believe in your pet conspiracy theory?

I just want to know why you think talking about Zionist crimes is antisemitic. Can you help me understand that?

Alleging a global Zionist conspiracy is anti-semitic.

Discussing individual crimes is an entirely different thing.

Do you understand that distinction?

Alleging a global Zionist conspiracy is anti-semitic.

Why? You do realize you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, right?

What does this have to do with the original discussion?

I told you I dont want to go down the rabbit hole and you keep wanting to make this about Zionism for some reason.

That was not what we were talking about. I'm done entertaining your mania.

Damn man, you had more patience with him than I could have.

"Alleging a global Zionist Conpsicary is anti Semitic"

No it's not.

For you to be a "conspiracy theorist" here and claim this. I know what you are. I know what your agenda is.

You don't know a damn thing about me. I don't have any agenda. He is obsessed with the topic and it had nothing to do with what we were talking about.

Bullshit. You arent even tip toeing.

"Alleging a global Zionist conspiracy is anti-semitic."

No its not, and to claim that is telling

No, It's not bullshit. You don't know a damn thing about me.

He has a history, which you can read for yourself, of blaming the jews for everything and being anti-semitic. It had nothing to do with the actual conversation about lack of evidence and I refused to take his bait.


Dude your clearly harassing people, if not outright being a pest and a dick.

You’re not in charge and you’re not over anyone. I think that’s been made perfectly clear.

There is a lot of evidence linking Israel specifically to 9/11 though and a "global Zionist conspiracy"

So in your words, there is direct evidence.

For your to claim its anti Semitic even bringing this point up raises BIG RED FLAGS for me

Israel can be involved in 911 without there being some global Zionist conspiracy.

When all someone sees is a global Zionist conspiracy and only wants to talk about the world as it relates to the evil Zionists, that's anti-semitic. He was obsessed about it, badgering me about it for some reason and it had nothing to do with the actual discussion.

I do believe Mossad is included personally because Mossad is second to none as an intelligence (Read: Black Ops) agency. I consider them and the CIA one animal actually.

But this dude is just going ham on the Jew angle.

Wait... You just asked them to expand on some theories they believe in and as they started naming a few you just brush them off and force then to stick to one? You sound less well-intentioned than you claim to be. Get the fuck out.

He's just trying to create a scenario where he can bitch about Israel. He cares less about the dudes actual answer and more about posting as many thinly veiled anti Zionist statements as possible through the form of "questions".

Some "conspiracy theorists" hell bent on proving their validity are also misdirections meant to confuse and dispirit people.

Yeah fuck that other guy. I wanna hear more about Roswell and Reverse Engineered tech from UFOs.

Also would like to hear your take on the Kennedy assassination. That one is pretty hard to nail down because there are so many theories and Kennedy pissed off so many powerful groups (MIC, Israel, the Mob, the Federal Reserve...).

No. I do not have to endorse on theory in order to find another theory ridiculous. What if I simply have an open mind? Maybe I don't believe anything without proof? If it has been proven then it's no longer a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy. So I have some serious doubts about "the official version" of a few things but that doesn't mean I believe anyone's alternate explanation.
Maybe you should just write all the things you want to write and don't get butthurt if you're downvoted or someone ridicules your idea. You still got to post it. People read it. What else do you want?
You can write and elaborate theory about any conspiracy you want based on the best evidence or based on your imagination and it will have the potential to be read by thousands of people. Why not just appreciate that and focus on making your writing more clear and your evidence more sound, and let the haters hate?

The fact that you are getting so many downvotes for this comment proves that this sub is fucked.

No hes getting that many downvotes because people are following the comment chain and see that hes acting in bad faith.

I mean, I came here just to see discussions I wouldn't normally be exposed to. And I don't think it would be disingenuous to ask how someone came to their conclusions. The whole point of Reddit is to discuss and learn from each other, that's hard to do if I can't ask questions to try and understand where you are coming from.

Some conspiracy dont need underlying evidence... get off your high horse.

Evidence proves the claims, makes them plausible or gives them credibility.

No evidence = no credibility. Evidence is what creates a convincing argument.

There are some far reaching conspiracy that evidence won't be able to prove the claim ala conspiracy.

Asking for evidence is not saying believe the MSM narrative, it's saying convince me of your argument. Bring me something tangible besides a wild claim.

Ironically, it's you who jumped into this thread.

What you call harassment I call freedom and free will. If you don't like these things this may not be the sub for you.

So, you're not a conspiracy theorist. Gotcha gotcha.

