With regards to the posts removed on the subreddit today by the reddit admins in relation to David Hogg

110  2018-02-21 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

Hello all,

In the interest of full disclosure, the admins of reddit contacted us today via modmail to let us know that there is to be zero tolerance for any attempt to link reddit usernames to an IRL identity, even in the context of a public figure such as David Hogg.

To be clear, attempting to connect a username to an IRL identity in the context of the above individual, or any attempt to engage in witch hunting of said individual, will result in an immediate ban from the subreddit.

For further clarification on this matter, please direct any questions to the reddit admins via the modmail of /r/reddit.com. The moderators of this subreddit will enforce the site wide TOS as directed on this matter, and will provide updates to the community should this situation change.

As a matter of general clarification; the moderators of this subreddit have made inquiries to the admins as to this incident, based specifically on the standing of the individual involved here as a potential public figure. Those who have been on the subreddit for some time may remember an incident involving an individual by the name of Andrew Boeckman/Andrew Picard which has some parallels to the current ongoing discussion.

Others may also recall the situation involving /u/stonetear, who was identified as an individual by the name of Paul Combetta in the context of a congressional investigation- https://democrats-oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/documents/(75)%20Chaffetz%20Smith%20to%20Tidwell%20re%20Federal%2009-21-2016.pdf

While there are no doubt differences between the situation at hand and the situation involving Mr. Picard/Mr. Boeckman or the situation involving Mr. Combetta, the mod team feels that the nature of an individual's standing as a public figure is an issue relevant to the free exchange of ideas.

To that end, although there may be an update forthcoming, for the time being the ruling of the admins will be enforced by the mod team sans qualification.

Thanks for your understanding,

The /r/conspiracy mod team

TL:DR: Users are welcome to discuss the individual above in the context of news reports or other media, but users are not permitted to link a reddit username to the individual under any circumstances. This is by direct order of the admins, and any violations will result in an immediate ban. Updates to this situation will be provided if possible.


Very sorry for having to provide an update so soon after our earlier post, but this situation has been evolving rapidly.

For context; based on our initial contact with the admins, we were told that users were not allowed to link David Hogg to a reddit account under any circumstances.

Following further discussion, admins have clarified that users are indeed allowed to discuss a potential connection between a reddit account and Mr. Hogg, so long as that "discussion does not escalate into attempts belittle, expose, or harass potential real world account owner(s)."

The moderators of this subreddit will enforce this standard in strict fashion and there will be zero tolerance for those who attempt to walk the line out of bad faith.

To be clear, discussion is allowed but any of the actions outlined above in the context of that discussion will result in the user being banned and reported to the site administrators.

The moderators of this subreddit are appreciative of the admins for their patience and willingness to engage in discussion of this sensitive issue.

In the interest of full disclosure, the follow up conversation with the admins can be found here.

Thank you all for your patience and our apologies for any confusion.

TL:DR: Users may discuss the username of the individual in question to the extent that said "discussion does not escalate into attempts belittle, expose, or harass potential real world account owner(s)." We ask all users to respect this standard and to report all violations to modmail.


Glad to hear. Regardless of how you feel about the shooting, we should all be against doxxing

Not if it's goes against our liberties.

He "doxxed" himself, months ago, under no duress. I guess being a partisan attention whore can come back to bite a person.

Glad you’re referring to a victim of a school shooting as an attention whore. I’m sure he had friends that died, but that really pales in comparison to his personal political views.

has anyone seen DH shed a single tear?

i get teary eyed talking about loved ones who died 20 years ago

As the admins made clear, please do not use this opportunity for discussion to "belittle, expose, or harass potential real world account owner(s)."

As you made your comment before the post was updated I will give you a warning, but future violations will result in a ban.

Oh fuck off

Well golly beaver, hows do ya really feel?

grab a blanket, it's getting shilly in here

Please don't imply other users are shills, only warning.

How do you know he doesn't have a lisp?

Edit: Wtf even a lighthearted joke gets turned into a controversial post? LOL

lol :)

I do and I feel dithcriminated against. This is my only warning to the mods

you thound thexthy...

Is telling someone to fuck off allowed? I suppose, although its really not very pleasant and I would downvote it personally.

Nice! Saving this for later.

Well, for that future time, obviously context varies from situation to situation and "fuck off" in another context could very much be a rule violation.

I'm just not sure there would ever be any other time to say "fuck off" in any other way?

If its a somewhat exasperated intonation it can be uncivil but not per se hostile...I suppose it all comes down to intent.

who gets to determine intonation or intent? is there any sort of formatting we can use to infer it?

Hermeneutical reconstruction is the approach I try to use.


Now that I finally have a mods attention, can you respond to this question. Based on the recent claims and evidence to support it, I think some actions here are pretty fishy.

Oh fuck off

lol :)


you guys have been banning legitimate users for far less, even after being grossly provoked... Your rules are being exploited by the paid users.

This whole thread subject is not a good look. /r/conspiracy is a sad place these days, and this is from a 5+ year user... I know you guys can't do anything if the admins get involved, but it's just gross to see the community here waste away.

Its hard to say that you're wrong, but for better or for worse reddit has changed over the past decade (or half decade); I don't know how to salvage what was once the vision of a beautiful boy from the clutches of subtle corporate subversion, but I do know that eternal vigilance is the price of democracy (in all its forms).

Neutered and ostracized by external forces as it may be, someone has to watch (even if its painful to see this place as a shell of its former self), least even here should fall victim to the unending tide of corporate/ideological bullshit on this platform :(.

I do understand that there are many different influences and factors in play that nobody has access to, so I understand what you're saying and I'm sure you feel as much loss as anybody else.

With that said, in times previous certain authorities were also not assumed that are now being assumed. The legalistic 'guilty until proven innocent' approach has a certain shortcoming in the 'not-real' world of the internet, and I think it results in a poisoning of the genuineness of the board. When trolls and shills can run around silly with no consequence because they can just claim plausible deniability, nobody is safe.

This place is valuable only because we participate, but as soon as we no longer feel like it belongs to us, it will be forgotten and it has already started. I used to post here daily and I think it's probably been weeks now since I could give a shit to argue with a bunch of people on paid time. As far as vote manipulation and all that go - whatever. It's imaginary internet points, and while it IS effective and it IS stacking the deck, I don't think it really changes people's minds so much as it provokes them to feel differently about it.

The part that sucks is when you start telling us what we can and cannot know and share. There's a line there that is dangerous on both sides I think... If you want to truly lose the community, just go down that road.

and again, I'm saying this to reddit - not you personally. I understand you're 'just a mod', but at the end of the day, you still have to agree or disagree to play by the rules. Just sayin'.

You make a lot of good points, although perhaps your conclusion (directed at reddit inc) contains an overlooked insight in a certain regard; this place persists in spite of what reddit inc has become as a company, not because of it. As sad as that may be :(.

this place persists in spite of what reddit inc has become as a company, not because of it.

'persists' is a word that applies less and less every day here. The group that requires persistence are finding new places to go considering they are not being protected here anymore... in many ways they have become prey in this arena. You aren't going to stay someplace you don't feel safe. I also think this forum is far less influential than it used to be. The genuine base knows what's up and they're just migrating away; all that will probably be left soon are manipulated and inflated numbers if the base continues to flee...

It sure as hell should be.

If you think saying fuck off in an open forum is offensive, this probably isn't the place for you.

Are there any other rules in the sidebar you think are shit?

I'm sorry, I missed the one saying you can't say fuck off in a forum...

Can you tell me to fuck off?

I said where is the rule that says you can't cuss in forum...show me please

Cussing, sure. Fuck yea. But I've seen mods remove comments and give warnings for abusive language when the user told someone to fuck off. Seems to be at the mods discretion, so I don't think your point is valid.

Did I say I cared if you think my point was valid?

It's valid to me...saying fuck off is cussing, it's not literally asking you to do harm to your self.

I can't believe I'm even explaining this, what is wrong with this sub.

Some mods here think that telling other users to fuck off is abusive language and they discipline users for telling other users to fuck off. So, yes, your point is invalid.

Can you tell me to fuck off, since it's just cussing?

Are you ok lol...so your asking people to tell you to fuck off now?

That sounds kind of pervy...

I'm being told that telling other users to fuck off isn't abusive language, but is simply "cussing". You agree, right?

I mean, technically...isn't what your doing now targeted harrasment since your repeatedly telling me to tell you to fuck off?

See how that works...

I thought you said telling someone to fuck off isn't abusive language but only cussing. Your point is still invalid.

Lol. Ok, go reread my first comment...what did I say?

Here let me help you.

"Should be able to".

So I'm saying you sure as hell should be able to say fuck off.

Because it's cussing, I've literally explained this too you now several times.

I don't know if you have something better to do, but please find it.

You're arguing with yourself now, which is good. Can you tell yourself to fuck off?

Man, I just came from your post where you kept badgering everyone to name a conspiracy they believe. You are really into demanding that people dance for your amusement.

Oh, and I'm gonna go ahead and ignore replies to this comment, since I expect you to start pestering me as well.

Yea, after perusing your comment history, it's clear you're not a conspiracy theorist. Do you also go into r/christianity and tell them their idiots for believing in Jesus?

Can the mods do anything about the shilling? It’s brutal

Seriously every top comment is just someone trying to debunk the conspiracy to the point where there's no discussion happening about the conspiracies anymore. These top comments are almost always vote brigaded to the top with 10 times as many votes and any comment talking about the conspiracy gets downvoted into oblivion.

It's frustrating as hell that people don't realize that /r/conspiracy is supposed to mean /r/believeWhateverRandomBullshitLiterallyAnyoneSays

This is supposed to be a place of critical thinking. And critical thinking means that you shouldn't be allowed to be critical of the thoughts presented.

And anyone who does not adhere to this is clearly just vote brigading.


The fact that you think that's what happens here shows your true motives. Why do you hang out in places where you genuinely hate and belittle the people who go there?

You can go anywhere on the internet and yet you decide to come here, where you think everyone is devoid of critical thinking and you are extremely anti-discussion. Critical thinking, which you try to champion here, means that you consider every viewpoint and angle, yet here you are pretending like you are the Oracle of all knowledge.

Get off your high horse and stop with the ignorance. If you want to be a part of the community here and provide what you think is missing here - great... but if you're only contribution is to belittle the community here and act holier-than-thou then I think you are here for the wrong reasons.

If these "conspiracies" can be debunked that easily... maybe that's a sign?

He didn’t say they were being debunked. He said the comments were trying to debunk. But you knew that.

Many of those top comments are rational responses to some pretty irrational posts.

I believe there is a conspiracy to smear these kids who are school shooting victims because they are threatening right wing interests

Can I call him a partisan attention whore? Because that's allowed right?

I would have to say there is a material distinction between saying "fuck off" and calling someone a whore of some kind, so no the latter would not be allowed.

Can’t call out shills, just let them shit all over the sub.

Please don't imply other users are shills, only warning.

Is this rule going to be enforce because I really like the idea if so.

Thanks for the transparency.

Not saying I agree or disagree with any info being shared about Mr. Hogg, but asking more of a mod opinion:

Has there ever been other instances of public figures from this sub being linked to other accounts and admins took this quick of an action to stop?

Again, just wondering if this is par for the course or something a little different about this one.

On timing I'm not too sure, but the admins did respond to the Andrew Boeckman/Andrew Picard situation quite quickly from what I can recall.

That said, again in the interest of full disclosure, the admins have allowed certain public figures to be linked to their reddit account in the past (such as when /u/stonetear was identified as Paul Combetta in the context of a Congressional Investigation- https://democrats-oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/documents/(75)%20Chaffetz%20Smith%20to%20Tidwell%20re%20Federal%2009-21-2016.pdf)

Reddit Admins need to review AgainstTheHate sub. They are trying to doxx users like what CNN did with conservatives the reposted Russian content. How do I take the many screenshots and documented reports submitted to their mods to someone who will hold them accountable?

"in the interest of full disclosure' lol look at you posturing..

Fair question...

Thanks for the transparency.

Very much.

Nice to know there are now at least TWO formally censored discussion topics:

  • "James Alefantis Rothschild"

  • "David Hogg"

/not the /r/conspiracy i once knew :( . .

I had a post removed and linked to this thread as an explanation why, but it had nothing to do with Hogg or JA. It was a photo of a "student" from the Parkland, FL "shooting" next to a photo from an imdb page of a girl who looked identical to the "student" as well as having the same last name.

IMDB is like Wiki. I know an 8-year old kid that has one for a 10 second commercial appearance



I can understand if DH wanted to remain private out of the public controversy. As such, reddit is correct in protecting his account and his information. However, as DH seems to have continued on Twitter and elsewhere in a public capacity, then he's basically opening himself up, and its no longer about "DOXing", but about discussing a public figure that wants to stay public. Twitter, reddit and Facebook banning people from mentioning him once he is functioning in the public spotlight, would amount to censorship and would have nothing to do with protecting user identity or private life.

DH should really retreat from the public spotlight if he values his privacy. The whole doxing and shaming by social media companies is just a cover for trying to control an out of control narrative that they wish to manipulate. Those who wish to preserve their rights are correct to fight back. Clearly this is all about playing on people's emotions to advance an agenda.

My assumption would be that because he’s a minor, and after the Boston Marathon quagmire, those in charge are quicker to mitigate potential legal “IRL” issues from arising than they once were.

Or, because of his fbi and cia connections, they're trying to keep people from digging into his background.

One or the other.

I would prefer reddit air on the side of caution with this things. That fiasco with CNN was pretty disgusting where they threatened to out him. I hope reddit takes this stance with large corporations next time.

That's called reporting, not "outing". They had every right to publish the name of the creator of that gif. If you don't want to be known for dumb stuff, maybe don't do dumb stuff?

They threatened him and made him apologize, for making a gif... If you don't think there is something wrong with that, I don't know what to say to you.

He apologized to them and begged them not to do basic journalism and promised to stop being a neo nazi on tbe_donald. CNN was under no obligation to accept but they did.

CNN was under no obligation to accept but they did.

I agree. Extortion does not constitute a legally binding contract.

basically CNN didn't like the fact that he exposed CNN

fortunately for us, CNN doesn't understand the Streisand Effect



You Must Understand the Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They Hated Russians, They hated Christians. The Bolsheviks are still around today, owning and controlling the media


Hahahaha this is so factually wrong. They are Russians you idiot. Born in Russia. Tk Russians. They believed they were making Russia a great nation unlike the shit hole it had always been. I know so much about he topic of Russia history.

OHHHHH DA SPOOOOKY JOOOOOOSSSSS! Are you aware Veterens today is a Russian propaganda outlet? Literally paid for by the kremlin to spread this shit to gullible racists like yourself who lack critical thinking skills.

you can always tell when the Synagogue of Satan shows up, because they say stupid shit like:


Trump met with the President of Kazakhstan


Oh fuck I'm Jewish? Well shit I guess being raised by Catholics who've been catholic since the Middle Ages was just a ploy. Really shows how advanced we are. Do I get my lightning powers now? I'd like to start smitjng Nazis.

Synagogue of Satan

Putin speech at Schneerson Jewish Museum.13.06.2013 - 80-85% Bolsheviks Revolution were Jews


"basic journalism"




















Dude I randomly clicked through like five of these and even this subreddit is shittig on you in those posts. In case you aren't aware of how journalism works they typically use people's names unless the rperson comes groveling to them not wanting to be outed for being a neo nazi.

Fuck you that shit was hilarious

CNN doesn't do "reporting"

CNN is fake news


CNN...what a coincidence...


It's also because he's a real person and, for whatever reason, people have zeroed in on him as a symbol of whatever.

But you have to remember it's just some guy who's maybe 17. People are using his real name, they're referring to other things about his personal life.

If you want to talk about "crisis actors" and believe in theories, all well and good. But singling someone out, referring to them by name and using them as your example?

If this was a false flag, it was someone else's idea and someone else was in charge. So either way, it makes no sense to "go after" Hogg like this.

Thank you!

This kid has chosen to be VERY public thus people should have the right to criticize. Dont fuck around with censorship,,, its super dangerous

This kid has chosen to be VERY public thus people should have the right to criticize.

You don't have to dig into his background to "criticize" him.

It's also because he's a real person

Is he, tho?

That's because he's just regurgitating leftist political talking points. They are using this kid to push an agenda. He's awful at it and it's so plainly obvious what they're doing. His dad's FBI connection and their family obsession/worship of CNN is just icing on the cake.

So do you think it’s possible that any non-conservative can have actual opinions of their own? It’s almost like every time a liberal says something liberal and gets any attention for it, they are instantly deemed some form of puppet.

so I’m curious if people really think all lefty’s are actually mindless puppets or if it actually just means “I really don’t like what that person has to say”

They werent screaming about Vegas, not a word about Chicago.

The issue - there was an extreme lack of effort by the sheriff and FBI to get this kid arrested or at least placed on a no buy list. It goes beyond laziness or accidents.

I think this is a bigger story than NRA or gun control isis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTfX8vJLNjA

He is still a victim of this tragedy and has every right to have an opinion. He doesnt deserve to be doxxed for having an opinion.

