Isn’t it much more likely that the disturbingly high number of mass shootings are simply a tragic consequence of the modern day culture in the US? It does no good screaming ‘false flag’/‘crisis actor’ every single damn time it happens, it just further damages the ‘conspiracy theorist’ connotation

35  2018-02-23 by [deleted]



Question: How much is talked about the shootings (everyday) in Chicago, compared to a school shooting? The question is, why does one get more media coverage over the other? Your post would point out and give credence to the former, not the latter. Think about it.

Deranged white kid lighting up a school captures people’s attentions (and ratings) a lot more than a gang shooting does.

I’m not sure I fully understand your point though, if you’d want to explain further?

Deranged white kid

That kid is definitely of Cuban heritage.

Deranged white kid lighting up a school captures people’s attentions (and ratings) a lot more than a gang shooting does.

Now, ask yourself why and which one happens on more frequently? Furthermore, he is not White, he is Hispanic.

I’m not sure I fully understand your point though, if you’d want to explain further?

I've explained enough, re-read what I said and use some reading comprehension, followed by logic. This is not hard...

I’d have to write a full blown research paper to explain the frequency of gang related violence. It’s a result of a multitude of factors: the war on drugs, piss poor poor education in inner cities, unemployment, the justice system, culture, racism, etc.

I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain why gang related violence happens more than school shootings ?

As for why they’re not covered as much in the media- precisely due to the reason it’s so common, people have lost interest in such stories.

If you were to go up to random people and show a picture of Cruz and ask for them to identify his race, I guarantee nearly every response would be “white”.

You've just answered your own question why they aren't covered, yet school shootings are, and many people call bullshit ;).

Why does gang related violence happen in cities with restrictive gun control laws? Laws are in place, but they are not being enforced.

Off topic, but I think the whitening the shooters makes them creepier. When you think of a zombie or a ghost or something else creepy, they usually aren't Hispanic or black or Thai or Indian. They tend to be pale white with scary psycho eyes and messy hair, and usually skinny.

Now you bring race into it... Thanks for revealing your true agenda.

We don't know who committed the shooting. We have not seen the xecurity tape of it. There are reports of their being multiple shooters, and Nikolas Cruz was with a girl when the shooting was happening. Wasn't Nikolas Cruz arrested off the campus? How do we even know he was there?

They admitted they have security footage. Even if it had a mysterious delay.

I'm sure they will release those videos any day now.

Here I go holding my breath.

Still waiting for the security footage from the LV false flag event.

People's kids and childhood best friends get killed in those shootings. Pregnant women and old people get killed too, and so do innocent people passing by. Teenagers get stabbed days after graduating from college and high school, sometimes being the first person in their family to graduate from college.

Gangs don't just go after gang members, they go after the rival gang's family members and friends as well. They specifically target children when things get really tense.

If there were a political agenda to be scavenged from it, obsessively reporting gang violence would be blasting on the news non stop. But there isn't. Just like homeless people. Homeless people are just like you and me, have one bad day and lose everything, get on drugs from the boredom and die drunk of hypothermia in ditches. You could totally do extremely emotional attention grabbing stories about these people. But you won't see it, because there's no money or political agenda in it.

One good reason is that a huge amount of shootings are non-white race on same or other non-white race.

The left definitely does not want the media dwelling on this fact for many reasons that mostly boil down to the fact that it makes non-white communities look violent and criminal in ways that simple minded racism isn’t remotely adequate to explain.

The Democrats definitely want the narrative of minority failure to be exclusively due to racial oppression, not toxic behavior in minority communities.

School shooting is different than gang shooting. Simple as that. Gangbangers live by the sword and die by it, school kids and teachers are entirely innocent.

Most shootings occur in cities with the most restrictive gun laws.

School kids and teachers are innocent, so the NWO globalists, CIA, FBI, and MSM,should not use them to further their gun control agenda.

"Give credence to the former, not the latter"

Former and latter of what?

