Why did this become a politically charged sub?

13  2018-03-01 by simms419

I’ve seen this discussion here before but I want to ask everyone one question;

Are you here to push your political beliefs on people or are you here to discuss true conspiracies that plague humanity (past and present)?

I never thought I’d see Trump-Russia talk on here. Or 2nd amendment arguments referencing left and right.

The top of the rules of this sub says this; “This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind.”

I would very much like this irrelevant shit talking to cease and this sub stop being a place of political nonsensical jibber. In my opinion this is exactly how the rich and powerful want our interactions/conversations; chaotic and uninformed.

Thank you for your thoughts.


SS: I would just like an open discussion about why people feel the need to polarize their beliefs and why we’ve become so emotional about everything. Why is it so bad to change your opinion on something or even consider someone else’s viewpoint? Why do we have to align ourselves with a political movement and jam that down each others throats all the time?

Most people prioritize being accepted, or being “cool” over finding the truth. So they end up with politically polarized opinions.

They are also taught “never change! Never let anyone tell you who you are or what to think!” All they while what they think and defend so ardently as their own opinion was simply indoctrinated into them as children. Parents continue the cycle.

Couldn’t agree more. People are blind to their own ignorance

Stay strong OP. The internet is garbage. Connection with at least one human every day. It takes guts to be brave and positive. Have a great day.

I wanna know why we haven’t banned political (I believe there was talk of that not long ago) and duplicate posts. They literally come in sets of at least three.

I have no idea but I want to hear about things that challenge who we are and why we’re here. And hell, what we as individuals stand for. In an open discussion. I want to hear about aliens, CERN, pedophile rings spanning the whole world, banking conspiracies, governments overthrowing other governments, etc. That’s the stuff that I come here for. It’s being drowned out

Exactly. I would prefer the most wacko and completely implausible conspiracy. I will be a happy puppy if we ban politics from this sub.

so this sub gets all up in arms about youtube striking Alex Jones YT channel, but now we're all OK with r/conspiracy banning political posts?

YouTube ≠ Reddit

Can we have a safe space to discuss these issues? I prefer holding beliefs that never get challenged than actually having a discussion. It hurts my feelings when people don't just agree with me.

I want to hear about aliens, CERN, pedophile rings spanning the whole world, banking conspiracies, governments overthrowing other governments, etc.

All of these things are political. Attempting to have a conversation about any of them is likely to draw attention from partisan idiots pushing agendas too. How would you suggest we discuss "governments overthrowing governments" without politics playing a role in the discussion? If I tell you about how the US government lied about the Syrian government using gas attacks on their own people, if I point out that Islamic terrorists with ties to the US government were actually responsible for chemical attacks, what do you do when useful idiots come in to defend Obama for illegally bombing Syria without congressional approval? What do you do when useful idiots come in to defend Trump who also illegally bombed Syria based on them using the same kind of lie AGAIN? How could we possibly talk about the US government attempting to overthrow Syria by supporting Islamic terrorists in the country while also somehow keeping things "non-political"?

I guess it’s not political how we view it. All these politicians are on the same side and, as one user just put it, “report to the same people”. It’s more blind US imperialism than an administrations foreign policy. Syria has been going on since 2014! How can that be a Trump-Obama difference when the situation is still being handled the same way?

How can that be a Trump-Obama difference when the situation is still being handled the same way?

It doesn't matter if there's a real difference. Useful idiots and paid shills will pretend there is, and there's no way you can reasonably and fairly keep this type of person out of a conversation just on the grounds that they're expressing a stupid political opinion.

I see. And I guess I should be aware of that. Thanks for clarifying. I just wish we could collectively agree that the people we are voting for are not the ones running things. One day?

Do you know the difference between a political attack, that is not a conspiracy,

And a political conspiracy, like the election theft of 2016?

Name me some non-political conspiracies?

Conspiracies are intrinsically political.

When r/politics began banning all dissent.

I thought it was during the 2016 election when this place became The_Donald 2.0.

It was, and still is. It's literally still in OPs post,

I never thought I’d see Trump-Russia talk on here.

Really, OP never thought a conspiracy sub would talk about that?