As far as pushing political talking points, claiming he is a crisis actor because his dad is in the FBI is a political talking point.

Just have spez edit it before the court gets ahold of it /s

CNN chose to give these "minors" a national stage, and they chose (with the blessing of their parents and legal guardians) to step on to it and become public figures.

All is fair game.

does anyone else get tired of Sunil Tripathi being used as an excuse for Reddit not to discuss the crisis actors in fake news stories?

its pretty clear to anyone who followed the BMB that the Sunil Tripathi angle was deliberately inserted into the narrative specifically to discredit skeptics and sites like Reddit


paging u/assangesarmy...

user not found....

I think extra sensitivity is used if the public figure is a minor.

Looks like the higher ups are not done scrubbing his account lol.

This. Even mods here are banning people for calling out the shilling and vote brigading. Where has Reddit been for the past six months of EnoughTrumpSpam doxxin TD users?

Anyone remember when Reddit and CNN doxxed a TD user that posted a meme? Where were the admins then?

They where too busy monitoring their own imploding Liberal subs to care about some T_D conservative!

I got shadowbanned from /r/politics last night for posting this which they claim is russian propaganda. Even if it is why cant we watch this film in the US or EU & decide for ourselves. I'll tell you why... Because this story shows dems & repubs in a negative light...

If we can ban films in the US with ease we can also ban guns just as easily.

  • I just finished watching the Magnitsky Act: Behind the scenes which is a documentary about the sanctions placed on Russia by the United States - the film is banned in the US/EU but the creators are assisting anyone interested in these areas with accessing it if interested.
  • The steps i had to take are strange. It is weird. Never had to do anything like this to watch a film. If you are willing to risk it email this guy & he will give you the instructions - https://mobile.twitter.com/torsteingrude - it does require you provide whatsapp/sms/few other options for them to send a password to you. You will be given access to the film associated with a watermark throughout the film connected to you. I personally have no regrets. I just watched a movie & they didnt ask for money. If anyone knows another way to watch it without taking these steps feel free to share.

  • who here is more afraid of a film than they are guns? Banning this film was easy because McCain was involved. Why are banning firearms so hard? If we do ban guns & Russia is such a great threat... What do we do if they choose to escalate & go further than just meddling in our elections?

that is literally propaganda tho... why the fuck would you defend a degenerate murderer like Vladimir Putin?

Please see my most recent post & maybe you will understand my confusion on what is very complex topic that is hard for me to understand. Maybe you can clear up my confusion... https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7zu8rq/this_is_a_request_for_others_here_to_pick_apart/

It's genuine investigative reporting. Read it for yourself.

So it's an interesting case.

The film isn't banned, per-se, so much as...functionally banned? Browder's Lawyers are, somehow or another, managing to get the majority of the screenings shut down. What's hard to tell from what I've dug up is exactly why the screenings are stopping. Is it that Browder's lawyers are successful arguing to the courts that the flim is...libel or something? Is there an argument that there is some sort of secret law they're using? Is it actually that no one bothers going to the courts, and this is just yet another case of a rich man with lawyers threatening people into silence?

Which brings me to my big question: Is the film so hard to get by necessity (it gets hammered down on whatever site it is put up on), or to make it an "experience." Have they tried putting the film up for purchase somewhere and failed, or is this just a ploy to make the conspiracy seem more real?

Moving up from Browder, I haven't managed to find anything that indicates McCain was involved, or that US politicians have turned their eye to the movie at all. It's all tales of Browder's lawyers successfully stopping screenings. Where did you get the idea that it's a greater conspiracy than that?

Anyway, I'm certainly the first to say that if Browder actually felt that he was innocent, his response to the movie should be a detailed paper pointing out all of the ways the movie is wrong. Hammering something down into oblivion instead of ripping a false narrative to shreds is a sign to me that the narrative isn't so false after all. And I wouldn't think you're crazy to believe that US politicians have no desire to turn their eye to the movie, and would rather have their clear cut reason for the Magnitsky act in place. But I'm not finding anything that shows me this is a case of "Government Conspiracy keeping down the truth" so much as further proof our system is fundamentally biased towards a rich person with enough lawyers to litigate anyone they disagree with into silence.

I dont have an answer for you yet. that is going to be my next question to him -- is why cant they post it publicly? I think its because the star of the film has deep pockets:

Yeah, should have put "There is no place with pockets deep enough to stop Browder's lawyers" as an option for that one, admittedly. Disney probably, but somehow I don't see this film becoming a Disney feature.

Additional reading. The aithor of this article just died a few weeks ago - https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/13/how-russia-gate-met-the-magnitsky-myth/

Investigative journalist Robert Parry did an entire series on consortiumnews about Browder and the Magnitsky myth. Well worth checking out, as well as his entire body of work going back years on that excellent site. He was one of the best.

Mccains involvement & this article contains details that are not accurate like magnitsky being a lawyer. He was an accountant -


  • you can watch the Browder deposition by the Southern District of NY to verify this fact about Browder telling everyone he was a lawyer but that not really being the case - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pu9DMxfTGhY

If we do ban guns & Russia is such a great threat... What do we do if they choose to escalate & go further than just meddling in our elections?


Not a gun owner. I'll be one of the first killed. I respect the right of anyone that does choose to defend themselves.

There's so much wrong with your statement you're either 12 or Russian. Personal guns would not play any role in a conflict between Putin and the U.S.

Trump is a Russian puppet so anyone that opposes him will be imprisoned & if you dont have a personal firearm you will not be able to defend yourself against him. This is life in a fascist country.


Without a long song n dance, You got a hold of a banned movie rather easy? Less then a week? So therefor, there will be some who can get guns that are banned that easily. Just law abiding responsible people who can get them.

😎 - i think that is why i was shadowbanned in /r/politics. Because my posted highlighted that when you ban or severly restrict things those that want to obtain them will find a way. What do they think? That people that make guns are going to forget how to make them just because we ban them - that is how you create black markets which may be what the dems want.

You guys should use steemit and actually earn some money for posting :)

Why is the film all that relevant?

There are great article online about the Magnitsky debacle and from well reputed news sources - the Info is all there.

I got shadowbanned

This is why r/Bitmessage is an under utilized powerful thing. No censorship.

I actually do not remember CNN doxing a TD user, can you remind me about that one?

Probably talking about this news report from Tuesday. All it took was a simple search.

And then there was the Reddit user last year who posted the infamous Trump CNN gif.

And of course all of this is a deflection from the fact that CNN helped promote a Russia-sponsored anti-Trump protest in New York.

That's not the original CNN doxx.

CNN doxxed a kid for posting the wrestling video where Trump beats the crap out of a CNN logo.


He doxxed himself. It was the wrestling gif with trump and CNN, it stirred some shit up, CNN found out who he was because he posted some easily connectable stuff, they contacted him for a comment on everything that was going on and he freaked out and doxxed himself while complaining to everybody that CNN doxxed him, also known as repoeting.

Hard hitting investigative journalism. Harassing random tweeters. Lmao b

I didnt say it was needed or worth it, I'm just confused when journalism became doxxing.

So...they didnt dox him, is what youre saying

Meh, they kind of did. They definetly threatened to expose him.

CNN made him take the video down and issue an apology or else they'd release his identity. I think maybe the appropriate term is blackmail? That's worse than doxxing IMHO.

Yeah definitely not doxing... but still a shitty way to deal with it. Name him or don't name him, don't do that finger waving bullshit.

CNN doxxed a TD user that posted a meme

What is supposed to happen?? CNN's account banned? All links from them banned???

Anyone remember when Reddit and CNN doxxed a TD user that posted a meme? Where were the admins then?

When retarded people think investigating who created a meme posted on social media by the president of the united states is doxxing.

Also when retarded people care more about outing a racist piece of shit who called for murdering people than they do about said racist piece of shit calling for people to be murdered.

Rage more bro. Resist! Bash'n the fash one post at a time!

How's it feel to know you're a poor tool living in his parents basement supporting a billionaire that literally lies to you every time he opens his mouth while you pay him to do so?

Feels cool I bet

Mods. Rule 10. Poor dude cant complete a coherent post without insulting himself.


Can you address the point that investigating the creator of a meme shared by POTUS is not the same as Doxxing in the traditional sense?

I'm having trouble seeing the difference

oh, and fuck CNN


Wasn't it discovered reddit admins actually change posts without it showing as edited? Kinda like how SpaceX changed their live feed and it still showed as nonedited, streamed live? Oh the power of the admin.

See this: This site has no credibility and what's worse, you don't know if the NSA scraped off what you pushed [save] on, or what some punk admin stealth-edited into "your" post-history.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

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Look at Youtube going balistic, deleting channel after channel with 100k subs. (re Q posts and Florida School shootings. )

Someting is a coming...

Yep. By his post history he was a senior and 17 last year.

May I ask what you're implying with your post?

I’m not implying anything really. The news is claiming he is 17 and a senior in high school now. According to his own words in his posting history he was a senior in high school and 17 last year. There is a discrepancy here, that is all.

I guess I'd need to see when the post was made to judge it for myself. It's possible that he made it as he was moving on to the next grade, or during the summer, or something.

Yes, it was an error on my part not realizing the start of school year was August and birthday could be coming up.

literally every US born public educated ( and most private school) people know this....

Has it ever occurred to you that people forget the school year beginning and ending months after they have been out of school for nearly 30 years? I admitted my mistake, move on.

You were pretty quick to assume that was evidence of a crisis actor false flag. I just find it interesting that such a large mistake was informing so much of your opinion regarding this.

Makes me question how critical thinking skills were taught in schools 30 years ago.

You were pretty quick to assume that was evidence of a crisis actor false flag

Those are your words, not mine. I also didn't state an opinion of the situation at all. Again, those are your assumptions of my opinion.


According to his comment history he was a senior last school year and he would be 18 now. So one thing is for sure, he is not currently a student and he is not 17 right now.

You are literally trying to cast doubt on the person because of his age and being/not being in school.

quit the bs

I admitted I made a mistake and you just can't stop yourself. You're one of those people that just can't let shit go. You want to have someone to argue with, because negative attention is better than no attention at all, right? Move the fuck on.

Im cool, i just wanted to make sure that you understood your whole basis for your comments questioning this kid was based on a mistake. A Mistake which you have yet to admit is what made you believe there was some sort of, as you put it, 'discrepancy' and why you think there is a conspiracy.

Its just laughable that you were trying to discredit a school shooting survivor and imply there was something fishy, based on a mistake. Im sure youll pivot now and find something else about this. But i live here, in florida. This shit has impacted a lot of people, my own friends and family included. So quit your bullshit of trying to attack/discredit traumatized children.

For the last fucking time. You have no idea my thoughts on the matter. You are speculating. There are many reasons to think this story is odd. I have not claimed this was false or anything else, just odd.

So now you claim to have family and friends impacted in the shooting? Please spare me your whoa is me bullshit.

So, for the last time: get lost, you sorry fucking troll.

I mean you can go through my posts and see im from Florida and have a sister thats in education. You seem to love to investigate people. Wanna try looking discrepancies on an actual adult.

Do you have no moral compass. Your comments today were literally made to cast doubt on a high school school shooting survivor. Yet you say im the troll. Lol.

Just straight sad.

I have family in Florida as well, what is your fucking point?

You have no right to place any judgement on my moral compass, yet here you are again with your assumptions on what I think.

I admitted that I was wrong in my initial comment on the account of his age that I made yesterday, yet somehow that is not good enough for you, Florida boy.

You could just as easily stop engaging here. It seems like you sure are projecting a lot.


But that isn't a discrepancy. Unless by last year you mean a year ago, then maybe. But unless you're unaware of the school system in the US, the school year runs from Aug/Sept-May/June.

Yeah, I realize the school year could be the same and the birthday. I stand corrected.

How could you be so unfamiliar with the US school system? Its literally been that way for decades, if not a century or more. Its because of agriculture.

Settle down

Maybe because the school year runs differently in the Motherland, da?

Funny that people are now so familiar with school schedules but still think yearbooks come out in December.

school pictures are used as a catalogue for the elite to order children off of like a menu

iirc, most school pics are taken by one company that is affiliated with Target stores

NCMEC is a front for child trafficking

Well it might be different in Russia in his defense.

It's okay. I know the timeline works differently in ~Russia~ where you're from.

Why do people think that jokes like yours are funny? The odds of someone actually being a Russian paid to spread misinformation seem pretty unlikely. How many people do you actually think are being paid to spread lies?

its because the influx of new users to /r/conspiracy came here fore the excellent content and commentary

but they happen to lean left, and come in here with this preconceived notion of what this place was like before they got here

like, they don't know that /r/conspiracy never had a beef with Trump, but did have a long standing beef with the Clinton's, and it wasn't based on sexism, or political parties, it was based on a simple concept of right and wrong

so these Russia jokes probably seem quite funny, and plausible, to these new users

oh, its also worth mentioning that /r/conspiracy never had a beef with Russians before HRC lost and RussiaGate was hatched

/r/Conspiracy interest in Russians was probably around the Bolshevik Revolution and the people behind the murder of 10's of millions of people

and why we aren't taught much about the Bolshevik Revolution in school

as a matter of fact, we think so highly of the Russians that we are quite sure that if NASA had faked the moon landings, the Russians would have alerted us

Hes a time traveler! Thats the real conspiracy.

A senior in high school would have started in August 2017 and will graduate in June 2018. If he said that "last year" in August 2017 (or earlier since during summer breaks people in school oftentimes describe themselves as being in the grade they'll start in the new school year), he is a senior in high school last year and is still a senior in high school now.

If he was not born in January and up until February 14, and was 17 at the time of the post last year, he is still 17 now. Because, you know, you don't say your a year older on January 1 even if your birthday isn't until December.

There is literally nothing about this kid that warrants doxxing and analyzing every single reddit post he's ever made. There's already evidence people circulating infographics and posts painting him as a "crisis actor" are part of a coordinated effort to to push an agenda.

There is literally nothing about this kid that warrants doxxing and analyzing every single reddit post he's ever made. There's already evidence people circulating infographics and posts painting him as a "crisis actor" are part of a coordinated effort to to push an agenda.

Except he's been shown on multiple newscasts in different areas in different roles.

What 'evidence' are you speaking of that makes the question of who he is and why he's showing up on newscasts everywhere a 'coordinated effort to push an agenda'? You seem quick to mention that but give nothing (despite claiming you have evidence). so which is it?

and why does this kid keep showing up on newscasts across the country?

Wow, across the country? Must be dozens of them then, how many links do you have?

well opposite coasts... redondo beach is not in florida. Either way - this kid seems to find his way in front of cameras quite a bit. I guess it helps when your Dad used to work in national intelligence....

why he's showing up on newscasts everywhere

Well, I mean, "everywhere". Surely you must have dozens of examples of him on the news all across the country, as you said. Everywhere is a lot of places to get to in the US. It's not like his youtube channel has videos of him from 6 months ago going on vacation to California or anything.

why are you being so legalistic on an online forum room? Why the fine tooth comb? You know what I meant. I meant from coast to coast this kid is on TV - that's literal. California is on one coast, Florida is the other.

It's not like his youtube channel has videos of him from 6 months ago going on vacation to California or anything.

Do your parents allow you to spend your vacation hunting down media to appear on local broadcasts? What about the fact that his father used to work in intelligence? Considering how closely they work with media, is it impossible that this kid is flown in and used as a media asset? I'm not basing this question off one thing - everything from his videos, to the problem remembering lines, to the weird message he delivered makes me question this stuff. I dont' know what happened for sure tho.

Why are you so quick to parrot baseless accusations and present misleading information? Used as a media asset to what end exactly, disband the mafia of overbearing lifeguards in California? Are you serious right now?

The fine tooth comb is because you're using misleading language to describe what's going on, attempting to imply something that isn't happening. Using words like "everywhere" and "all across the country" to imply he's been on a dozen different stations in a dozen different states for a dozen different reasons. You know exactly why I'm calling you out for that bullshit. If you don't want to imply that, don't use language like that. Words have meaning, if you're truly not trying to push bullshit then stop parroting the bullshit.

i dont' know what is bullshit and what isn't, and I don't think you do either.

All we know is that any time there is a horrific 'school shooting' there is questionable shit in spades. Remember that we are in a conspiracy forum - if you want to discuss MSM talking points, i'd recommend /r/news or /r/politics or something. We are allowed to speak about the grey areas, and this kid showing up on even 2 TV broadcasts is not normal, especially when they are on different coasts. HIs father's work history is admissible as an interesting fact as well.

What is your problem? Why take this all so seriously?

just wondering, do u believe in the conspiracy that the jews control the media?

its indisputable that jewish people hold an immense amount of control and influence in the media. Whether they all agree on what to do with that influence and control is a whole different matter. Also, 'the media' is becoming a looser and looser term. It's not a simple question you ask - I can't answer it very simply either.

So just that clip in California and now this, right?

i dont' know, maybe other local broadcasts have also used kids like this to create stories. Crisis acting is a real thing - go look it up.

Again, i'm not making any claims, but I find it interesting. Is that okay?




