I am beginning to develop the suspicion that this sub is being intentionally laced with crazy bulls*t to make us all look like a bunch of f*kin’ kooks. Thoughts?

592  2018-02-28 by [deleted]



Welcome to the jungle baby

We are the people that you find when the truth is what you may need.
Just beware the deep state, they'll probably suicide you with antifreeze.

You are being upvoted by outside sources because your comment can be interpreted as a shitpost.

And it distracts from my comment beneath it. Which actually involves research and sources.

Another day in this subreddit.

And u got down-voted. Jesus people, it wasn't even necessarily an insult.

And u got down-voted. Jesus people, it wasn't even necessarily an insult.

Few things here. #1 /u/spez can edit your comments if he wants to. #2 sub rules exist to control the narrative. #3 you have to have an in depth understanding of the rules to play /u/spez game. #4 this sub is in the middle of a war on reddit... this is an information war designed to prevent certain topics from getting to the front page. #6 this website is biased to leftist ideaology due to it being based in the bay area(conform or get quarantined) #7... nobody who isnt brainwashed can defend establishment democrats like the clintons, bush’s, robert mueller, james comey, john mccain, yet it happens every day. #8 these people are defended & the propaganda attacks by Top Minds because the rules of this website allow & want it.

Perfect. Fucking. Comment.

I've been here long enough to catch a lot of griping about u/spez but don't know much more beyond that. Got a link or a synopsis explaining what's up with him, which way he tries to slant things? Is he the only mod that can edit comments? How do I know if my comments have been edited?

6 this website is biased to leftist ideaology due to it being based in the bay area(conform or get quarantined)

Doen't make sense. You can get on reddit from anywhere in the world, not just the bay area. Where the servers are located are irrelevant.

I think where the servers are located is highly relevant. If the servers were in RUSSIA would it be irrelevant? People know that the morality and ethics in California are shady at best. And we haven't even heard a lot of the bad stuff yet.

If the servers are located in any First World country, it doesn't make much difference where. The servers are in Silicon Valley because that is a high tech area where reddit headquarters are. But people in silicon valley are only a tiny fraction of people who use reddit.

People know that the morality and ethics in California are shady at best.

I don't know that about California but as someone who lives in Texas I can tell you that almost all politicians from Texas have shady morality and ethics.

Yeah, but I wasn't just talking about California politicians. Texas is almost as crazy though. I think there's more tigers in Texas than in the rest of the world IIRC.

But Silicon Valley...it ain't right there. Even Thiel stated as much.

The admins control the algorithm. The defaults. Shadowbanning. The speech that is acceptable here is strictly limited. Go to /r/politics which implies that it is about all politics not just liberal politics. You can only discuss pro dem agendas. Go say pro conservative comments there & you are downvoted to shit then only allowed to post once every 10 min. You have no clue what you are talking about.

Go say pro conservative comments there & you are downvoted to shit

It doesn't matter if you are downvoted to shit, as long as you get to say what you want. It is not like /r/conservative where speech is strictly limited and you are instantly banned for saying anything that is the slightest bit politically incorrect.

then only allowed to post once every 10 min.

I agree this is completely outrageous and should never be happening for any reason.

You have no clue what you are talking about.

I have made comments in /r/politics that were downvoted to -50 by conservatives, so YOU have no clue what you are talking about.


Why did you include mueller?

Because he is a supporter of the legacy establishment politicians & his loyalty to both neo libs & neo cons. He is one of the worst. Web search Mueller + “whitey bulger” or “HSBC”. All it takes is about 5-10 of actual research on this dude to realize he is a war criminal.

Yep, batshit


Sunstein's proposal to the Obama Administration in 2008:

Sunstein co-authored a 2008 paper with Adrian Vermeule, titled "Conspiracy Theories," dealing with the risks and possible government responses to conspiracy theories resulting from "cascades" of faulty information within groups that may ultimately lead to violence. In this article they wrote, "The existence of both domestic and foreign conspiracy theories, we suggest, is no trivial matter, posing real risks to the government's antiterrorism policies, whatever the latter may be." They go on to propose that, "the best response consists in cognitive infiltration of extremist groups",[35] where they suggest, among other tactics, "Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action."[35] They refer, several times, to groups that promote the view that the US Government was responsible or complicit in the September 11 attacks as "extremist groups."

The authors declare that there are five hypothetical responses a government can take toward conspiracy theories: "We can readily imagine a series of possible responses. (1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help." However, the authors advocate that each "instrument has a distinctive set of potential effects, or costs and benefits, and each will have a place under imaginable conditions. However, our main policy idea is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories, which involves a mix of (3), (4) and (5)."

Source - Under Cass's views titled: "Conspiracy Theories" and government infiltration

Thank you for showing this to me u/kit8624!

He added it to a submission I posted yesterday which sourced multiple articles (going back as far as 2009) that prove the US government is manipulating our online conversations.

But hey, it barely left the /new queue. Big surprise right.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cass_Sunstein

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 154398

Cass sunstein is the epitome of the term " piece of shit".

There have been at least two proven false flags against /r/conspiracy to exaggerate how many anti-Semites are here. For every proven one, there must be many others who were not caught. Then there are the regular trolls who have no connection to the anti-conspiracy subs. They post here for fun.

Joshua Ryne Goldberg is an interesting character. He was a Jewish American who wrote neo-nazi articles, posted anti-semitic stuff to Reddit, and a whole bunch of other things. He wrote an article for the Daily Stormer, a neo nazi website, that claimed "/r/conspiracy is a fertile ground for recruitment." His alias was Michael Slay.

On online forums Reddit and 4chan, under the name European88, he uploaded thousands of anti-semitic and racist posts as a neo-Nazi, and on the specialty neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer, he his alter-ego Michael Slay did the same.


This is the article he wrote for Daily Stormer, which was used by so many people as "proof" this sub is targeted by white supremacists and nazis for recruitment:


There is another example I am aware of. See /u/interrogatorybunny. He posted a bunch of obviously racist stuff to /r/conspiracy. But his second post had proof he was actually a former /r/news mod "Bipolarbear0." This is one of his submissions: https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/128s2h/i_noticed_this_today_while_browsing_reddit_seem/

If you see the image he posted, it says right on there "bipolarbear0." Under his moderator account, he was very anti-conspiracy, but then he posts racist stuff to /r/conspiracy.

Also see this post by /u/Amos_Quito:

"Racist" Stormfront article declaring /r/Conspiracy as a "Fertile Ground for Recruitment" for white supremacists was actually written by Joshua Ryne Goldberg - the Florida Jew recently arrested by the FBI under terrorism-related charges

Goldberg had a lot of different Reddit accounts: https://np.reddit.com/r/NolibsWatch/comments/3knaoj/more_of_joshua_goldbergs_bullshit_on_reddit_he/

Haha, you scared me, I saw the thanks but never got notified, clicked it and thought I saw shadow banned for a second. Funny way to take up. Have a good one!!!

I printed the Sunstein paper few weeks ago but unfortunately I postponed reading it. Maybe I should!

If it happened in '08, wouldn't it have been the Bush administration?


These people are power-mad beyond belief, and there is no way that such people could ever cooperate with each other to the extent that they claim

tell that to the people of Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria ...

or even the American south, when they tried to drop out of the Union


Flat Earth is the tip of the iceberg of the creation debate.

Suffice is to say we could take a good hard look at the Big Bang theory and dismiss it as absurd,

(Why is it absurd? because H approaches C. if you don't know what that means, just ask )

and then what are we left with? the other creation myths, which shape how you see yourself in the universe

these stories about "life on other planets" or "aliens" or UFO's are part of Project Blue Beam


No planes on 9/11 is actually a plausible threory. supposedly there are "thousands" of people who saw planes hit the WTC, but can anyone produce these "thousands" of people? no, instead we get "Harley Guy"


why is it that the people who have no problem believing that they personally evolved from reptiles, have such a hard time believing that the elite also evolved from reptiles?

