Isn’t it crazy how you never really hear about the US government getting caught hacking anything, but we hear about Russia or China or North Korea getting caught hacking over and over again?

332  2018-02-25 by DontTreadOnMe16

I find it fascinating that the US rarely seems to ever get caught doing things like this, yet all our “biggest enemies” seem to be so careless with their hacking, and are exposed on a weekly/monthly basis.

Do we just not ever try to hack anything? Are we just THAT good at it that we never get caught? Or is it that we hack whatever we want, and then leave a digital trail that leads right back to our enemies? My guess is the third option.


Look at the vault 7 stuff it come out and shows you the CIA is an to make it look like everyone and anyone else did all the hacking. So you can trust no report that say this hacked that as it could be......or it all could just be the CIA.

Exactly! The Russia narrative has been going on for ages, they want as far as using it in movies aswell.

Programming our minds with that shit

Really? I got some strange looks the other week when I didn't even know The Black Panther was a movie, let alone was coming out soon. What movies have already incorporated the mainstream Russia narrative?

What if I told you it's been in movies since the 90s? What would you say?

Ahhhh, the long underlying stuff, I thought you meant a new movie came out this year treating the recent "meddling" as glorified fact specifically.

Oh no no, I barely watch new movies. Most of it is just used as predictive programming...

I thought of this when i started to see Call of Duty games where the enemy was the Russians. I felt like it was story at the time but then it makes me think they're programming young kids brains that play Cod that Russia is an enemy. Idk just a high shower though I had one day.

Kinda like kids growing up in the 80s watching GI Joe fighting Cobra...a terrorist group. Kids in the 80s grow up to fight..terrorists

Oh shit man. I never really noticed that. This is why they say Hollywood is so dangerous

Vault 7!!! I've almost mentioned this a few times but could not remember where it was sourced from. Everything we see today makes 100% sense (lack of tangible evidence, furious finger pointing, lazy online social media attempts to bolster one-party/deepstate agendas that are anti-populace being blamed on foreign parties) when you accept the possibility - with reference to what we already know from Vault 7 - that these types of actions could be performed by the CIA (or even Israeli agents that we give laissez faire freedom to do whatever they want with our resources) and then made to look like they were done by Russians.

Vault 7!!! I've almost mentioned this a few times but could not remember where it was sourced from.

From what I remember, Vault 7 came from wikileaks, but no one know the source who leaked it. I've heard many people, and I belelieve Bill Binney was one, who claim It's a new whistleblower. It's why I think the media ignored it. The MSM normally tries to shoot the messenger, but since they can't make the story smearing the anonymous leaker and have already smeared wikileaks, they just ignored it completely for the most part.

STUXNET? Maybe the US is getting more secretive about the hacking and maybe other countries dare not talk to the world police bully.

Or we have the ability to mask our code to look like it was programmed by country X... Which we do..

Russia did that at the Olympics recently and it was blamed on North Korea...

My god I'm amazed nothing happened over Stuxnet, a clear Israel/US virus targeting Iran nuclear infrastructure with 3(THREE!) 0 days.

And nothing happened, it blew over and no one cared. Countries went to war for far less.

Because nobody besides Iran really cares if Iran doesn't get nukes, and Iran won't declare war on the US because they're not dumb.

That’s so not the point of why everyone should care about that story...

Can you elaborate? I honestly don't know and would appreciate another viewpoint.

Why should people care? Are you saying that people should be mad at the US for fighting it's enemies?

Maybe, if its enemies are defined as stable countries in the Middle East that are not Israel.

Why is Iran even an 'enemy'? I haven't seen them invade anybody. Secondly it seems if they were just left alone they wouldn't bother supporting Hamas or anyone else etc.

The US overthrew Iran's democratically elected government in 1953. We did this to install the last Shah of Iran into power as a monarch. A revolution in 1979 elimated this monarchy as Ayatollah Khomeini came into power.