If the MSM is pushing it non stop for 2 years than you can bet it's politically motivated bullshit

oh so you don't want them reporting on what our intelligence agencies tell us? MSM isn't making it up, they're reporting on what they hear publicly, that the FBI and other countries intelligence agencies tell us. You do know that, right?

Yeah, I know that. Also know that the intelligence agencies told us Iraq had WMD. That turned out to be a lie that was used to win over public support for an agenda that otherwise wouldn't have been supported.

Got him

You’re the type of person that’s going to breed senselessly and help promote a blind allegiance to your masters. I feel bad for you. And what’s even worse if that people are trying to help you see

Sure guy, ignore everything that goes against the narrative in your head, and only trust Zerohedge, Infowars, Breitbart, and Fox news.

I’m not ignoring. I want to know why the first thing that comes into your head when you read my post is. “Ah fuck yeah. Let’s get political.”

Half the people who participated in the DNC Leaks and Podesta e-mails frenzy were banned r/politics people. There were a ton of r/SandersForPresident, r/JillStein and r/Libertarian people too. Nobody who engaged with those leaks will vote for a recognizable establishment politician again, or believe a fucking word that the left-establishment press prints without clear, plausible attribution or direct substantiation. It's not just Trump fans trying to wake you up.

Half the people who participated in the DNC Leaks and Podesta e-mails frenzy were banned r/politics people. There were a ton of r/SandersForPresident, r/JillStein and r/Libertarian people too.

Sure. Un-proveable but I would buy that.

Nobody who engaged with those leaks will vote for a recognizable establishment politician again, or believe a fucking word that the left-establishment press prints without clear, plausible attribution or direct substantiation.

Now that's just nonsense. You're overplaying your hand there.

It's not just Trump fans trying to wake you up.

Do you know in my almost 50 years how many times I've heard folks claiming they are woke, they have the info that is the end to be all and that they would never vote or take part in this rigged system?

A: a fucking lot.

Yours is not a new discovery. You're a lot less woke that you think.

Now that's just nonsense. You're overplaying your hand there.

You cannot even imagine the cards I'm holding brah.

You cannot even imagine the cards I'm holding brah.

And with that, you reveal how not woke you are.

take care

A giant hole in equity spaces that you cannot fathom has opened up and it is devouring your politics.

Sure. Un-proveable but I would buy that.

If you were there you'd have seen it. I am one of the r/sandersforpresident r/politics r/wikileaks transplants. After Assange went dark and they banned r/pizzagate I made my way here seeking others who saw the madness.

Now that's just nonsense. You're overplaying your hand there.

Not really. If you honestly engaged with them, read them, and realized what they implied, it's almost impossible to vote for a mainstream candidate. It's also impossible to support either Party without massive internal reform.

Yours is not a new discovery. You're a lot less woke that you think.

OP wasn't claiming to be woke. He was just saying that there's a lot of other political opinion here, and I agree. r/conspiracy has tons of people from all walks. I've engaged with anarchists, communists, libertarians, conservatives, socialists, liberals...all of em hang around here, especially if you browse by /new, which everyone should do.

Exactly, I’m from the UK and Brexit wasn’t because people are racist/xenophobic, it was a vote against the establishment. I’m not sure Trump is actually antiestablishment or he was placed to appear that way. Trust in the media and politicians is at an all time low, it could be that TPTB recognised this and put Trump up for election or it could be that he is genuinely his own man. I’m doubtful at this point in time but I can see why people voted for him at the time. There are a few genuine people in politics but I’m reminded of a quote about gladiators. To paraphrase, “we cheer on our side but the gladiators on either team have more in common with each other than with their supporters”. Politics is the same. Check how even far-right parties in the UK like the BNP are led by people who went to the same universities like Oxford and Cambridge. Most parties are led by people who are fully aware they are part of the elite. I’ve seen it described as a card game where they’ll do anything to beat each other but if anybody threatens the card game itself then they’ll join forces to make sure they keep what they have

The awake middle. .is lonely. :p

The greatest conspiracies against us are political.

Right now the biggest conspiracy is the Republican and Russian collusion.

Before that the biggest was the economic collapse of 2007/08.

