They Don't Want Us Talking

204  2018-02-26 by AreEternal

Disclaimer; these are just my thoughts on what's happening on Reddit. Take them as you will.

It's clear that they, the ones who need to control information, don't want us talking to each other. It's not that they care specifically about what we're talking about, though I'm sure there's things they prefer we never talk about, but their main concern is the fact that we are talking at all. The exchanging of ideas could lead to actual change or a movement, and while movements can be coopted and controlled, it's much easier to stomp movements out at their roots. The roots of any movement start with two or more people exchanging ideas.

I've been loosely following the events between the admins and mods at r/conspiracy and r/C_S_T It occurred to me, if I was an admin of Reddit and I felt that a group of people were effecting the sites ability to control content and ideas I would do a couple things.

First, I would attack the mods of the target subs. This is pretty easy to do. Just set up dummy accounts and be a pain in the ass. Break site rules. Harass and insult constantly. Use multiple accounts to magnify the harassment. The result of this is only human nature. The target mod will say "I've had enough". They will make posts about the unfair treatment they've received. They point out the fact that the admins have ignored the evidence of breaking site rules. Unwillingly the targeted mod has done most of the dirty work for the admins. Now the users who support the mod no longer trust the site and rightfully so. Many of them will come to the side of the mod. However some will leave the site altogether and the group of free thinkers grows smaller and more distrustful. Repeat this sequence multiple times across multiple subs and mods and eventually the majority of users who initially stand with the mods grows smaller and smaller because really, who needs all this drama. And that's how you quiet, isolate and dissolve the ones who actually talk to each other about things that matter.

Maybe a migration to another platform will be deemed necessary. I have no judgement towards that. Life is challenging enough without having to navigate bots and shills and insincere users. However, this is exactly what the admins want, and in the war of information on Reddit, a migration should be seen as nothing more than an admission of defeat. The box grows smaller and the ability to connect with others who are ready to think is severed.

Not only is this happening on Reddit, but it's happening in real life as well. Politics is the mother of polarization, and they've done such a good job of convincing us to hold on to our conviction for dear life, that we can no longer tolerate opposing ideas to our own. So instead we fortify our positions and become more isolated. Society as a whole is built to isolate. You drive to your job in a box on wheels, listening to whatever you think is right. At work you go through the motions, and on your break you look at your phone at what you think is right. You drive home in your box on wheels. You open that revolving rectangle that lets you into your home sweet box. You sit back and turn on the box of images and watch what you think is right. Over and over and over.

This sub is brilliant because for the most part, we don't participate in the above behavior and can see why it's a problem. They don't want us pointing that out to the others though. We are dangerous and we are small and they will work hard to stop us.

Love to you all.

Edited cst to C_S_T.


posts freely on discussion board

Makes short and divisive comment to in attempt to decrease the chance that I post again.

Sure has worked like a charm, eh u/axolotl_peyotl ?

Rescind all rules. This is war.

The point of this post is not to point fingers at others but an attempt to explain how I think the controllers are manipulating emotions. Put yourself in AP's shoes and it's easy to see why anyone would get angry and lash out. Psychologically we are unable to think clearly when we are under attack.

I agree.

Ok cool. Was hard to read your intent in the initial comment. One of the challenges of internet communication.

Well, as they evolve in their tactics, we respond in kind.

Block. Block block block.

Draw the shills into giving a response, then block them. If all of us "regulars" and real people do this, they will be screaming into the void.

The visitors and newbies will gradually catch on as long as we keep reminding them occasionally.

There's certainly been a huge influx of people who mock conspiracies in the past month. They seem to be rampaging unchecked. Just block them. Block block block.

I'm hesitant to block. Tag and remember usernames and respond or don't respond accordingly. If you block them you have essentially blinded yourselves to their tactics as they continue to move and subvert various subjects they seek to muddy the waters around. You'll make comments and there will be entire conversations taking place in regards to your comment that you won't even see but any normal user will end up just eating up whatever narrative is being framed around your statements.

A good res tag is very useful.

But on mobile I lose the tags.

Still I hesitate to block people.

If a obvious shill is called out. They likely drop the account.

Agreed, to an extent. We need to mass-block these people. Not sure that is possible. It might be worth setting up a separate page listing shills, bots, Mockingbird types, etc.

I support this post. Good for us.

Great post. Cheers!

Ted Danson was fantastic in that show.

Changes to the profile page also makes it harder to follow conversations and a user's post history. Have to believe that is on purpose also.

I wonder why certain users had their profile the way it is now, much earlier than others? Hmm.

reddit beta

You can set your account to view the classic style as default on desktop.

I wonder if private subs would be more useful than fully public subs.

The bar to entry would need to be minimal - just ask and pass a human test.

The dissemination hub would need to be:

  1. From the users telling others about the private sub

  2. A dummy Reddit sub to serve as a submission hub in order to ask and pass the human test

Also, every user that is a part of the private sub would need to be given bare minimum admin rights to both the dummy sub and the private sub. This is so that traffic stats, modmail, and mod logs are easily accessible to all involved. When knowledge is shared, the darkness (unknown) is limited

i actually like this idea.

This, for now..

What do you mean?

I mean it is a temporary bandaid , but a decent one.

Any barrier to entry will kill it in a world full of barrierless information.