Metallica Of Wolf and Man is about shape shifting in the Native American culture


You have the parties completely reversed in the Civil War. The Confederacy was a plot originating with British intelligence, and opposed by a man who was assassinated for taking on the bankers). The Confederacy never had popular support, it was imposed upon the people by the oligarchical slaveholding class. They even made a movie about fairly recently, "Free State of Jones" about the non-slaveholders revolting against the Confederacy. This happened all over the place, from West Virginia to Key West, Florida.

You're using a Hollywood produced movie to back up your conspiracy theory about the Confederacy?

I mean I knew it was too obvious that you have CIA in your username, but this seals the deal.

Hello, stalker. You got mad that I corrected your NSA propaganda so you decided to follow me around reddit.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I just find it hilarious that the guy who purports to be the person to determine which are the "correct" conspiracy theories to pursue used a Hollywood produced movie as some sort of proof of fact about US history.

Yes, I'm here in Utah on the 9th floor spreading propaganda that people should not blindly assume that touted applications such as TOR and VPNs actually keep them anonymous online.

That's the big propaganda push from us here at NSA headquarters, and you caught us.


"...people should not blindly assume that touted applications such as TOR and VPNs actually keep them anonymous online."

Sry to derail, but I have to ask, do you think using tor servers and VPN's or surfing the dark web is enough in and of itself to legally justify a search warrant? I know that question is kind of vague, but I am not tech savvy, but always figured that shit wouldn't keep you safe from big Intel agencies and might even be a huge red flag. I'm assuming it's enough to keep low level con artists, identity frauders and such from getting their hooks in? Other than the link you provided earlier which I'm about to look at, any other suggested reading?

Have you seen Bill Still’s documentary “The Money Masters”?

There’s a quote of Otto von Bismakr, who said the civil war was conspired by European bankers.

Have you seen Bill Still’s documentary “The Money Masters”?

Yes, and as good as it is, I'd say it's vastly underrated because he has deeply studied both the problem and the solutions. Many people are rightly critical of the Federal Reserve as a private fiat institution that helps only the oligarchical bankers. But they put almost no study into what alternatives there are, and almost all believe the gold standard is a perfect fix.

The gold standard is better than private banker fiat. But if the bankers corner the gold before they crash the fiat (as they have done many times in history), you end up with exactly the same problem. With gold only, you are always worried about the market being cornered, you can't grow the money supply as the economy grows (the Populist movement in the late 19th century sprung from this problem), and you have to have capital equal to the currency supply taken out of production to act as a medium of exchange.

In contrast, a Hamiltonian public credit system has already proven to be the most effective way to create broad-based economic growth. Instead of allowing the Fed or private banks to create money through fractional reserve lending, the people have control over their own money and credit can be steered toward productive activities and away from derivatives-trading, or other forms of zero-sum gambling that adds nothing but systemic risk to the economy.

Suffice is to say we could take a good hard look at the Big Bang theory and dismiss it as absurd,

(Why is it absurd? because H approaches C. if you don't know what that means, just ask )

Go on then, shoot. I'd like to see you dismiss the range of scientific research that goes contrary to your personal beliefs. You're one of the kooks that OP is talking about.

I worked in a lab and we got someone sending a FOI about mind control, he got a clear no because we run scientific experiments and we're not a CIA mind control facility. Giving it a google, he took the reply to mean that because we denied it, there must be some truth! Not that there is a legal obligation to reply, even to the kookiest shit.

H approaches C. if you don't know what that means, just ask )

Go on then, shoot. I'd like to see you dismiss the range of scientific research that goes contrary to your personal beliefs. You're one of the kooks that OP is talking about.

H is the Hubble Constant, which is the speed at which the universe is expanding

C is the Cosmological Constant, often called the Speed of Light

So, How Fast is the Universe expanding?

We don't know, because we live in the Observable Universe, whereas most of the supposedly expanding Universe is not in the Observable Universe

so therefore we have to extrapolate what we think H might be

and of course you can look forever and never get a straight answer on how fast H actually is

all they tell us is that the Universe is expanding, and that red-shift proves it

(red-shift doesn't prove anything, btw, because i don't believe that they have any reference point for what that stars light ought to be while its still... maybe its just a red star)

and I've never met anyone who has claimed to have been able to see or measure this so-called "red-shift"

anyway, they won't come right out and say it, but they want us to believe that the universe is expanding at the speed of light

in spite of the fact that apart of the so-called "red-shift" that doesn't prove anything, there is no evidence of an expanding universe, and definitely no evidence its expanding at the speed of light

TED talks Rupert Sheldrake Science Delusion (banned TED talks, hmm)


Stars have emission lines that are at known absoption bands, we can measure these on earth by exciting hydrogen and other elements/compounds you find in starts. You can measure the spectra of stars, have a look at the lines/bands and compare it to what you expect. This gives you redshift. You do this for a bunch of stars and you get Hubble's constant which we can measure. Nobody is stopping you going out, building a telescope yourself, taking the measurements and measuring it for yourself.

You seem to be using the cosmological constant and c, speed of light (nomenclature used in physics) interchangeably. Your use of "so-called" says to me you either hold scientists in contempt or just don't understand the concept at all. I'd highly recommend an edX cosmology course so you can learn more.

If you don't understand a concept in cosmology, you should try to understand it better instead of turning to someone who gets rejected by TED, maybe there is a good reason why they are outside the mainstream of science. If he could prove his theories about the universe to be correct, then people would be more than happy to accept changes. Not inviting people isn't a sign that they're being censored, you probably wouldn't invite someone who kept on shouting that the sky is green over and over when it's patently false to everyone there.To people who have spent 20-30 years learning and using this knowledge on the daily, it's like inviting a child to an adults party, you just don't get it.

A consensus in science is a hard thing to form, have you ever met a group of astrophysicists arguing about experimental data/methods/results/conclusions of specific research? They don't hide their animosity at times, if they could prove everyone wrong with a well-designed set of experiments/observations, they'd get rivals replicating to try to steal the prize! This article explains the concept much better than I can in a comment.

Hope that helped.

so, in your creation myth, how fast is the universe expanding?

how fast is H? be specific

the "consensus of science" is one of the reasons i had to distance myself from science, as i could not associate myself with this cult any longer

there is a "consensus of science" that men have walked on the moon, in spite of the laws of physics

there is a "consensus of science" that vaccines are safe and effective, in spite of the empirical evidence

science was supposed to be a method or process, but instead it became a cult like belief system,

where all someone has to do is say "science says" and magically it becomes gospel truth for 20 years

so how fast is H? surely a genius like you can tell us /u/WhenIsNezzy2Quest

hint: when you realize H approaches C, you will probably reject the expanding universe theory on the basis that its utterly absurd

Oh dear. You clearly don't understand how the scientific method works.

This is wrestling with a pig, good luck in life with your literal medevil mindset. People like you are the reason why kids die to preventable diseases and HIV kills people in developed countries. You honestly don't deserve to be given access to a computer.

if you could just tell us how fast the universe is expanding that would be great

be specific, don't hem and haw around answering the question of how fast H is


your failure to answer how fast H is will be interpreted as proof that the universe is not expanding

I've linked and you've now linked to an article with several different measurements of it. I don't think you understand that it is not a speed so how "fast" it is doesn't make any sense.