That's basically why they are an enemy to the US. They had a revolution in 1979 and removed the puppet we'd installed.état

Exactly, it's completely hypocritical. How does having an internal revolution then make an enemy out of another country? It makes no sense, except with the fact you mention that the revolution overthrew the puppet government. But evenso, it's still an internal affair, not really anybodys business but their own.

Because it's a fucked up country. Iran was on pace to become a modern nation until the fundamentalists rebelled. There's also the whole thing about death to America, you know.

death to America,

Are you like 14 or something? Seriously, you're in /r/conspiracy and you can't see beyond this kind of crap? How many politicians in the US have proclaimed something similar of other countries and their leaders?

Besides, this and their revolution etc has got nothing to do with how 'civilized' it is. I don't think you understand the meaning of the term.

Who says you don't? That's the whole point of what I was saying, people don't really care unless they're the victims.

Yeah I really don’t see how this one isn’t justifiable. Iran definitely does NOT need a nuclear arsenal.

You're right, Israel/US are far superior morally than Iran, and therefore should determine that choice for them.


Except they should....a bunch of glorified terrorists with no concept of a civilized society shouldn’t have nukes. It’s pretty simple.

but what about Iran?

Civilized? Ffs. Do you even know where 'civilization' began? US is one of the lesser civilized countries out there.

Are you seriously trying to argue that Iran is more or anywhere near the level of the United States?

You should define 'civilized' first before asking that question..

“bring (a place or people) to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be more advanced.” Is that clear enough for you?

Right. So how is it that you think USA is more civilized?

From wikipedia: Iran is home to one of the world's oldest civilizations

Bear in mind please, that what you might think is 'moral' is not necessarily 'moral' to others.

You are comparing one of the countries with the longest development with one of the least.

i’m also comparing a country that has basically no concept of rights for women or people of different beliefs to one that has both. you’re nit picking and trying to say iran is civilized and on tier of the US, and it’s stupid. not even sure why i’m continuing to try and point out the stupidity.

I'm not nitpicking. You obviously think US is superior for some reason, probably because you live there. I'm sure a lot of Iranians think they are superior too. You talk about 'civilized' but you think it has something to do with specific rights which it hasn't. You seem to equate 'civilization' with conservative USA, which is it definitely not.

Alright. You clearly didn’t read the definition of civilized. “Conservative USA”? What? How would having MORE rights = more conservative? Do you understand what you’re even saying right now?

Are you sure they have more rights in the US? I'm not talking about women now, but rights in general. How do you even count 'rights'? Don't be so sure. What % of US population is in prison and what % of Iranians, just an example.

I said 'conservative' because you seem to believe in American Exceptionalism, somehow Americans are more civilized yet behave the worst.

Country that regularly tortures its citizens vs a country with due process...sorry, you’re not making a valid point here

What. the. fuck.? where have you bin?

Last I checked the US regularly tortures and admit it as well. Extraordinary rendition, 1000+ bases with secret prisons system, secret FISA courts, abu graib, guantanamo, Disposition Matrix, waterboarding and so much worse, fucking dronebombing with zero legal oversight.

Also the Intel ME vulnerabilities

It’s almost as if there’s some kind of agenda controlling what we’re allowed to know and what we’re not allowed to know


Next you're gonna tell me it was my dad ringing sleigh bells on Christmas Eve.

Fuck. I could never eat a granola bar in piece without one of you funny guys making me Laugh and choke.

You should eat it whole. Then you can eat in peace.

That's craaazzzyy, tell me more about how our MSM is not US government propaganda promoting both sides of stupidity?

Umm.. it’s not? _(--)/

Well, you could use a nonalphabet search engine if there is one and search out stories. But if you brought anything you did find to the table in conversation, it'll be talked about as "insert country's" propaganda.

Well, you could use a nonalphabet search engine if there is one and search out stories

I wonder if Alphabet or Facebook now hides ownership of smaller "privacy based" search engines through shell companies.

