Feeble minded children

0  2018-02-21 by Afrokiller-symbiote

We have a big problem. The group mind is becoming more severe. Kids will recycle any garbage they see on Snapchat.

What do they call the generation of people post-Millenials? Because it’s obvious that whatever the NWO intends to do will be done with that generation.

Demanding for the gov to take the guns? Are you fucking joking? Do you know your history?

Every day, these teens are getting pregnant, and every day old, knowledgable people are dying. It’s only a matter of time.


I don't know. Have you ever spoken to baby boomers? Each generation is the same as the one before and the one after. The only thing that changes is the way they communicate.

Each generation is the same as the one before and the one after.

You have got to be kidding me.

The generation coming through now are one level above functionally retarded.

The generation behind them will be even worse.

It won't be long before the average person is drooling on themselves on a regular basis.

Clearly you don't talk to the average person. They are all that stupid. Of all ages.

I work with boomers, 90 % of whom are absolute idiots. They are the current leaders.

Get out. Talk to people. Read old communications. People are, and have always been fucking idiots and horrid.

I work with boomers

What industry?

I am a historian. I am currently working with oral histories. Which means they are telling me their stories in their words. And most of it is insipid.

Also work with them in government. Which I actively try to mentally block when I am not at work.

A historian? Where do people like you work?

Is the ability to Google beyond you?

How can I google where you work?

He is here to troll and shill his website where he call himself the world's top skeptic... he wants you to divulge personal info as proof, might challenge you to come on to his show, or inject a link to his paid website to try to get you to become a member at the low cost of $20+/month... He was already banned from cryptocurrency sites. Check his history, spare yourself the aggravation of dealing with prime example of the dunning kurgger effect.

Thanks! He is a classic example of that which he disparages, apparently.

This time it may be different. There is a rubicon I think we've passed. Those kids are all looking into their phone screens recording themselves protest.

their kids will be dumb as bricks. The Gen Z that is comservative has been apparently locked away in a basement and not allowed to speak on national news circuits like these babbling idiots have been.

Seriously,the crap I was doing as a teen in high school was waaay more complex than my nephew is doing.

yea, they're shuffling through filter screens at the expense of learning to read basic facial expressions. and that's just one example among many.

Well the "post millennial" generation is at the oldest only 12. Millennials run 85-05. So Gen Z or whatever you want to call it will run from 05-20. They have no real impact as of yet- but I agree, they will be the ones targeted to implement the final stages of the NWO.

That said, Millennials are a very diverse generations as far as ideas are concerned...there's a good representations of Left and Right wing ideology, and also a lot of idiots.

To me people born 1999-2000-present is a whole other generation. Something happened around then, an increase in fluoride or something I dunno.

They have grown up with constant connection to the 'internet'.

Therefore they have never developed a sense of independent self.

Obviously this is not their fault, they are merely products of their environment.

You know how 'hive minds' work? Well these younger people know no mind other than the hive.

Fun times ahead :)

I'm pretty sure a lot of the children are outright against guns in general. Why would they want the government to have them when they're barraged by police brutality stuff?

This argument makes no sense? The government isn’t under threat of losing its guns... civilians are..

What I'm saying is these people you're criticizing wouldn't want the government to have guns either. I don't think anyone is under threat of losing guns honestly.

What idiot wouldn’t want the government to have guns? Seroiously I have not ever heard of this. Please give me one example.

I don't want anyone to have weapons.

I don't want anyone to have weapons.

weap·on ˈwepən/Submit noun a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.

You see you just don't want people to have guns. Unless you really are suggesting we nerf the world, ALMOST ANYTHING CAN BE USED AS A WEAPON.

So by your logic you do not want police officers walking around with weapons of any kind. Or I can't own a knife, gun, or baseball bat cause it is a weapon that can hurt someone?

And to your below comment...

The younger generations won't be very receptive to this fear mongering.

Yes they are. They literally are right now buying into the fear mongering over guns.

Obviously society would need to be better for no weapons to work. I'm not referring to fear mongering in general. I'm talking about how that person is basically threatening that rape gangs would show up if Americans didn't have guns. That stuff doesn't jive well with young folk since rape gangs are a boogeyman to America unlike someone shooting up a neighorhood, school, church, etc.

Yes yes we get it, peace and love right? Well, tough luck; allow me to be the bearer of bad news; there are people out there who castrate you for fun much less if they needed something or were desperate. Some of those people are in the government, so be thankful that 60-80 million of your fellow humans have guns serving as a buffer between you and the genociders.

The younger generations won't be very receptive to this fear mongering. All that vitriol would turn them against you.

Have you ever been to Mexico? Syria? Congo? Thailand?

You’re living in a bubble my friend. The only thing the younger generations will be receiving is a fistful of bloody cock.

Better hope you have a gun.

The government wants people to have guns. Why do you think politics, and entertainment is so strife heavy? You really think they want people they look down on to take over a country like America? What they want is for people like you to get a wild hair, and go on a rampage to fuel discontent not only toward your kind but the kind you don't like as well.

So much stupidity. Let’s not pretend that either one us had any idea what the government wants. I’m sure what they want is beyond you or I.

Also, people like me? What is that even supposed to mean?

Your kind?

Your the one who sounds like they should be stripped of guns, not me.

You really think they can disarm Americans, and that there are rape gangs just waiting to get their hands all over people.

You're looking for a fight that isn't there, and playing right into corporate hands.

Haha no. I do not think they can take the guns, I just think theres 250-300 million people in the US who don’t know their history in the slightest. They don’t get it that IF they DID take the guns, that we’d be fucked, yet theyyy are the ones pushing it.

No. It won’t happen, but you guys asking for it to happen is still causing a collage of other problems.

I'm not asking for it to happen. If you actually want to educate people, you should be nicer. People won't respond well to being called feeble.

Look kid, don’t take any of this personally, just take it for what it’s worth.

The worlds too dangerous for us to all just drop our guns and sing cum by ya.

I wish it wasn’t that way too but it is

So, accept it. That’s all I have to say.

I know you're probably a troll or shill but seriously you should work on your logic regardless. Your spiel isn't very effective unless you just want attention.

I’m a normal guy and I hope that scares the living shit out of all of you.

I’m saying what’s on my mind, and I’m not wrong.

Perhaps I should be less crass but it’s the internet Jesus take a chill pill and stop getting butthurt

This is just fear mongering. Why are you so afraid?

Why the fuck should I pretend listening to a 15 year olds opinion on gun control like they have anything unique or of interest to say. I'm supposed to take the opinion of someone who is STILL LEARNING seriously? You can have an opinion sure, but don't act like it isn't completely irrelevant when you are that young.

To reiterate I don't care that they share their experiences or feelings. Just don't try and force law changes as an emotional reactionary teenager who still has chores and a bed time.

I don’t know, the generation behind millennials is pretty tired of the millennial attitude

It's interesting to note that a LOT of millennials HATE millennials. I hope this is the dawn of an era that starts to use reason again.

Lol this is true as well, looking forward to the next generation getting their shit together :P

Do you all have a name yet?

Nope. Carry on

They’ll be called “Proles”

I'm not asking for it to happen. If you actually want to educate people, you should be nicer. People won't respond well to being called feeble.