You know it’s a hoax

0  2018-02-22 by Afrokiller-symbiote

It’s all a hoax.

Everything people say is just babble. We’re all just morons walking around aimlessly anyway.

The shooting?


Pull your heart strings. Isolate you. Villainize you. Discredit you.

“Those selfish and unthoughtful conspiracy theorists” “how dare they”

Turn us against one another. It’s so simple. It’s the cheapest trick in the book. Use the kids. They’ll never stand up to us when it’s the kids.

All these people defending the gun grab or any form of gun legislation, idiots; mouth breathers, sell outs, dumb ass pansies.

It’s so obviously scripted you’d have to go full retard to miss it.

Here’s the “cruel and unusual thing” that most of you probably wouldn’t bring yourself to say:

If it takes a hundred, or a thousand, of hell even a million gun deaths in this country every year; if that’s the sacrifice that must be made: if they were all children, I still wouldn’t give up the gun.

The price of mankind’s freedom is worth it. If America falls to disarmament, it’s over.


You never go full retard...

And yet here we are

And yet here you are.



Oh shit, I been exposed.

OP this will interest you

Fuck you

My place or yours?

The dumpster behind the crackhouse has too many rats. Yours it is then.


I love lamp

If it takes a hundred, or a thousand, of hell even a million gun deaths in this country every year; if that’s the sacrifice that must be made: if they were all children, I still wouldn’t give up the gun.


How many gun owners are there in the world, do you know?

Not sure, would guess maybe like 1 billion, I think I read that it’s like 1:7 ratio.

I do know the US has the most per capital, and almost double the next two (just checked to make sure)

Not sure how any of that relates to the fact you said you would sacrifice a million people, and then specified they could all be children, just to own a gun. Pretty messed up.

There are 875 million guns worldwide. 650 million of those guns are owned by civilians. More than half of those guns are in America, the only democratic country besides Switzerland and the UK that allow gun ownership.

So, you wanna take away 300-350 million guns from the civilian populace of Earth?

Yes, I stand by the fact that I would rather have a million children die than have the entire world suffer under a communists or fascist dictatorship, which is what happen, if the guns just vanished.

They happen with guns too. A gun is not a panacea to bad government.

Everyone and every government “happens with guns”

What’s the point?

That guns don’t magically solve problems. More often then not they are a security blanket for people who don’t realize their government has already abandon it’s principles.

Australia isn't Democratic?

Sorry Australia too!

Those stats are actually from like 2014, next time don’t grab literally the first Google link.

Funny how America has the highest gun ownership and also the highest body count from shootings. I don’t think all guns should be revoked though, despite the views you’ve already decided I have. I just think anyone who says they will sacrifice 1m people, and then goes on to clarify that they can all be children, should probably not be allowed to own a gun though, because holy shit dude get a grip

Some of us have what it takes to defend the group, others are baptized in political correctness. I would never hurt a child, nor a woman, nor man, who was not directly threatening me and my family.

All I’m saying is, if my life and the life of my family and the life of my state and the life of the whole world must be laid down so that goodness and liberty reign and continue to grow, than so be it.

One moment of fear could topple all of this.

All they have to do is get enough emotional energy out in the air and the group consensus on any issue can change.

The issue of gun ownership is non-negotiable.

It’s our line

We hold the line.

For someone who is trying to act so selfless, you seem really intent on keeping your overblown toys in spite of the wider implications, and the fact that regulating guns the same way all other dangerous toys are regulated is pretty reasonable.

Have you ever defended yourself with a gun? I don’t mean had one on you or threatened someone, I mean shot a person to protect yourself or someone else? Just curious, I like to try and understand where these viewpoints come from. I have some ideas but I don’t want to assume anything.

No I’ve never killed anyone but I’ve been shot.

I’ll take a bullet for the Constitution, as imperfect as it is it gives us our freedom from tyranny and provided a template for democratic governments all around the world.

It’s not perfect but it’s a step in the right direction away from tyranny. I’ll die for that.

