David Hogg Coached CNN Interview Outtakes Being Wiped from YouTube and Elsewhere

192  2018-02-21 by IanPhlegming

I hope somebody downloaded that roughly 2-and-a-half minute "interview" Hogg did with CNN that shows them walking him through his phrasing and commentary. It was everywhere this morning, YouTube has been blowing it up due to "violence" and "bullying" reasons. Which are bullshit of course.

Anybody get it? You can post it on DTube or DailyMotion. At least you can for now.


Same interviews I'm looking for of 2 different students. One explains she was next to the suspect when the shooting started and the second talked about army guys hiding bodies under mats.

The original link to those was shut down for the same reason you mentioned, it's extremely important to find these and push them publicly.

I think the David Hogg thing is a misdirection psyop.

I'm sick of hearing about it. Its fucking everywhere already and it isn't persuasive. It's making skeptic type people look retarded.

Agreed, it's a set up distraction.


Solid rebuttal

So dumb and easily debunked that the MSM and the kids themselves are hitting it head on instead of avoiding it like real deep state actors would.

These people have stunted their basic observational skills to the point of uselessness.

I just wrote in another thread. I believe the David Hogg thing is akin to what happened with /r/pizzagate. Only thing missing is that someone does something illegal to David Hogg (physical violence, stalking, whatever) and blames it on /r/conspiracy and this sub is gone.

Hmmm...are you foreshadowing a psyop that is going to play out in the future if we don't stop exposing the Hogg? I'm bookmarking this comment and your account so that if something happens in the future along the lines you've predicted, that you, and not this entire sub, is implicated.

I love it :)

Just so you guys don't think I'm shillin'.


My comment history, like everyone elses - is open to everyone, you are free to look.

Pizzagate was about the Podesta emails, no one claim kids were sacrificed.

/r/pizzagate was shutdown because of the guy shooting inside Comet Ping Pong Pizza (and just happened to hit , with a single bullet, the harddrive of a computer there, whaa).

Yup that's it, direct ones too, thank you

Wasn't the second link the video that was clearly debunked because it said it was taken "15 minutes after the shooting" or some bullshit like that while the sun is setting in the background.

IDK. Totally possible. Disinfowars.

I just saw it in another thread. This whole thing is a mess. This sub needs a megathread to organize it.

And it’s gone

First one is, yup.

do you have a link by chance or could you point me in the right direction. Would like to see it

When I tried out for voice-acting lessons, the first bad habit I was told to stop doing was saying "I'm sorry" when I would mess the line up. I was told to just compose myself, and try it again, because the recording was constant and studio time is expensive. This interview sounds like roughly-rehearsed lines. His reactions are very similar to the reactions I first had in the studio. These are not words generated by his own thoughts. He is thinking about how to say these things to produce a desired outcome, just like voice actors.

That's what my experience has to say anyways. And no, I am NOT a professional voice-actor. I have had training though.

He is thinking about how to say these things to produce a desired outcome, just like voice actors.

Also just like people who value what they're going to say on national TV.

There is zero evidence his "lines" were fed to him by anyone. Apologizing for messing up what you were saying isn't evidence of that either, only evidence that he messed up what he wanted to say.

He had me at "calamity" lol

This kid has an attention-seeking personality.

I found it!! Start at 21:30


No. That's not it. But a good video anyway. The non-crying crying black girl who makes the comment about doing her assignment for her "Holocaust class" is priceless.

Youtube is going straight Orwellian. They're just going around removing anything they don't want out in the open. Eric Dubay's entire channel got deleted just for posting a video about jews..

This is actually a little crazy to see in action. They are actively wiping all “multiple shooters” videos, anything relating to David Hogg in a negative way, and hardcore pushing anything that goes with the narrative. It’s an actual real life conspiracy playing out before our eyes by the minute, it’s known and accepted by some, and it’s fucking mind blowing.

Yes. I watched it play out over the day today. It's amazing. 1984 in real time.