That is one more than one.

so you know for a fact this kid has never been featured on local TV before that? You realize we're talking about hundreds of channels that produce content every day?

You dont' know shit - you are just speculating like I am. My point is purely that he doesn't seem genuine in his interviews, his father used to work for the FBI (who's in a shitload of trouble right now), and his previous 'news story' is exactly the type of story that a local news affiliate will hire an actor for in order to produce content (I've worked in media - that is completely a thing that happens quite often. It's hard to trust strangers under deadlines.)

So i'm suspicious. I haven't said anything heavy-handed or made any final conclusions. I just think there's something smelly about the kid. Am I allowed to have an opinion?

Lmao. You want me to prove a negative? How do I know YOU haven't been on local news.

neither am I. The kid was on multiple newscasts. There is nothing factually wrong about that, even if it's just 2. why are you trying to lawyer your way into being right? Especially on something we both readily admit we cannot know?

Because two a case does not make!!!!!!

How do I know YOU haven't been on local news.

You don't. That's not in question here - if you want to know, just ask me and I will tell you. Why does it matter if I have or not?

The artists at 4chan would have found more already if they exist. Opportunist maybe?

maybe - you are speculating again.

What do you think of this video and interview?

Why were the cops shooting blanks during a drill? and were you aware there was a drill being held at the same times of the shooting?

These are all reasons I am looking at this critically. David Hogg only fits in this because he put himself in the middle of it.

Oh yea - it's also come out that his Mom worked at CNN for over 20 years. Dad's in the FBI, Mom's a media executive... nothing to see here, right?

Those are good facts. Twice on tv in 17 years is not.

why are you being so selective. The number of times doesn't matter so much - it was the story and format. Again, you are clearly ignorant on how media works 'behind the curtain', so it's all good. I don't want to throw pitches you cannot hit.

He has a youtube video on his public account showing him get on the plane to Cali for vacation. Who gives a fuck? Am I not allowed to cross the country without suspicion?

what suspicion? I just noted that he was on the news in Cali. Anything more is you projecting.

Am I not allowed to take interest and ask questions? i'm not crossing any lines, nor am I accusing the kid of anything. We are both speculating - why do you have different rules than I?

This is a good overview of the things I find suspicious about this incident

If you wish to actually engage on the subject, direct your attention to the link. I'm asking the same questions this guy is.

As far as I have seen he was in a viral video that he made while on vacation in California last summer, then in the interview with this situation. Not saying that I know anything beyond that, but are there any other instances of this guy showing up beyond those two?

I dont' know, I haven't watched local/network broadcasts in every market over the last 2 years, so I can't be sure.

Regardless, even showing up twice like he has is quite interesting. His father worked in Intelligence for a while - also interesting considering how tied together media and intelligence can be.

I do find it kind of interesting that you claim he was on vacation for the California video.... do you really spend time hunting down the media over a weird viral post when you're on vacation? Or do you even have time to waste on it? Seems like a strange priority for vacation time spent... unless he was there for a job instead.

Or the news approached him, I haven’t seen who initiated contact. Local news will often contact people whose videos go viral for content.

so they take time out of their vacation so their son can be on some local TV news show that isn't even local to where they live? Why waste your vacation like that? Do local stations move so quickly that they track down people in hotels from across the country within hours?

Sure if it’s something your kid wants to do, and you want to support them, yeah I can see someone making time for that. Your kid wants to be a journalist and gets a chance to do an interview, no matter how benign, why wouldn’t you support that as a parent? Not sure why that is a huge stretch, people try to encourage their kids and it probably took all of an hour. Not sure how long the vacation was but it doesn’t mean the news tracked them down in hours. Even if they were only there a week, that’s enough time for a news station to DM someone and that person to ask their parents if they can meet up with the news station on the beach. Hell, seems like the kid goes to the beach a lot maybe they have a vacation place right on the beach where he could just walk to the interview (I don’t have any info on this but it’s certainly plausible).

yes it is plausible. I never said it wasn't. I'm just bringing up the the fact that he did appear on the news on the other side of the country, and his father is ex-intelligence. Maybe it's all a coincidence, but it's interesting nonetheless.

For sure, just trying to give answers to questions like ‘why waste your vacation?’ By all means question away, I have no issue with that, but things like the vacation question presuppose this is a waste of time on their vacation. You’re already leading towards the answer you want.

No I still think there's something off with this kid. Did you see the student reports that security was switched at the school a few weeks back and 'secret service' were seen around campus?

All of these little things are what makes me suspicious. I saw another youtube with a student from the school who claimed to talk to the shooter after the shooting took place in a completely different place at the school. Who am I to believe? and what has the media done lately for me to give them the benefit of the doubt.

'The only thing I know is that I do not know'. Therefore, I don't blindly accept bullshit because someones tells me to. These shootings keep happening and almost more than half the time they involve failed or active intelligence assets. Where there is smoke, there is often fire.

Yeah, and even if the kid doesn't want to be a journalist or whatever, people love the chance at 15 minutes of fame. I just don't understand why this is getting so much traction, I know I'm on a conspiracy sub :) but being a skeptic has to be applied to everything, perhaps even conspiracy theories more so than the 'official story'. We know that TPTB have a lot of tricks up their sleeves, and 'poisoning the well' with easily debunkable crap is an easy way to: a) make us critical thinkers look like gullible idiots (I hate the term 'conspiracy theorist' because of the way it has been weaponized - the first thing most people think of when they hear that term is a loon in a tin foil hat) and b) discount any actual conspiracies by lumping them in with the easily debunked BS.

This is embarrassing

do you have answers or do you just like to pretend that you know shit you clearly cannot know? Talk about a high horse... the only embarrassing thing here is your arrogance. You don't know shit about this kid.

I'm not saying anything for sure. I find the whole thing suspicious - from what he said to how he said it, and his 'viral video' in Redondo Beach seems like a typical paid story created for a local newscast. Get a few actors, create a 'viral video' controversy, fill a newscast for a night.

It's just a possibility. It could be that he was just very motivated to get on TV too. We'll see how it all plays out.

Yea your attempt to throw shade on a guy because he was on the news after a video went viral is embarrassing. Or it would be for humans.

riiiight. no shade thrown. The kid put himself out there, and he seemed rehearsed. No motive for the shooting, students are giving all sorts of different stories through social media....

So how are you so sure about what happened?

Or are you just going to try to insult me again cause you think it makes you look smart?

Dude your theory literally began as a screenshot of two newscasts. Of course that's meaningless but that was the provenance of the conspiracy. You've taken it quite seriously as if being on the news at some point in the past is evidence of...anything. The unfortunate part is that it is not. Using nothing to attack victims of a school shooting, which you've now claimed had no motive which is also fake and blatantly ignorant, is shameful and embarrassing. You should be embarrassed. You being deluded by propaganda enough to go to such extremes should be a wake up call. You're a victim of propaganda. You're not making some sort of special insight. You're just parroting immoral rhetoric for the sake of petty and illogical partisanship. You should take a self assessment and realize what you're doing, think about why you're doing it, and consider expanding your search for truth to sources that don't lie to you.

I don't have a theory. I dont' trust the media. I don't believe this kid is genuine in what he said in RE: to the shooting. He didn't convince me on a human level - I feel it was rehearsed. Him being a crisis actor is not impossible in my mind, but I have no proof that he is either.

That's where i'm at. Anything more than that is your own projection. Let me speak for yourself.

Also, all of your advice goes right back at yourself. Look in the mirror. What do you really know to be true? and what are you afraid of? It's okay.

I'm afraid my country is being taken over by insane people. You spent multiple posts talking about his previous interview as proof. You don't even know what you're arguing. Whatever your personal assessment of his interview, its all based on inane and baseless conspiracy theories. Your skepticism is simply confirmation bias.

proof of what? you are making shit up and trying to say its from me, but it's not. Show me where I presented proof of anything.

Whatever your personal assessment of his interview, its all based on inane and baseless conspiracy theories.

what are you talking about? I form my opinions myself, not based off anything, especially 'inane and baseless conspiracy theories'.

You can't even tell me what those theories I purportedly ascribe to, which proves you're full of shit and trying to sit on some high horse. The only person with confirmation bias here is you - in your mind, you cannot be wrong. Talk about arrogance.

You didn't invent your skepticism. You're just parroting all the idiocy rampant about him, which started from a screenshot of his first TV interview. Which you've repeatedly cited as questionable. I have told you what theory you ascribe. Its the insane one where you think he's fake. You are a victim of propaganda. And I don't have to worry about being wrong because the idea that a student at a school that was a victim of one of the worst shootings in history is in favor of increasing regulations of the weapon used in the attack is simple common sense. Its the loony binners that are of concern. You're lost and the saddest part of it is that you're a victim too and simply unable to see through it. Sucks to be you.

Serious question: For the case of these "crisis actors", what prevents the students, faculty, parents, etc from coming forward and saying "Wait...this kid isn't a student here."? I've always wondered how people who believe in false flags reconcile that

Nobody has said he wasn't a student there... so I don't understand your question very well. The implication is that the kid is the media focus on purpose, and that he's being coached on delivering a particular message. Considering his father's past affiliations, that is very interesting to some, so they are investigating it further. Why is that wrong? If I agree to go on television, I can't get mad when people know who I am. The information is out there - why are you trying to shut it down?

Also, 'False flags' are a historical fact dating back to the 1960s. Look it up! You seem to be a proponent of that type of advice. Why are you selective in doling it out?

Nobody has said he wasn't a student there...

You clearly haven't been paying attention

so because a few idiots make stupid claims you now allow them to speak for everybody? Who are you talking about here?

So for all your whining and complaining about this subject, what do you think of the newest bit of information about our friend David?


We have him in CNN gear, we have old classmates of his claiming they graduated with him in 2015, and his interest in TV has been noted from the very beginning.

So while you shit on everyone else who is asking questions, it seems like the things you hold true are not very much true, or at the very least there are questions being brought up about the veracity.

My motto in life is 'the only thing I know is that I don't know.'

You may want to meditate on that a bit over the next few days.

What do you really stand for? Truth? or what you want to be the truth?

We have him in CNN gear

I have a Celtics jersey.

we have old classmates of his claiming they graduated with him in 2015

No, we don't.

and his interest in TV has been noted from the very beginning.

So has mine.

So while you shit on everyone else who is asking questions, it seems like the things you hold true are not very much true, or at the very least there are questions being brought up about the veracity.

No, they're all true, and there's nothing to cause people to actually question it outside their already formulated narrative.

What do you really stand for? Truth? or what you want to be the truth?

Nothing about Hogg or this situation particularly riles me up, but I've grown weary with all the misinformation being spread and people accepting things as gospel without bothering to do their own research. By all means, ask as many questions as you'd like, just don't be one of those people doing what you just did above, noting "facts" that don't actually exist and contributing to this fallacy.

hahaha you know nothing and yet you double down. how transparent.

have a great weekend, friend.

Okay I'll bite. Link me to video of classmates claiming to have graduated with in 2015

its in the link i already provided.... nobody ever said there is a video. its a retweet with a photo of the yearbook from 2015 showing David Hogg as a graduate. Just another thing to explain, beyond his family's connections to media and intelligence agencies and his riveting (and fake as hell) statement he gave to the media after the shooting.

you can stay willfully ignorant of crisis acting all you want, but it exists whether you like it or not.

its in the link i already provided.... nobody ever said there is a video. its a retweet with a photo of the yearbook from 2015 showing David Hogg as a graduate.

This had long been debunked. There's this wicked invention called a "search engine" you might want to check out. Google "David Hogg yearbook". The FIRST TWO RESULTS prove that yearbook photo is a photoahopped fake, with one even showing real time video proof of such.

shit sources ... I find the evidence of it being a photoshop is just as convincing as it not being a photoshop. Do I believe Google's results or do I keep digging?

We're clearly not going to agree on this. Have a good one.

Did you not see the video of the girl from Parkland showing her yearbook, which has the EXACT SAME PHOTO of Hogg that was shopped into the California pic? That's the end of the debate. You can't photoshop real life. Notice there are no videos of this California yearbook, nor is there one single video of a student that corraborates that story.

okay, so what about the 3 other videos of parkland students saying there were multiple shooters and strange circumstance around the shooting?

Do we only trust random youtube videos when it benefits our narrative?

Can you say with certainty that David Hogg isn't tied to CNN in some way, either through family or a working relationship?

You may think you are solving some great mystery, but there is still much to uncover. We'll see how it plays out, but it's clear that you know as much as I do, which is not much. We're both using youtubes to make our argument, so maybe should take a step back and admit we dont' really know shit?

okay, so what about the 3 other videos of parkland students saying there were multiple shooters and strange circumstance around the shooting?

Are you acknowledging that the yearbook conspiracy is debunked or not? That's what we were discussing. I put ZERO stock into traumatized teens being unsure of the details of a mass shooting.

Do we only trust random youtube videos when it benefits our narrative?

I trust ones that provide concrete evidence regardless of the narrative

Can you say with certainty that David Hogg isn't tied to CNN in some way, either through family or a working relationship?

Not at all

Or, they just post a message on the youtube video saying they are from the media and would like to have permission to use the video and maybe interview them if they would be willing. That saves the media from having to do a lot of "tracking down".

yes that sometimes works and sometimes you get a flake who doesn't show up and is unreliable. That's why they often hire actors to provide these interviews if they are under a deadline. Getting an out-of-town kid is bonus so it just fades away afterwards. It's not uncommon - people never realize how intentional media creation is. Creating media under a daily deadline means you have to minimize murphy's law. With that said, i've mentioned many times that it could have worked out like you mention here. I can't know for sure.

This is a good overview of the things I find suspicious about this incident

If you wish to actually engage on the subject, direct your attention to the link. I'm asking the same questions this guy is.

The problem with this dude's wall of text is that it's FILLED with misinformation. Literally almost every single thing that he says about the shooting is wrong. FBI were not first on the scene, response time was not 20 minutes, the school is not being demolished they're returning to class, Hogg was not all over newscasts in multiple states, etc. Seriously, almost everything he says is either wrong or just a flat out lie.

half the wall of text you just provided is also filled in inaccuracies and false truths, so you are no better my friend. The situation is complicated, and there are points to be made on both sides. It has nothing to do with 'wanting it to be true', but that helps your 'holier-than-thou' narrative so you push it anyways. Your argument is not genuine, and you clearly do not understand the angles people are looking at this from. We can agree to disagree tho - that is perfectly fine.

half the wall of text you just provided is also filled in inaccuracies and false truths

Name one

Ha. I know the photog who interviewed him. They drive almost 2 hours to meet him and he almost backed out twice. But keep being manipulated.

keep being manipulated towards what? what is it you think I said there?

I worked in local news for many years. Many times we end up relying on what’s trending locally on social media to do a story on. They’re called talkers. It’s something that will drum up clicks on social media and the website. Sure there is the daily crime and grime but we often want to the weird and wacky. So there’s no reason to believe anything other than this kid posted a video and it went viral and then the media reached out and met up with him. It happens in every market in the country. Like I said I know the photog who shot that original story. And that is exactly how it went down. He even stated the kid almost backed out a few times because he was on vacation and had other things to do. As a photog I interviewed people on the street who afterwards have told me that they’ve done interviews with a station in other states before.

Also local media does not plant interviews and stories. We are just normal people doing a job. And trust me no ones paying kids to do interviews. The stations barely pay staff these days. They even laugh when someone tries to sell them video of something. These days with the ubiquitous nature of cell phones there’s most likely 10 other people that will give it to you for free. That’s if someone hasn’t already just sent it to you through email.

Saying that local stations frequently plants interviews and collude with police is the most absurd and laughable thing I’ve heard in this whole debate. Being able to report on corruption is a local journalists wet dream. It would immediately launch you into a far better career. No ones going to turn down that recognition.

National news often gets caught misrepresenting facts and showing bias. I’m not calling out any individual stations here because that’s a different debate altogether.

In short him being interviewed in to separate locations is not noteworthy in the slightest. And to think that local news has the time, money, or resources to collaborate with some deep state entity is laughable.

Saying that local stations frequently plants interviews and collude with police is the most absurd and laughable thing I’ve heard in this whole debate.

I know for a fact that it happens. It's never any story with teeth - it's always something inane that nobody will ever actually try to disprove - it's calculated.

Sounds like you worked in a different environment than others, and I have no doubt that stations like what you are describing out there exist where there is no smoke and mirrors, but that wasn't my and many of my peers experience.

No, you're correct. "Newscasts everywhere" isn't close to accurate

Wow kid who wants to work in tv and film is in front of camera a lot!!! Omg

You’re right, that is possible. I stand corrected.

Critical thinking not really your strong suit, eh?

Why the hell are you getting down voted? Oh wait forgot what sub I'm in

...Senior year started in August, which was last year. What's your point?

The point is he had clearly constructed a narrative. /s

"Hurr durr conspiracy theorist stupid"

Why are you here?

I'm here to weigh compelling evidence to match with my understanding of the illusion we call consensus reality.

