The Shills' Conundrum
6 2018-02-22 by nWoFan4Lyfe
Shills, we understand you need money and have no morals.
Your attempts are necessary to stifle conversation among the weak and easily bullied, but your overreaching exposes you for all that can see.
Your posts are aimed at idiots, but this is not the place for those.
I enjoy your lackluster "work", but as you continue, do so knowing that you expose yourself every time you say anything.
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-22
I agree with you, but I have been also called a shill here. :/
Am real.
1 bhybrid 2018-02-22
Everyone has.. I think it's a form of initiation here at /r/conspiracy.
1 Lyra_Fairview 2018-02-22
Was this post really necessary
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-22
As necessary as the 98 Hogg posts today
1 nWoFan4Lyfe 2018-02-22
I've never learned so much about someone I never knew I never wanted to know anything about!
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-22
Especially all of the “confirmed” “proof” we have. People are out for blood.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Still more actual evidence than the "OMG Trump sold the US to Russia!" "conspiracy".
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-22
Feeling insecure about something that you’d like to talk about?
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Nah, feeling just fine. Are you feeling insecure about my comparison of one bullshit conspiracy to an even more bullshit one?
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-22
Why do you need to push your dear leader worship into a thread not even about him?
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
So rejecting the "Donald Trump sold US to the Russians" theory is now equal to "dear leader worship"?
You're Trump Derangement Syndrome is showing.
Fuck Trump and fuck the MSM.
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-22
Im equating you feeling the need to bring that into a dialogue not about him. All through this thread you’ve contributed nothing but disruption. Why are you so angry?
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Go back to r/"politics" where you TDS bullshit holds water.
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-22
Good one.
1 bhybrid 2018-02-22
The irony is, if this Hogg's kids was actually a paid shill.. these posts are muddying water quite a lot.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Is this comment necessary?
Why are you offended by a post mocking the shills that we all know exist?
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-22
Reading a bit much into that? How do you know they are offended?
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Its called basic logic and reasoning. You should try it sometimes.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-22
Oh so pretending you can read people’s minds is basic logic and reasoning now?
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
You don't test well do you?
1 skyderper13 2018-02-22
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-22
You've got quite the ego, tragic your wits can't keep up.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
OP posts about shills. A user immediately posts a defensive response to it.
"I don't understand the connection here!"
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-22
Interesting use of quotes, considering literally no one said that.
OP posts about shills, a user posts a pretty mundane response. Another user interprets mundane response as defensiveness and pretends there are no other possible explanations.
Better luck next time.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
"I don't understand the connection here!"
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-22
Swing, and a miss.
Peace out.
1 russianbot01 2018-02-22
When I first read the novel 1984, I thought who on earth would actually enforce newspeak? What human would do that to their fellow man? Now I know you just have to pay them $12.50 an hour and they line up to sell us out.
1 elj0h0 2018-02-22
Not even. Pay them nothing but fake internet points and they will virtue signal their hearts out!
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Those people are called useful idiots.
The whole point of shills is create them.
1 CuriousInYYC 2018-02-22
Anyone in Canada may realize that thought police and newspeak is becoming a reality. Think about the Canadian Prime Minister and his "peoplekind" remark. Or the fact Ontario has legislation that punishes people for not calling someone by their preferred pronoun.
1 pre7e 2018-02-22
$12.50 :D they wish :D
1 rickgene 2018-02-22
How does one become a paid shill? I imagine getting paid to troll on the internet would be a lot better than what I’ve been doing, plus there’s probably no dress code and I might be able to do it from home. Where can I send my resume? Do I need to send samples of some of my troll work?
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Oh look, this retarded comment for the thousandth time.
1 bhybrid 2018-02-22
waiting for alt accounts to upload to the top.
1 RoostasTowel 2018-02-22
Didn't we just have a big to do about Russia paying people to be shills on the internet.
Perhaps learn to speak Russian and move to Moscow.
1 rickgene 2018-02-22
Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to use native American speakers? You know, to get the jargon and lingo. I think a lot of Russians don’t get sarcasm and unless they were specifically taught American English would use a lot of words and spellings that a British person might use instead, which would out them.