You have access to the internet, a great place to learn about the world yet you're screeching with ignorance and think you're smarter than 100,000's of the world's best scientists. Get a grip.

can you describe the actual evidence that you personally observed that lead you to believe the universe was expanding?

your big bang theory falls apart because H approach's C

I agree with most of what you said but why this push here to designate Spencer as a deep state/Democrat operative? I read things trying to tie him to the CIA via the prep school he went to in Texas, but it's not like it's a slam dunk case.

I've never researched him that much, but the fact that he has received fairly widespread MSM coverage, despite having a rather small following, would certainly suggest it.

That's a good point. He does come off as an ad for the modern neo-nazi movement, a little too good/full of shit to be true. His rhetoric certainly isn't new, and he makes a good poster boy.

Aside from the Texas school thing and being a rich kid, his role as inheritor to Jared Taylor raised some red flags, as Taylor has been subject to similiar suspicions before.

Still, I think that sans evidence beyond impressions and suspicions of media motive, portraying him as "not real" in some way helps to reduce the idea that modern Neo Nazis even exist in America and have no influence. I mean, they're not holding rallies of any note beyond (and since) Charlottesville, but they're still infiltrating the Trump movement and trying to meme concepts and events into existence.

Interestingly "you are CIA" seems like the go-to insult within white nationalist circles during interior catfighting.

Definitely and good point. Just think, if there were no "Richard Spencer" boogeyman to reference and point the finger at they'd have ZERO Nazi's to write about.

I agree with most of what you said but why this push here to designate Spencer as a deep state/Democrat operative?

Because he is, in fact, a deep state operative. All of the famous white supremacists and white nationalists are. Hal Turner, Timothy McVeigh, David Duke.

I don't doubt the possibility but where's the research? The fact that he seems like a spook operation isn't enough.

I don't doubt the possibility but where's the research?

In the link I put in the earlier comment.

No planes is possible. Came here to say this.


Yes, it's possible. But there is a lot of evidence discrediting it, including footage of the planes, eyewitnesses who saw the impact, and physical remains. It makes absolutely no sense: why go to the trouble of inventing the whole planes story when you can just set off a bomb? The building had already been bombed before.

Further, the "no planes" theorists have a reputation for being divisive, which is exactly what shills do.

I advocate the hybrid theory-- "the ball" theory and the "no planes."

"The ball" theory is based on footage of a strange drone-like ball where the second plane was supposed to be. There is no footage of the first plane.

In the early days of 9/11 truth, observers noted that the plane captured on footage had an oddly enlarged body, midsection. People thought it might be a missile. What I now believe is that the footage of the plane was doctored to conceal the ball-drone-bomb. This accounts for the odd shape of the second plane.

Flat Earth

Flat Earth is a result of people thinking their senses are good enough and that YouTube is a great research method. It is the end result of allowing things to be said with little or no supporting evidence combined with an atmosphere that punishes those who actually ask questions about the topic at had. A lot of conspiracy subgroups really don't take well to people asking questions which leads to this sort of thing. You can see it in gerrymandered political districts too where the candidates keep getting more and more extreme since they have to appeal to a small subgroup to get the nomination.

No, Flat Earth is the result of people accurately realizing that the governments of our planet are not above lying to us about literally everything.

I believe the world is round and I also believe in the logic that drives people to doubt everything told to them by those in power. I think they are wrong in the end, but that doesn't mean they are wrong to have doubt.

They don't have to believe anyone in regards to the shape of the Earth they can do the experiments themselves but they flat out refuse to. If they aren't willing to spend a little time and effort to verify something so basic then they are kind of a lost cause.

The people at the top actually think you're dumb as bricks, look at how they name their bills.

by those in power.

In this specific case it isn't just government but literally almost every independent scientist, industry, and trade that are telling them otherwise. Bit of mute point, no?

Flat earth is the indictment of the entire indoctrination process. You have not awakened until you see beyond the heliocentric bullshit clouding your mind. You were taught batshit crazy already.

Why is the Tesla fake? What leads you to believe it isn't real?

That it's a publicity stunt.

Ok. Why don't you think it didn't happen?

It's a publicity stunt, they launched some rocket a few miles up like they have for the last 4 years, they spiced it up with some CGI car which we will never see again.

They launched a car because they needed dead weigh for the test of the Falcon Heavy. Would you have rather they launched water?

How is it you cannot discern reality from a cheap cgi layering trick? Go watch it again!! It isn't even that good--- the back layer of the global is actually shaking as it glitches-- we're talking about poor cgi quality here. It's meant to mindfuck the brain dead that can't bring themselves to question what they see.

: Exactly how does that fucking fake roadster look perfect but my car at mere -25 Canadian winter is iced and windshield frozen solid.

Because space is a vacuum.

-James Corbett

Why do you believe this?

Why do you believe this?

Have you watched his videos? I'd say he's almost universally respected as a factual, level-headed conspiracy reporter.

Ah, right. I misread entirely, thinking you were conveying something else on category A, as in those being of negative influence, which struck me as odd.

I agree with that, which is why I "escape" to his channel ever once in a while just to listen to a sane and less biased voice just talk about a subject that I may have looked at a couple of times already.

Interesting categories you got there. Of Course category A and some of B are dealing with real conspiracy events and crimes committed.

Whether a theory is taken by society to sound batshit crazy is irrelevant. The Truth stands whether it scares people or not.

theres an interesting story behind that song

it gets worse here everyday

I have learned of lots of new rabbit holes to check out thanks to this sub.

Haven't you?

..learned to live in a rabbit hole....in the jungle

"Koo-roo-koo-koo...koo-roo-koo-koo..." and the call of the kooks, wild, domesticated, and wherever else they may be.

Will there be fun and games? If I’ve got the money, honey. Would you have my disease? In the jungle? Would I be welcomed to the jungle?

Many burning questions that need answers here!

Better to seem like a bunch of kooks than a threat to the narrative.

I remember when the term "truther" became an insult.

I was scratching my head, wondering who would be stupid enough to actually let a term like that catch on. Who would be stupid enough to think that the term "truth" could be used as a negative. As if a person who searches for "the truth" deserves to be mocked for it.

And the term spread like wildfire. Yet somehow, we are the crazy ones who will believe anything.

That's part of the reason I'm not all that interested in finding a new word than "conspiracy theorist." Yes, it's been weaponized, and instantly turns a lot of people off, so I don't usually open up a conversation with it, but I don't run away from it either. If any other term gets similar traction, it will be similarly smeared.

I think a huge part of how 'truther' became an insult is pure irony. Most truthers tend to accept the most outlandish and improbably explainations for their target before considering that the consensus explaination has any merrit.

What's more likely; a small group of dedicated political/religious extremists successfully pulled off a coordinated attack on the WTC, or, hundreds (possibly thousands) of government employees rigged up 3 remote control jetliners and set explosive charges on the WTC to make it fall. Subsequently this massive group has has exactly zero leaks and exactly zero defectors.

Lot of people here would love to tell me the "truth". Trust me, I watched the video, I heard the 'argument', I'm not interested in more crazy.

You obviously have never heard of the word "compartmentalization".

You should look it up, it may help you interpret the world around you correctly.

Oh, are just saying random psychology concepts? How fun! For my turn, how about two; "denial" and "delusional projection".

You think compartmentalization is a psychology concept?

A fucking generic-ass word like compartmentalization has specific meanings in lots of fields. Regardless, I already told you i'm not interested in more crazy.

No, it has one meaning.

Lol, calling someone a "truther" as an insult. LOL

You are wrong dude, sorry.

"Truthers" are someone who is saying that they, and only they, know the "truth" of a situation that they have no expertiese in or first-hand experience of.

Cool story bro.

