/r/politics is a Democrat Party propaganda sub and mods are paid to keep it

119  2018-02-26 by Academic3

99% of r/politics posts are either anti-trump or pro-democrat. Several vote brigades are running in that sub to make sure the posts mentioned early keep on the first page. Every negative news about a democrat politician is heavily downvoted and even reported. The same happens with any positive Trump news. And several users here keep asking to support and vote for democrat politicians and the mods allow it.


Bill Clinton facing four sexual assault lawsuits - only 15 upvotes

Donald Trump comes out fighting for Republican candidate accused of child sex abuse - almost 27000 upvotes and front page on r/all


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Proof that mods are paid?

Your examples are comparing a story about a president from nearly 20 years ago who most have not thought about with the current president’s actions regarding a closely watch senate race. Doesn’t it make sense that one would garner more attention?

There’s undoubtedly a liberal bias in r/politics but who cares? Why does it matter? Are you upset /pol/ is pro trump?

Proof that mods are paid?

Kwiztas was eventually removed for openly discussing working for Milo/Breitbart and claiming to make the sub MAGA.

Not what OP seems to be implying, though.

You mean the president that is the husband of your current presidents main rival?

The election is over. Hillary isn't the rival of anyone now.

Nobody denies r politics is biased. The key difference between liberal subs and conservative subs is liberal subs are far more open to different ideas. In /r/politics you are allowed to have dissenting opinion

Go have a dissenting opinion in r/the_donald or /r/conservative and see how that plays out for you. This is the largest problem, not bias

No you're not allowed to have dissenting opinions. You'll get banned so fast from r/pol for that

Show me a comment you made that got you banned from r/politics.

I'm a liberal and have been banned from r/politics like 4 or 5 times but it's always due to incivility--probably towards conservatives to be honest because I curse a lot.

I see conservatives post there, but they are usually downvoted into the ground for either:

  1. Trolling, or
  2. Giving an opinion no one agrees with and then they refuse/fail to follow up after getting corrected/called out

This is just untrue.

Posting to a generic sub is a lot different from posting to a very specific sub. T_D and Conservative arent masquerading behind the idea that they are subs for generic "politics."

It's false branding though. It's not about "politics" in general. It's about cheerleading for Democrats and vilifying Republicans.

Somebody got $$$ for that.

You're free to criticize Dems and praise Republicans, you won't get banned.

Calling it "politics' implies non-partisanism. Now anyone who's spent any time in there at all knows it is anything but. Misleading title. Almost seems like a Reddit violation of some type. Rule number...something or other.

Subs like /r/t_d and /r/conservative are places to discuss those ideas and specifically those ideas, the same way we have /r/liberal or /r/hillaryclinton . They don't pretend to be a general sub for all ideas. /r/politics is supposed to include all sides of politics, but it's extremely one sided. No one would give a shit if /r/politics was actually named /r/democrat

r/politics does allow all sides conservatives just prefer safe spaces.

no r/politics bans the same way r/t_d if the view point is not met.

That is utter nonsense.

sure and after the election r/politics went right back to the way it was and we could discuss something other than anti-trump propaganda. Oh wait.

You can go post pro Trump stuff there and won't get banned. You get downvoted because pro Trump people prefer safe spaces so they are not there to upvoted you.

Because they acknowledge the army of shills on politics. They only time I see anything against democrats or pro trump on that sub is if I sort by controversial. If the idea is to have a reasonable discussion then its pointless to post there.

Nobody denies r politics is biased. The key difference between liberal subs and conservative subs is liberal subs are far more open to different ideas. In /r/politics you are allowed to have dissenting opinion

Go have a dissenting opinion in r/the_donald or /r/conservative and see how that plays out for you. This is the largest problem, not bias

This is the complete opposite of what's going on out there.

You're absolutely right ,such a shame that the Donald brigade is downvoting you.

I think at some point people need to get over that sub. Yeah it's a liberal circle jerk. Nobody can do anything about it. Just don't go there. I'm a leftie and I don't go there anymore. It's lame on any sub when everyone aggressively agrees with each other.

I think the reason people are so fixated on that sub is because it's constantly on the front page and it's a default sub. Those give it big power over users.

It’s not a default sub.

You're right, I've adjusted my previous comment.

it was a default sub. and it IS a default word

Not officially, but its the_donald before getting banned from the frontpage

I don't thin it's a default anymore

/r/news and /r/worldnews are constantly on the front page and both of those lean strongly toward conservative views depending on the articles (gun rights, Muslim extremists, minority crimes, immigration, etc).