I am. But I'm also a enthusiast of free speech. You based on your post are not.

Which conspiracy theory do you believe is true?

Every single one. On both sides.

Both sides of what? Partisanship?

Both side of all sides.

Why does it matter what conspiracies I subscribe to?

If you're not a conspiracy theorist, inquiring minds are curious as to your intentions of coming here, that's all. Do you not feel comfortable in revealing your intentions?

Quit speaking for everyone. Inquiring minds AREN'T curious.

You are.

Are you not willing to tell what your intentions are for coming here while you're not a conspiracy theorist?

I already told you I was a conspiracy theorist, and that even pained me, because it should be readily apparent that I'm not willing to tell you shit and I don't think anyone else should either.

You don't want to talk about conspiracies in a conspiracy sub?

Seems odd to me, but you do you.

You, my friend, are the last person I'd want to talk anything with.

Unless I'm talking about a conspiracy theory and then you want to tell me to stop talking about the conspiracy theory, right?

Wew, don't let me stop you from assembling strawmen to bravely tackle here, pal.

Are there other subs you frequent where you disparage the users there not to talk about the main subject of the sub or is that just what you do in this sub?

It's not even what I do in this sub. But again, you keep strawmanning. You'll assemble a straw army to vanquish at this point

What do you do in this sub?

Read about conspiracies. What do you do?

*Besides gatekeep and harass people, obviously.

I usually theorize about conspiracy theories, but there seems to be a whole bunch of users here now who are constantly disparaging that behavior. Do you disparage other users from theorizing about conspiracy theories?

No. Do you?

Cause that's what gatekeeping is, bud. Trying to decide who and who doesnt get to visit this board.

I'm not deciding who and who doesn't get to visit this board I'm just trying to understand why disparaging users such as yourself like to come here and disparage other users from theorizing about conspiracies. I don't know why you can't wrap your head around this.

That's absolutely what you're doing. You're acting as a gatekeeper to a conspiracy forum and it's possibly the lamest thing I've ever seen. And I've never disparaged users for being a conspiracy theorist, for the last time - quit fucking strawmanning.

And I don't know why YOU can't wrap your head around the fact that I can be a conspiracy theorist and also not agree with you. Full stop.

I'm done with you. This is the last time I'll respond.

Ok, but don't be offended if I ask you to link me to yourself ever having endorsed a conspiracy theory the next time you're here disparaging other users from theorizing about a conspiracy theory. This sub is for conspiracy theorists.

Try to remember that.

Ok little buddy ruffles hair

No, we’re curious

I told you why I'm here.

I'm here for discussion about conspiracies

Maybe you should try reading comments before you reply to them.

But if you don't do anything but put people down for theorizing about conspiracies, can that really be accurately described as "discussion"?

I do more than that.

What else do you do?

Eat,breath, sleep. Do you want me to name more things I do?

Yes! Can you tell me about your theories regarding conspiracies?

I'm not doing this with you again. Stop attacking other users for their views though. Not cool bro.

I can't ask other users why they never condone a conspiracy theory but they only attack others for theorizing about conspiracy theories? That doesn't sound right.

I have to answer your question that has nothing to do with a conspiracy? That doesn't sound right.

I'm just trying to understand why users such as yourself never condone any conspiracy theory whatsoever, but only disparage users in a conspiracy sub from talking about conspiracies. You don't want to help me understand this phenomenon, even though you're one of the disparaging users. Am I getting this right?

I'm just trying to understand why users such as yourself never condone any conspiracy theory whatsoever,

Not true please don't spread lies.

You don't want to help me understand this phenomenon

Why would I help someone that doesn't even read my comments.

Am I getting this right?


It’s pretty clear this thread is full of shills. It’s a damn shame.

I'm a conspiracy theorist. I just think you need to sack up and get a thicker skin. If you published anything scientific, the science community would eat you alive.

Can you link me to an example of you endorsing any conspiracy theory whatsoever?

You have the ability to look through two years of my post history. You obtuse fuck.

If you did that (which you won't); you would have your answer and also see that I examine the pro and against side of them and make my own opinion.

I'll take that as a "NO".

You should go to r/christianity and ask them for proof, followed by telling them they're all idiots.

Point proven. My point that is. You don't want to believe anything outside your little bubble.

Consider posting your "theories" here a peer review. You will find some people who will have questions regarding your theories that you may not though of. Both for and against. This can bring your theory down OR make it stronger. Unless of course, you are just single-mindedly sure you are correct and "the man" is just trying to bring you down.