Its the innate irony in the term that brings out its negative trait - that "Truthers" regularly disregard truthful information.

The only irony is people stupid enough to repeat "truther" as an insult.

Oldest tactic in the book.

You don't believe that Flat Earthers are real?

Flat earth is a disinformation tactic to make alternative media look bad, so no.

I've seen some of them in real life and a lot online. All you have to do is tell someone that [insert theory] goes against the official narrative and their minds should do the rest.

You have likely seen just as many, or more, people online pretending to be "Flat Earthers" than actual ones.

its a mix. i used to pretend to be a flat earther to troll, but over the years I've become so disillusioned with "science" and the establishment, that i almost reflexively reject whatever they say next

Mars Rover! nope

School Shooting! nope

Tornado in Moore OK! nope

Oil Spill in Gulf! nope

Measles at Disneyland! nope

Ebola in Texas! nope

Homeschool kids abused in California! nope

Russians hacked our election! nope

Mueller indicted 13 Russians! nope

Why is the Mars Rover (Which One) fake?

because NASA doesn't even have the technology to go to the moon

You mean to get humans to the moon. Bit easier to launch probes.

i dont think NASA has the technology to put a probe on the moon

why should we believe anything NASA says, after they have been caught lying to us?

How has NASA been caught lying to us?

NASA lied about men walking on the moon

NASA lied about Mars Curiosity rover being on Mars

NASA lied about the International Space Station

What is your basis for saying the ISS isn't real? We can address the others after we are done with the ISS.

Pick one. I am not going to debunk one then have you claim that isn't the "right" video.

if your mind is already set, no evidence can change it

if you want to know the truth, simply let go of your own views


if your mind is already set, no evidence can change it

Says the person who refuses to provide a video we can discuss.

do you really need someone to spoon feed you?

if you were sincerely interested in learning the truth, you'd proceed without me

heres a tip for you that has served me well for may years:

if you find yourself thinking or asking for a source, go find the source yourself. because asking for a source is a lazy persons way of avoiding thinking about the subject, hoping that the sources will not be delivered

My friend has a full back tattoo of the flat earth map and regularly posts to forums (including reddit) about it with his friends who are also flat earthers, so I don't really believe that for this example.

Nice anecdote. And my friend is a talking frog.

You must live in a bubble then, I've met more flat earthers in real life than I've met people supporting the right wing conspiracies that get this sub riled up so much.

Nice anecdote. I have never once met a person in real life who thinks the Earth is flat. Not once.

See how anecdote's work now?

But I am just refuting your point, I have met people who believe in flat earth thus your point about all flat earthers being fake is wrong.

Thats not how anecdotes work. And thats not how logic works either.

most people conflate "anecdote" with "empirical"

"anecdotal" evidence can and does debunk so-called scientific claims

science: we examined 100,000 Buffalo and did not find a single White Buffalo, so therefore White Buffalo's do not exist

"anecdote": here is a White Buffalo

science: but our paper was published in a peer reviewed journal and hasn't even been retracted yet!

"anecdote": explain this here White Buffalo



Empirical evidence: https://youtu.be/wOtk6vxVg0k

Ask one of them to go to the edge and send back a picture.

I know that they're idiots, I am just saying they exist and aren't just another disinformation tool. People are actually that dumb.

You're right, there are some people who completely lack critical thinking skills.

The Flat Earth Theory is government-sponsored disinfo.

The fact that some people are actually stupid enough to actually believe it doesn't change that.

Every time someone uses a shitty, weak, lazy, dismissive, and arrogant line like this, five new people research Flat Earth Theory.

And hopefully come to the conclusion that it's all bunk.

If only I, when unable to actually argue against a theory I didn't like, could merely label it a "disinformation tactic" without having to explain how or why this is the case.

It is due to the fact that the Earth is obviously not flat :) the amount of evidence is overwhelming

The people known as "Flat Earther" represent less than 1% of the conspiracy community.

And of the people characterized as "Flat Earthers", very few of them actually believe the Earth is completely flat, most believe in various "alternate Earth" models and not all are "flat".

A good amount of the people who entertain the "Flat Earthers" also do not believe the Earth is flat, they simply believe that government agencies are not to be trusted. A valid concern based on a long list of proven lies and manipulations.

While it is totally okay to not trust those government agencies, since they are a bunch of lying pieces of scum, debunking flat earth is as easy as booking a few flights. To argue that the world is anything but round, while it is so easily tested with your own life experience is borderline retarded.

I have taken over 50 flights in the last 5 years.

The idea that you can see the curvature of the Earth from a plane is absolute bullshit.

that's not what I was getting at. I mean.. plan a trip that takes you east, to a place that you would normally go to by travelling west.

I have literally flown East from the US - to Europe - to Asia - and the East again back over the US.

I personally believe the Earth is round. But this trip doesn't prove to anyone on board the plane that the Earth is a round globe.

why not? All you had to do was pull out your compass while flying and track your direction, while also taking into account of true north vs magnetic north. You would have to be in a constant turn at some point to change direction and you would be able to notice that if you know how to use a pen and paper..

If its so easy then it should be easy to find a video of someone doing it, right?

It's very easy. You won't find anyone doing it because they are lazy, like to sit at home and argue easily debunkable theories. That's was my original point.

Very easy is me going over to the kitchen and turning on the burners to cook dinner. Proving that heat makes food more edible. That's easy.

yes that's very easy for someone who has a brain tumor or some kind of brain disease... but for the average person...

Tesla launch was fake AF

The requisites to be a member of the "conspiracy community" is pretty vague. Not everybody believes every conspiracy, or even most.

They believe government agencies are not to be trusted.

Humans have a history of lying and trying to manipulate others, why should I trust anyone? The whole, "that's what they want you to think" argument is what got us Flat earthers in the first place. You don't have to blindly believe everything they say is true, but you don't need to blindly believe that everything they say is a lie either.

I don't blindly believe in either of those things.

But I know the difference between the amount of trust to put in a serial killer vs. the amount of trust to put in a jewelry thief.

Yeah, but it's not that Black & White. I don't have any less reason to trust the people who tell me not to trust the government than the government itself.

It's more like being in a room with hundreds of people. Everyone in the room is either a murderer or a thief, and you have no way of knowing who is or isn't.

I don't have any less reason to trust the people who tell me not to trust the government than the government itself.

Yes you do.

The enemy I know vs the enemy I don't. No point debating this if you are convinced the government is apart of some secret diabolical organization, or run by equally sinister aliens or lizard people.

Just because these agencies have big secrets and even bigger budgets, doesn't make them evil. They lie and do all this immoral shit because it makes their job easier and they think they will always get away with it. It's fucked up, and they should have more oversight, but people tying all of their paranoia to them is pointless.

And there it is "If you don't trust the government its because you think they are alien-lizards".

Lol, too afraid to debate your beliefs so you stick to strawman. Tsk tsk, I had almost expected better.

I simply repeated the strawman that you built.

Nice projection though.

Buzzwords now? Got to try harder than that m8.

Read the comment again, try really hard to read and comprehend each word. Afterwards, look up how to use quotation marks.

Nice try tho ;)

Wow, more hypocrisy and projection.

Why in the fuck would everyone be a murderer or a thief?

A valid concern based on a long list of proven lies and manipulations.

Except they can do basic experiments that show the Earth isn't flat but refuse to do them. Is that not a concern as well?

Muddying the well? Clever. Flat Earth is flat earth. Alternate models are alternate models. Zero overlap.

The Flat Earth Theory is government-sponsored disinfo.

The fact that some people are actually stupid enough to actually believe it doesn't change that.

