Many large media bodies (MSM) are publicly calling for the censorship of opposing narratives. (ex NRA YouTube channel, InfoWars, etc) How do we, the people, call for the end of large scale misinformation, manipulation & corruption brought by these large media bodies?

111  2018-02-26 by YouWillBeFood

As the title says, many large scale news and media outlets are publicly calling for the censorship and termination of the opposition narrative. Skipping over the argument of who is right and who is wrong, this is a clear attempt to dismantle open discussion in favor for a closed narrative written by the MSM, and the agendas created by the powers that be.

I know this is one of, of not the largest topics of conspiracy communities for the better part of the last 50 years or more, but this kind of treatment should not be tolerated by the people of this country.

So, what is a people to do? To put an end to the agenda, and to call for the end of real corruption, manipulation and deception from the MSM and TPTB.


Use other platforms

This isnt about just us, this onslaught of misinformation and manipulation is affecting the masses. Ignoring a problem isnt a solution to the problem.

We can't control what a private company does. If everyone moves to better (not influenced by mainstream) platforms the problem won't be such an issue for those wise enough to switch.

Not saying we need to control these private companies do, what im trying to discuss is how to bring attention to their blatant deceit imposed onto the American people. Again, this isnt just about those who seek out this alternative information, this is about informing those who are more or less brainwashed into believing everything the MSM says. This shouldnt be an "Us VS Them" problem. We are all affected by the lies, and we should be working towards informing those who are brainwashed by the MSM so we the people can actually stand as 'a people'. We should urge to help our neigbors, not argue with them about whos bathroom trans people should use.

You intelligently point out their mistakes and hold them accountable instead of yelling Fake News at everything you don't like.

I'm pretty sure it's mostly just baby boomers who still watch tv news anyway.

This is the correct answer.

What do you guys think about Vero?

All links from the following websites should be treated as CNN is on the sub, archive links only:

Yahoo! News Huffinton Post New York Times Fox News NBC News Mail Online Washinton Post The Guardian WSJ ABC News BBC News USA Today LA Times

dumb as fuckkk. NY Times/WashPo/WSJ are leagues better than Fox News and HuffPo. Their information is time and time again shown to be correct (obviously not always...), they all package their stories based on their biases but that's what news fucking is.

Nope, I hate to break it to you but your favorites are just as terrible.

can you please break it down for all of us, then? Give us the full run down. I want to know why i should trust infowars over NYT or WaPo. Spare no sentence.

Not as beholden to large corporations

They ran on donations for a long time, that is very true. They have also been living off of sponsorship and corporate funding for a long time as well. Donations started and built it, corporate took it past that. Info wars has been completely beholdent to 'overlords' for a bit of time now.

We finally hit that point. Everything is commercially manipulated. :(

Interesting that the source of most of those is wikileaks.

Turn off the tv.

It is really disconcerting to see multiple people think this way. This isnt just about us. The entire country has become victim to the blatant lies and deceit.

What do you propose? Mind control? People willingly participate in the system. So what would be your solution?

I propose open discussion towards a viable solution, not obviously sarcastic responses. We should help one another, not remain divided as the TPDB clearly want. Those who are running the show cant stop the masses if they were untied.

That’s the entire premise of the post. Our fellow citizens are being lied to and manipulated. I don’t hate them for that, but I do hate the manipulators. We have to destroy the manipulators, and attack them relentlessly from every direction. Turning off the TV is one way to hurt them, albeit only marginally. But every bit helps.

Thank you.

That's rich, coming from a bunch of fools blathering about nonsense on a subreddit that has clearly been taken over by Russian trolls. 😂


Yes, we’re all secret Russians. Nice conspiracy theory, you caught us!

The push towards total control of media is predictable. One need look no further than the polls on how many people feel the US government represents the interests of the common man to see why there is a full court press to control information.

InfoWars is garbage.

I'm a big fan of the saying "If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed; if you watch the news, you're misinformed." I don't have a solution to your problem, other than watching multiple news sources on the same topic... but even then you may not be getting all of the facts. I think there are too many passionate fans of certain media outlets to overthrow or boycott the media. They're simply untouchable in my opinion.

Vote with your clicks. We need an alternative to youtube, and badly. This is only the beginning of the Orwellian push to stamp out wrongthink.

It is only a matter of time. Steemit is the free-speech alternative to Reddit and is the free-speech alternative to Twitter. I am actually surprised no company has formed an alternative to YouTube considering all their recent censorship practices.

Theres a couple decentralized/blockchain video hosting services out there I think, but I'm not sure if theyre anything more than a whitepaper at the moment.

Have Anonymous create a publicly controlled alternative.

This is a very good question and one that I have been thinking a lot about lately.

I think that WE (everyone reading this and others if we can spread the word) need to write our representatives and tell them that we want this law repealed:

That might help things. Perhaps we could shoot for at least one person per state? Can't hurt. What do you think?

I'm all for this. Like you said, can't hurt.

I'll contact reps in Idaho. Any volunteers for the other states?

Go ahead and ban Info Wars, we'll follow him to D-Tube.

How do we, the people, call for the end of large scale misinformation, manipulation & corruption brought by these large media bodies?

Point out how Jews did 911, Jews in media covered it up, and demand the FBI start arresting them for treason.

I'm pretty sure saying "the Jews did 9/11" is one of the quickest ways to get people to want to censor you.

Is it true or false though

I'm pretty sure saying "the Jews did 9/11" is one of the quickest ways to get Jews to want to censor you.


So, what is a people to do?

Recognize that there is absolutely nothing one can do. Empires have an expiration date and they die by collapsing on themselves. The cancer has long since metastasized and spread thoroughly.

Try actually learning something yourself and stop relying on what other say.Then a strategy can be drawn to put the information to better use.

Secluding myself away from others who are capable of having a real discussion is no solution. That would be the opposite of progress. Open discussion is key to solving these massive problems. Learning doesnt need to be done alone to be effective. Hell, learning alone wont do anything to help anyone.

i totally agree with you,just have to make sure your not in a room full of 4th graders.

Unfortunately I think it is already too late. They'll say people demanding access to alternative media are just Russian bots and everyone will quickly dismiss the movement or distance themselves from it.

You boycott YouTube money runs the world so customers actually have all the power

Don't watch, vote with your dollar

I'm all for this. Like you said, can't hurt.