It’s simple math.
9 2018-02-27 by Afrokiller-symbiote
If 9/11 never happened, ten million people who are dead would still be alive today.
This shooting never happened, we think 17 people died, failing to realize the affects later down the line. The ripples. Well, take the guns away because a few kids get shot, and we’re faced with a hundred million deaths; easy.
American revolution never happened, means the French Revolution never happened, means that Napoleon never rose to power, means that modern nation states never formed, means that colonialism continued much longer, means that Africans and Asians would have died by the hundreds of millions.
But the Natives would have survived.
What I’m saying is that our actions, world events, and our reactions to them butterfly effect and create the world we live in.
do not give in to fear
do not give them your guns
liberals, understand that this issue is bigger than you and your opinions
there are more important things to worry about
1 1-800-GOFUCKYOURSELF 2018-02-27
That kid could of killed twice as many people using home made explosives, let's not pretend that the gun is the only vessel that drives one's insanity.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
How does that apply to what I just said?
1 1-800-GOFUCKYOURSELF 2018-02-27
It's simple math.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
I fail to realize what you are when trying to say.
1 BrettLefty 2018-02-27
He’s trying to add a supporting point to your argument for you.
1 CovfefeAddictedMonky 2018-02-27
An argument using simple math.
1 baebaebokchoy 2018-02-27
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-02-27
Honest question man, you think if the government wanted to come get you, you could do anything to stop them? I'm kinda tired of seeing people argue that this is why we need guns. You're already out gunned here.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
If they came for me and me alone then no absolutely not, but you can be damn sure two or three of them are coming with me.
If they came for many people at once it would start a revolution. I’ve had this argument so many times it’s getting old. They don’t have the resources to face down a rag tag group of Iraqi insurgents successfully. I know, I was there. Modern warfare is incredibly complex. It is almost exclusively urban combat and there are a thousand cameras watching. You can’t just shoot a bunch of kids and get away with it, easily. It takes careful planning.
If they did this in the US it would be the death of them. Believe me THEY WANT TO DO IT. They simply can’t while the entire fucking population is armed. It’s fucking suicide.
Get that through your thick, cowardly skull.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-02-27
Why am I coward? Because I wouldn't fight the government and die real quick? Alright. Dude you could get all your friends and family together and try to fight them. You'll still die dude. Even if there was a revolution. You'd all lose. But that's not gonna happen.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Thanks for knowing the future. Thank goodness people don’t just take what other people say as the truth or we’d all be fucked listening to you.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-02-27
You seriously worried that the government is gonna turn on you?
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
As a soldier, you live in constant fear of becoming cannon fodder, and those are the people who the government considers valuable. Civilians are just consumers and mouth breathers to the hotshots at the federal level.
Yes. The government will turn on you when it suits them. Without a second thought. Ask Pat Tillman.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-02-27
Hasn't happened yet though dude.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Dude.. how old are you? 17? Get some real life experience. Yeah I thought my parents would never get divorced and then it happened, suddenly. No warning. Wake up, kid.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-02-27
I'm 30. How old is America now? The government hasn't turned on us one time since we started out hundreds of years ago.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Quite young as far as countries go. China is 4,000+ years old. Britain is arguably nearly a thousand years old. America is almost 242 years old.
About the amount of time the Roman Republic took to go from a democratic regional power to an autocratic superpower.
1 poopntute 2018-02-27
It happened in the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Germany... sure... it hasn't happened in the US, but I wonder why?
1 CovfefeAddictedMonky 2018-02-27
If you're imagining a tyrant going apeshit and starting a civil war with modern technology, then I think any rational person would agree that that's not a possibility anyone who cares about their individual freedom should take lightly. Good governments turning into indescribable nightmares are the norm in every place on earth for centuries, not the outlier.
But what most people like myself are talking about are simply the government passing bad, lazy, regressive laws to appease a mindless threatening majority, and thus making the future look bleaker and more restrictive than a country deserves. Which is what's happening right now, and would be worse if it weren't for good people fighting for good causes.
1 ManIsBornFree 2018-02-27
You don’t get it.
People don’t fear guns.
They fear that one bullet.
Politicians hate assassins, and a nation of them in potential, unless they are all neutralized as a threat.
People fightbgovernments with explosives you can make from soil and wood ash.
Not guns. They kill individual soldiers and targets of opportunity, like collaborators and politicians, with guns.