It used to be a Bernie circlejerk sub. Now it's an anti-Trump circlejerk. People probably don't remember when it was a Ron Paul circlejerk.

During the primaries anybody who didn't shit on Hillary was called a CTR shill. Then they tried to shift that to Shareblue but that's been banned from the sub while sources like Breitbart are still allowed so I guess it's now the "deep state."

Anyone that used r/politics leading up to the general can 100% confirm that sub was bought and paid for...

Can confirm. Use available reddit statistics tools to plot my accounts contribution history over time. The most activity and karma generated over time is over at [redacted]. That was my go to place to air out politics ideas, experience the community nuke them from orbit, then I could go back checking assumptions and rebuilding a better understanding of the issue. Learning.

The sub flipped over night right around the night of the Dem primary in 2016. Suddenly new faces I'd never seen or tagged before filled the sub. Conversations no longer had counter arguments. Instead name calling and brief sentences that could be ripped from the talking points regurgitated on CNN all day.

I stopped learning. No one would engage in conversation sufficiently to break down my ideas and provide direction for further research. At best it was 'because WaPo said so' or other circular headline reasoning. In prior years the direction would lead through wikipedia or source documents that could be analyzed.

So we moved. The accounts I'd seen for years on [redacted] were seen instead in other subs. The regular contributor base flipped.

Today, the best comments there tend to be the most downvoted. Which leads to comment delays for those accounts before too long. So they leave.

I call it the Ellen Pao monetization program. I have no hard evidence to back up the claim. Simply observing the timing was right for the administrative negotiation to occur under her leadership. It would probably have been difficult for Spez to give back the money and back out of the program, so it moved forward.

You brought up the 2016 primary, and the seemingly overnight flip. It wasn't just that sub, it was many online outlets. The only thing I can think is that there is a massive undertaking going on to push the extreme left wing narrative on the internet, and it's being veiled as outrage at Trump. Almost all moderate statements or statements that can, at least, see the right wing point of view are disliked, removed, restricted - This is mass oppression of free speech hiding behind EULA law.

The fall out is just now starting to be seen (sic, the redpill communities and droves of people redpilling). Lots of us traditionally left (and at least this progressive) are falling away from mainstream liberalism because it's just so fucking toxic. SJW culture is being pushed as the new norm and any disagreement is tanamount to Dispareagement. It's disgusting, it's authoritarian, and it's damn near facist.

Genuinely makes me wonder if someone is trying to start a second Civil War, one in which a identity politics has labeled all of us enemies, just to tear apart the nation.

Almost all moderate statements or statements that can, at least, see the right wing point of view are disliked, removed, restricted - This is mass oppression of free speech hiding behind EULA law.

Well put. When the propaganda campaign turned on my entire voter lifetime was as a Dem. Down party line more often than not, with the sage grandmother advice of when dissatisfied with performance to 'vote out the incumbent'.

Simply arguing for items I felt important to be in the Dem platform lead to labels. Sexist, racist, Bernie bro, Trumper, alt-right, Nazi. Only comments explicitly in support of daily acceptable narrative received upvote.

SJW culture is being pushed as the new norm and any disagreement is tanamount to Dispareagement. It's disgusting, it's authoritarian, and it's damn near facist.

Too many groups were in place at the same time and turned it on all at once. As has been observed by Stephan Molyneaux and various professors SJW tactics mirror in many ways those used during the cultural revolution in China as communism rose.

Assume a different outcome occurred in the election. There was a powerful base in place to drastically alter the US, all signs aligned with significantly undermining sovereignty (see TPP) and replacing cultural structures with something vastly different.

We continue battling with the propaganda wing of that effort.

That's my favorite. That it was just a bunch of white Bernie bros who supported him. They still say it, even though he has less support in that category than any other.

It demonstrates what's at stake. The leadership of that particular party are not necessarily far left. It's about control and authoritarianism. Letting multi-citizenship global entities take control of all aspects, and completely drain the wealth out from the American public.

Sanders proposes further left leaning ideals, but generates benefit for the American public? Relentlessly hounded by the yellow journalist propagandists. Can't have him get in the way of the fleecing of America.

We're all being used. Every time the narrative shifts a new element is thrown in to push direction toward some way that further weakens and makes dependent the American public.

I don't see how people on the left don't see this Russia shit coming back to bite them in the ass. You've got people from MSNBC heavily implying Bernie and Jill Stein are Russian agents now. It's all pretty crazy.

Plenty are calling out the bullshit in real time. For example, Jimmy Dore on his YouTube channel. They're out there, but you'll never see them on any corporate platform. Don't let the corporate media shape your worldview, actual leftists are only we ever allowed attention in the corporate media to smear them.

