The real reason (imo) why so many support the 2nd amendment in the US, and why so many foreigners (and people here - in a bubble) just do not understand.

0  2018-02-27 by Putin_loves_cats

The US is made up of immigrants, no? Yes, we are. I am personally of Polish, Russian, and German descent. My main bloodline (heritage) is Polish. My ancestors left their homeland, to make this country their own, and be a part of the idea of freedom.

A nation which was supposed to recognize Natural Rights (something my ancestors fought valiantly for - looking at you, the winged Hussars). We Polish people have constantly fought for our independence, life, liberty, property, and were constantly thrown around by either the West or East.

Many left, but, many stayed (quite a few of my ancestors were assassinated by the Russians - raped - kidnapped - hence my Russian bloodline), and I love my Polish brothers and sisters, but shit... You need to wake up (as hundreds of thousands of you are, now - I digress). It's not an "American thing", it's a liberty thing. We all have a right to life, liberty, and property.

Many Americans have it so good, they do not even realize what actual persecution is. It's all hidden, yet, in plain sight... Cops can kill you, for no reason other than: "they were afraid for their lives". What about my life? What about my rights? Don't matter, and you people calling for restrictions and laws are playing into all of this. It's madness, imo...

Anyways, this was just a rant, and I suggest you fully read what I've said. Anyone coming from a background of actual persecution: China, Russia, Poland, England, Middle East countries, etc etc. There is a reason we are firm on this. They are not "toys" to us. We know what is possible, and don't want this shit to happen again. America is suppose to be a country of the Free. I know that experiment failed, but, understand, it's not completely. We can move on, with lessons learned.

Peace and love...


I am Polish as well.

My uncle was born in a concentration camp.

I agree with everything you are saying, but I don't understand how others cannot see the reason for self protection. Even if "everything is great" they still have to understand that bad things can happen.

I don't understand it either, man. This is why I'm posting this.

I don't think anyone is arguing about stopping gun ownership and American's freedom to own guns. I have three guns myself. The conversation is about gun control; bump stocks, high capacity magazines, stricter background checks, possibly raising the age limit on assault rifles.

Cool. All of that is bullshit, though. Thanks for commenting, though :)

What about that is bullshit? You started a conversation and I'm adding to it in a contructive way.

A kid with a history of mental illness and had been tipped of to the FBI should be red flagged when buying an AR-15.

What about a 20 year old or someone with slight depression and anxiety?

How long after the next inevitable school shooting will you be calling for more gun control.. and more gun control after the shooting that happens after that. And so on.. and so on

I’m for sensible gun control too. But let’s be honest.. many Democrats end goal is to severely limit the second amendment. Always has been.

There shouldn't be any school shootings in the first place. It's not all or nothing with trying some new tactics for gun control. There shouldn't be hundreds of students dead over the course of a year because of mass shootings.

There haven't been hundreds of students killed in any year in this vountry.killed.

Since 1980 there have been right around 800 people killed in all mass shootings in this nation.

Compare that to over 600 people killed by firearms in Chicago, just last year.

Which is worse?

800 over 38 years, or 600 a year?

Both are, really, but one is actually far worse than the other.

You're right. And what's the reason? Not guns...

All humans have a Natural Right to self protection.

Guns aren't natural protection.

Go make a spear.

It's bullshit because the state (which itself is filled with psychopaths way worse than any Nickolas Cruz) have the right to own all these things that are being banned from the common man.

There might be an argument against what I'm saying if we truly had representative government but we don't. The invisible government has taken over our constitutional republic.

Let’s be honest though. Do I really need an AR when they probably have insane AI that can take me out from miles away? I just don’t think guns are even going to save us anymore.

So it's pointless to safe guard our constitutional rights because the state has the monopoly on violence? I don't understand that sentiment.

I understand what you mean though. Guns aren't going to save the oppressed from the technologically advanced oppressors. But would you disagree that if you are going to be killed by evil you might as well be doing it standing up and fighting instead of lying down and crying?

Probably. At this point, I’m more scared of my own community than the government should we go into hysteria. Just like you said, Americans haven’t faced true hardship. I want to protect myself from my neighbors more than anything!

Oh boy, I feel you. Large cities are not to place to be when people get hysterical and desperate. You make a good point as well. The 2nd amendment serves a purpose to defend yourself against a violent community. It reminds me of the Koreans sitting on the roofs of their businesses defending themselves from the Rodney King riots.


I’ve seen how they act when there’s a gas shortage because of a hurricane. If they can’t have their luxuries, the world is over. Even if it’s because somewhere else in the United States at that very moment, someone is suffering. “STUPID HURRICANE! I HAVE TO GO ON MY VACATION!”

Kid shouldn't be buying an ar-15. Was he 18? Then he was not a kid. Assault rifle isn't a real word and mag cap limits are bloody retarded. Go home.

My great grandfather died in a Japanese run concentration camp. One of my relative of mine in like the 1700s was drowned in a barrel by the Church for vandalizing some effigy.

NO. Not peace and love.


Reality through probability.

From one Pole to another, the world is cold suffering unless made warm by family and friends, and a community that supports and respects one another. Otherwise, it's cold and deadly and people starve or are eaten. You're polish, remember. . .