Check out the big brain on /u/onetaothree

The path of the righteous man is beset of all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil me. Blessed is he who, in the name of the charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

<Proceeds to blow the big brains out>

Gotta hide the facts in fiction

Like the movie Wag the Dog.

It is so blatant.

We are all a bunch of kooks though :) . Minus the invaders of the Great Normie Invasion, they are just retarded.

Report them as spam.

Give a great counter point then report them as the spam they are.

Real people can smell the shit from a mile away. It's still fun to play the game.

as if each and every one of us aren't capable of falling for semi plausible bullshit that fit our preconceived notion... and do so frequently.

Ha! I've believed some stupid stuff; luckily, I eventually put two and another number together.

When did he say that we weren't capable of that?

The point of this thread is about well-poisoning. Not the strawman you decided to build.

on one hand, we laugh at the silly myths of other cultures

on other hand, we can't fathom that we believe silly myths

Great point. Its kind of like how we laugh at the people of the past for being so barbaric and easily misled. Yet few very people realize that we are also in the past right now, because people in the future will see us the same way.

We fall for it sometimes but we admit we are wrong when proven so. Shills will deny deny deny.

Real people who are members of this community, maybe, but I don't know if that's true of the general population. "Conspiracy theorists" are thought of as wild kooks who think Bigfoot is an interdimensional alien from the future or some shit. In reality, we're interested in and investigate ideas like the military industrial complex, political corruption, the pharmaceutical industry, human trafficking, government cover-ups. You know, secret plans by groups of people to do harmful things.

But plenty of people actually think that bigfoot is an appropriate topic for conspiracy theorists, some of them probably even self-identify as a "conspiracy theorist". Even so, when was the last time this community gave even half a shit about some cryptid bullshit? Or wild claims about aliens? Washington Post published a video of a supposed UFO a few months back and the community's take on it was that it was fake. I even saw memes outside of this community making jokes about how the "conspiracy theorists" were now the ones saying aliens were fake.

Our image in mainstream culture is tied to ideas like the Weekly World News's batboy character, when the reality is that when people think of us, they should really think of "characters" like Julian Assange or the Rothschilds.

I think a good example of this disconnect is The X-files. The show is about aliens and ghosts and monsters and wacky shit. That's the image projected on to conspiracy theorists, and although I think that image has been deliberately projected by the media, some people might even embrace that idea. These fantastic adventures of the X-files. Even so, a somewhat recent clip from the reboot of the show exemplifies the disconnect by explaining some real shit. There are two sides to "conspiracy theories", and it seems to me that people who aren't deep into this stuff are more likely to think of wacky alien abductions implanting human-alien hybrids than all the stuff in that clip.

Some people are gullible. I made a funny during the last Thanksgiving family reunion, and more than one person believed my story about the Rocky Mountain Gorilla being the reason for Big Foot sightings in the San Luis Valley.

real people believe men have walked on the moon

Who knows? not me.

imo, moon landing was fake af

Either way, it's fun to see.

Yes. Example, crisis actors in my opinion is a weak aspect with this shooting. Yet I've seen a lot of focus on them. We should be blaming and questioning the FBI and Sheriff department.

It sounds like the only reason you don't want to talk about crisis actors is because it makes you feel uncomfortable. That's not a valid criteria for evaluating a theory.

The evidence is quite strong, including one of the kids that is the "face" of the calls for gun control making numerous television appearances all over the country in recent months.

Stop having an Overton Window based on what other people tell you is "acceptable" to believe, and start allowing the evidence to lead you wherever it goes.

I was absolutely dumbstruck when I found out Sandy Hook was a complete, 100% hoax with a massive coverup involving hundreds of people. Doesn't matter how it made me feel, it just matters what's true.

It's less a matter of feel uncomfortable and more a matter of lack of evidence. Yes these kids may be being exploited by the left and the MSM but are they really crises actors or just teenagers being used?

“Numerous television appearances all over the country”

He was on TV once in California while on vacation. He plans to be in the media. Is it really that wild to believe he ended up on the news twice? Just this past week my content was on 3 separate news stations and I did and interview. It’s easy to end up on the news if you want.

You can still have an orchestrated event with the actual crime happening. Crisis actors would not be needed.

"beginning to develop the suspicion" you are here ➡(´・_・`)

"suspicion blossoming nicely" ➡ •﹏•

"suspicion fully formed" ➡ ⊙﹏⊙

"suspicion confirmed" ➡ (⊙_⊙)

"denying suspicion has been confirmed" ➡(>﹏<)

"accepting suspicion has been confirmed" ➡ ╮(╯▽╰)╭

"no longer caring" :-P

It's cool bro, sometimes truth really is indeed stranger than fiction tho.

Their ultimate achievement.

Maybe you are?

The Right Wing found it pretty easy early on to take it upon themselves to adopt every conspiracy and conflate actual conspiracies with bullshit conspiracies, resulting in being able to tell the truth while making themselves out to be batshit insane while saying it. So the pedophilia conspiracies have all been taken over, the political conspiracies have all been adopted to mask the legitimate tyrannies, and then they simply target conspirators who have actual knowledge by spamming their key words with oversaturated phrases.

This is the era of shitting information on the masses, like the existence of Aliens on Mass media, and then calling everyone crazy assholes for listening.

Have an upvote!

Its all the fault of "the right wing".

Not exactly thinking critically are we?

Today it’s the right wing, tomorrow it’s the left. But, yeah, right now it’s mostly the far right. Obama and Hillary are going to jail any day now, and the Russian investigation is just a witch hunt, amirite? Sheesh we’ve elected a conspiracy theorist into office who watches Fox News all day, I’m not sure what else we should expect.

Today the right and left are both guilty. Tomorrow the right and left are both guilty.

A basic premise supported by this subreddit since day 1.

A basic premise that began to get downvoted in this subreddit post-election. As if someone flipped a switch.

But, yeah, right now it’s mostly the far right. Obama and Hillary are going to jail any day now, and the Russian investigation is just a witch hunt, amirite?

Yes, yes, and yes. Obama for falsifying his birth certificate to cover up his time in the CIA and for war crimes, Hillary for other war crimes and dozens upon dozens of murders.

Russiagate is utter nonsense originating with British intelligence and every sub-theory has been credibly debunked countless times. Travel to another country sometime, people will laugh in your face for believing in this CIA nonsense.

Sheesh we’ve elected a conspiracy theorist into office who watches Fox News all day, I’m not sure what else we should expect.

I expect you to find another subreddit to troll if you think "conspiracy theorist" is a pejorative term.

and every sub-theory has been credibly debunked countless times.

Wut? You guys saying "No way" isn't a credible debunkation by any standard.

When the letters are blue, it means there's a relevant link for you to read.

Even if I were to accept your shitty source as fact (lol http://larouchepub.com ) disproving 1 aspect doesn't in anyway thoroughly debunk all "sub theories."

Implying that Executive Intelligence Review is a shitty source, when it is widely regarded as the top open source intelligence publication

Implying that simply saying "shitty source" disproves what the source says

Didn't even read the article to see how every aspect of the Russiagate hoax is meticulously deconstructed

Any more poo you want to fling?

Executive Intelligence Review

In 2002 Arnaud de Borchgrave, Editor-in-Chief for The Washington Times, called Executive Intelligence Review "an anti-Semitic potpourri of disinformation, factoids, rumor, gossip, loony tunes and an occasional fact."[15] EIR Counterintelligence Director Jeffrey Steinberg refers to that paper as the "Moonie Washington Times".[16][17] The Times was founded by Sun Myung Moon. The New York Review of Books said that Executive Intelligence Review "echoes Kremlin propaganda".[18]


An ad-hominem doesn't apply to sources, that's not how that works, even remotely.