If you think there is something "off" about a 17-year old high school senior writing about being a 17-year old high school senior, then I'm afraid that instead of burrowing down a rabbit hole, you've merely tunneled down what your Godforsaken would dub ...a shit hole.

Congrats, you just found a way to get your point across without mocking a sub in the process.

Do that first next time.

And next time try not to be so easily triggered. Also, heed context. And a sense of humor would also go a long way.

"Don't be triggered when I insult your entire subreddit."

"Harr harr harr I was just being funny hurrr."

Well yeah, that's the purpose of the "/s" tag... to indicate someone not being serious. If you are new to reddit, /s indicates "sarcasm."

You seem to really be grinding me for conflict, so let's entertain your angst: since it seems to be the crux of your frustration in this exchange, what do you find compelling about a 17-year old in high school self-describing himself as a 17-year old high school student?

Me? I don't find that indicative of anything out of the ordinary. Part of being critical is the ability to analyze evidence and determine if it means anything. Dare I suggest, even making a mockery of real conspiracy. Hence my quip.

Your turn. Persuade me how it is compelling evidence of anything.

cmon' dude, each one of us are entitled to a safe space

oh fuck off. take your brilliant sense of humour to r/funny.

got it - the user you're talking to is too easily triggered and lacks a sense of humour about these terrible events.


Why are you trolling?

id like to that the paid liar Sean Hannity for using the word "narrative" on his show one day

I've never looked at the media the same way since

I'd just like to say u/Normie_account who was banned was only providing me with a link where David Hogg's doxxes himself, because I literally said he didn't. I don't believe this user intentionally was trying to doxx only prove my statement wrong.

To paraphrase, ignorance of the rules is not a defense for breaking the rules.

He linked himself to his reddit account. In that regard, anyone posting their actual name/pics to any social media is “doxxing” their self...

Please see the update, admins clarified in accordance with that logic.

Shouldn't he himself be banned then?

ignorance of the rules is not a defense for breaking the rules.

except it is for HRC and her criminal cabal.

Lol, and in a stroke of irony that surprised no one, /u/japanese_pornstar voted for Clinton

It's because they "didn't mean to break the law"... duh!

Unless you're hillary clinton

Add... prove me wrong

ignorance of the rules is not a defense for breaking the rules.

Unless your Hillary with Comey investigating.

Try harder

Why? Just stating my opinion on their ban, Don't think they were malicious.

His ban would have been overturned immediately after the admins clarified if he wasn't spamming our modmail, refusing to understand our explanation, and making threats. "Fix it, or I will" - he said something silly to that effect.

Fair enough, whilr I have you, can you check out my post on conclave, we might have a large issue coming down the pipeline.

We'll probably just ban any of those trolls the same way we do TMOR/conspiratard users if we see them coming around here and shitting on the regulars.

I edited my comment, didn't want to leave u hanging.

Well yeah, you're a plant

Care to elaborate?

That this sub was flipped during the election and you're existence is meant to control discussion away from "problematic" topics

"My existence"? I was a member of this sub for years before becoming a mod, and I was a mod long before the recent election. What kind of "problematic topics" do you think I'm suppressing? And do you have any actual evidence that I'm doing or have done so? You know we have public mod logs right?

For one you are removing people's posts who disagree with you, as you repeatedly did with a guy just 8 hours ago

I assume you mean the guy who repeatedly insulted me and told me I don't contribute to this sub when I've put in more time here than he can possibly imagine? Why wouldn't I remove those posts? Clear rule 10 violations that contributed nothing of value to the sub.

well now /u/Normie_account is back

but in the meantime your user base is migrating to





remember digg.com ?

nobody else does either

Well this seems like a perfectly normal comment.

I really dont know what to make of you or what you are trying to do. What made you target me specifically?

It was banned permanently until I fought it. That doesnt answer my question tho, do you target anyone who was banned?

no it was a unique opportunity to spam reddit alternatives

ahhh I get it now, carry on.

Okay? It's not "my" user base, I mod as a volunteer in my spare time. People can go wherever they want to discuss whatever they want. It's not really of any concern to me.

Normie got banned? He was quite the sight on /russialago

Just like CNN doxxed a private elderly woman, and harrassed her? Wonder if reddit will ban all content related to her...doubtful.

I don't think agreeing to be interviewed is doxxing. Now if people tried to find the lady's Reddit account the admin probably would step in.

Agree? They confronted the old lady in her front yard. LOL

"Please leave my property" close door. She stood there and gave an interview which involves signing releases. Also what's the issue? If she helped Trump even a little she's probably happy.

Yawn. I guess you think CNN doxxin TD users for posting memes is all dandy as well. Get lost.

Nah I'm all set. What CNN did to the Reddit user was shitty, and it's banned on this sub. In this case they used facebook...so sent a complaint to them?

Connecting someone's public Facebook account with a real person is doxxing now?

Yeah this woman in her 70's who was only supporting her choice for president is probably thrilled to be receiving a bombardment of threats. She's probably real pleased and not at all paranoid, uncomfortable or frightened.

You should reread the comment chain, it's about what kind of doxxing reddit admins care about.

I understand what it was about.

If a user doxxes his own self on his Reddit account and wants to actively strive to be a national symbol for a movement people should be able to discuss him in all aspects.

This elderly woman was on her property, was ambushed and stood up for herself. She does not want to be famous or a face of a movement.

What it boils down to is some people are perfectly fine with certain people living private lives being doxxed and harassed while others who are hardcore pushing agendas shouldn't even be questioned.

I agree, CNN didn't need to go talk to that lady. But that's facebook, you use your real name - your identity is tied to what you do. It's not doxxing if you put the information publicly on a public facebook group. CNN did dox that hanassholesolo dude, which I agreed was wrong.

People should stop using facebook tbh.

the report suggested that another person they requested an interview with turned them down, leading me to believe that she agreed to the interview.

they showed her full name and front of her house. dont need to be a pol autist to figure out her location

Should have refused the interview. I believe in personal responsibility.

that doesnt mean that they would not have still mentioned her name and shown the attempt to get her to talk.

We don't know that, because she agreed to be interviewed. Again, read the thread it's about Reddit bans for doxxing. She got 'doxxed' off facebook, thus Reddit doesn't care .

They tracked her down. She got doxxed and they followed through. She didn't invite them over for fucking tea.

Did it happen via Reddit or her publicly posted Facebook group? She could have refused an interview dude, it's not even comparable.

So if someone comes knocking on my door with a camera crew as long as I say no I technically didn't get doxxed?

If you put your info publicly on the internet...no. certainly not by Reddit ban standards.

Hogg doxxed himself on his reddit account. How is that different from posting your true identity across any social media platform?

Well Reddit only cares about doxxing stemming from this site, so that'd be the difference. Also read the OP admin have clarified stuff.

So they did, like, their job? Investigative journalism?

Outrageous absolutely reprehensible behavior.

CNN is fake news, not investigative journalism

youtube Don Lemon Dan Page


"It's different when we do it."

CNN isn't reddit. Wtf dude

Yeah but reddit almost certainly helped expose the guy who made posted the Trump CNN bodyslam video.


Where the fuck did that link to the article about Hogg recording his interview 5hrs before the shooting? Goddamn the NSA I mean Reddit is fast.

It was an edit of two different recordings.

Please explain. What do you mean, and why do you think this?

The video starts with the closet interview, which is video, and does not say the time(and this is the part that claims to be during the shooting). Then when the girl says "and thats that" it switches to audio overlaying different videos, where he says 9:32. He's talking to a different girl at that point, and isn't claiming to be during the shooting(and the girl refers to it being after the event)

Ok, but he is still doing an interview with that girl on feb 14, 9:32. That was either before the shooting, or later that night. I find that extremely suspicious.

Why is 9 32 pm suspicious? They were all probably around giving statements to police all day

So he’s still hiding in the closet interviewing the girl at the school 5 hours after the shooting? That makes sense to you? It seems to me that this was done the morning of the shooting, before it happened.

The 9 30 interview does not say they're in a closet, and the background noise sounds different

I’ll be honest, I didn’t buy any of the false flag shit. Then I saw that video, and I haven’t heard a good explanation. What the fuck is that?

The 9:32 they mention is PM. You can see in the previous shot that it's dark out when the girl is being interviewed. It's just confusing because they play the interview audio over the daytime video of the evacuation.

It looks like the lights are off and in the windows you can see light coming our from it.

at beginning of closet interview i hear a walkie talkie crackle.

What do you think that signifies? That there was a false flag team in place already?

i dont have answers but i thought it was definitely suspicious. why would students have a walkie talkie?

Seriously. That is the one video that’s got me tripping about all this.

Seriously. That is the one video that’s got me tripping about all this.

Wait whaaaat. I'm not sold on the crisis actor thing, but that sounds interesting as fuck.

Find it?

Find it?

https://youtu.be/0yo5KKh5k3Q That is the video he's talking about, I haven't been able to watch it yet because I'm on my way to class. I'll check it out later.

Why is that video filmed like 5 hours before the shooting?

Yea I didn’t either. I don’t have a good explanation for this video though. I’m starting to buy into this shit....

I have never ever made the accusation of being a shill on this subreddit, even though I have been called one several times, but this is exactly what a shill would say.

Is it? I should submit my resume or something.

What am I looking at?

crisis actors

From where though? You can't just link stuff with out any explanation dude lol.

do you think its obvious and clear that they are crisis actors, or does that depend on their context?

Looks like Hollywood actors wearing pre torn clothing. Yes context obviously matters lol.

Judging by the blood splatter on his pants, which of these two photographs would you say was taken first?


see both his right AND left pants seam?


ill provide context when I'm done with my presentation

The interviews in the video were recorded at 9:32pm that night. You can see in the scene right before the time is mentioned that it's dark out during the interviews. It's just confusing because all the other video, of cops and students outside the school, etc, are all in full daylight.

I read so many comments about the "shills" in this sub, but the real problem is the sheep who blindly attach themselves to any conspiracy around "crisis actors". I won't defiantly say they don't exist, but goddamn, take a moment to critically consider it before assuming it. If the reddit account being thrown around as belonging to Hogg is legit, there is 0 reason to think he's not an authentic kid who happens to be the center of this story.

I think people here are going on more than just “assumptions” and 0 reason to think he’s not an “authentic kid”? Dude be gone.

See my reply to perfect_pickles. Show me what people are going on other than a vacation video the kid took and his dad’s job history with the FBI.

What? There is zero logic to what you just said.

Black is white, up is down, wrong is right, and anyone who is a conspiracy theorist is a bootlicking sheep.


self publicizing son of a FBI dude. kid wants to make a name for himself.

He was a teen with a chance at internet fame. What conspiracy is there in this? You’re only supporting my sheep argument. Might as well link a popular video to a kid doing water bottle flips or some news segment about planking when it was a craze and link it. Just because a teen wanted internet fame doesn’t mean he’s some paid crisis actor

Seriously. Conspiracy theories should require at least some basic levels of critical thinking, not throwing a bunch of regurgitated shit at the wall that may have been true at some point and pushing it as fact. Entertain the idea, sure, but comments like “higher ups haven’t finished scrubbing his Reddit account” because (presumably) they think he’s a crisis actor and needs to cover his tracks is bogus. When this thread is getting hundreds upvotes without any top comment mentioning an actual point do direct or even circumstantial evidence with a clear link to being a crisis actor, it’s a poor shitshow of conspiracy theorizing. And only contributes to the lack of credit anyone wants to give this place for legitimate discussion.

Also, just to touch on the idea that he’s being manipulated to push an agenda, why do people think that would be effective? A single kid getting 15 minutes of fame is going to steer legislation single handedly? Come on. There have been much larger and more influential media presences that have pushed for gun control or could be pushing for it now than a high school shooting survivor.

you wont say they dont exist? there are literally websites on google for companies you can use to hire crisis actors to act or push any agenda you want!

which is a reason why i won't say they don't exist...

wouldn't you just say they definitely do exist then?

no. i've seen no hard evidence (receipts, actual websites where they can be hired, video or photographic evidence of undoubtedly the same people at multiple crises under different names, etc.) of them, but am aware of false flag events being factually planned, therefore assume there would be some sort of "acting" involved to make the crisis appear legitimate. however, i've never seen nor heard of it actually taking place.

ive got no receipts.
this site you can request a quote: https://crowdsondemand.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz8OV3L-42QIVGEwNCh398AzVEAAYASAAEgKRevD_BwE


business insider article on trump. mentions how anyone can just call up crowds on demand.

That’s not the equivalent to folks to are used for the explicit reason to fake a tragedy. You might as well be showing me pictures of unidentifiable flying objects and saying that’s evidence of aliens existing.

well it doesn't have to be faked. just some timely witnesses perhaps?

What exactly do they mean by “expose”? I don’t see a difference between the original post or clarification because of that quote...

It is a reddit felony to expose David Hogg, understand?

Do NOT expose David Hogg.


Edit: JUST TURN IN YOUR FUCKING GUNS NO QUESTIONS UNDERSTAND? You must be disarmed because....well...reasons.

Maybe it would be a good idea to ask them to unsuspend the accounts they nuked?

I've heard at least six kids interviewed on MSM say they though the shooting was a drill because they'd heard there was going to be a school shooting drill.

Strictly mathematically speaking, what are the odds that a school would hold a shooting drill on or near the same day a real school shooter attacked?

I'm no expert, but ballpark estimate here: probably roughly the same exact odds of the multiple 9/11 exercises occurring at the same time as their real-world counterpart events were occurring, and the London 7/7 subway terrorist bombing exercises occurring at the exact same time as the real-world counterpart events.

Hhhhhmmm. That's odd

oh, and there was a mass casualty drill at the Boston Marathon at the exact same time as the supposed bombs went off

and an active shooter drill at the San Bernardino site

what we really need to do is have a sub for mass casualty drills, or active shooter drills where we post as soon as we find any drill going on anywhere, get them on record

Hey now! Don't forget law enforcement conducting "a controlled explosion drill" the morning of the Boston Marathon incident.

I feel like all of these drills happen on the same day in case their plans don't go through, like if their plans are foiled or they get stopped or caught by some random bystanders and can't pull it off. Oh it was just a drill, move along!

Good point

Wow. Interesting.

Plausable deniability

The shooter probably just heard there was a drill, and did it on the same day to sow confusion. Some degree of planning on his part went down.

Why would he want to do it on the very day there'd be the most law enforcement around? It seems like, on the contrary, he would seek to avoid that date.

A real shooter would want to attack on a normal day, not on a day when the school is prone to minimize the destruction.

"A real shooter" No true scotsman. Upvoted too.

One interview a girl clarified a drill was supposed to happen within the next few months because by law 32 states require schools to have one per year apparently. Sick world of indoctrination.

this. i believe a teacher said that the drill was supposed to take place sometime in the future, not specifically on that day.

Wouldn't it just be straight 1/amount of school days for a yearly drill? So about 1/180?

I love how we are taking traumatized teenagers as the gospel truth on timelines and conspiracies of false flags. As a former teacher, I can tell you that they may not always have their facts in order and time lines are differenet for them. Especially when taken out of context and their comment sbeing looked through for any hints of false flags....

I mean shit.

Proof that people were told there was going to be a drill that day. Not that people thought it was a drill once the shots were being fired.

Pretty high. They hold “code red” intruder drills all the time. Part of me wonders if this is a problem and is actually counter productive.

They hold so many drills .. everyone just assumes it’s a drill

The guy probably is a crisis actor and there are plenty of them.But what’s sad is they throw them into these situations with innocent people who don’t know that and it blurs the line between what’s real and what’s not. They do this intentionally and they like for people to know it so then it creates a dividing people argue about it. The fact that this kid is a crisis actor doesn’t change the fact that this event still happened.

Even if the government or some secret agency orchestrated a shooting or an event like this that kills many people the end result is that people are killed. It’s still a tragedy. And that brings me to the point got all of the shit is orchestrated by those in control not necessarily to get a ban on guns or take away our rights but to create divide and to distract us from the strings they’re pulling in the background fucking with legislations and laws.

They always carry these events out on certain dates that have numerology tied into some thing else that’s important to them the numbers when you see the news stories talking about how many people were killed or this or that have a numerology to them that lines up with other shit. That shits pulled off by the same people that own all your major sports leagues and script all your fucking fake ass sports well people sit back arguing about who’s team is better while these fuckers at the top sit there laughing.

Always take everything you see or hear on TV with a grain of salt. Because the people that run the show in this country and in this world own all of it.

Always take everything you see or hear on TV with a grain of salt.

Good advice. The question is, do you follow your own advice?

Here's the litmus test: do you believe anybody died or got hurt in this latest 'shooting event'?

Once somebody begins to understand that the telescreen can and does lie about these events to any degree, the only thing stopping them from pondering if the entire event is staged is their own ego.

Oops, you went where they didn't want you to go.

How DARE you even THINK people didn't die! How DAAAAAARE you!

Obvious psyop is obvious.

How 'bout you psyop carrying-out motherfuckers become competent enough so that we can't see through your bullshit and then we won't call you out on it?

They do it on purpose to rub it in our faces. They’re comedians to some degree.