When I became the youngest person to be master trained a [as to not be doxxed], I met a girl who I love with my conceptions. She was virtuous and smart, and changed from the average.

Changed by the PTSD of being home invaded in SA, by a mob, who I dare not even consider what occured.

I know people from high school and work who were home invaded by mobs, raped and beaten, in front of mentally handicap children.

Whose medications they stole.

I personally beat to a fucking pulp two muggers, who thought they saw a victim until they met a pissed off Pole. They wanted what I worked hard for.

There is no peace unless people respect you.

Is the USA a society of respect?

This is why violence is necessary, when those you outsource your violent needs to have a response time of 12 minutes average, and end up shooting people who are civilians, or not responding to mass-shooters anyway.

RESPECT, and reason with strength.

Well. Fuckin'. Said. I was just trying to be cordial. I've been banned for my actual thoughts, on various topics calling people out on this. Common ground, no? My Polish blood runs deep within me, though. Hence why I get banned.

Fare enough, but explain why you need automatic military style weapons? isn't a hand gun good enough? why an M16, AK47 or Uzi?

"Automatic military style"-- it is extremely expensive and difficult (thorough background and multiple references check) to own a fully automatic weapon. The AR-15s the media is hyping are semi-auto. They look like the military version but they don't fire at the same rate. In fact, they fire at the same rate as a typical (non revolver) hand gun. AR-15s ARE NOT assault rifles. Assault rifles can fire at a fully automatic rate.

To protect ourselves from government tyranny. Like I said in my post above, look at what is happening in Venezuela. That is exactly why civilians would need those type of weapons.


automatic military style weapons?

Are extremely difficult to obtain in the US.

Great post OP. I come from a Polish/German background and my grand parents always told us stories of how awful life was when they were growing up and how grateful they were to come to America and live the dream of living free without your next door neighbor rating you out to the secret police for what ever reason.

We are so lucky to live here but the sad reality is freedom is being withered away in the name of safety and no one gives a shit because it doesn't effect their everyday life at this point. The day will come....and it is coming where the US turns into an Israel Palestine land.

The day will come where police come to your house and have to leave...this is no longer your home it Belongs to us because a book of fairy tales says so. If Israel can just take over a group of people who they call dogs and less than human who's to say the US isn't next? I don't know how the rest of Israelis sit around and watch their leaders commit genocide without blinking an eye...their leaders have them brain washed into thinking what they are doing is Nobel and just.

They cry about the Holocaust and don't let a day go by without using it as a crutch when just a couple decades ago their own people were being gassed and burned in ovens.

Israel are the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth and I would embarrassed to call myself an Israeli... How many more videos do w need to see of IDF gunning down 11yo girls at a check point... How many more videos of unarmed Palestinians being gunned down without any repercussions.

Fuck Banjo netinyahoo and his band of thugs.

You just have to look at the TSA when you go to the airport. What a giant waste of money and resources. You have these morons who are dumb as a box of rocks feeling up your 11 yo daughter for bombs when real items get through...."sir...I need you to step away from that 16oz. Bottle of water" and also...those toe nail clippers are not approved. I just need you to take off your shoes and socks just to make sure it looks like were actually doing something...otherwise we're just glorified doormen.

YES! This!

Why do Americans insist on identifying with some ancestor 12 generations ago.

You're not Polish, you're American.

Whenever I had Americans come here they'd always say "oh my grandfather was Scottish" mate I don't give a shit, you're American now pour me a drink.

I presume you’re a Brit by your vanacular? Your country still has a Queen, no? Tell me more about how worshipping a monarchy is any more intelligent than honoring your heritage?

Yeah we have a Queen and she comes round every week for a bit of subjugation of the serfs. Sometimes she'll leave us a shiny coin for our troubles!

Then you of all people should know there are a lot of people from various places around the world living in the U.K. or are otherwise U.K. citizens that aren't quite ready to forget how they got there in the first place.

Just have a drink, it'll help you forget the past and assimilate to your new home and rulers. Did you pay attention to the part of Op's story where he says why he moved to America. It's pretty obvious why he would want to remember his history and include the bits about being an American of Russian, Polish and German decent.

I wonder why doesn't he eulogise his African ancestors in the same way. Its about as relevant as your mother's great grandfathers country of origin.

If you want to get rid of guns, cool. Lets start with the state first.

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA -- ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State.” - Heinrich Himmler

Im from Venezuela, if you look up about the situation there you would know exactly why the 2nd amendment is so important here in the US. If the people there were armed, Im positive that they wouldn't be struggling as bad as they are now.

The 2nd ammendment is grossly misunderstood today. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves with how it is being abused. Truth.

If you think your AR15 is going to defend you from the the US governments F16's you are crazy. Current gun laws are superficial and are the main cause for US citizens feeling they are "free". Fact is, if the the government wanted to take us out they would have little fight to do so. Gun owners are weak individuals and full of fear. I live in the the US, a free country, and have no desire to possess weapons as if I was in a hostile country. Gun owners are causing the the rift. Period.

I don't understand it either, man. This is why I'm posting this.

I don't think anyone is arguing about stopping gun ownership and American's freedom to own guns. I have three guns myself. The conversation is about gun control; bump stocks, high capacity magazines, stricter background checks, possibly raising the age limit on assault rifles.