Minitrue in action.

Facebook is marking comments as spam containing some combination of the words: false flag, hoax, false flag, et al. I'm not sure which triggered the auto spam filter, was having a brief conversation on an acquaintance's post and my comments were deleted within seconds with a notification that my comments were marked as spam and other's would not be able to view them.

Same thing happened with pepperonigate, and all things related to Comet ping pong. Basically a confirmation of everything I'd always thought about these elite sickos.

Hey the market just opened up for more players.

All someone with money needs to do is get other people together with like values and money, and make a competitor.

Yeah, you'd think one (or a couple) of these newly minted Bitcoin millionaires/billionaires would at least start some kind of high profile news organization (or low budget movie studio).

Except YouTube is a private company not a government institution

Free-speech is free-speech everywhere, not just outside, with your voice, on public land.

Yup. And private companies are then free to remove the distribution of that speech on their platform.

Right. And when you see a pattern of behavior as we have with YouTube, people should be alarmed and trying to spread the word.

They provide an extremely important platform for our society though

Is it though?

Less by the day.

Youtube is owned by google which is arguably the a part of government

In what way is that arguable?

You didn't even a fucking PAGE of the Snowden leaks, did you? Shame.

I did. I thought the argument was the the government secretly owns google, not that google answers to the government, which makes more sense. Relax.

Seems to be a flood of ill informed conspiracy users as of late.


I’ve been here for six years and was just asking a question, but thanks.

Corporations are people. Money is free speech. Take makes Google a very loud and powerful person with access to everyones fucked up search history at thier finger tips.

If YouTube were censoring gays no one would be making this excuse

Don't forget, even if you're a private company, you still have to bake cakes for people whose videos you don't agree with. Or something like that.

This guy fakenewsreport channel got his deleted today after he posted this video showing hogg whispering and coaching the girl during the shooting saying "we need diversity"


Holy crap, the Ministry of Truth is in overdrive. Winston Smith's keyboard must be SMOKING!

Why does no one rip the incriminating videos from YouTube to save on their own hard drives?

There is one posted on my sub. Do not know how long it will stay.

So let me get this straight.

TPBP (but they're not Republicans or Trump) were able to fake a kid's entire existence in a major American public high school, keeping it a secret despite needing possibly hundreds of people involved, orchestrated a massive fake school shooting, and yet their planted operatives aren't even capable of doing a simple TV appearance without flaking out? Not only that, TPBP are then incapable of preventing these flubbed interviews from making it on the air?

You forgot the part about how these forces are all powerful even though the president, senate, and congress are all working against them.

Dude, I don't believe this was a "fake shooting" but if you can't play devil's advocate to your own comment I have to advise you get some fresh air and maybe go on down to library and dust off some books once you've cleared your head.

I'm pretty dumb so you should probably explain it to me very slowly.

I'll speak slowly and use as many one syllable words as possible so you and all your little sock puppet friends can understand:

"You forgot the part about how these forces are all powerful even though the president, senate, and congress are all working against them."

Did you ever think maybe if it was a fake shooting that the president, Senate and Congress might be complicit? After every shooting gun sales go up and so does interest in domestic security, which means more money for domestic security contracts, which is essentially a function of the MIC.

I'd give you an up-vote for visibility, but I'm sure your little minions will be along any minute now to handle that chore for me.

So Trump and the Republicans are all in league with the other side of the aisle? Where do they hold these meetings? What proof do you offer for these claims?

The FBI went to the shooters door and questioned him. What more could they have done? Should they lock up every person who threatens violence on the internet? In that case all the calls to violence over on The_Donald will result in hundreds of arrests. Even then, what charges will they be held on?

I was playing devil's advocate and arguing from a hypothetical standpoint in case you missed it the 2 or 3 times I made that crystal clear. Otherwise you are forum sliding at this point even farther off topic than was initially postured by Op. If you believe your own bullshit I feel sorry for you. Otherwise fuck off back to your troll hole.

