Where's the UBER Driver? The one that dropped the shooter off? Did the driver help him take his guns out the trunk? Were the guns in a bag or what?

52  2018-02-24 by CivilianConsumer

Where is this driver and his role in the story ?!?


Because that “Uber driver” was probably his undercover FBI handler.

Fake News! That driver was a MUSLIM, haven't you ever UBER'd?

This makes me think of that guy that killed 6 people, he was a uber driver. He said the app showed a devil head and turned red and he lost control. As soon as I heard he took a uber and heard voices in his head I was like ... Okay that's odd

Crazy...is there a link to this story...

They are talking about the Kalamazoo Uber killer. The guy was straight up fucking crazy.

Wow that was one of the more fucked up things I've ever read

I just posted a link with reversed image lookup with one of the people in the photo and got a tumblr page that had her image from 2016 talking about a school shooting using her image. It was DELETED on this sub by a bot after 20 minutes. Why? No idea.

Something fishy is going on.

It was DELETED on this sub by a bot after 20 minutes. Why? No idea.

20 timer to post a submission statement.

20 timer to post a submission statement.

some gilded shill (automated?) posts are unhindered by this regulation.

they can be up for hours without a SS.

can you repost it here?


here is the imgur link of what I am talking about.

From 2016?...

edit: From my knowledge, you CANNOT edit picture content on a post, only the tags and description.

I have numerous questions about this post.

Search engines regularly don't get the dates correct. You can Google many things and search by the date 1999-2003 and find things about Netflix or fidget spinners because it gets confused sometimes. You know fidget spinners weren't trendy, but maybe a ad on the page or something now would link that to a page on that date.

You heard it folks, dates via search engines, namely Google, are unreliable (logically bordering inadmissible) as they misrepresent the article(s) associated.

I'm looking forward to seeing this soon-to-be "common knowledge" really shake things up. Reddit today, courtroom tommorow!

Why the sarcasm towards my comment?

'Cause I was grouchy last night. Sorry dude. :\

Let's hope search engines stay reliable, or as best they can at least.

I forgive you. I was just confused if you were mad at Google, or if you thought what I said was dumb.

Both? Neither? Lol

Have a good one duder 👍

if you repost it and have a submission statement handy, it shouldn't get deleted next time:

https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7ztu5x/so_i_reverse_image_looked_up_one_of_the_people/ (top bot comment)

Good question

Congrats, OP. By realizing that a gun can be placed in a bag, you're already smarter than most of the Las Vegas "researchers".

Ok so it's not easy disguising a rifle in a bag. A rifle in a bag looks like a rifle in a bag. How was it packed? What did the Uber driver think was in the bag? Why don't I see him/her on the news giving us the basic gestalt?

A baseball bat bag would fit in for a school. Not at all saying that happened, just thinking through possibilities.

He used a soft case. Students carry musical instruments and sports gear in similar sized case or bags. It’s going to look rectangular and about a yard in length. I could think of several instruments that are as long. He could have decided to go desperado and carry in a guitar case and would have been equally noticeable. I’m sure this Uber driver feels bad but it’s more understandable than the fbi or sheriffs not following up on the leads or warnings from other students.

what about the mutiple guns and ammo and grenades and tactical gear.

how many musical instrument cases can one psycho carry into a gun free secure zone !?

how many FBI handlers does it take to change a light bulb !?

Is this a serious reply? Florida shooter only had one gun, no grenades. He carried his backpack and a duffel bag/ soft case. Idk what else you’re going on about but my point is that the Uber driver isn’t to blame. Those who disregarded several leads and warnings about this sick prick and are now trying desperately to shift the blame off themselves.

he had a Paddock magic handbag to carry the ten guns and ammo and grenades and tactical gear.