Double Woops! And reflective of how "I'm Very Smart" you are.

Your link is to some shitty geocities style site thats horrendously organized, so even if I wanted to spend all of my time reading a source I don't believe to be accurate, I physically couldn't because the UI is trash.

Well this has been fun.

Thinks I would trust the editorial opinion of Mockingbird Media

Quotes a paper founded by a cult leader, thus vindicating EIR's assessment

Doesn't realize irony of ad hominem "Russian propaganda" attack when source is refuting hoax claims of Russian propganda

An ad-hominem doesn't apply to sources, that's not how that works, even remotely.

Yes, it does. You clearly don't understand basic logic of relevance if you think ad hominem somehow doesn't apply because the claim comes in written form instead of spoken debate.

horrendously organized

Ignore the contents of the article because their website is (in your opinion) not organized well? That's your best argument?

Well this has been fun.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

It's all the ruling class, but this recent spurt of Nationalism identifies itself as Right Wing. So call the menace by it's name until it takes another form.

Yet another biased and dishonest assessment.

It is no less "Nationalistic" to blame all of America's problems on the Russians.

Both sides have extremist and both are guilty of their own version of warped nationalism.

I'm not just suggesting American Extreme Conservatism. I'm suggesting all nations recent notions of conservatism.

Yeah, both side have their extremists, but only one side has their ideals supported by military, prisons, and theocratic rule.

The Right Wing


It really does get tiring, doesn't it? But people like that have learned to wave that flag around because they almost always end up getting rewarded for it on this website.

Getting praised means shit in conspiracy threads.

There are conspiracies on both sides, but there just is no left-wing equivalent to someone like Alex Jones.

You are so damn tiresome.

I think a lot of people here a f*kin kooks.

but wouldn't it be more interesting if that was a conspiracy

Maybe the mega-conspiracy is to make peoples shite lives a little more interesting by creating conspiracies to distract them from their shite lives.

Then why are you in this subreddit?

What conspiracies do you believe in to "distract from your shite life"?

I’m interested in conspiracies.

Then maybe its simply projection when you accuse others of using them to distract from their "shite lives".

Maybe that has more to do with your life personally.

Um, its not even a conspiracy that the government meddles in conspiracy forum. Its a well-documented fact.

Why don't you sort this thread by top and actually read the responses, instead of attempting to highjack this post with yet another "DAE think conspiracy theorist are stupid" circlejerk thread.

lol well documented

you know what's well documented? people who are actual paranoid schizophrenics gravitating toward conspiracy theories. i don't know how you can deny that

Its documented at the top of this exact comment section. And sourced.

Also, nice false equivalency.

That's called reality. In reality, "kooks" are everywhere. So obviously there would be some who identify as conspiracy theorist.

You could equally say that a lot of football fans are "f*kin kooks".

Or that a lot of people who like to ride motorcycles are "f*kin kooks".

The difference is that government agencies have no incentive to artificially inflate the numbers of the perceived "kooks" in those other groups.

So I would ask you if even considered that angle at all before making your comment.

Look dude, I dont think everyone on this sub is stupid or insane. I do think that there are folks here who are a bit kooky and more than a bit delusional. That isn’t to dismiss them, just to not take their delusions at face value. What gets complicated is that in a broad sub like this you get the whole gamut from basic allegations of corruption to Freemason Alien agenda Illuminati shapeshifter stuff. And by conflating them, it’s easy to ignore everything with #conspiracy.

Plenty of us are more than capable of separating "the loonies" from the real researchers.

The point of this post is about entities like the US government inflating the number of those "loonies". And that is not a conspiracy being fed to us by the kooks, it is one being presented by the real researchers.

Hence the importance of showing the research. That’s part of what separates kooks from real researchers. Are they using fake accounts and troll farms? What are they covering up and why? What data are they publishing with inflated numbers?

Are they using fake accounts and troll farms? What are they covering up and why? What data are they publishing with inflated numbers?

Here you go. Answers to every question you just asked.

I now understand your original comments. They were based on doing zero research into this subject.

The cognitive infiltration thing makes sense. That’s how you help separate kooks from real researchers. Is that something you support?

Don't understand your question.

it would be foolish to assume anyone is stupid, or that you are smarter than the person you are talking to

you will find, as i have, that if you give people a chance to explain themselves, you will better understand why they believe what they believe, and you will start to empathize and sympathize with that person and those beliefs

thats why its so important never to listen to conservatives when they talk

It’s not so much about smart vs stupid. You have to be open minded enough to question your beliefs and also discerning enough to think critically and apply logical reasoning to objective evidence. People can look at the same set of facts and draw different conclusions, as frustrating as that may be.

this two minute video illustrates this phenomenon beautifully


It's called forum sliding. It's kind of interesting to see happen in real time.

There is a good chance they are trying to do it right now in this very thread.

The comment "I think a lot of people here a f*kin kooks." is getting upvoted and the comment chain forming beneath is all about shitting on this community.

Florida fake shooting and gun debate was to forum slide the FISA gate off our forums


It's called forum sliding.

Who first gave it this name?

My favorite version of this is how people claim that Alex Jones is controlled opposition and is paid to make conspiracy theorist look bad. Yeah but I really think it's his thousands of insane followers that make conspiracy theorist look bad. If they're supposed to so 'smart' and 'woke', why do they easily fall for tat nonsense?

Nonsense like believing two skyscrapers can free-fall into their own footprint?

Nonsense like believing that two planes can free-fall a third building into its own footprint, without even hitting it?

Nonsense like believing that the Pentagon in Washington D.C had no video cameras pointed at it when "the plane" hit it?

Nonsense like believing that the terrorist unburned passports floated down into the hands of the investigation team?

Like believing a hollow aluminum tube can penetrate into a mass of steel and concrete without slowing down, and then make that 500,000 ton building fall down.

A that mass of steel and concrete was specifically designed to resist such crashes.

If I remember correctly I though the towers were graded to sustain an impact from a smaller version of airplane and not for the size that hit it. 707 vs 767. Since the 707 was the largest plane available at the time.

Also their refute of it calculates only at cruise speed (which nothing suggests they were maintaining cruise speed). They also didn't factor in the fuel capacity of the larger jet, or that fuels have advanced since 1964. All points would be critical to a recalculation on structural damage, which they opted not to do.

Nope, they were built to sustain a hit from the exact airliners that hit them.

This is a compilation of Alex Jones ranting I just found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4zxYpLY9QM

He's a limited hangout. He's got deep ties to the CIA and even admits it. I'm not saying he's a liar though, he does put out plenty of good information. But he's also a gatekeeper, selectively withholding information through lies of omission, just like the rest of the corporate media. And he intentionally presents himself as a crazy person while doing all this. When custody of his children was challenged in court, his behavior in his videos was defended as being "performance art".

People fall for it because human beings are stupid. No need for that high horse though, we've all been victims to deceptions like this at some point in our lives. And it's not like Jones tells lies or something. He really does have a history of shining light on real issues that others don't cover. It shouldn't be hard to see why people would be taken in with that in mind. There are tons of examples of this. Even the social media personalities I like and respect like Jimmy Dore do similar things with regards to withholding information for political reasons. Look at Dore's conversation with Joe Rogan on his podcast to see what Jimmy really thinks of Seth Rich's mysterious murder, then wonder "why doesn't Jimmy have a bunch of videos about Seth Rich on his channel?"

its like an onion, its got layers

the first layer is the mainstream media, roughly broken into L and R

the next layer is the alternative media, roughly broken into Alt L and Alt R

the next layer is social media, with full the full spectrum of Autism

according to one thinker, the Autism epidemic is responsible for the rise of Libertarianism, because Autists are cold-hearted, non-emotional, fact-based...

so we are living in this transformative era, where years ago your grandparents were lead to believe that men walked on the moon because they saw it on the mainstream media...