Up-voted you for visibility.

Translation: I have literally no argument but want my confirmation bias reinforced.

"Khajiit_Sorc • 29m Translation: I have literally no argument but want my confirmation bias reinforced."

Agreed, you have no argument but you are desperate for confirmation bias. No need to translate though dude. "Dumb" means you have trouble talking, not typing. Your words came out just fine in text form. Besides, you don't want people thinking you just copy/pasta'd that canned sounding response from the cya section of some slimy shill handbook do you?

  1. Try to turn around argument while offering no argument of my own

  2. Try to flip over table and declare victory

  3. Scream shill

Looks like you're the one with the handbook there, broski.

So it's opposite day again? Got it thanks, I'm rubber your glue...if you are really half as confused as you seem you could always go back and read my examples of hypothetical arguments that I put forth to play devils advocate for your own short sighted and condescending contentions, because you feigned as if you were too "dumb" to even think of a hypothetical counter to your own comment. At least I hope you were feigning dumb. if not I refer to my original response to you. Of course, that may confuse you even more. Otherwise, does it really seem like I'm the one pulling shit from a shill handbook when comparing our opposing comments? Really, really? Again, you're the one stuck in the box so bad you seam to be unable to even play hypothetical devil's advocate, which is something people do while exercising their brains for debates all the time even if they don't agree with the hypo contentions they are putting forth. I was making hypothetical devil's advocate arguments simply for the fact your comment was short sighted and ignorant and had nothing to do with Ops contentions here and because we're in a damn conspiracy sub and u played dumb. At best, you came in here for no reason other than to call people dumb and virtue signal, as if there is no better activity for you to engage in anywhere to be found on Reddit or the internet as a whole or anywhere else for that matter. I'm here cause I genuinely enjoy the conversation and theories or hypothesis's presented and I'm doing other stuff in real life so I'm just popping in and out to keep my brain occupied between real world tasks. What are you really doing here?

Ylesdont you see how obvious it is no this isn't bullying and harassment cause all of a sudden they actually spoke up on what they believe in

And the purpose of the whole thing is to enact gun control, which TBTB have been mysteriously unable to do even though the vast majority of the population is in favor of tighter gun control.

Check the state legislation

"And the purpose of the whole thing is to enact gun control,.."

I do not believe this is a fake shooting. But to play devil's advocate:

First of all, who said that? Not Op.

Secondly, did you maybe think that if this was a set-up that it could have been done to boost gun sales and domestic security contracts? Because that has actually happened after ever major mass-shooting I can remember.

"..which TBTB have been mysteriously unable to do even though the vast majority of the population is in favor of tighter gun control."

The vast majority of the population are in favor of a lot of things that don't happen because donor money speaks louder than votes. A good example would be that I'm pretty sure the majority of the population wanted Hillary to be queen and we all know how that turned out. Marijuana decriminalization is another good example. The list goes on and on.

I don't believe that the school shooting was faked or anything like that, but you're blind if you think this kid doesn't have connections or is anything more than a political tool. He's being used to represent the "average American student" when nothing could be further from the truth

I agree. I'm not even following this all that close but that kid's trying way too hard to mugg face. It's annoying and obvious just by looking at him. He comes off as forced and un-natural and I haven't bothered to listen to him talk yet.

You're an utter retard.

User name checks out.

Removed. Rule 10

Bizarre response, since I didn't claim any of those things.

They're blatantly blue-pilled and/or shills. No one is claiming (definitively so, at least) that the kids didn't go to the school or anything of that sort. It's what they always do, claim that the suspicious people are actually brazenly making outlandish, easily disproved claims.

You didn't. But some lunatic fringe somewhere else did, and they're using that lunatic fringe to smear with that brush anyone who says anything against that poor, angelic boy.

I’m only seeing people say that he was coached in the interview. The conspiracy is the media pushing an agenda and using him to do so and capitalizing on the tragedy.