Those are all different people. The woman in the Sandy Hook picture is Carlee Soto, whose sister was a teacher killed in the shooting. The Boston picture is incorrectly captioned, and actually shows Amanda Medek, whose sister was killed in the Aurora theater shooting. The Aurora picture is also miscaptioned, and depicts Emma MacDonald, who was crying at a vigil for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. As for the woman in the Manchester photo, her identity is still unknown.

As higher-quality pictures indicate, Carlee Soto, Amanda Medek, and Emma MacDonald look nothing alike.

Those last three pictures you provided all look exactly like the same person with makeup...

So hard to believe someone could look different than themselves with some makeup....example

I'm not seeing it. For starters, Amanda Medek has a thinner nose than Carlee Soto and Emma MacDonald.

Noses are so hard that hide with makeup...

By that logic, you could basically accuse anyone of being anyone else, though.

No, I'm giving an example that makeup can do wonders to alter ones appearance.

Bruh your numerology theory is fucking hilarious. I'll give you 9/11 but any other number/date is crazy talk. (1-12)/(1-31) can be linked to any number theory you want if you're determined enough

Not in the language of gematria AKA Kabala...

Let's look at a date, you mentioned 9/11/2001... 9 = 9 11 = 11 2001 = 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3

9 + 11 + 3 = 23

Okay so the date numerology of 9/11/2001 is 23. What are some words or terms in the English language that equate to a numerology of 23 in the language of gematria?

CIA = 23 Puppet = 23 (Bush was a puppet)

Lets bring this back around to the subject of this post. David Hogg. His initials are DH. D=4 and H=8...48 Propaganda = 48

Lets look at his name... David Hogg= 76 Theater = 76 Zionist = 76 Judaism = 76

Hmmm... I once passed it off thinking it was all BS but it's all ritual to those in control. These shootings and tragedies are ritual sacrifices. Our world is run by religious psychopaths.

Dude you are such a nut

You're just straight grabbing random words you want associated with your conspiracy theory. Also, I punched in some of your words into a "gematrinator" calculator I found online and they don't even match your numbers. I don't know wtf the difference between "Full Reduction", "Reverse Full Reduction", "English Ordinal" or "Reverse Ordinal" is but they only add to 77 not 76 in English Ordinal but not in any of the other notations. And the fact that there are four different notations just let's people grab different words/numbers to support their own crazy interpretations. Who the fuck is even in control, why would they have such a ridiculous number system for ritual sacrifices, why are you somehow one of the only few to figure it out, and more importantly, why are you wasting your time with this nonsense? Where do you even imagine this goes? What does your crusade' of knowledge lead us to? Fucking nothing

No I’m not. I literally just explained to you what I’m talking about and you don’t seem to even grasp it. Is it that hard to understand that language itself is mathematical.

Do you Believe everything you see on TV? Who owns the TV channels especially the major ones that show news media and sports? The Elite do. Those with money. You might refer to them here in the conspiracy sub as the illuminati. What are they tied into? Religion. I know it’s pretty fucking cooky isn’t it? religion is fucking crazy.

These people speak in mathematics and they do so as mockery to people such as yourself who don’t understand it. You are Vesely don’t understand what I’m talking about so do yourself a favor and go do a little research on the language of Gematria and how it works. Here I will lead you in the right direction .

"Language itself is mathematical" - no

I don't even have TV so you can just shut the hell up about that. The illuminati isn't an actual thing. Religion is pretty fucking crazy but people will believe pretty crazy things, you are a good example of this. You call religion crazy but believe in a Jewish numerology theory? I dare you to explain how any of that bullshit affects my life in any meaningful way.

Gematria is indeed a real practice that is very well documented, understood, and practiced...Just not taught in public school. Yes, language is mathematical.

Adam Weishaupt was a German philosopher who founded the Order of the Illuminati...might need to brush up on your history. I can't say it's your fault, they don't teach this in public school history.

How does the practice of gematria effect your life? Well, think about the movie the Wizard of Oz. once you see the man operating the machine, the machine loses it's power. When you realize that you are being shown a bunch of illusions those things no longer have an effect on your critical thinking.

Let's talk about the current topic of "Fake News"...So, you see the president parading around crying "Fake News", he isn't wrong but, there's a catch. This is part of a divide and conquer scheme. He is pretty outspokenly supportive of Fox News and now they have a base for being "reliable" to his followers. They think CNN and the others are "Fake" while the viewers of those channels think Fox is "Fake"...The truth? It's all fake. This is plain and simply divide and conquer.

Let's bring gematria into this mix...

Fake News = 84

Jesuit = 84

Divide and Conquer = 84

United States of America = 84

Go check for yourself. Here is a calculator that will show you the numerical values of whatever you type into it. Maybe you can learn for yourself or at least have a little fun...

Look, you can stop trying to explain your crazy theory. It's nonsense and you know it. You can combine so many words and phrases into any number coincidence you want, there's absolutely no credibility to your theory. Just because something is well practiced and documented doesn't make it true. Language is not mathematical, you can assign numbers to fucking anything. You can't see through nonexistant illusions. Thinking the Illuminati is really is fucking ridiculous and pretending that you have the insight into the world is the most disconnected from reality I've ever heard someone act.

No. You claimed that "Gematria is not a real thing"...I gave you resourceful information.

You claimed that the "Illuminati" is not a real thing...I gave you a history resource. And yet, here you are calling me crazy and stupid for providing you with evidence and information to back up my claim and stance.

And on top of that, you are in a sub dedicated to discussing "conspiracy"...what else did you expect?

Now, I have refrained from belittling you, calling you stupid, etc. Because I am trying to have a discussion. Sadly, you have gotten very defensive when I provide you with information. That is the same type of ignorance that causes people to think the earth is flat, climate change is a hoax, sexuality is a choice, etc.

And finally, no. you cant make any word or phrase work into any numerical value you choose using the language of gematria. Yes, you can assign numbers how you personally want but there is a method and particular way those who practice gematria do so. Just the same as using the correct order of operation in a math equation. You could change the order however you personally want but if you are not doing so by the correct "order of operation" the end result is incorrect...


Now, I have refrained from belittling you, calling you stupid, etc.

Also you

I literally just explained to you what I’m talking about and you don’t seem to even grasp it because you’re probably too stupid to understand that language itself is mathematical.

Sadly, you have gotten very defensive when I provide you with information

Maybe, just maybe, you're the one wrong here. Says a lot that you don't even remember the conversation

this may come as a shock to you, but music theory uses letters and numbers interchangably

I think it's disgusting that online harassment campaigns by hate groups are even allowed to take place on this site.

You mean TMOR?

Is that a new name for the white supremacist pro-fascists who have been harassing school shooting victims for the past week?



Is that really how you interpret criticism of a violent hate movement responsible for the majority of mass shootings in America?

So you're privy to Zionism, too?

Did that sound like good misdirection in you mind? Right wing extremism is the most violent movement in America and your blabber of zionism seems to link you to it.


links to the ADL


Years of 4chan may have taught you otherwise, but that's actually not a valid response.

Laughing at you is the only valid response to you linking to the ADL to support your terrible arguement.

Feel free to disprove the study I linked. The ADL is one of the most factual reporting outlets in the world so you'll need to gather up your /pol/ buddies for some serious infographic-making to poison the source.

The ADL is one of the most factual reporting outlets in the world

Holy shit, I think you may be serious!

Where's your source, /pol/? Your history has you cosigning onto alt right talking points with no sources so your burden of proof is obviously very low.

Oy vey, I’ve been labeled alt-right by a fan of the (((ADL))). What ever shall I do?!

I can't wait until you become an adult and try to get hired somewhere while spouting 4chan memes.

What’s funny is that I guarantee I make more money than you!

I'm sure your allowance is very large and you do a great job on you chores.

how much are you paid for that? asking for a friend

the ADL is literally in the business of defaming people

white supremacist pro-fascists




Just scroll down. Or were you being facetious and already knew those hugely popular forums existed?

Oh. So your opinion.

I suppose you agree with those who blame the father who was wearing a Trump tshirt.

You think /pol/ and The_Donald are... my opinion? No, I assure they're actual forums. You can click on them and see for yourself.

Are you currently defending the domestic terrorist from last week's shooting?


No, I think calling those subs "white supremacist pro-fascists" is your opinion.

In response to your second question. ... GFY, of course not.

I browse /pol/ daily and I'm not a white supremacist or pro-fascist. I don't delude myself into thinking I'm anything more than a freakshow tourist and I fully understand that /pol/ is one of the biggest nexuses of hate in the world. I understand that the majority opinion is that a moderate fascist government with white males in power is the desired outcome for the users' home countries. Russia, largely through their massive propaganda campaigns that have been ongoing far longer than the Trump campaign, has built themselves into a beacon of hope for these people. There isn't any reputable observer who would conclude that those forums are anything BUT havens of white supremacy now.

Obama flanked by two fascist symbols in the House of Representatives


What the fuck even is an “online harassment campaign?”

The political angles pushed by the MSM give it away every time.

Text - H.R. 5087 Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

Over 200 Rifles on Ban List


Reddit Trust & Safety team


There must be a certain amount of ...


It's like a warm blanket. Thanks Reddit.

The Ministry of Truth says 2+2=safe spaces

"We now need to unperson reddit user mistahpudding" - admins (probably)

(Btw its the Ministry of Love. Hehe)

Ministry of Truth = Where Winston worked.
Ministry of Love = 2+2=5

"We now need to unperson reddit user mistahpudding" - admins (probably)

Yeah it must be a conspiracy that reddit employs real people who get paid salaries and have roles to ensure legal standards are established.

Anyone else notice how any time we get too close to the sun (Pedogate, Hogg, etc.) some virtue signaling reason is given to justify the literal censoring of our discussions? Make no mistake. That’s what this is. Period.

I'm not so sure I agree with that. Like really try to step back and use your ability to empathize and understand how other people might react to this stuff. If it is in fact true that this kid was there and witnessed a school shooting, can you not understand why there would be a lot of people that would be fucking furious if there was this wing of the internet that was essentially attacking him?

I seriously wonder if some of you ever stop and ask "What if I'm wrong?" If people would just do that, I feel like it would probably take a lot longer than 24 hrs after a school shooting to so vigilantly claim to know exactly what happened.

He’s using tragedy to get a foot in the door for his tv reporting aspirations and heavily politicizing the event with his rhetoric, taking focus off the victims and the true issue which is mental health. I have no respect for that behavior.

He definitely is. But to what extent, though? There's no way to know how much is genuine or how much is for this objective. Without truly knowing his motivations, it makes zero sense to attack a kid who just witnessed a school shooting. It's simply not the time or place for it.

I don’t care what he went through. He is using tragedy for personal gain. That’s despicable.

What percentage is for personal gain and what percentage is because he's genuinely tired of school shootings? You don't know, man. That's all I'm saying. You know nothing about the kid. You've never met him. You're angry at someone you've never met.

It doesn’t matter what percentage and I’m not angry, I’m just judgmental of his duplicity.

It doesn’t matter what percentage

That's how you're able to get so up in arms, because you reject nuance on its face. Nuance would get in the way of your ability to shit all over teenagers on the internet.

He’s less than a year away from adulthood. At 17 I would have known better than to use tragedy to benefit my career aspirations. Teenagers are just as responsible for their actions as anyone else. By holding them to a lower standard we do young people an immense disservice preparing them for adult life. I’d judge a 50 year old the same way. Do you mind if I ask why you think he should be shielded from criticism because of his age?

Or PERHAPS he's a kid who's grown up with media oversaturating every possible space and moment of his existence. A kid who's grown up with reality television SO overwhelming, it got an asshole elected President. A kid who's had a cell phone (like every other kid) that allows him to record himself on a constant basis.

A kid like that--who may ACTUALLY have an opinion--on what happened is VERY likely to utilize the very media he's grown up watching and understanding has impact--to try and get his message across.

There's one version of this story (yours) where there's some crisis actor and/or manipulative little shit that is trying to change this country in a way that you don't agree with. So you're forced to attack the kid to attempt to push the agenda off of what it actually should be--what to do about violence in this country.

There's another version where a 17-year-old kid got caught (like a ton of others) in a fucking bloodbath and decided to do something about it. And because he's a "kid of an FBI", he actually has some idea of what the fuck he's talking about and has an opinion on gun control that he feels strongly enough about to attempt to use the particular moment of tragedy as the ONLY chance he may ever have to alter something.

Of the two, I know which one I believe is true. Then again, I happen to remember how zealous I was about EVERYTHING at 17.

he's 17. i was an irrational, unsympathetic idiot with very little self control when i was 17. leave the kid alone.

So that justifies his actions?

what actions? talking to the media?

Promoting a political narrative for personal gain and working with the media to focus on gun control instead of the victims and the insane mental health crisis in America

what do you think he should be doing instead? i do agree that the way we address mental health in the usa is a serious issue that needs to be remedied (just try getting an appointment as a new patient with a psychiatrist--you're likely to have to wait months or longer). if he was pushing that agenda instead of gun control, would you be okay with that? if so, it seems like you're just projecting your personal biases onto him.

The only thing I want to hear from Hogg is his personally recollection of the events during the shooting. I couldn’t give less of a shit what his political opinions are.

Such a shame about that first amendment though. You want to silence someone who you do agree with personally. You're a real piece of work, I tell you what.

I never said he should be silenced. I do think his use of his right is dishonorable though.

I do think his use of his right is dishonorable though.

Lol, says the internet conspiracy troll attacking an innocent school shooting victim because you don't agree with their attempts to draw awareness to the tragedy. David Hogg has accomplished more in 1 hour today than you will in your lifetime. And that's why you hate him so much and want to stop him.

By promoting an unconstitutional agenda by colluding with biased media networks who are feeding him lines? Okay little buddy, keep attacking me personally for voicing my opinion. It really strengthens your argument

ding dong sing along, your entire comment is completely wrong.

lol, you are so butthurt that you'r a shitposting troll and David Hogg is a national hero.

Lol you might want to check the rules for this sub

No accusations of rules violations in comments. Please report violations.

No kidding. Just reported you.

Wasn’t accusing, just trying to help you not get in trouble

Getting banned from a sub that regurgitates Russian propaganda, dis-information, fake news, and thinks it's virtuous to attack and make death threats to a school shooting victims would make my day.

I've seen so many comments attacking the victims but not a single comment criticizing the shooter. That's pretty telling to me.

This comment is pretty telling to me

Yup, that I'm a literate adult who doesn't support school shootings or victim blaming. I make no apologize about that and know that I don't belong here.

Is criticizing Hogg’s approach to this tragedy the equivalent of victim blaming? It’s not his fault he was involved in a school shooting. It is his fault that he’s using that experience for personal gain and agenda promotion and I think that’s unacceptable behavior.

It is his fault that he’s using that experience for personal gain and agenda promotion and I think that’s unacceptable behavior.

Yes, people aren't attacking his message. They are attacking him. Calling him every "liberal smear" they can think of and making death threats towards him.

How is promoting something you believe in, wrong? It's only wrong because you don't agree with it and you can't see past your own bias. He just watched classmates and relatives be gun down and now he, as an average citizen, is just speaking out about what he experienced.

No different than what anyone else is doing. Seems like you only support speaking out when it agrees with you. And anything that doesn't is wrong. Just a thinly veil attempt to scare and silence him because the alt-right doesn't agree with him.

It is his fault that he’s using that experience for personal gain and agenda promotion and I think that’s unacceptable behavior.

This is literally the foundation of all political action. We use events and experiences to shape and mold our discourse. You know, the same way Trump uses crimes committed by minorities to push his anti-immigration agenda. I could literally give you thousands of examples where events lead to action.

I don’t support anyone who uses tragedy to advance themselves. Liberal or conservative. I’d like to make that very clear

Liberal or conservative. I’d like to make that very clear

Fair enough. And I tend to agree with you anyways, in regards to no using tragedies to draft legislation. Using 9/11 to push the Patriot Act was one of the most horrendous things done to the American population. Politicians of every affiliation love to use reactionary hysteria after an event to push their agenda. It's as old as governance itself. And you are right not support it. It's a manipulation tactic.

He's a victim Einstein.

He's a victim Einstein.

And he’s using his victimhood to advance his career and an agenda. Sorry if you disagree but that’s wrong in my opinion

The part that gets me in the end is how hard the media will try and spin it into "crisis actors" and the implications that a crisis actor is someone who is a career crisis actor that is going around doing a bunch of crisis acting.

Iv'e not seen anyone claim that but CNN and other news outlets, all the shit i see is people pointing the reality CNN glosses over, that this isn't just some 17 year old kid talking from the heart.

Hes a kid with aspirations, a cause and a fire in his heart. That much we know, and it's when you put all the pieces together it does appear that maybe his drive is not in response to his trauma but the same reasons that drive most of us politically.