Anyone with liters of blood to lose or a brain stem hates bullets, and hires men with guns to protect them from other men with guns.
Imagine if they do don’t need protection and that hired weight was just used to push people. . .
1 poopntute 2018-02-27
What a winner /s... you might as well say, "If my family and neighbors are being raped, pillaged, unjustly imprisoned, I won't fight back because we'll lose."
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
They do have the resources to get those Iraqis they simply weren’t employed effectively. I would know, many of my family members are active duty or veterans.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
I literally spent two years there, it’s hell on Earth. You can’t just overly kill civilians if you’re going maintain a reputation as the good guys and you can’t win a war unless you kill civilians.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
Striking that balance is part of “melting resources effectively”.
The US has the resources even if it has yet to make proper use of them.
1 wile_e_chicken 2018-02-27
I should think "resources" includes the willingness to fire on the American public.
Now once they replace the armed forces with robots, we're kinda screwed.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
If being screwed means lacking the proper means to fight back, we’re already screwed.
The “right to bear arms” was intended to allow citizens to keep pace with the governments arsenal, but it has long since regulated that right away.
1 wile_e_chicken 2018-02-27
We may or may not be. Funny enough, it comes down to a spiritual question of whether the troops have enough goodness left within them to refuse to do evil. And I can't answer that.
But with robots, there is no conscience -- only execution of orders.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
They already have much of their lethal technology automated. Drones are a good example, and they have long been testing what would amount to robots. We have no way of knowing how developed that technology is at this point.
You’ve also got bombs and other explosives/gassed that would not need thinking humans to deploy.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
You would know right? Having never been in combat.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
Of course, because being in combat is not a prerequisite for being able to process information.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but “being in combat” does not give you magical abilities to know more than everyone else.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Regarding combat? Yes it does.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
We aren’t talking about combat, we’re talking about strategy.
Essentially resources and achievable goals is more akin to macro economics than actually on the ground combat.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Okay well since you’re the logistical expert how does 120,000 combat ready troops sound against ten million armed, former military militia men? Oh, and it’s in a battlefield three thousand miles in length. Oh, and they’ll be fighting their own families. Oh, and half of them will desert.
The military does not stand a chance against the American people.
You think Russia or China would just sit back and let that happen? You think they would just sit there and jack off while the US cannibalized itself?
No! That’s fucking retarded,
They would either invade or demand we stop along with rest of the world. This isn’t rocket science.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
Well seeing as that’s not how it would happen at all....
Ignoring for a moment that you pulled those numbers out of your ass, why in the world would the government rely on ground troops? It makes no sense for it to fail to use any number of technologies that vastly out power what citizens are allowed to own.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Oh my god the level of stupidity.
It’s unreal.
You honestly think the government would just carpet bomb it’s own cities? Yeah, maybe. But if it did you think the rest of the world would just sit back?
That’s why we keep the guns you twat.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
Took the words right out of my mouth.
Considering no one mentioned carpet combing I’m going to go ahead and ignore that asinine point.
The government controls the media and McCarthyism is very effective. They don’t need to start a revolution to fight back. A few well timed attacks and the right coverage will take care of problems quite nicely. Many won’t even realize there is a revolution to join.
Some would even claim we’re already under attack from our own government and I’ve yet to see the grand citizen militia rise up.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
I’m puking in my mouth reading this. You seem giddy as hell and I hope you’re happy becoming an informant or whatever it is you at gonna fucking do when this happens, if it happens.
I’ll be on the battlefield with the patriots, shedding our blood willingly so you can have your bullshit theories and ideas.
Gov hasn’t won yet. They’re just better equipped. We have the numbers. And we have justice on our side. Oh, and not to mention (and I keep saying this but people like you won’t listen because you’re defeatist and would rather just suck the gov’s cock) half the military would be on the people’s side, at least.
You picked the wrong side, NSA.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
Puke all you want, doesn’t make me wrong.
Your perception is very warped, perhaps the point of being able to be corrected.
The war has already started you missed your window for armed war fare.
I don’t think we’ve lost, but the path to victory is not going to be through physical force. The people that would need to unite don’t even realize they are under attack.
It’s an information war now, whether you like it or not.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
It’s always been an information war.
Literally just think outside your little box for two seconds. If the public knew what the gov was really up to there would be full on revolution RIGHT NOW.
The government has to try to pull a fast one on us, like they’re doing, because there’s too many of us. You say we haven’t lost. I’m not saying we’ve won.