Its almost as if teenagers appearing on a stage in front of millions of people decided to prepare a little bit ahead of time to make sure they would be able to keep their wits and gather their thoughts. Oh the horror

Or, you know, had their questions scripted by CNN. Except for one kid who refused and told a local Florida news station about it.


Having pre-planned questions for politicians is not unusual. That's been a known norm for decades.

These are DICTATED questions, created by the "news" network. They are not pre-planned questions from the actual students. Big difference.

Again, this has been a known norm for decades.

...and it's bad and wrong and not "journalism." It's also not what you originally said.

I didn't say it wasn't bad or wrong. I'm saying it's not a conspiracy.

Nope. My theory is that the FBI likely egged the kid on. You know, like how they always convince mentally handicapped people that they're part of a terrorist group, give them a fake bomb, and then arrest them.

Kid shoots up the place, news narrative changes from FBI corruption to school shooting.

Then CNN jumps on board and coaches a kid who was there in order to push their anti-gun/Trump spin.

(Disclaimer: I don't vote and have no political affiliation. I think my theory makes the most sense though.)

You hit the nail on the head.

a kid who was present at a school where 17 people were killed doesn't need to be "egged on" to support gun control. jesus fucking christ.

I was talking about the shooter.

I don't believe anything you claim people here believe wholesale is true in this case from the little I know about it. That is to say, I do not think school shootings are live action "plays" or that the shootings are fake. But if you think that hypothetical operations of this size are impossible in a country this big with as many people as hate Trump and guns right now, or, depending on what angle you take, as many people who could profit from an increase in the domestic security apparatus, you are a bit under-researched. Maybe go find some old documentaries on WW2 and some of the huge fake-outs we put on the Germans. That should lead into some of the massive operations and coups the OSS and CIA have pulled in other people's countries after WW2, during the cold war. It could be argued we pulled covert operations and fake outs much larger than what you are scoffing at when we helped the Germans knock down the Berlin Wall. That was done from the inside out in Communist controlled Berlin for Christ sake. Our spooks have pulled coups and toppled governments all over the world in some of the most highly regulated societies that ever existed, including the former U.S.S.R. many middle-eastern countries, communist Vietnam, communist Korea and so on.

If you think it's beyond possible, you're flat out wrong. If you think they won't make mistakes you're wrong there too.

Not only that, TPBP are then incapable of preventing these flubbed interviews from making it on the air?

It might've been the best take they had. Any discrepancies could be blamed on 'shock' and 'grief'.

This seemed to habe happen during another drill. judgign by the interviews especially. I don't know about "fake" deaths, but that could be how they don't need to have hundred of people in on anything, in order to pull of a hypothetical fake shooting.

I have no reason to believe there were no deaths, but by using the moment of confusion, and having officers restricit access to where the victims supposedly for example are, for example, I'd you can sell a narrative or shooting in said fashion. I don't get why this is seldomly brought up (might be mikstaken about that.)

There's a rumor his mom works for cnn too...I thought it was a joke at first but it was apparently a kid claiming to know a little about him. If that turns out true they will delete everythinggggg. He's in a cnn shirt ffs..

MSM releases videos, social media deletes videos, it's suppose to be this way,Revelation of the Method.

I downloaded it and some other videos incase they are taken down

Link to download? Google Drive?

I'll upload them to Google drive, I'll reply again with the link when it's done.

Nice good work

That is common practice for an interview.

It's sad that videos need to be censored, but some people (many on this sub) love trying to find something in nothing and have zero empathy for the survivors of a school shooting.

I'm still seeing people say Sandy Hook was either a hoax or a false flag. And when they're told they're causing more pain to those families, they say "stop conspiracy-shaming me, this is a conspiracy sub", as if they are the victim.

It's sickening.

Who is Wolfgang Halbig and what are his credentials ?

There is not "nothing" here. If that's the way you see it, you're pretty credulous, to the point of r/conspiracy probably not being the place for you.