More like when you start threatening people in real life it leads to problems (like when a conspiracy nut walked into comet pizza with a loaded assault rifle)

Psyop to distract and delegitimize our theory. Comet ping pong was a tiny piece of the pedogate puzzle

omg you're so right better send people armed with assault rifles to EVERY kid's pizza parlor to be sure

You said it not me and I totally disagree, i believe in due process for all. Innocent until proven guilty and all that jazz

i agree with you, but here something people should know

apparently IMDB is like a wiki, where anyone can edit it

after the "shooter" shot up CPP, there was an entry made on IMDB for this guy, and he was credited with acting in a movie called

Something About Pizza

which was supposedly released some years previously

so i went hunting high and low for this movie Something About Pizza and it turns out that it only exists within the context of this IMDB website

in the meantime, everyone is running around saying the shooter is an actor, and pointing at the IMDB as their source,

this is deliberate disinfo, put out there to discredit critics and researchers

interesting though i don't see that in the imdb anymore.

came out in 2005 supposedly. can't find the actual movie anywhere


ah ok. so i guess his name was added around the time of pizzagate blowing up. he was "the gunman" but has since been removed from the credits on imdb. the work of either some jokester or something else more sinister. either way odd as fuck that some actor just walked into cpp and shot up the computers.

yeah defiantly some fuckery

the traffic cams near cpp mysteriously get turned away from cpp

yet there is somehow a photo of the suspects back, walking with his hands up, toward a cop who is pointing his gun at the suspect (and the photographer)

how did that photographer get into that position for that kodak moment?

good question. all i know is james alefantis is a pedo ringleader who successfully avoided being caught. he's a simple pizza shop owner but one of the most powerful people in d.c. that alone should have people scratching their heads.

As if that shit was not planned. Guy did nothing either. NOTHING.

digital book burnings

Summary of who this is and why anyone should care?

The son of a FBI man

Considering that news articles are calling out this specific sub for organizing the smear campaign against the Parkland survivors - along with the_Donald, 4Chan, Wingnut media and Russian bots - this was probably a wise move.

So we can check his twitter and facebook cuz we have his real name, but "2nd persona" Reddit account is off limit. Interesting ain't it.

Reminds me of the time reddit users found hillarys IT guys account. LOL!

I mean, it’d be kinda weird if they tried to make rules about something that wasn’t their site...

Almost like people are more willing to post their true beliefs and intentions when protected by anonymity. Not good when people are looking for answers.

I grow weed... On my private moon base.

Thanks mods. Rightly or wrongly (and usually both), you guys put up with endless shit here and a lot of us do appreciate it.

I just wanna know why he's all smiles in front of the camera when his classmates were just murdered hours before? Even the interviewer is talking like it's just another news broadcast.

Where is the emotion? Where is the shock?


That's nothing compared to previous events.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O7NEA51rGk


Thank you for sharing that with me.

It was taken down "violating policy against harassment and bullying." What was the subject matter? Did it have or recite some hard evidence? I thought I could trust youtube a little bit more than Zuckerberg and such. Perhaps not.

Damn, they're getting rid of all the old videos.. here's another copy http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2up8ea

That's exactly how Charleston(nicknamed The Holy City) SC Christians are taught to behave when facing the idea of retribution. They try to forgive. His road to recovery will be long, but he tried to show what he was disciplined in. You wouldn't think a Buddhist would be lying, would you? It's the same school of thought. I commend him and I love this sub but you guys can't deny every shooting never happened. This is real and that video making fun of a family, isn't going to help them heal.

In b4 shill

I live in SC

Fuck off.

Hostile much?

No. Just no. The only type of teaching that would desensitize someone to true grief is torture. There is no emotional prep for loss that has people out the next day with normal composure. Most people will experience the tragedy of the loss of a loved one or family and many already have. For those whok have, this should be obvious. For those that havent, you have no idea what its like, but its not calm and eloquent.

I'd be torn up as fuck if my mom was shot. I'd be angry, teary, emotional, et cetera. These stiffs are funny as fuck. I mean unless they just inherited a million dollars each lol.

It went down the corporate-imposed memory hole. Which video was it?

It's been removed, got another link?

LOL all of this shit is so fake man.

I lost both my parents within 3 years. I was in my 20s. My Dad’s death didn’t fully set in until the end of his funeral when I broke down in front of all our family and friends. My mother it took a day before it eventually set in. Grief is weird.

Or why he was filming DURING the shooting in the school interviewing other students... what the actual fuck.


He was obviously just waiting for an opportunity like this to get himself on camera.

There are many potential reasons for this. He could be in shock. It could be "not real" for him yet. His adrenaline could still be pumping, making him act in a more "manic" way as opposed to frightened and weepy. He may not yet know the full extent of what happened. He could be nervous to be on camera, and THAT adrenaline is overriding his grief. He could be bordering on hysterics. Teenagers are emotionally immature still, and therefore may react in a way a more mature person would find odd, simply because they can't quite process their emotions yet. People react to tragedy in different ways, and catching him in a moment where he doesn't seem upset doesn't mean he doesn't go home and break down later.

I was 15 when my uncle died, and when my dad told me, I started laughing. Internally I was screaming because we were really close, but externally I was laughing harder than I ever did before. I couldn't control it. So who knows what's going on inside this kid's head, especially if he's trying to act differently than he feels because he knows he's on camera.

or he could just be a histrionic attention whore. this isnt the first time he's jumped in front of a camera.

I was 15 when my uncle died, and when my dad told me, I started laughing.

Did you then do 30 televised interviews, pushing a coherent agenda? When you spoke, while in this state of shock, were your eyebrows super-animated?

do you honestly think this body language science youre running is in any way useful? is there one way people you dont know must react to situations youve never been in?

Do you honestly think that calling my post "body language science" invalidates my legitimate questions?

i dont think your questions are legitimate. or at least, I dont think any conclusions that are likely to be drawn from the answers to your question are legitimate

"they said police officers would be firing blanks to get us ready for this stuff" are you fucking kidding me?

we were headed in the right direction for awhile, now well-spoken, smart level-headed people are silenced, and drama queen histrionic guys like this get the limelight. well done society. well done.

Because this is his big break. His dream is to be a CNN anchor. He couldn't give two shits about the kids that died.

This isn't even true, yet it's been repeated several times. He wanted to be on 60 Minutes, which is a CBS program.

Implying that CNN and CBS aren't the same thing lol


CNN has David Hogg on, to deny being a Crisis Actor


Well fuck, I guess that settles it, guise

They did the same thing with Syria Danny interviewed by Anderson Cooper and it totally backfired and that was the last you heard from Syria (mossad) Danny.


I just did a quick search for Syria Danny hoax and ran across this. http://teapartyeconomist.com/2014/09/04/syria-danny-exposed-events-stager-u-s-media/

Lol they r trying so hard to fight the rumors. Too late.

The fact we need to hear what is allowed and not is fucking ridiculous. 1984

You’re free to start your own chat room and discuss whatever you want. Reddit is not the government

businesses can do what they want

why is this an argument?

do you really think businesses can put up signs that say


This? This is 1984? This issue and reddit trying to make sure that a young student doesn't get harrassed? Nah. That's not 1984.

Oh just watch it starts like this and escalates very rapidly. I don't agree with harassment but you are not above consequences from 1st amendment speech.

Moderators and admins are the source of most all propels on Reddit they just need to go it's because it seem like they have an agenda to censor shit or is it just me.

To maintain their highly profitable corporation to keep shareholders happy? Probably.

admin love thr lil cabbage patch heart thron

Haha I love this sub. We all know there's fuckery going on but at the end of the day there's weirdness to all of us and a lot of things people say aren't always going to check out most of the time. I used to say crazy shit all the time to get laid

You cannot expose what is already out in the open.

It's really weird how the students who are all making the rounds on TV act like their famous or something. Like the Delaney girl. Looking over her Twitter before the shooting it was just basic teen girl stuff, now it's like she's some popular anti gun super star

Yeah, and her, and the rest of them, are now Twitter verified. So stupid.

For the unaware of what has happened to this sub, have a little read:


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Just heard his grandfather was the founder of MasterCard.

Considering his father is a former FBI agent, and his mother is a Hillary person with connections to CNN, and he has become the spokesman for gun regulation (a NWO talking point), it is very lame that "doxxing" is an issue here.

Do you have any sources? I'd like to read more.

Maybe you could ask the admins why mods from other subs are allowed to troll here and then ban people from other subs?

I was banned from /r/sports the other day for calling out a dude for posting nothing but baseball and anti conspiracy posts here and was banned. Ive never posted there.

Happened to me too. LOL

Funny thing is, I don't give a fuck because I am not interested in bread and circus subreddits.

r/sports can eat shit

I mean obviously im not torn up about not being able to post there, i just wanted to point out the obvious bullshit that gets overlooked by the admins while they try to say we are doing wrong here.

I know. Me too.

Who is David Hogg and why should I care?

Is this a freaking joke?

David Hogg is on MSNBC live right now.

I say we all ignore him and give him zero attention. That fucking kid should not be made famous over the deaths of 17 children.

Fucking scumbag kids man. No soul.

How's he a scumbag? Because he wants to prevent others going through what he went through? Is everyone who believes something different to you a scumbag.

Scumbag for using the death of 17 children to try and get 15 minutes of fame.

Hes an opportunistic scumbag.

He doesnt care about the people killed. He just cares about himself.

If agree if he was using this to sell an album or reality tv. But he's campaigning directly for something that affected him. Fuck you for trying to belittle him for that, it's our most precious right.

Hes using it to get money. He has a booking agent. Hes profiting off the death of 17 children.

He didnt give a fuck about them have you ever heared him mention then by name? Or even an anecdote of how he interacted with them?

Fuck him.

I bet you a grand he will hold onto that spotlight as long as he can milk it for all he can. Shit he already got a booking agent.

I belittled him for being an opportunistic scumbag.

No sure who is knee jerk modding you down. People are getting played by emotions. That guy has a video of him starting shit on a beach over a surf board. It is pretty clear to me he is trying to start shit to become famous. Lo and behold, he got the chance of life time. Now he is the darling of the liberal media.

Scumbag kid is so upset a bunch of his peers and friends were killed that he wants to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else! WTF millennials!!

Because his politically charged suggestion includes taking things away from those who have done nothing wrong, denying the right not only to property but in a firm counter to the rights allowed by the second amendment.

Are you stupid? He hasn't suggested any of that. Instead they are just suggesting to do more thorough background checks. He even said it on live that he actually supports the 2nd amendment and would like every american to be able to bear arms.

it was a fake shooting, with the intention of banning guns as a result. this "kid" is assaulting my constitutional rights based on a fake news story

He is a scumbag. He survived the shooting as much as I survived the Iraq war. He doesn't give a single shit about any of his dead classmates, he gives a shit about being famous because of it.

Anyone that can't see it is blind. He saw his chance to ride the victim train to fame and stayed shoveling coal.

They never were his "classmates".

Whatever dude

You are delusional and pathetic. You only wish you had the balls to try and make a positive difference the way he is. All you can do is sit here and jerk yourself off to dumbass conspiracy theories because it makes you feel smart. Too bad the exact opposite is true.

At least he has the balls to get famous off his classmates death you mean

I never said he or anyone is perfect. What I am saying, however, is that right or wrong he's trying to solve a problem and make a difference. Meanwhile all you can do is bitch about it from the sidelines. You are truly worth less than nothing.

And your tell is obvious. You project way too much insecurity. I never said anything about Russians or Nazis. And it's not at all uncommon for someone to want to make a difference in response to living through a tragedy. Some people are capable of doing things for reasons other than fame/attention. What you do is you take your own stupid, selfish thoughts and assume that they must be true for everyone else. You lack the empathy and/or intelligence (my money is on "and") to consider the possibility that maybe these students genuinely want to change the world for the better.

So there's been a few of the Parkland students who are actually pro-2A and have been speaking out against more gun control and focusing on other solutions. I'm sure you're just as angry at those kids, right? Of course you're not. I can see right through you, and it's fucking repulsive.

Removed. Rules 4 and 10.

Removed. Rules 4 and 10.

Removed. Rules 4 and 10.

You are the scumbag here man. If my friends were killed like this I would be making as much noise as possible.

If my friends were killed id have actual emotions unlike this kid.

Were they even friends? Can you find one clip of him talking about the victims?

Wait, so because he is not crying every second on TV he is a fake or paid actor? Give me a break. None of these people are obligated to grieve in the way that you and Fox news think that they should have to.

I never said hes a paid actor.

I called him an opportunistic scumbag.

Has he ever talked about 1 of the victims? Ever show a snap of them hanging out? Or pictures of them togther?

And he has an agent so he is getting paid.

i agree with the friends part; my highschool was 300 people and i couldn't go through a list of names and tell you who even a quarter of them were. There's a chance they barely knew the victims, because, im my opinion, the people that were ACTUALLY their friends, would be shocked/heartbroken/grieving. He also had a video on YT where he convinced some girl that he had shot his friend; from like a year ago, making his point on gun control rather moot to me. It's okay to joke about something that serious until it happens, right? Based solely from his old videos, and how much attention he has in the media, it seems pretty safe to say he's the type of preppy fuck who'd gladly capitalize on the death of kids he barely knew

15 dead kids and 2 dead adults.

Is he even a kid? He's got that Michael J. Fox 17-or-27 face.

he doesnt have the right to a political opinion? unlike, say, 'judge' jeanine pirro?

he does and we have a right to ignore him.

He's an opportunist he didn't care about any of those kids I watch his interviews he never once mentioned any of the kids killed he never showed a picture of the student n him hanging out he never even showed any semblance of emotion when he speaks he's literally probably a sociopath that's chasing Fame.

Find me one video where he says anything about one of the killed students anything.

You didn't care about the people that were killed he just saw an opportunity to use the situation and I personally don't want to reward people that do s*** like that

what if he wasnt attacking gun ownership? would you still dislike him?

what if he was on tv saying 'if only every one of us was armed! arm the students and teachers!' do you think youd still react this way towards him?

I would still think hes an opportunistic scumbag. Whose using a tragedy as an excuse for fame.

what do you think something like MAAD (mothers against drunk driving)? should they stfu and quit trying to influence policy?

What policy is there to influence driving drunk is already illegal.

Unless youre the heiress of walmart... that is.

so is shooting up a school

So what policy does MAAD need to influence?

Fucking scumbag kids man. No soul.

Says the worthless nobody who is attacking the survivors of a school shooting because their politics differ.

More like attacking a child who is using the death of 17 people he didn't even know to try to be famous.

Have any of these kids that are anti-gun even talked about one of the victims and ever showed a video or a Snapchat of them hang out I've ever showed a picture of them together?

I ain't talking nobody kiddo I'm stating my opinion into a human being who has decided to use the murder of 17 children for personal profit.

More like attacking a child

You should stop yourself right there when you admit to attacking a child, especially one who's been in a school shooting.

Have any of these kids that are anti-gun even talked about one of the victims and ever showed a video or a Snapchat of them hang out I've ever showed a picture of them together?

Just because they don't meet your personal requirements for activism doesn't mean that they're "using the deaths of 17 children for personal profit." It doesn't matter if they hated all 17 of the shooting victims before 2/14. They were there and they're fighting to prevent the next one. Maybe they're right, maybe they're wrong. Maybe there will be big changes, or maybe nothing will happen.

But either way, it's a god damned disgrace that someone like yourself will indignantly pass judgment on them just because you've committed yourself to this conspiracy bullshit. I get it: they're out there trying to make a change, and you're just impotently sitting in your computer chair doing nothing with your life except attacking those who are trying to. It's fucking pathetic. Grow the fuck up.

I don't care using the death of 17 people you don't even no personally for personal gain makes you a scumbag piece of s*** in my book regardless if your kid and adult or a senior citizen it doesn't matter.

Okay so let me ask you a question if they're really anti-gun show me one instance before the school shooting where they had any sort of anti-gun activism so they're using a situation that occurred to become famous that's it they're not activist theyre opportunist and of story.

No no they're not making a change there just whining complaining to try to become famous that's it that's all that's going on I don't know maybe they should be talking about how the county sheriff department didn't do their job and investigating students who are committing crimes.

Maybe we should look at the children who bullied the emo gazebo in school which Nicholas Cruze used to sit at maybe we should look at the kids who ostracized Nicholas Cruise because you don't know what he was like I did so obviously you're admitting that you ostracized him good job Emma Gonzalez.

Maybe we should blame the FBI for getting such an in-depth tip from a person saying these guys going to shoot somebody up his mom just died he's really on edge he just bought a bunch of guns with money you got from her death.

Guns don't kill people a gun didn't kill 17 people at that high school it was a human being who killed 17 people it was a police force who killed 17 people it was the FBI who killed 17 people it was the student themselves who killed 17 people.

Maybe they should first not be arsehole children ostracizing other kids through bullying maybe they should hold their police force accountable their National Intelligence agencies accountable instead of putting blame into a little tool that can protect your life if somebody breaks in your house trying to rape your mother your father you your sister your daughter your wife your husband your gay lover.

Okay so let me ask you a question if they're really anti-gun show me one instance before the school shooting where they had any sort of anti-gun activism

That is a remarkably stupid thought. When people experience tragic events, it tends to change them. Maybe they were casually in favor of gun control before, maybe they didn't have any thoughts on the matter. It's unimportant.

