Are freemasons ruling the world?

3  2018-02-26 by freethinker78

The horseshoe is apparently a masonic symbol, used to identify freemasons ( When I was a kid I met at least one person who had a horseshoe in a prominent place in her store. When I asked her what did it mean she wouldn't tell me, and when I asked her if it was a lucky charm she just told me that some people think it is a lucky charm, but wouldn't tell me what it meant.

I recently saw the coat of arms of South Korea and noticed that there is a horseshoe in it ( The coat of arms of North Korea also has a horseshoe in it ( Guess where else there is a horseshoe? In the UN Security Council ( and seemingly in the UN flag ( Many of the leaders of the United States at the time of its independence were openly freemasons, including George Washington. So it makes me wonder if the freemasons rule the world, and if so, what are their aims, what do they believe in? Are there different masonic factions that oppose each other (judging by the horseshoe symbol being in both Koreas)? Or is the rivalry only a show? Are those symbols even masonic? Unfortunately we are left to speculate, because probably no freemason is going to come and tell us their secrets.

(Sorry about the links, but sometimes when I hide the link the words are not highlighted).


If I remember correctly horseshoes were considered lucky because they were made of iron and there was superstition around that. There's also a Christian myth about shoeing the devil.

None of those images you posted contain a horseshoe. If you are going by shape then look at laurel wreaths, that dates back to the Greeks.

I heard that one thing about freemasons is that they disguise their symbols. So it is not necessary to show an actual horseshoe to depict a horseshoe.

Best argument ever. "Look at this horseshoe symbol" "It doesn't really look like a horseshoe?" "Well DUH! They hide their symbols to not look like horse shoes, while putting them in super public places, so that some people know it's not-quite-a-horseshoe symbol of a horseshoe"

Well, I don't know how their thinking works. I just speculate. To me those symbols look like horseshoes. They probably wouldn't use the exact same symbol every time, but I don't know how it works. Discussing it is good.

Got to say, I'm a 32nd° Scottish Rite Mason. Of the dozens perhaps hundreds of symbols in Masonry, the horseshoe is not one of then.

Maybe then it is another secret society that uses the horseshoe as a symbol?

Not that I know of.

What about the link I posted? It seems to be a legit masonic organization.

Trust me, Phoenix is a bane of many a Mason.. Though there is some stuff to be gleaned I'll grant you.

That said, what is shown is an individual item with a Masonic symbol on it.

I have seen the 47th problem of Euclid on a handkerchief, doesn't make the handkerchief a Masonic symbol.

Trust me, Phoenix is a bane of many a Mason..

What is Phoenix (not referring to the bird)?

Phoenix Freemasonry is the link YOU have provided as a "legit" source. They are a group that basically feels Masonry should be open to all regardless of... Well anything and they publish the entire rituals and passes and basically the whole Kit'N'Kaboodle on their website. Some of it is misinformation, some of it is wrong, and some of it just may have helped some learn their ritual work.

It's really hard to criticize then because of their charitable donations. It's the Rockefeller effect. Everyone hated the man until he started handing out dimes. To find out who rules over you find out who you can't criticizes

And yet we’re allowed yo critisize Freemasonry, so wgat does that tell you?

Horses, and therefore horseshoes, were very very common until about 80 years ago. Is it surprising that symbology is everywhere??

Have you tried to bring up freemasons to our average normy? I've never had it go over well.

I know quite a few Freemasons, and normies. The general public is pretty misguided about what the Freemasons are and do. But we’re not prohibited from speculating or even making fun of the masonry, so by accepted logic here, they’re not the ones ruling us.

See you can't criticize them and be taken seriously .

But you can do it and nobody is pushing legislation to make illegal.. that and is no army of shills working for the Masons. Just some mildly interested people like myself who think that they are being used as a scapegoat for things.

lol is that why every thread with mason on the title sees like 10 of them fall out of the woodwork?

By fall out of the woodwork do you mean speak up? I’m fine with people stating they’re opinion, it’s derailing threads that annoys me.

simply: satanist pedofiles run the world. not all freemasons are satanist pedofiles, but, some are.

satanic pedofiles run the world.


Mason here, no and yes.

The primary purpose of the Craft is to work towards the perfection of man and in turn humanity. In doing this first part the Bro comes to take control of his life and his destiny, in this way, yes Masons can come to rule their world quite completely.

Now Masonry is not monolithic, despite the common image of a domineering mother lodge in the form of the UGLE, there are many orders that exist tangentially and in many cases completely independently of this very visible structure. For instance one of France's head bodies doesn't require belief in a supreme diety, they're left on their own, other orders allow women in, this really irks the boys clubs, they're in the cold too. Within this there is plenty of dissension and even animosity, despite our common spiritual(well not for France :/ ) quest.