I enjoy talking conspiracies. But I like the ones that don't pain innocent families that have lost loved ones.

Our opinions are different. I see many many many many problems with the "official story."

The very fact there is such a rush to censor, mock, vilify anyone who questions the government narrative says a lot.

The ubiquitousness of David Hogg is also suspect.

The fact it's lying Deep State criminal DWS's district is also suspect.

Cruz's behavior is typical of brainwashed patsies.

Shaming people for talking about things that "pain the families" has been a key talking point to shutting down questions about the "official story." Does it pain the Kennedy family to discuss the murders of JFK and RFK? Does it pain the 9/11 families to question the deaths?

The truth may be painful. It's been painful for me to learn things. It's not my goal to bring others pain, but to find and reveal the truth, even if I discover I'm wrong about some things along the way.

David Hogg's family has received death threats. Families of Sandy Hook had to relocate because of hoaxers and threats from them.

Maybe you go about this in civil ways, but others do not. Who knows, one of your "insightful" theories could drive one of these people to threaten a family, or worse. Not worth it. But you're right, we have very different opinions. And values, it seems.

I value the search for truth, wherever it takes me.

I could be entirely wrong, but it seems like you are approaching this in the wrong fashion.

Please excuse me if your son/daughter died at a school shooting, but you're hardly in a place to say that it definitely did or did not happen unless you're presented with irrefutable evidence time and time again.

I personally believe that the Parkland shooting is a fishy scenario (as well as Sandy Hook). There are a lot of coincidences that make me have my own suspicions.

Additionally, i think that you may be pushing it a little here:

some people (many on this sub) love trying to find something in nothing and have zero empathy for the survivors of a school shooting.

The more likely situation is that we love looking for something in everything. Because it seems like most things that have been happening recently are fishy or have several things that don't seem to make sense.

If I truly believed my government was up to something as evil as killing children to push gun control, I'd do everything in my power to find the truth. So, are you? Drive to these places, interview these families, find out for yourself. Gain some actual evidence. Only then will you be in the right for spewing such filth.

Think about those families. Unless they swear off the internet for the rest of their lives, they'll no doubt someday stumble upon comments from people like you that call them liars and shills. Find something else to theorize about.

Okay. First off, I do not believe that the government is killing children to push gun control. Though you may think it is the exact same, I believe that it is definitely a possibility that they are manipulating troubled kids (i.e. Nikolas Cruz) and potentially setting them up to do these things.

Secondly, I sincerely apologize for "spewing such filth", though I cannot recall where I did such a thing. I am simply asking questions and telling peope what I believe. It shouldn't be my fault if somebody takes offense to it. I advise that they (and you) provide evidence that either support my claim or disprove it, instead of calling me a bad person.

Third, I can't seem to find anywhere that I called anybody a liar or a shill. I never said that nobody died. I never said that the families are actors. I never said that it was a hoax. I am, however, saying that it could have been set up or influenced by 3rd parties (or is that the filth that you're referring to?).

And lastly, I am not a part of the people that do believe that these people are shills/trolls/whatever you want to call them. All that I am doing is announcing things that I personally noticed about these situations.

I agree that people shouldn't be at risk of being killed at school. I agree that people shouldn't be afraid of going anywhere. I disagree with your accusations. I disagree with the notion that these issues are caused by guns. And I disagree with the way that the media portray these events.

I could either conclude this with "fuck you" or "I respect and thank you for your input. I appreciate your feedback." You choose.

Secondly, I sincerely apologize

I accept your apology.

YouTube has been blowing it up due to "violence" and "bullying" reasons. Which are bullshit of course.

What part of that is bull shit? Thats exactly what happened to the kid.

"Violence"? Can you explain? What sort of violence happened to the kid?

"Bullying"? Pointing out he was coached is valid, since he makes such a big deal on Anderson Cooper that he wasn't. That his dad is FBI? That's also important for Americans to know. I could go on, but I won't, because I don't believe you to be an honest participant in this subreddit.