And wouldn't it be more opportunist if they had been heavily pro-gun reform before the shooting? By your own ridiculous logic, that would appear to be more opportunistic.

I'm not going to read the rest of your TL;DR rant until you can explain your first point or take it back.

Im not right or left. Both sides are fucking morons.

And yes there was probably a second shooter who just blended in like cruz.

Unless the women who said she was beside him when she heared bullets was lying. Theres some evidence of a second shooter.

Who easier to manipulate a loser then a women. The things ppl do for pussy.

They are opportunists. Thry blame guns not the police who waited outside as people died. Not the police who didnt have a record on cruz. Not the fbi who didnt investigate a huge tip.

Did you read the transcript of that tip?

Now if they blamed all those things and guns id give them more credence now they just opportunistic assholes.

All right, first off I apologize for getting heated. It just infuriates me how people like yourself go after the victims of a shooting. They've been through a traumatic event and now you want to make their lives worse because their lived experience is at odds with your political beliefs? But I can see that there's a difference between you speaking an opinion out loud (even if it is a stupid one) and those who harass the family of a murdered student so I shouldn't conflate you and that. You're right that the police and FBI fucked up royally. I'm in 100% agreement with you there.

But do you have any idea how chaotic a scene like a mass shooting is? People running in terror everywhere, cops desperately trying to maintain order and find the shooter, paramedics trying to tend to the wounded...it's a fucking nightmare. If you try to piece together what happened afterward using witnesses, there's going to be inconsistencies. People's minds aren't objective video cameras, especially not in such an extremely stressful situation. In every single event like that you're going to be able to find some random clip of a girl saying "I thought I saw two people." It doesn't mean that THERE WERE TWO SHOOTERS AND IT'S ALL A CONSPIRACY.

Can't you see how you're being used? Gun control discussions aside, some people with strong political opinions have convinced themselves that these types of mass shootings just don't happen. Doesn't it seem odd to you that places like /r/conspiracy and Infowars and all the other right-wing shitholes never seem capable of accepting that a single person could be deranged and have easy access to weapons used to kill lots of people in a short amount of time? That kind of thing goes against their narrative, so instead they start with their own baseless assumption ("this was a hoax!") and work backwards. They try to find any little inconsistency like the clip you mentioned and then point to it as hard proof that there's a shady conspiracy underway. Sadly, people like yourself fall for it every time. It's amazing how good humans are at self-deception, and it's ironic when it's always the ones who claim to be seeking the "truth" while dismissing those who point out their faulty logic as "sheeple."

You know there is no clip of someone saying they thought they saw two people there's a clip of a woman saying she was standing beside Nicholas Cruise talking to him saying I thought you would be the school shooter while someone is shooting up the school.

Sorry you think there's zero possibility that there was a second shooter who managed to slip in with the crowd and nobody noticed I mean do you recall how they caught Nicholas Cruz he was walking away from the school by himself.

Now if he made it that far how far would somebody else make it if they just Blended in with the crowd of the school after dropping all their body armor in a staircase.

Now we have someone saying that they were wearing a lot of body armor okay that's one view point then we have someone saying they were standing beside Cruise while hearing gunshots.

So that brings us to the scenario that there are two Shooters one was wearing armor to protect themselves so nobody could see who they were and the other one was Cruz who didn't give a shit or he was a patsy.

The difference is I don't accept the truth I think of the other possibilities and if you don't think it's a possibility that somebody else was also a school shooter at that school who then Blended in with the crowd successfully as opposed to Nicholas Cruise who managed to leave the school and walk down the street where were the police how can the shooter himself leave the school and walk out?

Just remember that they found Nicholas Cruz walking away from the school how did he exit the school how did he manage to walk away from the school?

Now if you want a real conspiracy hugs father recruited his son and their cousin to help engineer a school shooting and then try to take people's guns away so the woman probably started hitting on cruise who then she manipulated to do it together you know then they shot up the school one was wearing body armor he just went whatever one ditch the body armor in the stairwell and then just mixed with her classmates you know mix with her cousin or whatever you like oh yeah we were together the whole time.

Did law enforcement agencies take samples from every single student to see if any of them had gunpowder residue on their hands?

Don't you think that should be the main thing you do after you find out that the school shooter tri-tip mix in with the crowd and vacate the building which she did successfully to the point where he was walking down the sidewalk where he was apprehended?

I mean that would just be smart police work right have every student and test their hands for gun residue.

Removed. Rule 4 and 10.

Rules 4 and 10.

Christ people.

There's nothing wrong with looking into shit as best as you can, but doxxing a kid who just (ostensibly) went through a school shooting is fucking retarded.

some backstory

these fake shootings have been going on for decades, even in Australia

at one time, knowledge that these were fake shootings was fringe

but with each new fake shooting, a few more people wake up to the propaganda

and it seems we have reached a tipping point in public opinion,

where the majority of observers instinctively rejects these fake shooting narratives

the majority of observers no longer need mountains of incontrovertible evidence, because they have already been convinced by previous fake shootings

so now the majority instinctively watches for how the media and politicians react, what the buzz words are, who the talking heads are, what their talking points are

the public no longer needs to be convinced that DH is an actor of some sort, because we have seen this same M.O. played out too many times, and nobody is falling for it anymore

in times past, the story tellers could baffle us with mountains of evidence, which kept us busy for many years

in the meantime, the administrations change, the officials change, and the perps rotate out

so now when these fake shootings happen, the public hardly even looks at the evidence, and goes straight to the story tellers themselves

and that would be DH

the way the pubic sees it, these fake shootings are a direct infringement on the 2nd amendment

basically, they are waging war against the US constitution, which is treason and punishable

the text of the 2nd amendment reads:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

where is the ACLU? supposedly their only client is the Bill of Rights

If you truly believe that the majority of Americas believe this shooting was fake you are severely disconnected from the world my friend.

I doubt a majority of people on this sub believe that.

You know your false flag has gone horribly wrong when CNN has to have David Hogg on to deny being a Crisis Actor


Or it could just be that crisis actor claims have been more or less mainstream since the boston bombing. And people with nothing better to do are contacting these people to claim they know more about them than they do.

ever since Sandy Hook and the BMB there has been an awareness campaign around Crisis Actors.

we describe what Crisis Actors are and what they do, outside of the context of any specific event

then when those who are aware see Crisis Actors in the future, they already know what they are looking at and how to describe it and how to search for it online etc

DH is the establishments 'hail mary' pass

I wonder if he is related to Boss Hogg.


Based on my interpretation of the rules laid down by the reddit admins, I am removing your comment and issuing you a warning. Do not post content which attempts to "belittle, expose, or harass potential real world account owner(s)."

David Hogg the 23 year old crisis actor with the America hating FBI deep state father? That David Hogg?

Pick up that can!!

hey guys, we are on r/conspiracy here, just don't talk about anything or you will be banned, understand?

I can not believe the terms and conditions that are being attached to speech about a public event of primary importance. Reddit should be ashamed of itself.

Wait, who is upset we can't dox someone? Doesn't that go against what we are about in /r/conspiracy?

What is "IRL"? In Real Life?

This thread is full of people who either forgot what happened on this site following the terror attacks in Boston, or weren't old enough to be on Reddit yet and need to read up on it.

I remember what a shitshow that was.

One irony is that the redditor who posted the original bombing thread ended up running a politics website. That site was bought by a David Brock company during the 2016 Dem Primaries, and that redditor posted Shareblue stories in the politics sub with some frequency.

Not really comparable. This kid is putting himself out there.

What happened?

well, the BMB was a pre planned mass casualty drill, that had been conducted annually under the DHS program called Urban Shield

as part of the plan, they were going to use very realistic looking victims, to make up for the fact that nobody saw any victims at the Sandy Hook hoax

this particular false flag was set up to have a social media aspect to it, so they could hone their skills on identifying the loudest doubters, defending the official story, and censoring content

what they didn't anticipate was that they would lose control of the narrative, and it snowballed bigger and bigger every day, until it almost reached a critical mass

and then the establishment covered it up / forum slide by faking a Tornado in Moore OK, and a fertilizer plant explosion in Texas

part of the BMB plan was to have 2 very similar looking suspects, and then present a lot of compelling info to the public to make them believe that the 1st suspect (Sunil Tripathi) was the perp.

Later, the Sunil Tripathi look-alike Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was ID'ed,

and the false leads we were fed about Sunil Tripathi were used to discredit online skeptics and researchers

and Sunil Tripathi has been used to discredit reddit ever since the BMB


i hope spez and company wind up in gitmo

Only CNN are allowed to dox reddit users.

this american nonsense is truly confusing two stickies now without any context or critical information

Following further discussion, admins have clarified that users are indeed allowed to discuss a potential connection between a reddit account and Mr. Hogg, so long as that "discussion does not escalate into attempts belittle, expose, or harass potential real world account owner(s)."

Trump has an account. Does that apply to him? Because I see lots of belittlement and harassment on Reddit of Donald Trump, yet, nothing like this has ever applied.

I think they are scared of getting another stonetear on their hands.

Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo b

Nah, it's okay. There's plenty of discussion on 4chan.

I have never seen a response like this in the aftermath of a tragedy. Reddit, Google, Youtube, Facebook are deleting posts and channels and threads just for asking questions. Since when are we not allowed to ASK FUCKING QUESTIONS. You should question everything, all the time, and seek out truth. And now we have the Orwellian heavy hand of censorship coming down on us hard. We have no freedom of speech, we never did. We have no freedoms left, they are slowly chipping away at our rights, and not one person seems to give a fuck about that. I'm mad as hell, and im done participating in these online communities that appear on the surface to be pro freedom of speech and pro free thought. This subreddit use to be about searching for truth, now its about conforming to a narrative, and fuck that. I'll think what I want to think, I'll ask the fucking questions that I want answers to. Fuck the Mods, and Fuck the Admins, and Fuck every user here that can't see what is really going on. I'm out, ban me if you want, I don't give a flying fuck.

Thanks for engaging in free speech this only will only diminish this site even further but of course thats what the admins want since their lapdogs.

Well, maybe the mods are sick of all the stupid bullshit from this subreddit. You're as bad as Alex Jones and thedonald.

Alex Jones is an actor designed to provide an easy to mock caricature of alternative media so folks like James Corbett and Sibel Edmonds are ignored.

Bill Cooper exposed him in 2000- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r8rFNDh9WQ

The yearbook thing with David Hogg was hilarious. It was such sloppy work, a student two rows above him had the Stoneman Douglas school shirt.

i keep hearing "wow, these kids remind me of the freedom riders of the 60s" crap getting pedaled by the likes of Clooney, Oprah, etc. i guess the elite behind this are trying to manufacture some kind of "counter culture" movement to use as a vehicle towards meeting some sort of political synthesis they're after.

that "freedom riders" quote.. fk me is that embarassing in this context.

Conservative libertarianism is the new counter-culture

Trying to silence the truth again? Just another day for Reddit mods.

The internet is intertwining with other media so fast that laws about libel and various issues of the 20th century are completely ignored by the government and they can throw up their hands and trust tech companies to reign in what could be actionable threats and other malicious activity. Those who control the media are now tech companies and the govt will willingly cede all power to them simply because they don't understand it. Then they may blame them like they did with Facebook, but nobody tries to reign Facebook in. They simply want to make sure amateur sleuthing has no real world impact.

What about a link to my podcast where we DEBUNK this theory and discuss the history of "crisis actors" as a hoax?


Don't worry, over on VOAT they can link it with no issues

I'm not sure I've ever hoped to see someone get punched on live TV more than this kid. You can practically see the strings hanging off this kid.

Hmm, that looks like the same "Your Reddit Trust & Safety Team" that permanently suspended my other account last week for "posting personal information."

I wonder why?

Edit, now this is being down voted to the bottom. This site really is completely owned.

Don't you get a message when your account is banned explaining why?

This is all I got. No warning, no explanation, nothing.

Important notification about your account

subreddit message via /r/reddit.com[A] sent 5 days ago

Your account has been permanently suspended for posting personal information.

Be sure to read up on the Reddit content policy to make sure you understand the rules for participating on Reddit. This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Reddit admins.

All of my questions just receive this auto-reply:


We're experiencing higher than usual support volume, but want to let you know that we have received your message. If we need to follow up with you, we'll message you here.

Meanwhile, please check out our updated Help Center here for answers to frequently asked questions.

Sincerely, Your Reddit Trust & Safety Team

You know, just because it's your most recent post doesn't mean it was the one that was banned.

Yeah but I really don't know. I've never tried to dox anyone nor have I ever posted anything close to someone's "personal information."

Uh it's got 40 up votes now. What a huge conspiracy against you. You that ignorant to think someone in power gives a shit about your useless Reddit comments?

It was negative when I made the edit.

Obviously. But it makes your conspiracy look pretty dumb now.

sure does

AMA threads are fucked.

"I am Somebody! Ask me anything!"

"You're really Somebody?"

"Stop doxxing me! I'll have the admins ban you!"

We get, don't worry, MSM virtue signaled that questioning the narrative is now bullying and reddit threatened to shut you down unless you comply.

you don't have to explain, it's pretty obvious.

funny how this happens. every. fucking. time.


It's more like Reddit has gotten in trouble before with users linking real life people with their Reddit accounts, and Reddit only cares when they get bad PR, thus this decision

THIS. EnoughTrumpSpam has been doxxing people for months..

Wut, the sub or like a user


Do you happen to have any posts to link? If there is doxxing happening there, you should spread knowledge of the violations so they're punished.

LOL 22 hours and nadda because they are lying right wing political slanderers

promoting right vs left contention bitch please, get the fuck outta /r/conspiracy with that bullshit

Oh lookie here's one now!

Lol wait THAT'S the best you've got? I call you out for being a polarizing jerk in a sub that's adamantly against that and you respond by calling me right wing? Way to prove my point beyond all doubt.

Same great job proving my point

Ya. Like that one time they provided CNN with a TD users info so CNN could doxx him on national TV.

Lol I don't think they doxxed him on TV, but if you wanna show me the clip then I'm open to being wrong

Thanks snopes.

FALSE: It wasn't on TV for the 8 people who watch CNN. It was "just" in an online article for everyone to read at their own convenience.

Did they release his name?

Nice try. But I'm not your typical reddit idiot who would fall for that attempt at moving the goalpost.

That's not the basis of the response we are talking about.

We are talking about releasing info which as a responsible provider of internet services they would know could certainly be used to link to a real persons identity.

That was the point that was being made. And it's likely that's exactly what happened.

So he wasn't doxxed, and CNN didn't actually release his name on national TV like the user claimed. It's not even snopes like to say yeah that's BS.


No. He absolutely WAS doxxed.

The point isn't about CNN, its about reddit having it both ways when it comes to doxxing.

Posting his reddit name is not the same as doxxing. Did they ever actually release his name?

Meh. They just threatened to. A major media outlet. Threatening to dox.

If you look off in the distance you can see those goalposts racing away.

The site that figures out how to survive without censhorship, manipulation and proganda will slay. Censored media will fall like an ice shelf after all this drip drip boil the frog.

Yeah it can't be that they're trying to make sure a real student doesn't get harrassed. Can't be that.


You didn't do any dumb shit when you were 17?

Oh. Fucking. Please.

Your point loses it's entire worth when we have puff pieces like this one floating around: https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/19/opinions/parkland-shooting-voting-age-opinion-douglas/index.html

So a politically active 17 year old, domt see how that changes my point

The entire media narrative this week has been about how great and responsible these kids are, and honestly that's excellent.

But now in response to actions you might think are dumb you want to write that off? You're having it both ways.

Please do not link directly to that site.

what does that have to do with this?

I'm just saying some ppl need to chill lol, at the worst he's just some kid, and I don't think he should have all his shit doxxed just bc he's going on TV

I don't even understand what you think people are doing to him. He is putting his face and name at the front of this "teenager anti gun whatever thing". How are people not supposed to know who he is, where he is from, and what his message is when he is broadcasting himself everywhere saying those exact things? What in the actual fuck am I missing here?

How do you not get my point? Just because someone is on TV doesn't mean they should have their online profile linked to them, especially when he made the comment when he was like 17.

You're missing the point that as this blew up, he doesn't want hundreds of messages, threats, and the like and has a right to anonymity or changing accounts or whatever.

He did the interviews and stuff and now he's probably getting hundreds of death threats and abuse from the cretins who love on 4chan, t_d, other troll-right pages.

In your opinion, when is his previously semi-public online persona no longer an excuse to abuse him? When he's killed himself? Will that be the time Reddit call it?

Doxxing is the ultimate internet bullying, and seldom does the original doxxer take ownership and the dredges of the internet anonymously abuse somebody. Only when the victim breaks down, does anyone say, "oh, we probably shouldn't have let everyone abuse that person".

I'm not saying you are doing this, I'm just saying, that even though he previously disclosed his own identity, once he once to reclaim anonymity, he has every right to do so.

On a less serious scale it makes me think of Ken Bone not getting a new account for his ama so a bunch of websites picked through every comment he ever made on that account to frame him as some sort of creep.

Beautiful human submarines.