Before that it was the Iraq invasion.

Before that it was 9/11 and the report.

Before that it was the very conservative Clinton Presidency all while selling Clinton as African American centric liberal, who just happened to sign off on the conservative Heritage Foundation dream legislation list.

And so on.

There is the obvious control of not only all news, but all information.

There is the globalization and commodification of human labor to the lowest possible pay level, in all nations, and in particular the effort that reduced the pay of all current so called advanced nations.

So tell us what you you consider to be a non-political conspiracy that is actually affecting us?

These are all crooks serving as the masks of corporations and the elite.

Trump Russia distracts you from thinking that this country has any prayer of coming together as one for a greater good.

2007 economic collapse. Legit bubble created by banks loaning people money they couldn’t possibly afford to pay back

Iraq invasion: big oil and banking

9/11: big oil

Clinton admin: just a crook trying to be a president and selling out to anyone who pays

Your information is censored and heavily manipulated. You thinking that these events/issues are purely what you see on the surface are exactly what is making this sub a joke. You refuse to look past things and seek out ‘cui bono’. You only believe what you hear and that’s not a very good way to form an educated opinion

2007 economic collapse. Legit bubble created by banks loaning people money they couldn’t possibly afford to pay back

So you think the $7 Trillion in lost wealth was because of the Community reinvestment act? Really ROFL! \

Those loans had/have a higher than average pay back rate. And I don't think you know what it is.


It was mortgages they couldn’t pay back. Too much housing was built because of a fake demand perceived by the residential building industry, perpetuated by the banks approving mortgages to anyone with a pulse.

PS: you can’t expect to be spoon fed your entire life. Go out and question something yourself. Something that bothers you. And don’t just google it and read the first article you find and call yourself “informed”.

PSS: I believe I did list a few in my post

How can you believe that?

It was building over years and I never said it was because of the act you linked to? You’re the one who brought that up

This is in your comment. It was your claim.

2007 economic collapse. Legit bubble created by banks loaning people money they couldn’t possibly afford to pay back

Yes. Not because of this act your claiming caused it? I think you’ve confused yourself

It had a lot of factors including Freddie Fannie Mae but it was nation and class wide. Not just one act of government

/u/simms419 I know for a fact that can be verified that the CCR had exactly nothing to do with the economic collapse.

I know for a fact you have no clue what you’re talking about

Clinton admin: just a crook trying to be a president and selling out to anyone who pays

I thought you said you didn't want to talk about Politics. Or you just want people to stop saying mean things about Trump?

Trump Russia distracts you from thinking that this country has any prayer of coming together as one for a greater good.

Clinton admin: just a crook trying to be a president and selling out to anyone who pays

So Trump russia is a distraction, and Clinton is a crook? What's your political agenda?

You just can’t help yourself can you?

You just can't explain yourself can you?

I’ve explained that politics have nothing to do with this sub and you can’t seem to grasp that I’m posing a question about why you’re here.

This is why this place sucks now. You have no capacity to think beyond what you’re told to think

You have no capacity to think beyond what you’re told to think

Mueller has 19 indictments, 5 guilty pleas.

Whats life like in your bubble?

You need to turn off the boob tube brother. I don’t have a bubble. I accept any idea and discussion that’s brought my way! Hope you can find it in yourself to do the same one day

I don’t have a bubble. I accept any idea and discussion that’s brought my way!

I’ve explained that politics have nothing to do with this sub

I would very much like this irrelevant shit talking to cease and this sub stop being a place of political nonsensical jibber.

You've spun so much, you ended inside your own butt!

Haha what? None of those things prove whatever your point is

low energy. sad.

A real educated back and forth. Pleasure talking with you

maybe you can explain why Mueller let pressure off the investigation of the international conspiracy of BCCI and its links to Iran Contra?

Yes, I’d love to hear this fuck fest song and dance

you mean you'd like to hear that account try to explain that one, or that you hadn't heard about that?