"Bullying"? Pointing out he was coached is valid

It might be valid if anyone had actually done that. All they've shown is a kid struggling to speak on live TV after a school shooting, and then spread the story that he was coached or fed lines without any evidence to back that up.

You've also left out the part where people were accusing him of being a crisis actor for the sin of going on vacation once.

Of course there's more to it than that.

You left off the part about his dad being FBI, the FBI fucking up the Cruz watch, how this happened in DWS's district, all the shadiness around Sheriff Israel, how this kid Hogg is EVERYWHERE, how it's only the anti-gun kids who get on TV, how so many of the interviews with these kids sound scripted, how nobody calls Hogg on being a member of the school's theater clique as he says "I'm not an actor," how CNN scripted questions for their bullshit town hall last night, how this whole thing is a giant orchestrated garbage programming fear fest.

But you go on debunking a conspiracy sub. You shouldn't even be here. Your thoughts are shallow and knee-jerk TMOR crap. I'm blocking you. Ciao.

You seem to quick to hostility. Sensitive?

But really it is absolutely bullying. The poster in the description was accusing him of being an actor. The comments were filled with people ganging up on him and insulting him, calling him a liar, and just shit behavior in general. I could go on but you obviously have no intention of accepting any view point that doesn't adhere to your theories.

How is this anykind of proof of acting? These news channels fake a shit everyday to get a more emotial reaction from viewers while reporting on news that actually happened. How is it so hard to belive they wanted to get the story straight and practice before doing a shot in order to get a good interview

Could someone tell me what other "evidence" there is on Hogg? Ive seen the surf video and that he went to highschool in california. Anything else?

Post it to pirate bay

Somebody try to post a cute cat picture with false flag, hoax tag. I wonder if Youtube algorithm automatically takes it down.

Here's a one minute version on Daily Motion: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6f2o3l

I think the David Hogg thing is a misdirection psyop.

I'm sick of hearing about it. Its fucking everywhere already and it isn't persuasive. It's making skeptic type people look retarded.

You hit the nail on the head.

a kid who was present at a school where 17 people were killed doesn't need to be "egged on" to support gun control. jesus fucking christ.

Right. And when you see a pattern of behavior as we have with YouTube, people should be alarmed and trying to spread the word.

I'll upload them to Google drive, I'll reply again with the link when it's done.

Again, this has been a known norm for decades.

So it's opposite day again? Got it thanks, I'm rubber your glue...if you are really half as confused as you seem you could always go back and read my examples of hypothetical arguments that I put forth to play devils advocate for your own short sighted and condescending contentions, because you feigned as if you were too "dumb" to even think of a hypothetical counter to your own comment. At least I hope you were feigning dumb. if not I refer to my original response to you. Of course, that may confuse you even more. Otherwise, does it really seem like I'm the one pulling shit from a shill handbook when comparing our opposing comments? Really, really? Again, you're the one stuck in the box so bad you seam to be unable to even play hypothetical devil's advocate, which is something people do while exercising their brains for debates all the time even if they don't agree with the hypo contentions they are putting forth. I was making hypothetical devil's advocate arguments simply for the fact your comment was short sighted and ignorant and had nothing to do with Ops contentions here and because we're in a damn conspiracy sub and u played dumb. At best, you came in here for no reason other than to call people dumb and virtue signal, as if there is no better activity for you to engage in anywhere to be found on Reddit or the internet as a whole or anywhere else for that matter. I'm here cause I genuinely enjoy the conversation and theories or hypothesis's presented and I'm doing other stuff in real life so I'm just popping in and out to keep my brain occupied between real world tasks. What are you really doing here?

David Hogg's family has received death threats. Families of Sandy Hook had to relocate because of hoaxers and threats from them.

Maybe you go about this in civil ways, but others do not. Who knows, one of your "insightful" theories could drive one of these people to threaten a family, or worse. Not worth it. But you're right, we have very different opinions. And values, it seems.