No I’ve never killed anyone but I’ve been shot.

I’ll take a bullet for the Constitution, as imperfect as it is it gives us our freedom from tyranny and provided a template for democratic governments all around the world.

It’s not perfect but it’s a step in the right direction away from tyranny. I’ll die for that.

Strange that it provided a template for democracies everywhere, yet they all decided to maybe crack down a bit on the violent powerful weapons bit, and as a result don’t deal with mass shootings to the point that it’s not even a surprise anymore.

What’s tyrannical is an organization that pays inordinate amounts of money to insure they get to keep their guns, despite the loss of life that it means for everyone else. What’s tyrannical is that citizens can’t actually fight for their own well-being because we don’t have the money to be heard. Our government is ALREADY tyrannical, it’s just convenient for most people so they don’t care. Stepping away from tyranny would be saying “we don’t care how much money you’re offering, preventing the loss of American life is more important.”

Instead you’re part of a system that practices tyranny under the guise of preventing it.

You haven’t seen anything yet, kid. Tyranny has been asleep, taking a nap.

Don’t wake it up.

Sure, it can be worse, but that doesn’t negate the fact that we’re already being subjected to it. If I break my arm and you lose yours, my injury is not invalidated by the severity of yours.

How about instead of “waking it up” people put it the fuck down instead of pretending that guns are a positive aspect to any aspect of life other than making weapons manufacturers rich.

Read through my comments again. Do I sound like someone who is happy that it’s this way? No.

It’s a realty, kiddo. Guy with the bigger stick wins.

Right we have 80 million sticks and they’re outnumbered 40-1. That’s an advantage we can NEVER let go of.

The fact that you truly think we have the bigger stick is ridiculous, as is the fact that you think they are used for protecting anything. Where were the gun owners when Bush scammed his way to the presidency? Where were the gun owners when Nixon conspired against the American people? Where were they when any right other than gun ownership has been threatened?

They have the bigger stick, it’s just so big that people can’t even see it for a weapon. That is how outscaled we are. An ant doesn’t view a foot as a weapon.

You’re arguing fifty things at once so pointless to respond.

Yes the gov has nukes. Yes the gov had weather control. Big deal? They live on the planet for now. That’s a different story.

If they tried to take the guns they would fail, miserably. Bigger stick = American population.

They didn’t do anything to bush or Nixon because most people are not just naturally inclined to violence every time a politician takes a shit on the Constitution.

And gun owners are inclined to violence when it’s convenient. Defend the constitution or don’t, but picking which parts to defend? That’s some bs.

I am dumber for having talked to you.

He's not wrong. Guns prevent tyranny and tyranny kills millions more people than school shootings. We can replace kids by making new ones. We can't replace freedom. Harsh but true.

Does it? I’m pretty sure the armies tanks and drones have already got you out armed.

This is the kind of shit I hate. Defeatism.

United States has a handful of Predator drones. Not enough to do anything in the ME much less on American soil.

If they had the manpower to seize the guns they would have already done it, that’s why they’re going through the backdoor of intelligence and coercion.

Lol I’m not defeated just not delusional. There are ways to fight back, an arms race isn’t a winning strategy though.

How should we fight back against the trained men with guns then? What’s your solution?

Maybe you should start by learning to shoot one. That’s my first guess.

I’m a good shot.

There is a war of information. Exposing truth is the only way to win long term.

No ones disagreeing with that but if we don’t have any weapons we lose by default.

No, it if comes down to a war of force we’ve already lost. Do you honestly think you could take down the US army if it went after you?

Do you think the entirety of military is going to engage on civilians?

Nope, because I think most people with guns couldn’t put them to much effect against a trained soldier if they tried, and many have no intent to actually participate in an armed rebellion.

There’s no need to even send an army, why but just bomb the house? If we’re at the point where the government is willing to attack citizens outright do you really think they would hold back?