So we agree that the war is still live
And you want people to stop buying rifles amidst all of this? Really?
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
1) please show me where I said stop buying rifles
2) If the war has already stated why aren’t people in the streets now? I’m pretty sure you’ve mentioned repeatedly that the government starting war on it’s citizens would cause an outright revolution...
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Forgive me perhaps that was the other troll who said that.
As you said, it’s an information war right now. People won’t go in the streets until the war goes hot. Most people, like you, will probably just watch CNN and obey, continuing to sit in your living rooms. But there will be millions of real Americans who react once an undeniable betrayal occurs.
Only people with iron stomachs or sharp minds can realize that we’re already at war.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
The war is already hot. I’m sorry you missed the memo.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Do me a favor and keep your incoherent shit to yourself.
1 Her_Excellency 2018-02-27
That’s pretty rich coming from you.
1 poopntute 2018-02-27
keep at it man, her_excellency is pretty damn ignorant.
1 CovfefeAddictedMonky 2018-02-27
Don't try to argue military strategy with liberals. Your time is better spent discussing any of the other large number of things they're completely ignorant and overconfident about.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Lol for sure
1 poopntute 2018-02-27
Hey hey now, not all liberals are anti second amendment, let's call them leftists.
1 CovfefeAddictedMonky 2018-02-27
If you look at my post history you'll see I have a history of hating modern leftism, but yeah, not all leftists are anti gun or as bad as I say. It's a particular kind that I run into often that other people run into that I'm talking about.
1 CovfefeAddictedMonky 2018-02-27
Yes, I think they wouldn't be able to. The people they'd send would be police, the majority of whom wouldn't use excessive force on a wide scale like that and of whom own guns as well and would be required to give up theirs, and who would be against any law to confiscate guns.
In the real world, not the fantasy world of liberals, not the dreamy fantasy world where they kick in the door and gun down all law abiding gun owner, the government would fail miserably, like in Australia. They'd do a gun buyback which would fail, and at most would send ATF members to peacefully confiscate guns from people who commit crimes and have a gun registered in their name. In other words, exactly the same amount of confiscation as there is now.
If you think the government going around confiscating things works to keep it out of people's hands, you're fucking stupid.
1 odd-meter 2018-02-27
“But the natives would’ve survived”
The Plague and small pox suggest otherwise
1 RogueSolid 2018-02-27
But we gave them blankets.
1 Shibbian 2018-02-27
I appreciate you, brother.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Thank you
1 ironcladdan 2018-02-27
This is the most disjointed, unintelligible, and misinformed post I have seen today. You have no understanding of history and you obviously lack critical thinking.
Your appeal to authority by saying you were in combat and know what you are talking about is completely ridiculous.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
So, were you just gonna throw out your opinions or have something important to say? Cause I didn’t learn much from this.
1 ironcladdan 2018-02-27
That's exactly my point about this post.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
Thanks for your contribution.
1 LudovicoSpecs 2018-02-27
As a "liberal," I don't want your gun. Keep it. I do want you to be required to take classes on how to use it, be required to own a safe (with the understanding that no one but the owner is allowed to handle the gun), be at least out of high school before you can buy it, and be required to have additional training and a thorough background check before you can purchase anything that would allow a gun to fire more than a few rounds per minute (aka enough for a decent duck or deer hunter to be able to enjoy themselves-- anyone who needs 20+ rounds per minute needs to learn to aim).
I support the 2nd amendment. But not everyone is qualified to own a weapon.
1 nollinostalgia 2018-02-27
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
I’m not totally against that but the gov won’t stop there.
1 LudovicoSpecs 2018-02-27
If/when the day comes when the government wants to go full confiscation or new rules don't pass the smell test, "liberals" like me will back you up. It's hard to explain to people that I don't like how easily accessible guns are, but understand the pubic needs access "just in case one day....". Everyone seems to want to pigeonhole the next guy as firmly for or firmly against.
Liberty with responsibility seems like good middle ground.
Thanks for being cool about it. Restores my faith that there are some of us out here on "opposite" sides who can still engage in a civilized conversation.
1 Afrokiller-symbiote 2018-02-27
No one wants to live in a society where kids are being murdered in droves. But there’s a good reason why we won’t give up the guns. In this event, if it does ever happen, I’m sure you’ll thank us and stand beside us. Thanks
1 ironcladdan 2018-02-27
That's exactly my point about this post.