I, meanwhile, prefer collaboration over competition.

Another user who's against any and all conspiracy theories harassing users in a conspiracy sub.

another blind asshole making real theorists look bad. Enjoy your one man echo chamber inside your empty head.

^ Couldn't give an example of ever having endorsed any conspiracy theory whatsoever.

This is what happens with crap mods.

This is what I'm thinking, unfortunately. My guess is if I go into a Christian sub and just start calling members "retards" for thinking god is real I'd be booted out of there so fast it would make my head spin.

Funny comparison

Not exactly accurate though. Because of the nature of this sub, if mods started booting indiscriminately, they'd be railed for censorship.


I know what you mean though. Been here four years and throughout that whole time there have been organized groups of users who get their jollies talking shit to people who believe in any conspiracy.

It gets old, but try not to take them seriously. They're losers.

No such thing as harassment only in this fake society

No More Thought Policing!

Except when you're telling people not to theorize about conspiracy theories...amirite?

A dude that harasses everyone is composing about it.

It's hilarious. He's harassing people in this thread now. It's dripping with irony.

The link on Google only went to things of people trying to scheme money or drugs. Try German news, like people denying Holocaust getting prison time

Careful with the word harassment, as it is an offense that is used to harass people, especially recently. Never say a curse word at the dmv, or any other govt institution. Some bitch might right you up for harassment, and give you a bad mark.

Infiltration? Yeah, why wouldn't they? Harassment, though? Not so much. If anything, legitimate government trolls would validate whatever theory "they" are trying to debunk. Maybe gaslighting is a more appropriate term for this kind of psyop activity.

Claiming a photo is ‘clearly fake’ without proof to uphold your argument is lunacy.


Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target's belief.

Waltzing into threads and claiming conspiracies don't exist and everyone should believe the MSM narrative is something else altogether...it's harassment.

nope - its a conspiracy

Just a massive flood of anti conspiracy users. On the conspiracy sub. The joints fucked.

Not only anti conspiracy, they want to bring the best insults imaginable to get the best knee jerk reaction so they can reinforce their cognitive dissonance as much as possible, well because they are Brainwashed

The conspiracies people are convicted of are not remotely like the things posted here

I believe the government lies to us, but that's a bit of a jump to some of the vile crap spewed here. There are interesting conspiracie,and then there's year 2000 of "everything bad is jews"

Waltzing into threads and claiming conspiracies don't exist and everyone should believe the MSM narrative is something else altogether...it's harassment.

I'd have said either mental illness or just simple stupidity, but you're not wrong.

JIDF is here make no mistake

I can see both sides of OPs argument. On one hand, assholes do come in here and try to belittle anyone that is skeptical of the MSNs talking points. On the other, you're rely asking for an echochamber/safe space, and that leads to some pretty irrational thinking.

There are known examples of proven conspiracy theories. MLK, MK ultra etc. And even today there is a proven conspiracy with the people surrounding our president. Manafort laundering russian mafia/govt money and possibly more coming down the pipe in the future.

However, there are some conspiracies that are just nuts. Like when people read a magazine article and see pictures of bizarre art and use that as proof that someone is a pedophile. See, it's shit like that that makes people want to come here and try to agitate the community. That and they're just shitty people.

Someone disagreeing woth you or asking for evidence of your claim is not them attacking you. And as we are increasingly inundated with trolls, shills, and other types of paid posters, it becomes increasingly frustrating to try to get your point across. I've even heard of some conspiracy boards, even well known ones, having mods that were on a companies or a govts payroll, deleting comments that went against the grain or against their agendas, ON A CONSPIRACY BOARD!!!!

I understand your frustration, OP. But I think what you're suggesting is a slippery slope.

I think you shouldn't follow random conspiracies theories you should follow the truth

It's not harassment, but it is a red flag to tip you off that the person is either a bot, a paid shill, or otherwise a shit stirrer to be downvoted and ignored.

Yet, they're being heavily brigade upvoted to the top of the threads...

Yes, they infected this sub and it got really bad about 3 months ago. It's up to the mods to do something....if anything. I have drastically reduced my time in this sub for that reason. If you really want to see this in action, post something critical of the FBI...

It's worse today than it ever has been before.

I have stopped coming here after years of daily input.


So you're not a conspiracy theorist?

Damn man, you had more patience with him than I could have.

I'll take that as a "NO".

You should go to r/christianity and ask them for proof, followed by telling them they're all idiots.