No. But I also think if it had gotten to that point anyone with sense wouldn’t be sitting in a house waiting to be bombed either. Morons willingly handing over the guns sure. But people with any sense have long left.

Do you think the people they bomb over seas are just “waiting to be bombed”?

Dunno. Head over and ask.

No need. The answer's obvious. You can ignore the reality if you want though, I can't force you to face the facts.

Yo get off this thread

No thanks.

That's the big question should a rebellion break out what would the military do, would they side with the main government or the revolution? Unless you can get the navy (at least a good chunk of it) on your side to defend ports and trade any rebellion against the US will likely be squashed. At least that's what I think, I could be 100% wrong for all I know.

Do you honestly think my buddies from the US Army would just “come after” me? Get a grip, they’re human. They’re not all robots. There will be a civil war if gun confiscarion occurs.

Get that through your skull. It’s bigger than your little school shooting marches.

Don’t pretend you know my politics.

And yes there are soldiers who would attack civilians. There is a lot of brainwashing involved in training.

Besides, why but just bomb your house? Why but use automated machines?

“My politics” is only something a liberal, very liberal person would say. Not that it matters.

I think I know a thing or two about Army training seeing as how I spent 4 years AD.

Brainwashing is a harsh term. It’s unit building. They force you to act and think as one, yet here I am. It’s simple for someone to just shove off that stuff immediately after (and for me during) training.

No everyday soldier is gonna willingly kill Americans. You clearly don’t know any. The ones that would are all SpecOps mercenaries and CIA SAD types.

Those guys aren’t human.

“My politics” is only something a liberal, very liberal person would say. Not that it matters.

What a joke. Are you really that deluded that you think two words spell out someone political philosophy?

And Brainwashing is an accurate term.

If they were dropping bombs we would already be in a revolution, what would they have left to fear? You think they would do that haphazardly? You have a very simple minded view of the world, it would be admirable if it wasn't so self-defeating.

Lady I am a strategic veteran.. my degree is in military history. You don’t know shit. Of course they would not do it haphazardly. They wouldn’t do it because they don’t have the manpower. Simple. If they DID they would have already done it cold and clean.

“They” being a few politicians and bankers who’ve never shot a gun and have servants do their dirty work.

Your the one with the defeatist attitude and it’s toxic and annoying.

You overestimate yourself and what you think you know.

You misread pragmatism for defeatism, perhaps another symptom of your unfounded optimism. Best of luck fending off the US government when the "Civil War" starts.

I’ll probably be back in the military “killing fellow Americans in a coup somehow able to disarm 80 million people without batting an eye cause that worked out so well in Iraq a country with a fraction of that population”

Realistically many will be fighting with us, not against us. That's why a civil war is a much safer route for tptb. I think most people aren't stupid enough to start one, at least I hope.

you do know that most patriots are ex-military. Willing to step up their battle against those who "just follow orders"

I’m ex military patriot and yes I know that

I wa being sarcastic

That's what the Russians thought with their Hind-D helicopters against a rag-tag band of mujahideen...and we know how that worked out after 20 years.

Are we going to pretend the US doesn’t spend far more money than Russia and hasn’t advanced it’s technology in 20 years? Also is the implication that your average gun owning citizen is comparable to a trained fighter? Most gun owners don’t even ascribe to similar world views, they are hardly a united front.

Let them continue to try and take away our liberty of having them and see how many obtain a united front.

If the only thing that unites you is "don't take my gun away" you aren't very united.

No. I’m United with the safety of my family. First and foremost. And because you need a safe space from guns because you are uneducated in the topic is your issue not mine.

Lol who said I need a safe space away from guns? I haven't said any such thing. You assume my position incorrectly, you might be better served limiting your opinion of me to what you actually know, not what you imagine to be the case.

I wish your family the best against the US Military. I'm sure it'll be an even match.

Perhaps, but they are still scared of what the militias will bring to the table. It will be messy and the elites don't want that. This is what the whole gun grabbing agenda is all about. Not you or I, but the militias.