And bullshits their purpose statement about

"How important privacy is to us !!!!!"

startpage is a good one, i've heard of duck duck go but never looked into it.

I doubt this is the reason. If it ever made the news anywhere, we'd still hear about it in the states. Social media makes it practically impossible to hide news from any developed country.

What's way more likely is that we're just too good at it to get caught. We probably have way better tech than Russia or China because our defense budget is through the roof.

Yet the Russians hacked your voting machines lol

No they didn't.

Well, 5 Eyes is "legal".

With both Snowden and Greenwald seemingly doing ok overseas, I thought there would be a much larger drop by now.

I think Assange made a deal with the Obama Administration, when Manning's sentence was commuted, but something went fishy in October 2016. It would make sense why Assange might have wanted to help Trump smear Hillary?

It fits right in with that shit that the US stands for everything that is right and they have God on their side and all that other bullshit.

Remember OPERATION GLADIO is still in effect.

This is called "propaganda".

Spoofing IPs, manufacturing consent. and they group think that we buy it.. do they even care?

Aside from what everyone's mentioned about US media not covering it to insulate the US IC from criticism, I think another important point is that foreign nations and corporations wouldn't exactly want to broadcast that they got hacked. For Russia and China, it would make the governments appear weak, which is a much bigger deal to them in single party countries; they have no one to shift the blame to like we do here.

In addition, attribution is such a damned hard problem. Most of the APT29/Cozy Bear attribution, at least what was released by the IC, was essentially: "They're using tools and methods consistent with APT29, and utilizing servers they've used in the past." Since a lot of these tools and methods are known, at least within the industry, it's not terribly difficult to make it appear that another actor carried out the attack.

The US (or factions therein) only publicize foreign attacks when they have a political or geopolitical advantage to gain by doing so. I imagine it's a similar calculus for foreign nations, and they just have less to gain by accusing the US of specific attacks.

Looks like everyone is forgetting the wikileaks emails released last Fall that showed CIA has a special hacking program that leaves behind a "Russian" footprint, aka, they can frame whomever they want with fake digital signatures. Surprised there wasn't more discussion about this honestly...

Oh we didn’t forget. This post was just meant to be a reminder. The release was called Vault 7.

My favorite is that we have military units literally at the door steps of most of these countries, yet somehow “THEY are the ones being aggressive and inching us toward war”.

If we annihilate anyone, then we can justify it because they started it lol

Yep. They don't even release how many foreign military bases we really have. It's somewhere around 2000 dotting the globe.

Tell me again about how a group of Arabs with box cutters ignited a War on Terror that is still happening today, 17 years later??

I forgot some of the details.

...and our huge military apparatus, costing billions per year, completely failed in every conceivable way.

9/11 was an extremely profitable event for a lot of people. Isn't that funny. This 17 year odyssey in the desert, they like to say, has 'cost' 5.6 trillion or so. That means 5.6 trillion in profits for someone else. That money isn't shoveled into a furnace.

I don't know why people can't seem to accept this. As the guy said in Rich Man's Trick, the people who rule us are really better viewed as pirates, since JFK anyway. There's a stark contrast between what america was pre-JFK to post JFK because the fucking mafia took over this country.

Given the 24/7 propaganda Americans are immersed in from birth to death it doesn't seem that surprising.


The government doesn't care about americans' opinion on stuff like this due to the amount of control they have them under. Which is why they're always the good guys and everyone else is an asshole.

I’m pretty sure our controlled media keeps everything from us. Go watch the news in another country... it’s horrifying to see how America is depicted.

It’s almost, as if, one day, the world is gonna turn on us.. and America will actually be some real Zombie wasteland..

How long do we really think this America Supremacy can really last? It’s alreadt been 100 years since the Federal Reserve was planted.. even they knew that was never meant to “Last Forever”

Sure it gets reported, it's just easily forgotten. Off the top of my head I remember the computer virus the US implanted into Iranian centrifuges.

You seem to be making some assumptions which I don't think you're aware you're making.