Yeah, I'm glad people like Jimmy Dore and Glen Greenwald are being reasonable.

this isnt an unknown, and not even a conspiracy. have you seen the david brock media matters playbook? they literally buy social media. not a huge puzzle.

implying r/politics is hard left

also that Democrats are leftist at all

That’s honestly hilarious

neoliberalism and identity politics is extremely left wing?

I stopped learning.

Fuck, so very real.

That is exactly what happened - no longer does the user base offer anything to make me question what i was consider as the truth, a god damn shame.

Today, the best comments there tend to be the most downvoted. Which leads to comment delays for those accounts before too long. So they leave.

The only way to browse that sub is to sort by controversial. Everything else at the top is just a meme/joke or copy-paste essay with a ton of links from MSM

I remember during the primaries they had a moderator from The_Donald that openly talked about working for Breitbart and making the sub MAGA.

The entire front page was nothing but anti-Hillary posts. No megathreads to merge them into one. Even third world state propaganda made it to the top as long as it was against her.

Now they still have mods from The_Donald and have even banned Shareblue while still allowing Breitbart and others.

The front page was anti-Hillary because Hillary fucked sucked.

They banned Shareblue because Shareblue is literal propagandists and they got “caught” by admins gaming the system.

That shit about a Donald mod being there(if true) is strange, but it has had no any impact on the sub. R/politics has NEVER been pro-Trump or even close.

The front page was anti-Hillary because Hillary fucked sucked.

By that logic it's anti-Trump now because he sucks on a whole new level never seen before. Unless you're a fanatic, he sucks far worse than Hillary ever could. So it makes sense that people who follow American politics wouldn't be fans of his.

but it has had no impact on the sub.

I think a mod that openly claimed he was making the sub "MAGA" and worked for Milo/Breitbart that stated he would make sure they always had a home there probably had a bit of an impact on the sub. Especially since Breitbart is literal propaganda and isn't banned from the whitelist.

From what I heard about shareblue the mods claimed they caught users trying to game the system. You're saying that you believe claims made by /r/politics mods even though they shared absolutely no evidence or proof? Do you believe it because you want to believe it or can you actually verify the claims?

Bro, you are literally making claims with no evidence.

How about you show me that mod?

You realize this entire thread is making claims without any evidence?

he sucks far worse than Hillary ever could. S

hea going to have to have a benghazi like incident for that statement to be true

a lot of people even in this sub confuse anti-hilary with pro-trump and thats probably by design.

you right.

I remember during the primaries they had a moderator from The_Donald that openly talked about working for Breitbart and making the sub MAGA.

You're talking about r/politics?

they dont allow infowars even though it fits their list of requirements for approved linking

I used politics leading up to the general, I can confirm that it was 100% not bought and paid for.

How do you explain the extremely abrupt change in narrative and content?

Prove an extreme abrupt change in narrative?

Even if assuming that's true. How many people supported either candidate? How often do you post in subs that are hostile to the candidate you support? The sub gained more and more hillary supporters as she was more likely to win the primary until a point where they are no longer out of view. The anti-clinton, conservative community were observed to be pro-sanders until the candidacy solidified.

How many more do you want?

Where the fuck did all the Clinton supporters come from?

R/hillaryclinton literally had one dude posting like 90% of their shit. It was truly sad.

From wherever they come from? Do I have to now explain how people can support a specific candidate?

She was the most likely/only candidate to support progressive policies which reddit LOVES. Policies like raising minimum wage, promoting solutions to climate change, etc.

Again, why her sub was just OVERFLOWING with organic support.

Because you're falling for some terrible selection bias. How many people like listening to music on reddit, but how many people are subscribed to specific genre/artist subreddits?

There's currently no logical reason to equate one subreddit activity with another when they have absolutely no similarity.

Or if I wanted to fall into your shitty reasoning clinton supported the policies that would be heavily favored by /r/technology, /r/futurism, /r/environment, etc. which are also subs that reach the front page with some commonness.

Lol k.

so this is where you submit proof of this supposed abrupt narrative change



Here is something for you.

Tell me what you think the voting pattern would be on those comments today.

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How do you think that helps your argument? Do you think a subreddit's overall position on a matter can't change? Plenty of people have said that they left politics, me included, due to the circle-jerky nature that its become. Still does nothing to support whether it was bought and paid for.

How about this?


Do you think that article would have even made it out of new? It would have been downvoted to oblivion.

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1k karma


sounds like it was pretty hotly contested and downvoted already.

Why are you even engaging with this liar? Come on, none of us want to read their bullshit responses.

Confirm it with what proof?

