[Florida] Eye witness sees shooter in full body armor...uhh, what???

160  2018-02-26 by bravetarget

Not sure people realize how weird this situation is.

He was wearing full body armor + face mask + helmet

He had to have already been dressed in it while he was in the uber that took him there since it would be physically impossible to put on full body armor between the time he arrived and when he started shooting (~1min). Why would an uber driver pickup someone wearing full combat gear and a duffle bag? Much less drop them off at a school in session?

Not to mention the images of him being taken into custody shows him not wearing any gear. This means he had to have gone on his shooting rampage, change out of all the tactical gear, and then go try to blend in with the crowds.

Both sides of the story can't be true.

All very weird by itself. But then we have the victims media anti-gun spree (a la sandy hook), the surge in anti-conspiracy theory talks, and the immense focus on banning guns as a solution (why not focus more on the case?) just makes this all pretty eerie...


Or the eyewitness is making stuff up.

two different teachers saying the same story.

Teachers. Interesting.

I have no opinion on this. Just making a logical point.

This is a possibility...which is why I really want to see this person do an interview.

This needs to be explained/resolved.

It will not be explained. Every mass shooting their is something fishy. Look at vegas witnesses who said their was more than one gunman are all dead, at least 6 of them. So coming g out to talk about it could very well be a death sentence.

Trust me. I wouldn't say shit.

Every mass shooting their is something fishy.

If you consider "fishy" being multiple witnesses telling different stories every event in the history of mankind is fishy. No two people interpret or recall things the same way. Add in the life and death nature of these incidents and the stress that causes, I would consider it fishy if everyone told the same story.

I have experienced this in a way many times. In the military we would de brief after each shift and discuss situations that came up, how they could have been handled differently etc. It was more often than not that people, who were in the same room, during the same incident, for people to recall and interpret things differently.

Everything you said is correct yet so vapid I have to question your motive.

Bad recollections don't cause people to hallucinate someone dressed up in SWAT gear when they were in plainclothes.

To suggest otherwise is to disingenuously muddy the waters.

yet so vapid I have to question your motive.

Yep, everyone with a valid objection or question is some super secret agent.

Bad recollections don't cause people to hallucinate someone dressed up in SWAT gear when they were in plainclothes.

Really? People give WILDLY different versions of eyewitness events. This has been tested and proven thoroughly, never mind anyone with a little life experience has probably experienced it personally.

Or you might ask yourself why only one person has seen this SWAT gear?

This is why I believe in "conspiracies" and "false flags". Every major event has huge inconsistencies and reg flags. The last big event I saw that I didn't feel that way was the dylan roof shooting.

Look at vegas witnesses who said their was more than one gunman are all dead, at least 6 of them.


Why would two teachers make that up

Why would students that saw him outside their classrooms or that ran away from him not mention it?

How many really saw him though I guess would be my question...I heard the girl who said she saw two bodies walk by but too fast to make anything out and the blonde girl who said she talked to him, which was kinda of sketchy. At least for me, that's ill I've heard for first person accounts.

I mean they have the video, so they could just show us...

It's fascinating though how her story lines up with the girl in the other video talking about multiple shooters.

She might not be making it up, just not sure on what she saw.

2 shooters. Cruz and a second, probably government guy.

David Hogg?

how would they make cruz keep his mouth shut about the 2nd shooter?

He just knows he's at fault. 🙃

I saw somewhere that he escaped by mixing in with students. To me that signals that he went into a bathroom or something, ditched everything and then walked out. In the chaos, there is no way students would be poking their heads in random rooms while he was disarming, it would likely be pretty easy to mix in with students once they realized shooting had stopped and start heading for the exits.

Not one kid was hiding in whatever bathroom he happened to pick to change out of his tactical gear?

Why is that so unlikely?

He had a gun so not like that would have been an issue... as unsettling as that is to say.