Try to explain it

I mean, I don't have much of an explanation beyond it being an exemplary story about farcical investigations and "foreign meddling" (Saudis, Pakistan, the UK, Israel, probably others) that all the involved parties seem to mysteriously forget about shortly afterwards

Haha no. I meant I want to hear that kid try and explain it. Not you lol. My bad. I know what happened there. I just wanted to see him try and make that a political argument

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Let's place a bet that Trump Russia outcome. You down or just gonna keep posting poor MSM speculation?

Politics, the whole process of making laws and legislation that heavily effect every part of peoples lives and the seemingly inherently corrupt nature of the people involved in it has no part in a conspiracy sub?

And there you go, there are people with opposite beliefs than you.

You say Trump/Russia is a distraction, but Clintons are crooks.

Others believe The Clinton stuff is a distraction, and Trump is a crook.

And you have the minority, or the OG people in the sub, that understand both are crooks, and distractions. A distraction as in keeping the people divided and pointing fingers as the continue business as usual.

I agree. I wasn’t trying to put trump above Clinton or say one is ok and the other isn’t. Just stating that it’s all a game and show for us to be entertained by

Yeah, you have to be very careful how you word things in today's age, people will trigger easily. In their defense the shilling and brigading going on in the sub has a lot to do with it.

Understandable. I personally think politics are nothing more than actors apart of a show. There’s no election. They only make decisions that the elite, shadow government, whatever you want to call it approve behind closed doors. Trump is the most polarizing figure they could’ve carted out there so they did and their plan to divide us into complete civil war is working. Charlottesville last summer was one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen. I’m honestly surprised more political attacks like that don’t happen more.

A crook who hasn't had one indictment, yet

Haha, do you believe Clinton has never broken any law or never been involved with illegal activity, corruption or bribes of any kind?

Are you saying the Clintons are not corrupt or that they haven’t been convicted of anything yet? There’s quite a big difference. Why are you on a conspiracy sub if you’re happy to be a cheerleader for career politicians? Is it just so you can tell people that Trump is paid off by Russia? Your “team”, your “party”, whatever you call it doesn’t care about you or anyone you love.

How does a politician with a salary that’s public knowledge end up with a foundation worth hundreds of millions? What price do you pay for that money? How many favours do you owe? You can squabble over which puppet said what, but the power resides with the ultra wealthy dynastic families and institutions. It’s less rational to think they wouldn’t try to buy off politicians to ensure they keep their wealth it’s actually pragmatic and totally understandable but you’ll no doubt say something about Trump again.

Ask yourself was Clinton a great candidate you trusted and though had great ideas or was she the lesser of two evils to you? If it was the latter then do you think it’s the best that humanity has to offer? Should we ever vote for evil because we think the other side is more evil? Or should we have a system where if there are two candidates we don’t like we have the chance to vote for someone who isn’t evil? On the other hand, if you really think Clinton was a great candidate then I hope you find some discernment otherwise you’ll end up buying a bridge


Even if Extra-terrestrials (E.T.) were to exist in probability and visit earth in potential, their trip is a 'political one'.

It's a political one by coming here and making it such to humans, and a political one to them in their destiny.

Here's a game:

Show me a conspiracy that DOES NOT involve politics.

Why is this hard?

This is hard because the word 'conspiracy' implied a crime. Crime is within the realm of politics and law. Therefore, all conspiracies that are actual conspiracy theories involve some aspect of the political landscape.

By your inclusive use of the term 'conspiracy theory', you might be suggesting, 'alternative history' or 'alternative physics', or 'experiential sciences'; 'alchemy', 'magic', and 'theology/ world religions'.

Certain truths challenge what people have been taught their whole lives... of course their is emotional backlash.

Reddit itself has been compromised for years and that is just bleeding into this sub, ignore or downvote politically driven bs.

Yeah can we please stop talking about Politics and just get back to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and the corrupt DNC? Come on people.

Username checks out

I don't remember all this complaining until some liberals showed up and wanted to talk about the big conspiracy in everyknes gave right now. Absolutely nobody cared about this place being too political when we were only talking about how shitty democrats are.

That’s the thing. No one gives a fuck about either side. And if they do they used to have the respect to keep it to themselves and let this place be for pure discussion and the challenging of ideas

You literally just left a comment talking ahot about Clinton. So you have just validated my comments.