Guns prevent tyranny

I would argue guns actually enable tyranny. The problem is gun owners who think that gun control means they won’t be able to fight back against a tyrannical government that outspends them to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars per year. You can easily find a happy medium, as pretty much every other country has, if you stop pretending whatever gun you own is going to somehow do anything to an unmanned that you won’t even see before you’re dead.

Defeatism. If they coulda done it they woulda by now. You clearly have never served.

Militaries don’t just “unmanned bomb things”

It takes a person to push the button. Unless our soldiers are somehow mind controlled in the future, I really doubt they’re all just gonna hoo hah over to governments side during its treasonous betrayal of our liberties and ways of life

If you think there aren’t plenty of people in the military who would jump at the opportunity to use a drone to kill people they don’t like, I’m not sure what to say. I disagree, obviously. I don’t think ever member of the armed service is unbalanced enough for that, but I also know that some of them are. And some of them is literally all it takes.

If people really cared about guns as a means of ensuring the government behaves, I would encourage them to focus on curbing military spending, opposing the way police are being militarized, and most importantly pushing for more stringent guidelines on who can buy and own weapons. I know the last part seems counter-intuitive, but really the people who are buying guns for the express purpose of violence towards other people are the problem, not the guns themselves, right? So take the guns from them, not from responsible folks that have proven they are capable of responsible gun ownership.

As someone who spent 6 years in the military and considering reenlistment I can tell you that os wholly untrue. 1-5% are the crazies and they would be shot openly by the COs if they did anything along the lines of killing Americans in this manner. There would be full on civil war and the people and our allies in the military would win decisivley

Not for nothing man but just because you served 6 years doesn’t mean you are qualified to identify how many crazy people there are in the entire service. Like I appreciate you serving and all, no disrespect, but no one person has the level of exposure needed to reliably assess that statistic.

And certainly many people in the military would not stomach these actions, but were on a board about conspiracies, are you really going to say there’s not a possibility of collusion between like-minded individuals to make something like this happen and keep themselves in control? I just think that’s not really being objective about the scenario.

Of course there is the possibility of it and ideas are being bounced around all the time; riot control, weather control, space combat, etc they’re always thinking of new ways to “get the edge” so yes we have to stay vigilant and KEEP OUR FUCKING GUNS

The problem is they already HAVE the edge, and are continually sharpening it. We’ve already lost the arms race if you’re concerned about protecting yourself from a corrupt government.

Frankly I don’t concern myself with that angle precisely because of that. No matter what guns you own, you will lose fighting the government. You would have to go back DECADES to change that fact. I’m more concerned with preventing needless loss of life in the name of the power fantasy that is gun ownership. Do you really think it’s a coincidence that we are the only country with this problem? It’s not, it’s a direct result of the lax regulations surrounding guns.

I appreciate that many gun owners are responsible folks. I wish they could appreciate that it only takes a few irresponsible people to ruin something, and it’s pretty selfish to continually sacrifice fellow Americans in the name of what are basically cool toys to many many gun owners.

Bro you don’t get it.

It’s simple logistics..

There’s 80 million gun owners in America conservative estimate..

There’s 1.2 million people in the military.. most of them are pussies and most of them are your friend.

They. Do. Not. Have. The. Resources. To take. The guns.

yeah it’s almost like it falls to us as a society to self-evaluate and make choices for the betterment of everyone, as opposed to insisting that someone will have to show up and kill me to take my guns.

It’s petulance, really. A large contingent of selfish people who jump through whatever mental hoops they need to as long as they can justify owning something that serves the single and specific person of ending a life. Sorry if that statement is offensive but that the truth. If people wanted to overthrow the government, they would have already, either when Obama was in office or when Trump was, so I’m done listening to the rhetoric.

No civilians want to overthrow the government, not very many anyway. I don’t understand that part of your thought process.

We’re just protecting our way of life.

If your “way of life” boils down to being allowed to own guns, it doesn’t deserve protection.