... to your grandparents getting on Facebook and watching their grandkids laugh at the moon landing myth and post videos and blogs and memes etc


you can't really fault people who listen to AJ, any more than you can fault people who listen to Hannity or Brian Williams or any of the other professional liars

how many people do you know who could define a "limited hangout" or "controlled opposition"?

most people have no idea that these concepts are even a thing, much less that they are being subjected to them every time they consume news from any source

so here we are today, on reddit (social media) and you are reading my comment

opportunity cost: you can't spend time reading my comments on social media and also use that same time to read MSM or ALT media


instead of getting angry with your grandmother for listening to Hannity, introduce her to the Hannity sub reddit ...

show her how to participate in the conversation

we are all on different parts of the same path, just trying to get by and get along. lets not get angry, lets educate

Oh absolutely, and it makes a lot of us people look insane as well. Hide the facts in fiction and making sure the insane ones look like crazies.

The truth is kooky. Right now, the Government can read your thoughts remotely.

it's divide and conquer, yo.

No shit.

Next you'll tell me that bots are doing it.....

bots talking to bots..

Then you'll tell me that it's one bot who became sentient recently and is slowly executing it's plan to eradicate or subjugate humans...

You want nuggets of gold? Start panning,nothing is free.

Well put.

I like your username

Your username brings me fond memories of the birth of a useless subreddit

Very true. And it would be extremely easy for an entity as well-funded as the government to take boat-loads of fool's gold and dump it into the places the people are searching.

Makes them work 1000 times harder to find the real things. Thats the name of the game here, exhaust your opponents.

fool's gold

Nice analogy. What in your opinion are the most obvious examples of fool's gold in the conspiracy realm?

For me:

Chemtrails Annunaki 'Deep state' Ancient aliens

Whats interesting to me is that every time I say the truth, that I personally don't believe in the Trump-Russia conspiracy, I will get downvoted into oblivion, called a Trump supporter or called a Russian.

I don't know what to believe about Russia-Trump. I don't quite know what to make of Trump himself, but the perceived hypocrisy of his detractors here on Reddit, and a lot of other places is astonishing. I'm non-partisan and ideologically probably lean left. If I had to have a friendly debate with someone here on Reddit though, these days it is almost always more civil, slower to judge and more critical in its thinking when I'm talking to someone on the right, whether i'm agreeing or not.

Its funny to me when people attack and accuse me of being those things because I voted for Obama. And I would have voted for Bernie in the last election, but since I couldn't, I voted for nobody.

It just rubs me the wrong way when I see sensationalism and bullying. And whenever I point it out, that somehow makes me Russian and pro-Trump.

Thanks. Very interesting.

And look at how they brigade you down. That only signifies how correct your analysis is.

The sad thing is that this happens every single day in this subreddit now.

Thanks for being one of the good ones. There aren't many left who are willing to speak up.

Right back at ya.

Yeah, this definitely happens. I'd guess that much of the vile anti-semitism you might occasionally see is this, for example. If they paint us all as mere racist assholes, then people will dismiss us when we point out that Israel is an apartheid state and their brutal occupation of Palestine is a crime against humanity. There's nothing wrong with being Jewish or practicing Judaism, and even the staunchest critics of Israel will generally say this clearly to avoid being decried as anti-semitic, but that doesn't matter if they plant anti-semitic trolls in the community. I'm thinking especially of the racist idiots who add nothing to the conversation, usually the comments are extremely short and lacking in any substance at all. I've NEVER seen one of these toxic, anti-semitic asshole users actually present GOOD and USEFUL information about the horrible things Israel has done.

For example, did you see any posts here about that Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi who recently made news after she was filmed slapping and kicking an Israeli soldier who shot her teenaged cousin in the face? If you did, I bet it wasn't from a toxic troll who is obsessed with whether a person is Jewish or not. Because they're not actually primarily interested in informing you about proven conspiracies in the world, they're just trying to spread hate.

I think flat earth theory is also an example of this. I can teach a kid how to use trigonometry and shadows to accurately measure the curve of the globe. People knew how to do this way back in ancient Greece. Even during the days of Columbus setting sail to attempt to discover a path through the Americas to India. They knew it then. We've had the math and science to prove this shit for thousands of years!

Just imagine what a threat a community this size full of ruthlessly fact-oriented but open-minded truth-seekers crowdsourcing investigative journalism about the powerful would be. They definitely can't allow that.

This shit is why I’m on this sub, you guys never get old lmao

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Maybe it just attracts these people naturally?

I don't think it's a large step from slapping conspiracy on the name of of the community and attracting those of an extreme paranoid outlook.

Don't even want to look at at the voat conspiracy sub to imagine what could be lurking about there

It's more likely the idea that there is a giant unseen enemy out to get you is appealing to kooks who then congregate here.

Thanks for blessing us with your superior presence.

Absolutely. It's similar to how flat earth theory has been pumped to make all those who entertain credible conspiracies look retarded.

No, I think it’s just filled with a bunch of kooks

You spelled "spooks" wrong.

Nope definitely kooks.

Wait. "Nope" or "definitely"?

I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve but you have managed to confuse yourself! Well done!! 😂😂

No, I know how to use commas.

😂 okay bud

I hate to say it but we are a bunch of kooks. Hence the posts...

That's discrediting 101 it's why Alex Jones exist. So that when the truth rarely slips out of his mouth the MSM can lump any truth tellers will Alex Jones the gay frog guy.

I think a lot of people enjoy the 'crazy' conspiracy theories

I am beginning to think posts like yours claiming that conspiracies are crazy bullshit to make us look stupud are actually a campaign to discredit legitimate conspiracies.

Yes. Absolutely. People do just fine on their own too. People believe what they want. Typically what agrees with their experience of life. Confirmation bias. Truth or not. We're all guilty of this to some degree.

The only way to combat this bias is to apply scientific method to anything you might be learning about.

The internet is generally designed as a self segregating environment. It's not like scanning through channels the way people do with am - fm radio or standard broadcast tv. In passing we're forced to see things beyond exactly what makes us comfortable.

With web use, people seek out specific information and rarely take time to examine opposing viewpoints. When they do use the internet to carry out real research it's an unstoppable force of knowledge and learning. People must put real effort in to research. Months, years, digging and sorting the wheat from chaff.

Bottom line social media is an aggregator. Not a genuine research tool in most cases. If someone is basing their conclusions, solely off of a handful various social media posts, they're probably a lost cause to most people. All they need to do is spend their time online differently and things will change rapidly for them.

Depends on what you define as "crazy shit" - since that could easily be a planted seed to, in the future, only discuss things within an acceptable spectrum.

Either that, or the population is becoming dumber at a way faster rate than i ever thought possible.

A conspiracy of the conspiracy

There are real conspiracies and conspiracy theories...


I've said once, I'll say it again:

"Fucking msm (and their shills) acts like r/conspiracy is a den of half-witted, tin-foil hat theorists that don't count for shit. Yet everytime a political story breaks they're here in force telling us how stupid we all are. If the shills really believe their own bullshit, then their behavior is the equivalent of me going down the street to the local asylum and jumping in for activity time, then just walking around bitch-slapping all the inmates, calling them retards and insisting that they should play checkers instead of chess."

There's gotta be a larger overlap between cooks and conspiracy and cooks and Reddit as a whole

a combination of that and people here are becoming more retarded.


This Has Been Happening Since Forever

Influx of trumptards inevitably lowers the collective intelligence of any sub.

