That's it we need to welcome all white South Africans as refugees right fucking now.

7  2018-03-01 by dahdestroyer

Seriously, Give them a large plot of land in the pacific north west they can grow all our weed. With their irrigation expertise they would solve the California drought in a day.

"We are not calling for the slaughter of white people...for now."

"White South African family’s refugee bid rejected, accused of boosting case with ‘racist propaganda’"


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Elon Musk is my most favorite African American of all time. Let's bring some more Elons over.

They are a skilled people. Look at the apartheid era infrastructure that they have. It's amazing that it's lasted so long considering the influx of people. And it's not surprising that they are experiencing terrible drought. They are likely mismanaging infrastructure that they didn't build. Apartheid South Africans managed to have a huge military industry despite the whole world sanctioning them ; they creating some of the best equipment available.

I'm more of a Dave Matthews guy.

Ooooh I'm gunna have to agree. Dude puts on a mean show!


One sings of satellites, the other puts them in space. Interesting.

charlieze theron

Holy shit yes please.!

yes, but only if they promise to vote for republicans. ....because i want to see democrats heads explode.

im not a Republican. im a nihilist.

The elite globalist sionist nwo lizard people hate da Boer . To the Bitter Eind!

NO. We don't want nor can we afford them.

Just the farmers then?

What about the homeless and helpless in the US? The farmers in the US have enough problems.

We got enough farmers. Now, farmer workers working for less than minimum wage is what we always want.

Those poor downtrodden white South Africans... Anyone would think the black South Africans had spent half a century being treated as second class citizens or something...

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind . I record looking at the history of South Africa. The current black population is no more native than the Dutch.

Are you talking about the slaves the british and dutch imported from west africa? You can't be claiming the Zulu and Sohto showed up after the Dutch.

The Dutch brought mostly Malay slaves from Indonesia . The Zulu are as much invaders of the southern most areas as the Dutch.

How many centuies have the ancestors of the Zulu been living in the area around Durban and is that not in south africa?

That’s White Propaganda bullshit

It was inhabited.

Half a century!! I can hardly wrap my mind around a length like that!

There are americans mortgaging their homes and taking on massive debt in order to build businesses and create a better life for their families and you want to give away valuable farm land and water rights to non americans? Im having a hard time seeing how your idea is any different then the SA goverment's plan to seize and redistribute land.

If they want to come cool but fuck giving them anything for free that you wouldn't give to any actual US citizen. I'm sorry their parents and grandparents were running a Racial Dictatorship for so many generations but they aren't entitled to handouts from us.

We are a. Action of immigrants. It would be nice to get some from non shithole areas

Dude land in the PNW is crazy valuable. You're insane.

Shut up!!! Tell them it’s nothing but rain or high desert. They’ll get lost in the woods because logging roads aren’t clearly marked. Let’s not forget all the lazy high hippies and voluntary homeless begging for money along every I5 off ramp.

and, to not forget the only reason that this is being promoted here: THE VICTIMS ARE WHITE

It's because they are highly educated and skilled.


Exactly. Any other non-Americans are fucking absolutely CONDEMNED. What a fucking joke.

I would say that sure we should be letting them come here as immigrants, maybe refugees if things get much worse. But don't give them free land.

we imported tens of thousands of white south africans. they are not the most loved group on the country.

solve the California drought

You're assuming the drought isn't manufactured.

Like we welcomed the Cuban borgeouis when Batista fell? And for the past 50 years they and their descendants have agitated for aggression against Cuba and supported Florida neocons?

Except added bonus: Boer refugees will also hate black people. I m sure that won't be a problem.

i can wait for the consequences in your country

No thanks.

Then their deaths are on your hands

Well the deaths of refugees our country and probably you refuse to let in is on your hands.

I don't give a shit. I didn't colonize and terrorize blacks in Africa. Their deaths are on your hands for not moving to South Africa to save them.