The kid wanted some answers so I gave them to him. There’s no disputing slick silly wasn’t a sellout. This is known

Then stop complaining about talking about Politics on this sub. Clearly you only care when people say mean things about Trump.

Haha I stay clear of all political posts on this sub. I don’t care about one or the other when it comes to my discussions here. I just wish people were more open minded

You just made a political post dude. And you gave yourself away immediately by saying any talk about Trump is a distraction from the real shit like Clinton scandals.

Haha alright man. The truth is right in front of your face. The media obviously doesn’t want you to relate to another human being that, let’s say “supports trump” or even looks a different way from you. Are you just going to carry that distain with you all the time? You are now so I can only imagine how angry the rest of your day has been

Yeah I guess the truth is that literally the entire world is lying to us about every thing that's going on right now and the only person telling the truth is Trump. Cause that's totally reasonable.

I guess I should’ve made a suggestion for these discussions to go to a political sub or a political conspiracies sub because this is clearly not the place for that. Frequents to this community and the mods didn’t envision things being like this, if I had to guess

I don't know exactly what this place looked like years ago but it went full on the_donald during the election. Just non stop posts about Hillary, The DNC, and pizzagate. It's leveled off a bit since then. Now we are allowed to say bad things about Trump when some big news happens. And then the complaining started. Never saw these complaints when the entire front page was about democrats being evil corrupt pedophiles.

I remember when there used to be no political posts at all! It was probably 3 months ago that this started to get SJW inhabited

Sorry you're wrong. Plenty of political posts all the time.


Well clearly you haven't been coming here like at all then.

You know that's what you're calling for, right? If you got your wish, there would be no 9/11 posts, no seth rich posts, no Hillary posts, no podesta posts, no soros posts.

You sure you want that?

Yeah. No Hilary or soros. But someone fucking little kids is a conspiracy for sure

Obviously not. I haven’t even heard about that report. But I’m sure I can think up a few reasons why that’s come out instead of just believing it word for word

Politics affects ALL of us and is inherently intertwined with our capabilities and freedoms.

We’re not arguing about politics here. We talk about thought provoking problems and theories. Again, not the last thing CNN shit sprayed all over your face

You need to turn off the boob tube brother.

Good one

The issue is that there is truth. I'll keep an open mind but when people are dismissing all evidence that goes against their theory, they need to be challenged.

If it can't stand up to simple questioning, I don't care if it's political, it's probably bogus. People here are willing to ignore simple questions, reasoning and upvote downvote things they like rather than reality.

It's more likely that many things have become political. Gun control isn't politics in many countries on Earth, nor is climate change or much of healthcare. But the USA has a special way of making everything politics so you can't touch real issues without putting on child friendly gloves.

Make a sub called /r/ConspiracyUnchallenged if you want a nice circlejerk.

When pizzagate hit and the shills showed up right after

Yeah and they try to tell us we're not allowed to talk about it, only MSM approved 'conspiracies' such as muh Russia. Tag the shills and you'll soon see a pattern.

When the moderators explicitly invited Trump supporters and alt-right types from banned subreddits.

I don't think you can examine conspiracies without examining politics. Consider the Republican Committee to Reelect the President (Nixon) and the Watergate break-in. Consider where the Watergate Plumbers used to work.

Many conspiracies are that political. Many are just inspired or motivated by plllitics.

You can't help but come at it or develop your own sense of political morality. You might get meta and read Lakoff, Moral Politics.

At some point, when partisan people whose thinking on politics is basic, level 1, qrrive, you might get drawn into arguments with people about politics.

I would also question how much of what has happened here is due to paid or nation state operations. It's not really a believable possibility that 0% of the posts here came from Russian operatives trying to destroy the U.S. by sewing dissent among U.S. citizens.

I personally see a lot of evidence that the Bear and Dragon are actively winning a PsyWar right now. They seem to me to be setting up a partisan upheaval among the conspiracy theorist population. I assume they need to clear out ud political researchers and truth seekers if they want to take over the sheep more easily. It appears to me that a lot of Bear and Dragon activities are intending to get conspiracy theorists variously killed, jailed, or at least disarmed. Oh, and also, "silenced."