The forum that has the best chance of swaying people will be open, and good people will stay through all the turmoil, convincing others that freedom of speech is more powerful than attempts to stifle it.

It's really hard these days to explain bad behavior/ habits to people who don't quite get it yet. How do you tell someone you care about that nearly every product in their house is poison to their body? It's extremely frustrating.. You start out small like, 'you really shouldn't use that air freshener because disease/ accumulation/ pollution etc,' and you get that dumbfounded, sort of sad reaction. Then they continue with the bad habit because thinking about it makes them too sad or something. Idk, I wish I knew how to explain things to people so that they won't get too discouraged and ignore.

Apathy :( one of our cultures biggest problems. I have tried alot of different methods of introducing stuff to people, needless to say I've wittled away at my list of friends a bit in the process as sometimes that knowledge actually makes people super uncomfortable and disturbed. But it is what it is, and we are too far along in the game to be pussy footing around people's feelings too much. Sometimes I'll go right for what their passionate about, other times I'll take the slow method of introducing them to small things and build a rapport? As they go home each evening and check out what that crazy guy at work told them, sometimes they don't, alot of times they do, they sometimes come back looking for more. Here's the deal, I don't want to tell people all this stuff, ive already thoroughly researched it and decided for myself, its a waste of my time...what I want is to create a desire to KNOW this stuff. To seek it out! teach a man a conspiracy and he knows one conspiracy, teach a man how to see a conspiracy and he'll not be so easily fooled

Honestly, the most effective technique is to just cite one study with some specific percentages. Example: "Hey, did you hear about that new study, where scientists found that people who were exposed to average levels of BPA had more than 40% increase in diabetes risk compared to the control group who had no detectable levels of BPA?" Most people have been so conditioned to believe in scientific data and the all-knowning authority of what "A recent study shows..." The MSM uses this technique often to reaffirm corporate interests at the cost of holistic and naturopathic remedies. ("A new study finds that kale is actually... bad for you? Tune in tonight at 11!) Take their tool and use it against them. Use it responsibly.

Interesting observation. Today I began seeing comment delays in certain subs, but not others. Account history includes years of positive karma Specifically analyzing comment karma by sub, I'm well in the positive including the subs the comment delays have been activated.

Anyone else begin experiencing this recently?

Anyone have detailed information on how comment delay flagging takes place that would explain the observation?

I'm one of those screwballs willing to contribute in any sub and probe when I see an argument going off the rails. Air out ideas. Tear them down. Rebuild stronger arguments -- learning.

Wondering if there has been a quiet program added to flag individual user accounts and stifle their ability to communicate. On a statistical basis it does not make sense for my account to be flagged.

Of course they don’t want us talking here. They’d like to scatter us all about to the fringes and keep the people who can still think for themselves from forming any sort of cohesive block that counter all the bullshit being spammed here. Hence all the posts from whiny asshats saying “waaaah, conspiracy is dead! This place is T_D 2.0. It’s time to move! Come on everybody and hop on this train and stop participating in this forum!”

Don’t stop coming to conspiracy until they literally delete it.

Reddit like many other places has been fully rooted for some time. What you're seeing now is it getting to such an extent the organization itself has become culpable.

Until we take back control of the vehicles of our social discourse it will continue to be like shooting ducks in a barrel for anyone who wants to derail or shape any narrative for any end (in a highly automated manner and at web-scale).

that said, just as they use statistics, they can be revealed by statistics. is still all very amateurish in the most part.

We are winning. With Reddit & 4chan around, "crazy conspiracies" more often go mainstream and get acknowledged by the masses than ever before. It also is creating more citizens that are suspicious of government, a founding principle. They will always want to silence us. But this will trend upwards for as long as we have liberty and the internet.

I've noticed this too. People that were never in board with conspiracies are now into it. We're all simple children, being told what to do and think makes us want to rebel and not do those things.

I'm almost positive making conspiracies mainstream is part of the agenda.

That's why I frequent this subreddit, often. Via this account and others I've been a part of this subreddit for years.

I still come because both political parties in the US are criticized here. I can find comments complaining that "This subreddit has become overrun by Republicans" as well as "This subreddit has become overrun by Democrats". I can find criticism of almost everyone and everything here. It's the closest subreddit on Reddit that I've found that anything is open for discussion, regardless of politics. Sure, there will be in-fighting and arguments but all sides politically I think are healthily represented here.

What they don't understand is when they take to msm to talk shit about conspiracy theories actually gains more traction. People start looking into them, and when you look into them you start to question things because there are just some that can't be explained.

They will actually grow the movement. They will actually make conspiracy theories a bigger thing by talking about them on msm.

I think they understand that very well. We are being programmed to distrust. Problem, reaction, solution.

So then what do you think part three is, the solution?

a savior, like hitler.

Basically correct

The anti christ.

That's what I've always thought, and it's happened to me. When someone says don't listen to so and so, I want to know what that person is really saying--LOL! Maybe it's just because I'm old and cantankerous.


Tower of Babel.

Personally I think rocket ships are the new Tower of Babel.

I agree. Over on r/conspiracyundone, our rules are designed to promote talking to one another in a collegial fashion.

i think a lot of their plan depends on us talking...they just have to carefully orchestrate the conversation

Best comment of the bunch.

So that’s why they keep banning me

I mean it is a temporary bandaid , but a decent one.

Basically correct