This time it absolutely was a false flag. There's too many red flags with that school system and it's ties to the Broward County Police. Or at the very least, the shooting was real, but they are trying to cover up some shady shit that was going down at the school, and using this gun control narrative to silence inquiry.

Less than a decade ago, this same police force was smuggling cocaine into NY and NJ for the purpose of distribution.

It isn’t about “doing good”, it’s about saying what is clearly true to any reasonable mind using facts to make judgements about the world around him.

Since the shooting this sub has stopped talking politics though. Distractions

this sub has opted to relentlessly attack a 17 year old kid who actually lived through the shooting

What makes me curious is why a group of conspiracy theorists focus on a survivor instead of checking out the shooter?

If you're going to stage a false flag, you absolutely have to have a shooter. You don't coach a bunch of witnesses to give scripted statements and then sit around waiting for someone to shoot somebody.

A false flag can involve a real shooter. The ‘false’ in false flag refers to the attribution of the attack I.e who it’s blamed on.

The shooters were probably law enforcement.

Checks on the shooter have been made and rampant attacks against big pharma have been made often since the shooting.

From what I have seen, these kids don't seem too traumitized by the shooting in Florida. They seem to be enjoying their time in the limelight. Wouldn't it be normal for them to mourn the loss of their friends? Maybe seek counseling.

You blame the glorification of violence on a country. It is certain groups within the US that glorifies violence. Look at Hollywood and the people who own and control Hollywood. Not only do they make violent movies, but they also screw kids, ritually sacrifice them, and cannibalize them. Look at the bankers and corporations who make money off of perpetual warfare. Why don't we disarm them?

Mental health problems are not at unprecedented levels. The problem is that the CIA, FBI, and MSM are allowed to use propaganda and mind control techniques on the American people. When will we put a stop to this?

I have no idea where you get that third paragraph.

Is the world fucked up because the NWO globalists keep bombing the shit out of people? Where were these protests against violence when the NWO globalists were killing people in Iraq, Libya, Afghanista, and Yemen?

Most gun owners do not commit crimes. Of course it is easy for people to bu guns. That is what makes it impossible to conquer the American people. Look at what is happening in Europe right now. They are being infiltrated by immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. The European men are powerless to,do anything about it because they do not have weapons. All they can do is wear pink pussy hats and watch their women be raped and killed. Do that in America and see what happens.

Lol. We are not so stupid. Yes, we attack the NWO globalists, CIA, FBI, and the MSM because they have chosen to attack us. Is that not also fucked up?

I think only rational people can see that only one mass casualty school shooting is very suspect, Sandy Hook.

Add in the fact that it’s extremely easy and legal for an individual (even a 19 year old kid with mental health problems) to purchase an assault rifle, and I think there’s a much more logical explanation for what’s going on

Assault rifle is a politically charged and technically a meaningless term in the world of guns, but you are correct guns do not go around killing people, so we also know guns laws do nothing because the mentally ill, criminals etc do not care about them.

Sure enough, for the most part. Thing is, for any given event, there are always going to be people who don't believe it, or have their own theories about what happened. Where should those people be, if not r/conspiracy? Is this not the place for that?

And why, given the obvious constant loud disagreement between the various factions and subgroups posting here, do you insist on talking about what 'this sub has opted' to do, as if it were a singlular entity? To the extent that 'this sub has opted' to attack Hogg, 'this sub has opted' equally to push the contentional narrative, and 'this sub has opted' to take various lines through the middle-ground as well.

The new people in this sub think that r/conspiracy is the place to hunt for Russian secret agent forum trolls and discuss how the GOP is using guns to enslave Americans the same way the mafia tried to enslave us with debt. That second part I'm not even joking about. Or the first part.

Part of a broader push to assimilate the conspiracy mindspace into the mainstream. I can see how it would make sense from a distance - an extension of the McResistance, trying to lever that anti-establishment sentiment against trump (on behalf of the very people who generated that sentiment to begin with).

But it's fucking bananas up close, I just have to laugh. Who thought it would work? Bringing mainstream marketing to conspiracyland is like going to an AA meeting with whiskey on your breath, there's no way you get away with it.