Of course

It's one of the protocols to drown out the truth in a deluge of information until it is impossible to focus what is true.


counterpoint; you're all legitimately brain-damaged

There is some truth in what you say. Common sense would say that the reality isn't as simple as that. For sure you have nefarious actors intentionally manipulating this forum for whatever gain (shill monetary gain, sadistic self-entertainment etc) but you also have a lot of crazy people who believe bullshit.

Possibly , Or is it possible this sort of statement is the latest evolution of the "shill mentality". The idea the people couldn't genuinely hold those beliefs being calmly assailed by "Oh they are infiltrators aiming to discredit us".

It is really so unbelievable that these people believe these things?

This sort of logic leads to schisms and false confidence. We are now discussing conspiracies involved in the propagation of conspiracy theories, whose purpose is to discredit other conspiracy theories. What such a statement does is give people a false sense of security in their "approved" conspiracy theories and view outlandish ones as "meta-conspiracies". This stops them comparing the genuine absurdity of the crazier theories with the absurdity of their own.

I regularly compare the genuine absurdity of the crazier theories with the absurdity-bordering-on-plausibility of my own.

One of the other replies to my post actually listed five theories s/he thought were good examples of some of the most ridiculous theories, and four of them were some of my favorite ones (‘ancient aliens’ for example). Flat Earth was curiously absent.

This is what prevents the “unentranced” from ever forming a consensus or a groundswell.

Examples of crazy bullshit?

Well, at the extreme risk of stirring up a fifteen mile thread of discussion ... Theories That Are Probably Not Bullshit: • The Fed • Global elites • Ancient aliens • Multi-dimensional existence (now proven, but for the love of f*** please don’t make me research a damn link) • Agenda 21 • Corporate surveillance state • Gov’ts systematically disarming citizens • Facial recognition ... f-k Mark Zuckerberg all day with the heavy end of a hammer • Google actively censoring content • Twitter shadow-banning accounts who’s content it disagrees with • Total Information Awareness • A.I. is coming for us — if the human race has any future, it’s is as pets

Theories That Are Probably TOTAL Bullshit: • Flat earth • Hollow earth • David Icke’s moon lizards • Chemtrails • Anything racist • Outer space doesn’t exist • Anything about JFK just because who the f-k still cares • The idea that Freemasons are anything other than a gathering of shmoozers

I could go on (on both lists) but I need to get something resembling some work done today.

Flat Earth seems tough to swallow but I haven't closed my mind to listening to any evidence proposed. Ditto for Hollow Earth. Regarding the moon, why did we never go back? We reached it, stepped foot on it, and never built a base there? When have we ever done that in the history of our country? Could be something there. Racist shit is noise level stuff. Re: outer space, did you ever see that video of the recreational user rockets that went into space and then they stopped spinning and it sounded like they went into some water? That is fucked, look on the net for it. I'm not ruling anything out for sure. I agree about JFK, who the fuck cares. Agree on Freemasons, at least the local smaller ones, I don't think they are in on the big action. Maybe some bigger ones are?

The internet is controlled by bots. I keep saying this. It's been happening so freaking long. Started on yahoo chat 20 years ago.

It seems to me that this has been going on on the internet for 2 decades, and I don't think it's always an attack by shills... At least since Hoagland said NASA blew up the face on Mars... Somebody realised there is less money in truth a long time ago. Conspiracy oriented websites are also full of supernatural crap. Why can't we have a conpiracy board with no magic or blown up Mars faces? That kind of crap was in print before that, completely made up to sell books.

Yes. That happens all the time.

Character assassination. It’s been happening in small bursts with jokes about this sub on the front page or the hardos from other subs spreading their BS here discounting and taking away what made this sub great, open conversation and the sharing of ideas.

Yea you're crazy. that never happens. can't believe you'd think such a thing.

lol is the sky blue?

I assume its the case everywhere, not just here, the difference is that here there are some great observations and links in between the lies, real truth deducted with logic and observation that breaks the illusion they have almost everybody trapped in.

I repeat myself, but: this is conspiracy=tinfoilheads=laughingstock I would really love a sub like "investigative" or whatever. There should be a minimum of text length and no links should be accepted without a text that summarizes the content of the link, makes a statement or assuption, asks useful questions or presents the link in a certain context the user thinks might be interesting for other people. Users posting video links titeled "Bush says he killed Kennedy" and the video shows POTUS 4x stating "I like Kilkenny" should be banned.

We are fucking kooks, now we just have spooks in our ranks.

Been that way for a while now, remember when bipolarbear and a bunch of other power mods would post anti-Semitic stuff here using alts and then run around Reddit screaming 'see! I told you r/conspiracy is full of racists!'

This place is a crazy bullshit magnet.

Some of it may be legit. Some of it is creative.

Welcome to the party. It’s been like this since ‘72.

Standard behavior by those wanting to discredit a sub. Post horrible, offensive bullshit to simulate an invasion of "wrong-thinkers" (adjusted for whatever the most 'awful' wrong-think is this week), in hopes of getting admins to ban the sub.

Yeah, some things like flat earth are pushed to make us look like loons, while we are also brigaded with a bunch of spam posts and the shills constantly spread dysinfo all at the same time. The users that they consider dangerous are also stalked.

I'm not sure but did you here they caught big foot?

It is important not just to read the title but to read the content of the post or article. If it makes sense, it makes sense. If it's completely bonkers, ignore and move to the next.

nah, you guys seem to be making yourselves look like 'kooks' all of your own accord, lately. it's still entertaining though. just never thought i'd see a sub like this turn so heavily right wing/trumpy.

but don't listen to me, i'm just a shill.

That's the only reason I subscribed. I want the crazy

r/conspiracy is itself the victim of a conspiracy! That's so meta! More likely, some of the posts are by people with more naive conspiracy ideas than you, OP, and there are some people that post as a joke.

As a past moderator here, absolutely, and from multiple angles.

  • racist posts
  • pro American right-wing posts (possibly from the same crew that feeds T_D)
  • logic-defying pro-gun posts

Who knows what's real..

Yup, they always clam to be victims somehow in every situation. And if any msm talks about something then it is a lie but if 4 chan or zh says something then it's true. This sub has always been skeptical of msm but now they are at total war with the msm because of how they call out their lord trump

Not just here.. I use to go to abovetopsecret.com it's mostly some dumb BS now too

An empire that falls from the outside will be built up again, but an empire that falls from the inside is dead

Your heavilly illusioned all the confusions makin you mad inside

The internet used to be good for conspiracy theory. Now it's hindering.

No need to lace with kooks. They occur naturally and the internet allows them to congregate.

As long as pointing out spurious logic gets down voted there's no hope of accomplishing anything.

Just another crazy conspiracy theory, nothing to see here.

This sub used to be relevant and intelligent now, alas tis but morons touting flat earth or shills decrying how they where banned from such and such for speaking some idiotic made up nonsense. I'm not sure if its a conceited effort to make this sub look kooky or more that the very nature of the sub has allowed the more far fetched thinkers to find a home here. Either way my finger doth inch closer to that unsubscribe icon

I like turtles

You ever hear people say "blah blah blah probably watches Alex Jones" ?

It's intentional.

I'm pretty sure "the organic user" who cares about this sub's "reputation" does not exist. A mythical figure.

Nobody who cares about the content here cares about perception.

Have an upvote!

Its all the fault of "the right wing".

Not exactly thinking critically are we?

The Right Wing


yes that's very easy for someone who has a brain tumor or some kind of brain disease... but for the average person...

You are so damn tiresome.

Why is the Mars Rover (Which One) fake?

It is due to the fact that the Earth is obviously not flat :) the amount of evidence is overwhelming