“Many are just inspired or motivated by politics”

I think that’s a great way to look at it. It’s useful when someone can “gain” from it.

I don’t know much about Russian bots infiltrating US social media but that’s quite the theory! I think if they wanted to create distain between citizens they would most definitely go after the mistrust of conspiracy theory-believing types

Yeah I mean I believe all of them are disinfo/controlled opposition/bots to muddy the waters and make the whole conspiracy community look just as messy and divided as the public. I believe all politics is is a sham, the dems and Repubs all report to the same people. They only act like enemies so that you never know what really is going on. They fill your head full of party politics and want you to believe that there side is right when in reality it’s just to brain wash you so u never find out who the REAL bad guys are.

Trump. He is the most politically polarizing figure to ever run for office. He was a topic in every single household, workplace, magazine, radio, television, etc. He had support and hate from so many different places and people on all sides. He is also loved. But why I think THIS SUB was attracted to Trump and why we talk about him all the time is because 1. There was something about Trump that we all felt he was some kind of outsider to shake up the system and that's what we always wanted on this sub and 2. He has a history of mentioning conspiracy theories.

Look around, there are a lot of writings on the concept that "everything is political". There's no way to not be political. If you make an active effort to be "not-political" that is itself a political choice. If you like a certain company's product, that's a political opinion. If you have any kind of personal philosophy about a topic, that is a political opinion. If you want to express yourself at all anywhere about anything, that is a political opinion. If you support someone else's idea, that's political. If you argue against someone else's idea, that's political. If you remain silent, even that is a political choice.

In addition, this is r/conspiracy. In this community, we discuss secret plans by groups to do unlawful or harmful things. If a person gets together with other people to do harm, that is a political action. These organizations are often tied to major corporations, political parties, or governments. All of these are inherently political, would you really try to tell us that we can't discuss corporate corruption or government cover-ups here? Politics could broadly be thought of as applied philosophy with regards to how we should collectively handle interpersonal interactions and disputes. If philosophy of interpersonal dispute is involved, that's political.

It sounds like your problem is with PARTISANSHIP, which is a completely different thing than merely being political. People interested in conspiracies inherently discuss political ideas just by virtue of what conspiracies are.

I feel like it happened around the time of the U.S. presidential elections. In a very short amount of time, you had a lot of people using this subreddit (and tons of others) to vent their political beliefs because let's face it... that was a very polarizing election and emotions were running strong everywhere.

So you had people coming and saying "Hillary blah emails blah blah", "Trump is a dickbag", "Trump is our savior", "Bernie or BUST!", "Why isn't Rand Paul running???" and all manner of other shit. I feel like that sentiment and post trend has just continued.

Thankfully people are starting to wake up to it and push for actual conspiracy posts. Hopefully, we get a lot of this political bullshit out of here.

And last thought, I'm not opposed to things that are political if there is an actual conspiracy but posting something that was just released in the Washington Post 3 hours ago isn't usually a conspiracy. It's just people bitching. I wish people would just save it for /r/politics.

Because globalists almost won the last US election and Trump and Brexit are pretty much the only things standing between them and near complete global dominance and governance.

YouTube ≠ Reddit

Can we have a safe space to discuss these issues? I prefer holding beliefs that never get challenged than actually having a discussion. It hurts my feelings when people don't just agree with me.

It was building over years and I never said it was because of the act you linked to? You’re the one who brought that up

Obviously not. I haven’t even heard about that report. But I’m sure I can think up a few reasons why that’s come out instead of just believing it word for word

Yes, I’d love to hear this fuck fest song and dance

you mean you'd like to hear that account try to explain that one, or that you hadn't heard about that?

/u/simms419 I know for a fact that can be verified that the CCR had exactly nothing to do with the economic collapse.

Got him

“Many are just inspired or motivated by politics”

I think that’s a great way to look at it. It’s useful when someone can “gain” from it.

I don’t know much about Russian bots infiltrating US social media but that’s quite the theory! I think if they wanted to create distain between citizens they would most definitely go after the mistrust of conspiracy theory-believing types

Sure guy, ignore everything that goes against the narrative in your head, and only trust Zerohedge, Infowars, Breitbart, and Fox news.