A thing you have to remember with these people is just how sheltered they are. These people literally think self defense laws are evil. They think soldiers are akin to mass murderers. At the same time, they're fascinated with sicko celebrity criminals.

Personally, I grew up working with my hands all the time and had a normal healthy childhood, and enough life experiences to survive. I'm very strong especially for my size, but I know that if I had to fight a random member of the Aryan brotherhood, chances are I'd probably die.

Mainstream sheep refuse to admit things like this. Violence doesn't exist for them, neither does the horror of a life or death fight. They have no conception whatsoever. So to them, admitting they'd lose a fight with a Nazi is akin to saying that they feel inferior to them.

These people really are sheep, as cliche as it is. They live in a fantasy world where they're fighting Nazis and defending minorities from the KKK and revealing The Truth™ about Trump being a secret Russian agent in a plot to destroy America. They also think theyre the most open minded and educated people in the country. They live in this world because they were told it was the world by social media. Social media can also create conspiracy theories.

I thought there was no way Trump would win and he won by a landslide. Don't tell yourself that the MSM won't create their own commercial conspiracy theories to drive the herd nuts. In the 70's you'd tell yourself they won't have total surveillance of people 24/7, yet here they are recording me breathe through the mic on my phone for no reason.

I think this mentality is a cop out.

Gang violence is often mentioned, but a thing that people don't take into account when thinking about gang violence is whether or not the people involved are acting rationally. Given their situation, most of them are. The gang politics has caused deadly gang rivalries and nobody is going to do peace negotiations in either of those gangs. The emotions of the gang members are also rational, since it's people in their clan being murdered. If a war started in a white middle class neighborhood over a rival neighborhood killing someone's 4 childhood best friends that spawned cultish gangs, a lot of people would be very sympathetic to it. Black gangsters as we know them now evolved starting slightly before the civil rights movement and had a lot of time to be painted in a dehumanizing light.

My point with all that rambling is that, even in environments where people are comfortable and thrilled by and constantly using violence, emotionally desperate people are still usually acting rationally. Blaming a violent entertainment and emotional unwellness among men for a mass shooting is like blaming a lazy inducing technology and lack of motivation for a plane crash.

And also, the entertainment nowadays isn't even that violent. On GameCube I played a game where you just mowed people down on a reality tv show to get money. Now they got war simulation games that have anti war messages and feel good moments.

And the conspiracy has worked on you because you believe the following lies:

  1. gun violence is at an all time high (it is not and has been declining)
  2. Mental health problems are at unprecedented levels (they are not, we just have lowered the bar for putting people on drugs. there's more care available now and more people in care per capita today than ever before)
  3. anger, bullying and loneliness... (wrong, now more than ever before schools are hyper-focused on stopping bullying and other emotional abuses. You just hear about it more often in a 24 hour news cycle compared to back when your parents kids).

You're willing to give up your ability to protect yourself from what you describe as a rather wicked world given false facts fed to you by the media... think about that for a second.

The FBI tip-off, Live Shooter Drill, and Gun Control agenda are all tell-tale signs of a false flag/hoax/psyop of some kind. It is only called out because it happens so often in the post 9/11 world. The alphabet agencies are behind terrorism and mass shootings. The "conspiracy theorist connotation" was spread by the CIA after the JFK assassination, only further proving the validity of said conspiracies.

I’d have to write a full blown research paper to explain the frequency of gang related violence. It’s a result of a multitude of factors: the war on drugs, piss poor poor education in inner cities, unemployment, the justice system, culture, racism, etc.

I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain why gang related violence happens more than school shootings ?

As for why they’re not covered as much in the media- precisely due to the reason it’s so common, people have lost interest in such stories.

If you were to go up to random people and show a picture of Cruz and ask for them to identify his race, I guarantee nearly every response would be “white”.

Off topic, but I think the whitening the shooters makes them creepier. When you think of a zombie or a ghost or something else creepy, they usually aren't Hispanic or black or Thai or Indian. They tend to be pale white with scary psycho eyes and messy hair, and usually skinny.