That isn't to say that Masons don't conspire for good and/or evil. We are working together with our familiar Bros and sometimes this stays on the secret level; so what, this happens everywhere in the profane world two, just bring a few friends together with a common aim. While we try to aim for helping humanity in our pursuits, we humans are also very fallible creatures and some people have really stupid, destructive ways of "helping", and some just get carried over into outright tyranny. By the time the work has gone this far off a moral compass point I'm not sure if I'd even call it Masonry, but in any case Masons...And there are plenty of examples of this in history, look into P2(Propoganda Due) for instance, or the Jack the Ripper case(though this was more Bros covering for one nutcase rather than being organized with malevolent intent). Similarly, check the American, French, or South American(Bolivaran) revolutions to see examples of conspiracies that provided productive towards human liberation(not gonna defend the whole Terror thing in France...again the French, passionate people I guess :/ )

Now the real question, do we rule the world all Illuminati-style and what not? Hmm, maybe, above my paygrade.

If the goal is to perfect humanity y'all are fucking up hard.

What are you doing?

Not hiding in secret lodges playing pretend with gross old rich men.

You know the hours of the lodge is right outside the building. Doing a bad job at keeping it a secret.

I mean, I do what I can, we do what we can, but we are by no means the totality of humanity, nor the only group trying to bring the world to a better place.

As a human, I definitely agree with "y'all are fucking up", humans are fucking up, despite the better efforts of the vast majority of us. The fact is that we are fallible creatures: we try, we fuck up, we learn, we try again. Now I think the whole humanity fucking up thing is less of a lack of trying, but a lack of focus on recognizing our fuckups and learning from them; as an example, I wouldn't doubt most people "don't trust" the government in some sense or another, but yet few actual question the paradigm of it or seek further answers. We try, and overall could be trying better, easier(trying harder isn't so useful).

As other commenters have pointed out, we leave little obfuscation to our meeting and organization, if that's your criteria be just as suspicious of local city council or Kwanis Club. Furthermore, all are eligible to seek and inquire, so it's not exactly some exclusive thing. And as other commenters have wonder, what are you doing now to actually fix things whether we're the ones fucking everything up or not?

This is actually the best comment I've ever read on Reddit from an alleged Freesmason.

Thank you!

Honesty to truth in all things brings light.

Is the horseshoe shape a masonic symbol?

Mmm...not that I know of to be honest, if it was and I knew it I just wouldn't even be answering here.

That's not to say that it definitely isn't somewhere in the ritual, but we've got a lot of interesting symbolism to delve into and never have I come across even an allusion to a horeshoe. It may be a part of higher levels, but I doubt it; our symbolism relies on very discrete phsyical-philosophical connections where I don't think a horseshoe would have much to offer.

I would imagine that much of it's explicit symbolism(actual horseshoes) comes from connections to strength(a horse) and luck(akin to its phsyical similarity to a wishbone, or success in the damnablely hard game of hoseshoes) which are found throughout society and have origins that don't lie in masonry in the slightest. Likewise, I think much of the implicit symbolism(geometric analogs, like a wreath on the U.N. logo or elsewhere) also have deeper connections in history/culture at large, and run deeper into that collective psyche than horeshoes themselves do.

Sorry if this disappoints somewhat given the focus of your OP, but I certainly wasn't going to be some dick saying "Lol I'm a Mason and we don't have anything to do with horseshoes!", again, could be a symbol that I just haven't been shown yet too.

But the link I put in the introduction seems to be legit masonic and it says that the horseshoe is a masonic symbol.

My apologies, I only glanced at the link suffix that mentioned horseshoe and 47th proof together and didn't click it as there is no lt really a direct relation between those two concepts. is a perfectly legit source as far as you'll find on the internet for masonry though, so definitely not discounting that.

Reviewing the link I think it's a mixed message. The 47th proof is a significant part of Masonry(for reasons I won't go into) and human life in general as that's the basis for how we measure all things(shit! I did). So the significance of that particular design is largely the mathemetic diagram that's inside the horseshoe, as stated before though the horseshoe is associated with luck so it doesn't hurt to wrap your conscious strivings in with a bit of unconscious luck. Masons are just as superstitious as anyone else. So I think that page was saying the 47th diagram+a horseshoe was common, not the horseshoe alone.

If you have any additional links to a similar effect(re:horseshoes) though, please share. Just because I'm unaware of any symbolism behind it doesn't mean it's not there in a definite way and I'm always interested to expand my understanding of the world's archetypes!

When I was in my late teens I was invited to become a freemason. But given that I was a Catholic at the time, I took offense at the invitation and refused it. Now, I'm no longer Catholic and no longer believe in any god.


Just kidding, in fact I've been following the opposite path in a certain sense. I was "raised" Catholic, but between pointlessly long masses and the endless platitudes of my Sunday school teachers it was next to meaningless and really turned me off to both spirituality and organized religion. As such I disavowed both at a young age. Growing older, learning more brought me back to spirituality, that in turn, indirectly brought me to Masonry. Since then(not exclusively due to Masonry) I've also returned to a favorable opinion of Catholicism, not in the "PaPa iS GoD!!1!" style reverence, but in seeking a unified understanding of what brings all people together on a spiritual level; I think that's a beautiful pursuit that has seemingly been ever more muddled by the Roman church as the millenia have progressed(I know this is perhaps the last thing a conspiracy sub wants to hear from a Mason, but the Jesuits are pretty legit in goal if not process, see above about good intentions leading to terrible outcomes within conspiracies when considering their remarkable historical record).