I find it fascinating that the US rarely seems to ever get caught doing things like this

If they were caught, who would report on it? Would it be the media in the target nation or the media in the USA? And what media do you read? You're assuming that the US rarely seems to get caught because you don't see many stories about it in the Western media. I don't believe it's in the interest of the Western media to report on every US hacking attempt.

Are you aware that Russia and China develop their own CPU's and other computer hardware specifically so that they can have trust in them? Doesn't that imply that they don't have trust in CPU's and hardware made by US companies? That attitude is either based on extreme paranoia or experience.

The US hacks the world. The world knows it. The Western media doesn't bother to report on it because we have to maintain the illusion that we are the good guys.

Those are all very good points. Thank you for pointing out my potential biases to me.

The point of this post was really just a thought experiment for the users around here getting all excited about that NK/Russia Olympics hack article from the Washington Post. Not exactly sarcasm, but kinda sarcasm.

You’re good.. anytime we’re discussing something a little original and not political, which I’m sure is gonna change if this post gets more popular, then it’s better off this way ✌️✌️

The US hacks the world. The world knows it.

I’m sure we do, and yet, I also wonder if we are simply don’t have the massive resources dedicated to this that Israel and Russia and probably China do. So our attacks are more targeted and more finessed and so we actually don’t hear about them as much due to lower frequency, impact, and visibility.

I've worked in computer networking and software for a long time and all of the most brilliant minds I've encountered in those fields have been Eastern European or Russian. I have yet to meet an American or Western European who was on that level. That's very curious and it could be for any number of reasons.

I don't believe there are less brilliant minds in the USA compared to Russia and recently I've started to wonder if the brilliant minds in the USA don't make it into private industry at the same rate as e.g Russians do. And if they don't, where do they go?

Unfortunately I didn't go to university in the USA so I don't have any experience of how recruitment by intel agencies happens there. But I'm aware of an approach that was made by a Euro intel agency to a friend of mine in the UK. So I do believe Western intelligence pays close attention to graduates in certain areas.

Whether that translates into Western intel agencies being staffed by the brightest and best, I can't say. It's appealing to think so.

I really doubt that the scale and frequency of attacks by the USA is less than that of China or Russia. And I say that solely because the majority of the computers in the world are running US-developed operating systems and software. As a result there are more attack vectors available to the USA. The rest of the world has to reverse engineer the software and play catch-up. But the USA has the hacks in it's pocket before the software is even released. We know the USA is mass surveilling millions of devices and billions of network packets this very second. We suspect China and Russia are but there is literally no way for them to match the scale the USA is capable of. They don't have the same level of access to the developers and manufacturers.

Stuxnet, German parliament, also not America but Britain was implicated in the hacking of Belgian ISP belgacom.

Thanks for the additional examples. Now I’m interested in looking back into those as well, knowing now what we do about hacking tools from the intelligence agencies. How’d we get caught? Who are the sources? Is there a beneficial reason those companies had for letting the story become public? Is the way we were caught similar to how we’ve caught the Russians/Chinese/Koreans in more recent years?

So many interesting questions now.

Oh you mean like the NSA hacking Merkel's phone?

When your that good...nobody knows its you

When you have most of the u.s. manufacturers building in backdoors specifically for you to access without leaving a trace it's not a surprise..

We got caught hacking Merkel's personal phone during Obama.

Its just not reported by our media i would imagine.

It isn't like we've known for nearly a year that the U.S. spoofs 'foreign hackers!' routinely. Why should any accusation of OMG!RussiaNKoreaChina!! made by the U.S. be automatically believed?

Because if you question it then you’re a Russian shill bot, duh.

It isn't technically hacking if you have the keys in the first place

Duh. Obviously it's the USA is a moral bastion and would never engage in such shady activity.

The NSA is illegally spying on and collecting 80% of the entire world's electronic communications and private transactions every day and the whole world already knows it. That's also in addition to all the hacking that the CIA and FBI and other US intelligence agencies get up to on their own.