1 RoostasTowel 2018-02-22
Good pitch.
I'd hire you.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
"Only Russians manipulate the internet!"
Do you even hear yourself?
1 RoostasTowel 2018-02-22
Who are you quoting with these ""?
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Its not surprising that you are confused by something so obvious.
1 KarmicEnigma 2018-02-22
Just to confirm, you did misuse the quotes.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Just to confirm, you do deserve to be mocked for either pretending to be stupid or actually being it.
1 KarmicEnigma 2018-02-22
So salty this evening.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Nah, when I'm bored at work I kill time by occupying the time of the people ruining this subreddit.
1 KarmicEnigma 2018-02-22
That's kinda sad, buddy. Have you heard of Candy Crush?
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
Nah, thats your level.
Which isn't surprising considering you cannot even make a connection between an dimwit posting that "you need to speak Russian to become an internet shill" and a person mocking that idea by posting "only Russians can be internet trolls".
1 KarmicEnigma 2018-02-22
You're coming at the wrong person regarding Russian trolls. I just came here to confirm that you were misusing quotes.
Which you did again, by the way.
1 Tonisha420 2018-02-22
lol I think they use quotes differently in Russia. This troll is still picking up the idiosyncrasies of American English.
1 Afrobean 2018-02-22
They're pointing out that the corporate media just admitted to this being a thing that happens on the internet. They're not saying that only Russians do it, they're offering a counter example to the troll who seems to be acting like companies don't pay people to infiltrate social media.
1 bhybrid 2018-02-22
Dude calm down. You're misrepresenting this person's comments. Learn to use quotation marks properly.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
1 Afrobean 2018-02-22
Get a job at a PR company that does "social media outreach" or some other euphemism. You won't find them publicly calling themselves "internet shills" or anything. I think the politically correct term they'd use for themselves is "public relations".
1 Crumbcrumbs 2018-02-22
And I wonder if jail time will be in their future once exposed.
1 KarmicEnigma 2018-02-22
I'm gonna go with no.
1 Crumbcrumbs 2018-02-22
Eh. Who knows. Could be treasonous. It all depends. Man, haha if I was one of those tards I'd be afraid of the Company getting hacked and my name/personal info getting dumped into the Internet. Or maybe some pissed employee leaking.. anyway. Fuck em
1 KarmicEnigma 2018-02-22
I mean, it could happen. But I doubt it. I honestly don't think there are that many paid shills to begin with. I think there are a handful strategically placed and they start the ball rolling and the devout extremists pick it up and run with it. I'd buy there are a LOT more useful idiots than there are shills.
1 Crumbcrumbs 2018-02-22
I agree, for sure
1 bhybrid 2018-02-22
The evolution of shills. I'm noticing more of these shills are acquiring "personas" that mirror actual conspiracy theorist but have no substance. They shit post and when you ask them where the conspiracy is or to provide more evidence of their claim they accuse you of shilling. Or they astounded that a fellow conspiracy theorist could even ask for more evidence or ask for them to expound on their theory. These accounts however, have plenty of time argue with their alt accounts.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22
1 nWoFan4Lyfe 2018-02-22
For me, the dead giveaway is when they use grade-school level verbal attacks, as if all U.S. citizens are dull-minded fools. "Tin foil hat wearing, crazy conspiracy nutjobs!" If they presented logical arguments, they might actually be effective, but their only goal is to foster emotional reactions by using time-tested, emotionally-charged wording.
1 RoostasTowel 2018-02-22
Who are you quoting with these ""?
1 KarmicEnigma 2018-02-22
I'm gonna go with no.
1 Afrobean 2018-02-22
They're pointing out that the corporate media just admitted to this being a thing that happens on the internet. They're not saying that only Russians do it, they're offering a counter example to the troll who seems to be acting like companies don't pay people to infiltrate social media.
1 bhybrid 2018-02-22
Dude calm down. You're misrepresenting this person's comments. Learn to use quotation marks properly.
1 aaaa222222 2018-02-22