Seek wisdom wherever you find it friend, but be wary of replacing a pantheon of dieties with a pantheon of contemporary scientific "facts". Not to sound anti-science(I work as a scientist...), but the dogmatism surrounding so much of the discourse at the present time is as foolhardy as it is unproductive to generating new knowledge. Nor do I aim that at you personally in any way, I'm just compelled to squeeze it into the conversation whenever the question of believing in God/etc. comes up.(Personally I suggest believing in nothing but disbelief: faith in doubt, Ana 'l-haqq)

Talking about Jesuits, an acquaintance of mine is deep in Jesuit stuff and he belongs to a Jesuit brotherhood. Once, I was having a casual conversation with him and I casually said that I would like to investigate what Jesuits are up to. He chillingly responded "Beware! Others have tried it and they have not fared well." So I think something bad is going on with the Jesuits.

In a brotherhood as in he's a preist or in a lay group that works in tandem like the Knights of Columbus?

Speaking broadly, I wouldn't doubt his statement. To expand on my defense of them from before, I think their ultimate aim is sincere but their process is pretty fucked. (I like to think...) They'd like to elevate humanity, for instance they've been one of the primary forces in developing and spreading education for several centuries, which for its pitfalls has overall helped us to evolve as a species. Now there are some clear dark sides there, education-wise look into the relation of Joseph Scaligar and Phantom history/alt-timeline theories; often he is cited on a contemporary basis as an antagonist of the Jesuits because many of their ranks dissented from his evaluation at the time, yet their educational subsequently funneled his historical timeline through to future generations. Huh? The lies may be a result, but the education is a process that ultimately going to be more beneficial(in that it develops the capacity to think independently, fuck "education" that bows to memorization or authority).

They have been kicked out of a lot of countries, sometimes for very solid reasons in light of the particular situations, kind of like some other group of people. Does that mean those groups in broad sweeps are uniformly bad folks? I would say no, in one sense that's just a terribly pessimistic view of humanity, that associating with a given group implicitly means you can't be an upright person, in another sense still, and more importantly I think, it overlooks the fallible nature of man. At the deepest heart of it I like to hope we all try and do our best in the world working with what we got, but our sense of "what's best" will never trully reach what is actually best in the Grand scheme of things in a perfect way; in that pursuit we can get drawn off course, even more so when we work in groups and leave ourselves victim to social influence(which generally reinforces stupidity). Shit happens, I would say rather than focusing on the what, let's work towards understanding the why instead. Before I was a Mason for instance, I was very skeptical of them due to all the conspiracy and secrecy and what not, still am, the beauty of the process is in choosing to parse what others' results have been from my own understanding through experience.

He is in a lay group.
You make a lot of sense. I regularly ponder about how to prevent and confront evil without using evil or becoming evil. How to deal with despots who do horrible things, for example, Saddam? Was his toppling justified taking into account all the thousands of innocent people who have died as a result of it? Or should we take the route of Ghandi, who would let himself get beaten and killed rather than using violence, but a strategy that, ultimately, would be taken advantage of violent people who would do what they want with the nonviolent people? Is survival a justification for the use of unbridled violence? Should the society of good people let themselves get abused and killed rather than use deadly violence to defend themselves or others?

Indeeeed, questions I think that can only be answered in the moment. Trying to respond to them generally only locks us into a fate, whether it be to act violently unnecessaryily or passively towards self-destruction. When it comes to standing up, I find the porn position to work best, "I'll know it when I see it". The important take away from that for me is to always be looking(not just for porn...), always vigilant of our moral landscape and reflective on our actions. Passivity in the face of necessary action can be more cruel than the worst torture.

Are you going to fuck and eat the baby when it's eventually offered to you?

Little known fact: all our ritual infants these days are birthed through a spiritual cloning process in which a potbelly pig fetus(really you can do it with any animal, pigs are just so damn easy) is transmuted into a human form, a microcosm of the macrocosmic sacrificer so to speak. It was adopted from voodoo practices observed by southern Masons in the antebellum period, and became more widespread once slavery was abolished. In that way it's more like auto-erotic self-cannibalism than anything else.

The more ya know!

Is that a joke or wtf?

Hahaha, yes it is. We only eat organic for the most part.

The horseshoe as an ornament was seen as good luck if the open end was facing up for some reason. The thinking is that it went back to a time to when Celtic people used iron objects to ward off evil beings. It can still be seen in many places in Appalachia.

The idea that the UN logo is a horseshoe is incorrect in my opinion. They are laurel wreaths and date back to pre-Hellenistic Mediterranean civilization.

JFK's speech on secret societies.

"The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions.

Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."

Well, I don't know how their thinking works. I just speculate. To me those symbols look like horseshoes. They probably wouldn't use the exact same symbol every time, but I don't know how it works. Discussing it is good.

Maybe then it is another secret society that uses the horseshoe as a symbol?