Any accusations the US makes about anyone else hacking anything or anyone else is a joke and no proof has ever been offered for any of those claims besides the unverifiable say-so of some the US agencies that are doing all that spying on everyone else themselves.

Now none of those agencies or any of the people in the know in them or in the US government told us about anything about all that illegal spying on all of us and everyone else anywhere else on the planet.

In fact they repeatedly lied their asses off about it. So if we can't trust or believe whatever they have to say about their own activities how can we possibly trust whatever they have to say about anyone else's?

Nationalist propaganda.

"We are the good guys".

Countries with shit we want to control are "The Bad Guys".

Russia got caught hacking America because Israel was hacking America during JCPOA. Obama cut Israel off from the Iran deal bc they were trying to sabotage it and feed America false intel. Research Stuxnet 2.0. Russia used Israel's backdoor to spy. Israel got mad and turned Russia in, exposing themselves. I've made several posts about this you can find. So if Russia was hacking voter databases, so was Israel. Everything we are blaming on Russia was really Israel and Russia, and most likely many other global players.

Our biggest problem in the United States is that in just a few generations we have a nation of pussies who don't know how to fight but know how to intellectualize well about "what is wrong" & "who is responsible".

We are now a country full of overworked Monday morning quarterbacks & data analysts.

I'm sure it's the reason we now hire so many eastern european foreign nationals to carry out contracted military work.

Same as the US interfering in almost every election in the world, yet everyone gets their panties in a twist when another country, which it probably didn't, tries to give us a taste of our own medicine


There's another plausible option that seemingly no one has brought up: Authoritarian states are much less likely to admit to any kind of weakness because it undermines their authority / legitimacy.

Propaganda works differently in "democratic" and "authoritarian" countries. With the former fear is the common trope with the latter tending to use an image of strength/omniscience. Makes sense when you think about it. Fear is more likely to get you votes/legitimacy needed for legislation that undermines democracy, whereas the latter is centered around fear/respect of the ruling body and anything that lessens that takes away legitimacy.

I think I saw one person here bring up that point, and it is definitely a great point. Definitely makes a lot of sense when looking at it from that perspective.

I did bring this up, but you explained the group psychology of the different propaganda more thoroughly.

Who would dare stand up and call out the U.S. They don't want their country invaded in the name of freedom or an Arab Spring scenario to spontaneously ignite in their country.

Yes, this is why we need to listen to Russian and Chinese news sources. They can sometimes balance out the propaganda.

I seem to recall the US rigging up some gas pipeline control software that was stolen by the USSR to cause an explosion. Also, what was the origin of stuknetz.

The Norse live cyber attack map easily illustrates the number of attacks originating on U.S. soil.

It just doesn’t get reported on.

Well no shit. A country won’t issue self harming propaganda. If you go to Russia I’m sure that their news isn’t about them influencing the US or hacks. Their news is about hacks the US ha made and what not.

lol, funny isn't it?

Lizard men 🤫

Ahhh guys.

Hi, feom Ausyralia and well, basically the rest of the World.

We've heard of the things you have done. There's documentaries and text on it everywhere.

I'm not trying to be offensive when I say, perhaps you aren't searching hard enough. Many of you claim to "research", but the US MIC conspiracy is well known around the globe. From the deliberately late involvement in the European theatre during WW2, through Vietnam, Korea, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Iran, Chile, Guyana, So Salvador, Lebanon, Yom Kippur. These are just off the top of my head.

I'm not throwing shade at the US, I'm just suggesting that maybe Americans aren't actually being taught or researching their military interventions, clandestine or otherwise, around the world.

"The Coming War with China" is a great doco for current state of play between the US and China.

Because nobody besides Iran really cares if Iran doesn't get nukes, and Iran won't declare war on the US because they're not dumb.

Yeah I really don’t see how this one isn’t justifiable. Iran definitely does NOT need a nuclear arsenal.