Yup, there used to quality discussion - a bit more aligned with the skepticism one would find in this sub.

Now i has turned legitimatedly cancerous... it is crazy to me that it used to be my #1 sub on this medium.

Which general? I saw the place completely divebomb back in 2012, though this new level of hell is frankly impressive.

i used to mainly post to politics, news, and worldnews but i was banned from all three within a month of trump winning the republican nomination. its just as well, im not trying to argue with paid lobbyist shills, and then have my side of the argument hidden from public view with vote brigades.

seems like it. Good luck discussing third parties or suggesting Trump is not literal Hitler.

Aaaaand now you've been shadowbanned.


Why do you assume that /r/politics mods are paid to keep it pro-Democrat? Do you have proof?

It's literally disgusting to see.

If you think /r/politics is bad just take a look at /r/bestof it's a constant stream of anti-american hate coupled with anti-republican nonsense.

The left dramatically outnumbers the right there.

That being said, how do you fix it?

Conservatives don't go there, they prefer more safe space subs like r/conservative and /r/The_Donald where people who disagree with them are banned. So if conservatives won't go to r/politics, and prefer to just bitch about it from other subs, how does it get more balanced?

Should the mods at r/politics give preferential treatment to conservative articles, say a free 150 upvote bump for every Breitbart article posted?

Should the mods at r/politics give preferential treatment to conservative articles

Some mods tried that.

Conservative subs are really the only places where real discussion happens. Go to somewhere like the supposed "politics" sub and you're bombarded with downvotes limiting your ability to spread your ideas or convince others.

Found the liberal who frequents r/politics and worldnews, lol.

What would you do then to fix It? Reddit, at least since I've been visiting the site, has never leaned far right or has supported the GOP. So of course in a large sub it's going to tend to be liberal and young. What should they do? Ban people?


Beta boy

C'mon, you can do better.

You already know you're a coward and a faggot, so there's not much in getting too worked up about it. At least not enough to write 3 paragraphs, lul

Have a Snickers.
You get bigoted when you're hungry.

Conservatives don't go there for the same reason that Progressives don't go to the Donald. It's not different. Get off your high horse. Progressives need safe spaces just as much. They will ban anyone who disagrees with them in one of their safe spaces like r Politics. Don't need any upvote bump. But posting conservative stuff at all would be a start. But we all know that won't happen. It's a progressive sub.

politics doesn't delete your comment for going against the grain.

No, they just outright ban you. I've been banned from r/ politics for a very long time, and I never made any extreme comments there at all. Just comments from a conservative point of view.

No they do not. This is a lie and you know it

No they do not. This is a lie and you know it. Want to know how I can tell you are lying? Unless you threaten to hurt someone physically /r/politics hand out a 7 day ban for your first time, which goes up to 21 days for your second ban and if you get a third strike you are outright banned

I was banned from there for writing a comment that had +40 Karma.

When I appealed to the mods, they mocked me.

If you want proof, you can dig through my comments where I have uploaded screenshots of them making fun of me.

What did the comment say?

I'm honestly not sure.

Here is the screenshot from a past comment.


I stand corrected. I tried to go post there and I could. I must have thought I was permanent banned when I probably received a 7 day ban. Never tried posting there again. Sorry for the confusion, and... thanks for helping me realize I'm not banned? Lol.

Not a problem. I apologize for my tone earlier its just that I've heard it too many times in the past from actual liars. Have a good night

I used to go there all the time. banned months ago as all Trump supporters eventually are. Its all hard left there all the time


They hate the hard left even more than T_D

Take a look at /r/wayofthebern where we're acccused of being T_D2.0 nazis from neolibereals because we're wise to thier corrupt shit and commies from the actual T_D.

We will have converstions with conservatives over there even if we don't agree on things. Not a big fan of bannings either.

We want a representative government that aren't professionally corrupt bastards slogging war all over the damn place and use that money to take care of the people.

They hate the hard left even more than T_D

Im not sure thats true, but will check out /r/wayofthebern

Why were yr banned?

because Im a Trump supporters is the REAL reason.

The MO there is since its 85% bots and shariablue paid shills anyway, if you say ANYTHING that isnt hardcore Trump hate, and I mean extreme, you get a mountain of downvotes and "you are a scumbag" comments. And then, if you fight back, you get kicked for "being uncivil", ignoring the fact that you just were the recipient of an online gang rape first.

I got banned 3 separate times for 2 weeks, then a perma ban a few months ago. A shame, really, every once in a while I would have a good discussion.

if you fight back,

How exactly did you 'fight back'?

