The Earth is Flat

0  2018-02-25 by Luckynumberslev1n



Why dont you jump off the edge then?

If only it was that simple

God damn ice walls... am i right?


You seem to be

There are flat-earth theory supporters all around the globe.

I simply have to upvote this...and use it on my girlfriend who recently became a flat Earther..just when you think life can't hand you any more surprises...

I must say this about her...she is now starting to question everything. It's been very interesting lately. .

It’s great to question things that are sketchy and don’t really have any proof, but questioning something that has so much evidence to the contrary must be really annoying to have to deal with. I’m sorry. :-(

Don't's entertaining as heck. She's adorable when she says - We're all rats living under the dOOOOOme..."

You should try listening to her. Maybe take some notes. You might learn something. you did in physics class?

Your girlfriend is correct. Put your pride aside and listen to her. The wet spinning ball in "outer space" hoax relies heavily on the Dunning–Kruger effect.

liar liar

pants on fire.

Questioning everything is great, as long as people remember to question themselves and their new pet paradigms later as to remain flexible.

Indeed..that is the truth.

So is ur mum

No, it isn't.

Why doesn't one of these nuts just go to the edge and shoot some fucking video?

Because they always have a list of excuses as to why it's impossible to do that, conveniently.

but satellites are totally fake though /s

Everything is fake, it's all lies, you can't go into space! THE FIRMAMENT!!


into space? What space?!?!?!?

Between their ears... infinite.

Flat Earth: [Making Stupid People Feel Smart Since 2015[(

this is great lol. May I ask you, are you a pleasure unit?

No, but I have some movie ideas you may be interested in. Only $100 dollars per.

Sorry, I'm only interested in ideas revolving around Rob Schneider. I doubt you have any of those though :(

Yes, thanks

Bravo mods!

Keep making more and more hoops for real users to jump through while shills and trolls post shit like this unabated.

I live on a hill.

Check mate

I agree. Earth is flat.

You went full flat earth, man. Never go full flat earth.

In the spirit of what this sub is supposed to be about and to set an example to all the other people here making comments (and those who may read them), I don't believe you, but I challenge you to convince me.

Change my view. Im willing to listen despite not agreeing with you.

Removed. Rule 12.

Sorry, I'm only interested in ideas revolving around Rob Schneider. I doubt you have any of those though :( infinite.