And don’t trip, I have no issue with handguns. I don’t even have an issue with rifles for hunting, under the right conditions (not current ones that’s for sure). Beyond that though, there’s no actual valid justification.

The fact that all these pro-gun fanatics are fine with every other injustice we suffer as a country as long as they get to keep their precious boomsticks is fucked up. It really really is. Don’t worry about transparent fair elections we don’t get, don’t worry about systemic discrimination against anyone that doesn’t fit their specific mold, don’t worry about a corrupted version of capitalism that ensures only the elite are actually in control of things, just make sure that I still get to have my guns damn it!

Our way of life is much bigger than just owning guns and you spit on the graves of millions who have died so you can get on the internet with opinions.

Our way of life is freedom, in all of its ugliness and uncertainly, and the joy and purpose it brings. Gun ownership is a part of that, that is all.

Fuck off that’s a stupid thing an idiot would say.

Woof wow you got me there man. How can I refute that rock solid argument.

By sucking a dick?

Why bother, you already do it enough for the both of us

Your mother wears combat boots

That's.... such a weird comment.

My mother actually wears combat boots, old lady still has style. Is that supposed to be some kind of bad thing?

Lol i don’t even know I have a feeling it’s a bill Murray quote or something. Never saw caddy shack myself. Didn’t really mean anything by it, it was more just supposed to be a generic douchey reply. Swing and a miss, but a shooters gotta shoot (pun literally not intended and I apologize for mixing sports metaphors in the same sentence).

And ur mom sounds cool, be good to her.

She is definitely a badass.

The giant floating stone head from Zardoz is on Reddit now.

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I dont care what he was talking about Our right to bear arms is a liberty

But is it an essential one?

Fckya it is

What do you mean by "is a liberty"?

as given by God that no man may arbitrarily take away

The idea that god (an all knowing all loving omnipotent deity) gave the right of gun ownership to man is by far the most ridiculous oils have made.

The idea that god (an all knowing all loving omnipotent deity) gave the right of gun ownership to man is by far the most ridiculous argument you could have made.

Really? So god made us to just sit back and do nothing and never protect ourselves whatsoever?

If I had kids, I would do my best to be all Loving to them, but would also teach them self defense, awareness, and eventually arms training because basically, this world is already hell

You know religion is the number one way to keep people complacent and not ask questions? Why are so many conspiracy theorists so religious, how do you not question that bs they feed you doesn't mean that they can't take the rights means that they shouldn't because doing so justifies running them through a wood chipper alive.



Sounds about right.

Go back to posting in the Donald. It's pretty obvious that's where you originate from

You guys are worse or just as bad as the ones who believe 9/11 didnt even happen.

Funny you mention the word sacrifice. I think most of these school shootings are exactly that. Occult child sacrifice

I chose that word for a reason

So the people who experience these shootings, they're just having group delusions?

How come no one says this when Antifa goes out and does things? How come things are only "hoaxes" when they have to do with guns or the alt-right?

But is it an essential one?

What do you mean by "is a liberty"?


Are we going to pretend the US doesn’t spend far more money than Russia and hasn’t advanced it’s technology in 20 years? Also is the implication that your average gun owning citizen is comparable to a trained fighter? Most gun owners don’t even ascribe to similar world views, they are hardly a united front.

“My politics” is only something a liberal, very liberal person would say. Not that it matters.

What a joke. Are you really that deluded that you think two words spell out someone political philosophy?

And Brainwashing is an accurate term.

If they were dropping bombs we would already be in a revolution, what would they have left to fear? You think they would do that haphazardly? You have a very simple minded view of the world, it would be admirable if it wasn't so self-defeating.

My place or yours?

Our way of life is much bigger than just owning guns and you spit on the graves of millions who have died so you can get on the internet with opinions.

Our way of life is freedom, in all of its ugliness and uncertainly, and the joy and purpose it brings. Gun ownership is a part of that, that is all.