I dont recall exactly, but it was likely pointing out that my attackers werent sincere with a rational viewpoint to debate, they were hired shariablue guns and bots for the most part.

That kind of expose' didnt really sell well.

Please link to the comment that got you banned along with the message that the mods sent to you informing you of the ban. I don't believe your story at all.

I just checked my inbox, here is what they sent me:


there was supposed to be a link in that message linking to the comment which got me banned, and there was not. It was 3 months ago, and Im not sure which comment exactly it was.

WHY would you doubt this? There are a zillion T_D members whove been permabanned there, it isnt exactly a unique experience.

Not terribly different than /r/worldnews.

Uh op, r/politics has been moderated by conservatives only since at least 2011.

And at least 90% of the comments on their top and gilded comments are paid for libertarian free market anti-government, globalists, (like Jeff Bezos, and the Kochs.) talking points and or AI bot replies.

What are the chances this is just a really bad case of an echochamber?

So much wrong with your argument. You open with a percentage that you don't support, then you actually make the bold claim that there is positive Trump news. Then you go to examples. Bill Clinton is no longer in politics, so no one with half a fucking brain even gives a shit what he's doing. Maybe that's why no one cares to see it. Your example for Clinton is sexual assault, not for supporting a child sex abuser. Trump's base has forgiven him for sexual assault already, and he has more lawsuits against him this year than Clinton has since being in office.

Thank you for rational thought.

what is the conspiracy? thats just a known fact

And this sub has become an extension of /r/ the Donald.

No, since his election it’s been invaded by anti-Trump shilling, just like r/politics did.

Checking your profile, your first three posts are from the Donald. So yeah, tell me about shilling.

Resorting to ad hominem attacks? That’s a shame. How about the actual argument:

Clinton Foundation posts were here long before The Donald existed.

No, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy. To call someone or a group shills only to be a shill yourself. In your case, you're shilling for the Donald.

You’re not calling out hypocrisy - you’re misunderstanding what a shill is.

I don’t enter every anti-trump post here and through out allegations and unsubstantiated claims.

If filter by controversial you can look at some older posts here where it has been called out, but buried with comments in the 100’s.

If you sort by controversial on this post, you'll find my comment calling out that this sub has become an extension of the Donald. Go figure. But you go on with your righteous cause of Making America Great Again, one Reddit comment at a time.

I thought we could reach some understanding.. oh well. Carry on with your obsessive posts about Trump!

Oh I understand, don't worry.

The top post on this sub is crying about Alex Jones being surpressed. Are u forreal

This is a conspiracy subreddit. If suppression of one of the most vocal conspiracy theorists can’t gather positive upvotes, the sub is done.

Being vocal doesn’t mean his ideas are worth shit. He’s garbage and if his ideas not being promoted means this sub is done, the intellectual standard on a sub of this nature doesn’t merit it deserving to exist either

You may not agree with him, as I don’t on many issues, but I don’t think he should be suppressed.

I dont believe in equity of ideas, his are worthless at best and legitimately damaging at worst, just because its his opinion doesnt mean hes entitled to a platform he’s repeatedly shown he doesn’t deserve.

Regardless, my point was that if this sub was really overrun with people paid to push anti-right wing agendas, that wouldnt be the top post on this sub.

He's a self proclaimed performance artist so it's not even like YouTube is banning someone who's an actual conspiracy theorist.

You mean one vocal performance artist like most other conservative 'conspiracy theorists'(I.e. Trump fanboys in disguise).

This sub is full of pro-government and pro-Trump fanboys, even some of the mods love Trump now so you're wrong.


The biggest conspiracy in recent history is unfolding in front of us and this sub refuses to talk about it. It's a fucking joke.

Reddit is made up of younger people and younger people are usually liberal. Its not that hard to figure out

I try to post articles there all of the time and immediately am downvoted to oblivion

its honestly much simpler. Most of reddit leans left, and most of reddit dislikes donald trump.

People upvote what they want to see, and downvote what they dont want to see.

You dont need to pay anyone off, it manages itself.

I always found r/Politics too Libertarian for my tastes.

You may be on too something.

I don't see how people on the left don't see this Russia shit coming back to bite them in the ass. You've got people from MSNBC heavily implying Bernie and Jill Stein are Russian agents now. It's all pretty crazy.

You can go post pro Trump stuff there and won't get banned. You get downvoted because pro Trump people prefer safe spaces so they are not there to upvoted you.

Plenty are calling out the bullshit in real time. For example, Jimmy Dore on his YouTube channel. They're out there, but you'll never see them on any corporate platform. Don't let the corporate media shape your worldview, actual leftists are only we ever allowed attention in the corporate media to smear them.