That man is a national treasure

at worst he’s just some kid

Are you missing the entire discussion here regarding him? There is obviously some shady shit going on regarding “just some kid”.

And I would buy it if there actually was any truth to it. All I've seen so far was BS about how he was on the news in California earlier this summer and someone who tried to claim he went to HS in CA. And and his dad used to be in the FBI? If they have more than that I would like to see it

Well, for fear of breaking the rules outlined in this post, I won’t be “exposing” anything regarding his true identity.

Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it

theres MSM video interview of him in California, name printed on screen.


he posted it himself on Youtube, he got interviewed on TV.

Yes about w lifeguard being a dick to his friend, so?

This might blow your mind, but I’ve personally visited multiple states myself over the course of my life - 36 of them, in fact!

I’m not really worried about the fact that this kid has been in 2+ states in the past year.


Firstly, please see rule 6 and ensure you do not violate our commenting rules going forward. Consider this your only warning.

Secondly, please see rule 2 and ensure you report rule violations to modmail.

Thank you.

As the admins made clear, please do not use this opportunity for discussion to "belittle, expose, or harass potential real world account owner(s)."

As you made your comment before the post was updated I will give you a warning, but future violations will result in a ban.

What exactly would you ban me for? quote me and show me how I broke the sub rules

If you read the post, it's encouraged for us to talk about this, but if we're going to be linking to kids' twitter accounts potentially putting them in danger it's likely this sub will not be around much longer.

the kid put himself on TV (in multiple markets for a myriad of different stories... kinda strange.)

its not 'doxxing' to look up somebody's twitter account when they put themselves on the mainstream media at every level (local, network, cable, etc.) ...

I don't know how what you said isn't common fucking sense. This seems like an organized effort to stop people from digging deeper into what this kid is doing. Why else would they say STAAAHP

I just had a thought and it's not directly related to what you're saying but I wanted to share it. I was trying to think why on earth would they hire this kid to make the video in California of the kids on the beach, then I re-watched the video and thought about it and what the actual context of the video was. Older stereotypical conservative white dude harassing some young stereotypical liberal kids and calling them snowflakes. Spinning that divisive narrative could very well have been intention to sow discord and divide people even further. Just a thought, not saying I believe he really was hired to do these jobs but if he was I was trying to theorize what their goal was.

not only that, but if the kid is an actor and is going to be in town (on vacation, per se), it makes for a cleaner story because the kid isn't local. Nobody can do a follow up or prove that the entire situation was planted for content. It's actually done quite often - relying on the public for a daily show that has hard deadlines is a dangerous game. What if they don't show up? What if the story changes when the cameras show up? There are too many variables, especially with crazy people wanting their 5 minutes of fame on the local newscast....

That makes sense too. It helps spin their narrative and gets the people arguing among themselves and then the kid makes a clean break.

I don't even know if it's about the messaging or 'divide & conquer'... I think it's about entertainment. They want people to watch the news, and getting a group of actors to create some drama that has little to no impact on anybody is an easy task compared to managing public talent. Most people work and are busy and don't drop everything because the local news calls them about something - we all have bills to pay. Sometimes its just easier to plan it out yourself, and in the end the product is more polished as well.

The messaging stuff is just the gravy. I think it's done mostly for ratings and advertising revenue TBH...

Why not both? haha

you should find out what hyperbole means before you use it in a sentence.


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

I followed it to the exact definition. These claims aren't meant to be taken literally, just random ideas. No factual backing. None of this happened as far as I know, I'm just speculating... thus it is hyperbole.

i agree, but that's what this sub is for :) nothing wrong with spitballin' and seeing what sticks

That's the way I see it. Not everything people ask or discuss is meant to be taken as 100% irrefutable fact, but those who spread dissent take it that way and then use that to create a strawman argument- acting as if we're saying we're 100% right about any thought we post about even though we're not.

I get what you mean, but if we make a post linking to his Twitter page and something happens, it really doesn't look good for this community.

A myriad of different stories? You mean the lifeguard thing a few years ago and the school shooting that just happened?

I agree that it's not doxxing to look up someone's Twitter account. People have the resources to do that. Let's not link to it though.

I understand that with other shootings there has been a lot of secrecy and well informed suspicion on our part. This is not one of those cases. There's nothing suspicious about this shooting. Everything is consistent. People hate having to deal with and accept the harsh realities of the world, so they look for simple answers, but from the outside it looks like some insane inability to empathize - and I think that's accurate.

Sure, let's talk about the facts, ask questions, etc., but turning the victims into subjects of personal scrutiny, as if they had done something wrong, is completely fucking insane.

There's nothing suspicious about this shooting.

All I can say is that from what I have seen, I strongly disagree. We can at least agree on that.

but turning the victims into subjects of personal scrutiny, as if they had done something wrong, is completely fucking insane.

who is doing this? The kid was only identified. I havent' called for anybody to reach out to him or harass him - that would be gross.

so what exactly is 'turning victims into objects of personal scrutiny'? What do you mean by that?

Please read this: http://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-falsely-accuses-sunil-tripathi-of-boston-bombing-2013-7

Of course there are still questions, of course there are inaccuracies. If "CIA men" were in the school, I would imagine their presence wouldn't be obvious to the students.

If you look hard enough at any situation you can start to paint a picture to support your beliefs - that's why flat earth is starting to be a thing.

"Turning victims into objects of personal scrutiny," what part of this do you need clarification on, especially given the context of the original post and the rest of our conversation...?

oh please most of that whole thing was overblown and became more of a political thing than anything else.

Who did I accuse of anything here? Did I call for vigilante justice? The kid is willfully putting up his videos and seeking out media attention. There is nothing wrong with looking at what he presented - no trust is being broken nor is anybody trying to 'doxx' this guy. You can't dox someone who puts themselves out there willingly.

Nice concern trolling tho. This isn't nearly the same situation, and what happened to Sunil Tripathi was horrible and gross. It was back when it happened and it is now, but that is not at all relevant to this subject.

Like I said, I understand your points, but subs that routinely break rules (like linking to personal Twitter accounts) get banned, and I'd really like that to not happen to this sub.

it's not happening, so dont' worry. I'd be more worried about paid users coming in here and doing it in order to sink this place....

If they did try to sink this place, exposing PII would be a great way to do it

This is a good overview of the things I find suspicious about this incident

If you wish to actually engage on the subject, direct your attention to the link. I'm asking the same questions this guy is.

Dead kids, I know the family, thoughts and prayers, corporate news is never wrong

no doxxing and stalking a 17 year old who witnessed a mass murder? what is this world coming to???

Did he witness it? I only saw the video of him reporting his views from a cupboard during the incident.


o my bad he didn't witness it hard enough

Um yeah, because if its not an eye witness, then its hearsay regardless if you were there. A lot of those interviews were with students who admitted they didnt really know and just described what they experienced with conjecture on what they think happened. Thats not proof. Or evidence. Its just a statement.

what the fuck is this thread lol i literally just pointed out how pathetic people are stalking some kid now we're arguing over a word. jfc

No we're arguing over what happened, and whats up with these interviews.

no, we're talking about how doxxing this kid is fucked up

H3 publicly interviewed therre was no anonymity to it.5heres no doxxing in a situation like that.

so you don't think its noteworthy that DH's dad was FBI and is now employed by a company that is involved with operations like this?

that's not concrete proof of anything but it's something to be attentive to.

A 17 year old who has gone out of his way to whip up a mob of people to demand we give up more of our rights, who has national news stations pushing his agenda as what we should all believe or else we have blood on our hands. He's not just a random 17 year old.

its never acceptable even if he's a piece of shit.

You can talk about it though.

You're pkaying victim right now and strawmanning.

You can talk about discrepancies in user post history, hisbgae, anything. You simply can't dox his account. And regardless of whether he doxxed himself in the past, as popularity (negative and positive) flooded his account, he should have every right to secure his anonymity.

Everyone should be pro anonymity and anti doxxing... unless you are the government.

Huh...it must because it's silly and untrue, right? Don't people usually freak out about silly conjecture? Not true things which have big implications...

I knew this was coming last night.

Well, at the very least it's fair. Leave the dude alone in exchange for the Admins leaving us alone in our own little critical thinking corner

Surely you can't be talking about r/conspiracy...the last of the organic discussion died out over a year ago.

Just to confirm, does that mean that I am not allowed to link (President Obama's)[https://www.reddit.com/user/PresidentObama] reddit user account?

You got your [ ] and ( ) mixed

As I was saying below, the admins have allowed certain public figures to be linked to their reddit account in the past (such as when /u/stonetear was identified as Paul Combetta in the context of a Congressional Investigation- https://democrats-oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/documents/(75)%20Chaffetz%20Smith%20to%20Tidwell%20re%20Federal%2009-21-2016.pdf). President Obama would probably also fall under that exemption.

As of now that is not the case for the individual named in the OP. If that changes, we will update the community.

Gotta protect FBI actor boi at all costs, but do nothing to stop shills and targeted harassment on this sub.

Edit: Downvotes just prove this sub has been compromised.

Keep em coming.

Downvotes just show people think you're wrong. That's literally all.

It's sad and hilarious that you think all of these votes are coming from actual people. Some of them are, sure, but a large fraction of the votes come from networks of fake accounts controlled by paid agents, and not just Russians, by the way.

Regardless, downvotes are not supposed to be used to express disagreement, although I understand that ship sailed long ago.

Could you please provide proof of that?

other day a comment i replied to saying "this sub is just another t_d" was at like 20 upvotes. note even half an hour later it was over 60 upvotes. the comment got deleted a little later. but no chance authentic conspiracy accounts would have done that

No, the people who watch this place like they're visiting the zoo do that

No, it’s when people don’t agree with you or want what you’re saying to have any merit. It has nothing to do with true or false statements.

Thats all guys. No. Really. Take off the tin foil hats. /s

Suppression too buddy. Dogpiling too?

“All votes on Reddit are organic, shilling don’t real lol”

Since when downvotes show how someone is wrong?

35 net up-votes. how are you going to spin that?

Russian bots?


This sub has been compromised a long time ago. Everything that gets popular gets compromised here. Welcome to reddit. This asshole deserves worse but sure, let's take legal actions, where he is 100% protected. And of course, now that we know about this liar, the mods try to make people not take matters into own hands. What does this tell us about the mods? CONTROL

I'm just not sure there would ever be any other time to say "fuck off" in any other way?

Oh fuck off

Wut, the sub or like a user

Its hard to say that you're wrong, but for better or for worse reddit has changed over the past decade (or half decade); I don't know how to salvage what was once the vision of a beautiful boy from the clutches of subtle corporate subversion, but I do know that eternal vigilance is the price of democracy (in all its forms).

Neutered and ostracized by external forces as it may be, someone has to watch (even if its painful to see this place as a shell of its former self), least even here should fall victim to the unending tide of corporate/ideological bullshit on this platform :(.

Did I say I cared if you think my point was valid?

It's valid to me...saying fuck off is cussing, it's not literally asking you to do harm to your self.

I can't believe I'm even explaining this, what is wrong with this sub.

why he's showing up on newscasts everywhere

Well, I mean, "everywhere". Surely you must have dozens of examples of him on the news all across the country, as you said. Everywhere is a lot of places to get to in the US. It's not like his youtube channel has videos of him from 6 months ago going on vacation to California or anything.

The entire media narrative this week has been about how great and responsible these kids are, and honestly that's excellent.

But now in response to actions you might think are dumb you want to write that off? You're having it both ways.

So you're privy to Zionism, too?

Well yeah, that's the purpose of the "/s" tag... to indicate someone not being serious. If you are new to reddit, /s indicates "sarcasm."

You seem to really be grinding me for conflict, so let's entertain your angst: since it seems to be the crux of your frustration in this exchange, what do you find compelling about a 17-year old in high school self-describing himself as a 17-year old high school student?

Me? I don't find that indicative of anything out of the ordinary. Part of being critical is the ability to analyze evidence and determine if it means anything. Dare I suggest, even making a mockery of real conspiracy. Hence my quip.

Your turn. Persuade me how it is compelling evidence of anything.

just wondering, do u believe in the conspiracy that the jews control the media?

Yea, after perusing your comment history, it's clear you're not a conspiracy theorist. Do you also go into r/christianity and tell them their idiots for believing in Jesus?

Meh. They just threatened to. A major media outlet. Threatening to dox.

I don’t care what he went through. He is using tragedy for personal gain. That’s despicable.

So just that clip in California and now this, right?

It doesn’t matter what percentage and I’m not angry, I’m just judgmental of his duplicity.

It doesn’t matter what percentage

That's how you're able to get so up in arms, because you reject nuance on its face. Nuance would get in the way of your ability to shit all over teenagers on the internet.

so you know for a fact this kid has never been featured on local TV before that? You realize we're talking about hundreds of channels that produce content every day?

You dont' know shit - you are just speculating like I am. My point is purely that he doesn't seem genuine in his interviews, his father used to work for the FBI (who's in a shitload of trouble right now), and his previous 'news story' is exactly the type of story that a local news affiliate will hire an actor for in order to produce content (I've worked in media - that is completely a thing that happens quite often. It's hard to trust strangers under deadlines.)

So i'm suspicious. I haven't said anything heavy-handed or made any final conclusions. I just think there's something smelly about the kid. Am I allowed to have an opinion?

I do think his use of his right is dishonorable though.

Lol, says the internet conspiracy troll attacking an innocent school shooting victim because you don't agree with their attempts to draw awareness to the tragedy. David Hogg has accomplished more in 1 hour today than you will in your lifetime. And that's why you hate him so much and want to stop him.

What do you think that signifies? That there was a false flag team in place already?

Yea your attempt to throw shade on a guy because he was on the news after a video went viral is embarrassing. Or it would be for humans.

He has a youtube video on his public account showing him get on the plane to Cali for vacation. Who gives a fuck? Am I not allowed to cross the country without suspicion?

wouldn't you just say they definitely do exist then?

That makes sense too. It helps spin their narrative and gets the people arguing among themselves and then the kid makes a clean break.

ive got no receipts.
this site you can request a quote: https://crowdsondemand.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz8OV3L-42QIVGEwNCh398AzVEAAYASAAEgKRevD_BwE


business insider article on trump. mentions how anyone can just call up crowds on demand.

It was negative when I made the edit.

"A real shooter" No true scotsman. Upvoted too.

Care to elaborate?

Look, you can stop trying to explain your crazy theory. It's nonsense and you know it. You can combine so many words and phrases into any number coincidence you want, there's absolutely no credibility to your theory. Just because something is well practiced and documented doesn't make it true. Language is not mathematical, you can assign numbers to fucking anything. You can't see through nonexistant illusions. Thinking the Illuminati is really is fucking ridiculous and pretending that you have the insight into the world is the most disconnected from reality I've ever heard someone act.

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I had a post removed and linked to this thread as an explanation why, but it had nothing to do with Hogg or JA. It was a photo of a "student" from the Parkland, FL "shooting" next to a photo from an imdb page of a girl who looked identical to the "student" as well as having the same last name.

Rage more bro. Resist! Bash'n the fash one post at a time!

half the wall of text you just provided is also filled in inaccuracies and false truths

Name one

No sure who is knee jerk modding you down. People are getting played by emotions. That guy has a video of him starting shit on a beach over a surf board. It is pretty clear to me he is trying to start shit to become famous. Lo and behold, he got the chance of life time. Now he is the darling of the liberal media.

Alex Jones is an actor designed to provide an easy to mock caricature of alternative media so folks like James Corbett and Sibel Edmonds are ignored.

Bill Cooper exposed him in 2000- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r8rFNDh9WQ

If my friends were killed id have actual emotions unlike this kid.

Were they even friends? Can you find one clip of him talking about the victims?

I can understand if DH wanted to remain private out of the public controversy. As such, reddit is correct in protecting his account and his information. However, as DH seems to have continued on Twitter and elsewhere in a public capacity, then he's basically opening himself up, and its no longer about "DOXing", but about discussing a public figure that wants to stay public. Twitter, reddit and Facebook banning people from mentioning him once he is functioning in the public spotlight, would amount to censorship and would have nothing to do with protecting user identity or private life.

DH should really retreat from the public spotlight if he values his privacy. The whole doxing and shaming by social media companies is just a cover for trying to control an out of control narrative that they wish to manipulate. Those who wish to preserve their rights are correct to fight back. Clearly this is all about playing on people's emotions to advance an agenda.


its never acceptable even if he's a piece of shit.

i dont think your questions are legitimate. or at least, I dont think any conclusions that are likely to be drawn from the answers to your question are legitimate

i agree with the friends part; my highschool was 300 people and i couldn't go through a list of names and tell you who even a quarter of them were. There's a chance they barely knew the victims, because, im my opinion, the people that were ACTUALLY their friends, would be shocked/heartbroken/grieving. He also had a video on YT where he convinced some girl that he had shot his friend; from like a year ago, making his point on gun control rather moot to me. It's okay to joke about something that serious until it happens, right? Based solely from his old videos, and how much attention he has in the media, it seems pretty safe to say he's the type of preppy fuck who'd gladly capitalize on the death of kids he barely knew