Get ready for the big Monday media push on Assad using chemical weapons again.

44  2018-02-26 by AIsuicide

FSA twitter is reporting that Assad has used chlorine gas bombs in the town of Shefoniya/Al-Shifaniyah.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with France's latest declaration that if Assad used chemical weapons again, France would have to take action.

Also...gotta love those "White Helmets"...always around to help out with a chemical attack...every single time.

On a side note..can someone help me locate where Shefoniya actually is? I'm having trouble finding it.

Just speculation on my part..but I'm not going to be surprised if it's near Rastan. I saw a video that was supposedly filmed there not too long ago that made me suspect Syrian rebel forces (FSA) were getting ready to conduct a chlorine gas attack to cause public outrage and encourage international intervention.


News Media is literally incapable of accurate reporting on anything associated with Israel. Based upon their past error rate, a reasonable reader would be justified in questioning whether anyone in the news media could even identify the "state" of Israel on a map. On the topic of Israel the news media (in its entirety) actually has less than zero credibility and the beginning presumption must be that not one single word they publish is even accidentally correct unless confirmed by independent non-media sources.

I'll believe the media about anything Assad (or any other person in the middle east) has done or said when that person confirms the claim...until then...there is zero percent possibility that the claim is correct. It is a literal certainty.

So wait , your logic is you only believe someone is capable of commiting heinous crimes if they come out and admit that?

I can understand how it might seem confusing.

The answer is ...Yes...but only if the US News Media reports on it...otherwise standard logic applies and the majority of evidence would dictate which side of a conflicting story is true. Unfortunately, it is not possible to rely upon either quality nor quantity of evidence when all media is controlled by a handful of companies that act in unison. When discernment between lies and truth is impossible because the information is controlled...the only remaining options are simply belief or disbelief. Among those two options, disbelief of allegations is the only one that comports with a presumption of innocence. Thus, it is always the default in cases where non-media source confirmation is lacking...and you have not personally witnessed the event...and the accused has not openly and voluntarily confessed.

They say winners write history, however they're attempts will never succeed. Don't expect accurate news reporting when you turn on your TV.

its been underway for about 12 hours already at the time of this post.

i suggest following r/syriancivilwar for a good look at the conflict with constant updates.

russia warned there would be a false flag from the rebels about 8-12 hours in advance.

seems odd russia would warn us of an upcoming attack if Assad was behind it.

Appreciate the feedback and heads up Nogrim6. I follow numerous Syria-based twitter accounts on a daily basis.

As far as Russia this a new warning? I remember a few days ago they released a warning regarding rebels conducting a gas attack being eminent.

that might be the same one, i didnt see it until earlier today.

this whole narrative is absolutely absurd. he is winning and the only thing that could possibly change that is an international intervention due to chemical weapons.

say what you want about Assad but he isnt an idiot.

This 100%. I just do not get how anyone argues with this logic. There is zero benefit to Assad.

I have used this argument countless times and I get the “Assad is a monster, he’s evil.” Those people can not name a single “monstrous” act of Assad from before the war.

How come determining motive is critical in a criminal investigation, but we completely ignore motive here? What is Assads motive?

Assad's motive is "no gas pipeline for Qatar/Europe" be dealt with.

It got to the point where the only way Assad could possibly still lose was if he lost his mind and used chemical weapons against his own people, even though it was crystal clear that would give his enemies a pretext to ramp up intervention. So naturally that's what he did. Uh huh. Totally believable. /S

Fuck Assad!

Yeah..if only he had signed that natural gas pipeline deal in 2009...then everyone would be saying.."we love Assad"..

you know it..I know it...and everyone that knows the truth knows it.


Let's use the weapons that will give the Americans an excuse for their invasion and mass murder.

Said no leader ever...

It was on 60 minutes last night

Nobody cares how many syrians get killed, or how. That should be abundantly clear by now.

We going to bomb another empty runway?

Highly doubtful it will be empty this time..considering the US has already shown now that under Trump they "will" bomb pro-Syrian forces to protect the Deir ez Zor region they want so badly to keep.

The US is going to bomb Syrian forces due to the usage of chemical weapons?

I don't see it.

What about France? Think France will?

We've got a whole nation screaming out for Russian blood. We won't have to this time.

There is no benefit whatsoever for Assad to use chems at this point. Assad Chemical weapons is an Israeli news trope, it always has been and it always will be.