If he had brought a change of clothes in the duffel bag and actually did wear a mask....he might even have gotten away with it.

But then I don't think you can go to Walmart to pick up a drink without getting scrutinized. All the students were led by the swat (look at the video footage). I can't believe that they just let them leave the site.

Cruz was a patsy.

You can pack a vest and various equipment into a decent size sports duffel bag with room to spare (Used to pack full body air soft body armour and electric AK into a single duffel for match days).

Sure, but then where did he hide it? When did he have time to put it on and take it off and still blend into the crowd? Why do some eye witnesses say he wore a mask and full riot gear, and others were able to visually identify him?

He could easily ditch the contents in a bathroom or empty classroom especially if he had school clothes on underneath. I mean how long would that take if you're moving quickly, 30 seconds? The whole thing lasted 7 min, the school was full of kids in locked classrooms for a long time after the shooting ended. Clearly the kids are not great witnesses, not sure what the different versions of what he is wearing is supposed to prove

Ok, so body armor and tactical gear have been recovered from the school then?

No idea. Do you?

It would be nice to at least see the time stamped pics of the gear strewn about in the school grounds...ill wait....

During the trials, we should be able to see details of everything because of the Florida Sunshine Law

Just think for a second.

Some guy/woman operative had to go in there as part of their mission and just kill children.

The mind just boggles at the thought

psychopaths need jobs too! some get bored just killing middle easterners.

To some the mission is everything. The mission allows for acceptable losses.

You’re right, it does. But that’s ok, since it’s not true.

Just think, you would actually rather believe some kind of black ops mission cover-up than witness mistakes due to psychological trauma.

The mind just boggles at the thought.

I dont think my reply to this actually stated i believed it.

I think my reply kinda suggests that my mind cannot wrap its self around this being a reality.

To be fair, this could be interpreted either way.

Fair enough but thats how I meant it.

Why were the cops already there? That's the biggest mystery. 3 minutes in and a cop is waiting outside. It's just like Mandalay Bay: 5 minutes in and a cop is already there on 31st floor but does nothing.

Deputy Scot Peterson was assigned to the school as a School Resource Officer.

Thank God there isn't any video evidence that could prove or disprove this story.

Uber drivers are always picking ppl up that are armed to the teeth and looking like a stormtrooper.

I mean he would obviously have it in a bag and changed later if he was wearing armor during the shooting

He started shooting less than 2 mins after drop off. Physically impossible.

But tower 7 fell at free fall, so physics doesnt always apply.

Then it makes more sense that he wasn't actually wearing gear doesn't it

first off, only one witness has claimed he was wearing body armor. So I doubt the claim to start with. Other clues in the witness description make it sound like she doesn't know what she is talking about when it comes to guns and armor.

But the story does mention that Cruz hid a bag with extra ammo at the school ahead of the attack. If he was wearing body armor it would seem as though he would have also dropped that off beforehand.

why no mention of "full metal armor" like the other teacher?

Any more sources on the body armor? Intellihub is the only one reporting this. Everyone else is saying we was wearing a gas mask and not a ballistic mask.

Isn't this the second witness?

What weird about it tho? So what if he was wearing armor? He takes it off in a bathroom or wherever and is arrested an hour later in his school outfit

They think there was another shooter

Whatever ways he could do to have done this, I cannot believe this could be done by some mentally ill with 12-13 year old intelligence. It sounds like this is a job done by some professional killer.

There might be holes in the story, but lets agree It doesnt take a criminal mastermind to shoot a bunch of unarmed people in the same building. He would've done this with a knife


As the officers were guiding students out, they noticed something odd: One of the students had put on a bulletproof vest.


Sorry what?

Teachers. Interesting.

I have no opinion on this. Just making a logical point.

Fair enough but thats how I meant it.

There might be holes in the story, but lets agree It doesnt take a criminal mastermind to shoot a bunch of unarmed people in the same building. He would've done this with a knife