Monogamy is unnatural

0  2018-03-01 by Zjarek

Monogamy is the main source of harm in the world. Men go to war to prove their courage, women control who gets their "treasure".

We are just very intelligent animals. We didn't invent monogamy. It was forced upon us by God's (aliens).

This post is to provoke discusion, so please angry comment instead of downvoting. If you agree please help me spread this idea.

To moderators: I want to provoke discussion to convince people better. I will give more arguments in replies.


I don't think monogamy was forced on us. Some people choose to be monogamous, some don't. We are not forced.

It was forced on us because it is unnatural, not because we are not free. People have free will, but it is hard to go against social norms due to ostracism, fears etc. I'm now in psychiatric hospital after schizophrenic episode and people I met here destroyed their lives due to fears.

It's actually the normal nature of humans. What is not normal, is to have multiple partners and multiple children with said multiple partners. That would give credence to narcissism, and a loss of empathy. Sure, you spread the seed, but... that is all you did. It's a weak characteristic, when boiled down. Humans are not animals, regardless of what the Darwinist want you to think.

Well stated.

Thank you.

Look at church. They fuck around all day long and accomplish great things. I think there is heaven (something matrix like), but hell we can have on earth with nuclear weapons. JP2 prevented hell on earth, let's build Heaven!

Sex is in itself empathic. You give pleasure to other person. Shame and guilt is the source of emotional and physical violence in families.

You give pleasure to other person.

Eh, if you're doing it right, it's mutual, yo'.

Shame and guilt is the source of emotional and physical violence in families.


Of course it is mutual. But you control only your own actions.

Without monogamy there is no cheating, no sexual harassment, no lies, no shame and no guilt

Of course it is mutual. But you control only your own actions.

I take it, you've never touched a woman in her g-spot and got her off, lmao...

Without monogamy there is no cheating, no sexual harassment, no lies, no shame and no guilt

How so?

Yes I haven't because I'm still a virgin due to my own fault.

You can't cheat when you respect other person and you are honest. I think in buildings we should just be naked and satisfy our urges when we need to with help of other people.

lmao. At least you're a funny/honest one. Take it easy, yo'.

I think you’re a sociopath, honestly. Either that or you’re trolling. I’m not discussing further with you because I disagree so thoroughly with what you’re saying that I can’t really be calm or nice about it, and I don’t want to waste my time. I think you need to realize that sex isn’t the reason for human existence.

There would be WAAAY more sexual assault if everyone was constantly fucking, by the way. This isn’t Ancient Rome and sexual abuse doesn’t exist because of monogamy. It’s really horrible to think that way.

We don't want or need to constantly fuck, just be honest about it. Sexual abuse IMO is caused by shame and guilt connected to sex. Also there is nothing wrong with anger, only with violence.

We need to embrace our animal nature, not repress it. This way we will accomplish more. Like Clintons playing with children.

...and you've just shown your true colors. Happy bridge guarding.

Priests molest almost everyone from childhood. But they do it with love. I learned it from honest discussion with /r/catholicism and family. Check my post history.

Catholicism is the religion of Babylon.

You endorse molestation?

Alright I was with you until you started talking about child abuse. That's directly from The Occult. They thrive off of this type of debauchery. Shame on you for advocating that.

Polyamorous society could work if all beings were of a very high intelligence. But it doesn't mean we degrade into pedophilia, sex with animals and other horribly perverted acts.

We are all very intelligent, enough to not hurt another person. We survive in so repressed society, we will thrive in more open. I'm not advocating abuse, I know it is a can of worms,but church is doing it on a massive scale and is a good institution. Priests go to jail only when they think they need punishment, they talk way better then a normal person or a lawyer.

Why are those acts wrong? If no one is harmed is the act wrong?

Let's back up to the Church being a good institution.... LOL.

We need to transcend our animal nature,

Our level of consciousness has finally given us the CHOICE to not be greedy, to not take, to not be "animals"

And we owe it to every animal that came before us, millions upon millions of years of evolution, to make the right choice, and to be good.

We need to embrace it to start cooperating. I want Star Trek, not Dr. Strangelove. Cooperation = good.

Pleasure is meant to be given, and that kind of sex is empathic.

Unfortunately in this society people operate on "taking" pleasure, and that sex is only for the surface orgasm. One night stands and such. No empathy involved.

I think you can raise children stronger together as a family than if you just fucked them and left.

Look how much single mom's can struggle with five different babies from five different daddy's who never come see them.

But some would say we do need a lower rung of society. At least until automation takes its grin.

So I'm sure OP will put his seed into that. I wouldn't but there's plenty of single mom action out there!

I think we should raise children as community, without shame and guilt. But also without teenage mothers and abuse. We need fulfilment with work, automation will change one type of work into other.

How much are you going to pay the community to look after your 10 kids?

It takes a village. /s

There are many different species that in their natural habitats form lifelong monogamous mating pairs.

From an evolutionary point of view one could argue it is better for men to have babies with as many women as possible, it gives their genetic material the best chance at propagation.

However, one can also argue that having children with just one woman means the man can better protect his offspring and ensure his lineage carries on.

If everyone was poly and women and men both reproduced with many others it causes problems. As non of the Fathers would be aware which of the children a particular sexual partners has is biologically theirs, why would they put in the effort to raise a child that is perhaps not even theirs. At least before the scientific advancements that now make this easy sort out.

Some people argue this was in fact the case in hunter-gatherer societies and children were raised by the entire familial group, with many mothers and fathers etc. That monogamy only began when people began to settle into Agrarian Farming. The reason being if you own land that you need in order to continue surviving then you want to make damn sure that the person you leave it too is you own biological child, therefore women were married to just one man who could control her, and ensure that all her children were his, and his property and belongings served to benefit only his genetic offspring after his death.

Very interesting post, ownership of other people didn't cross my mind. Thanks.

Sorry for double post. I think you gave me a missing piece of information about agrarian farming. Monogamy wasn't forced, it was natural at the time. Now we are a global tribe, we communicate better. We don't need to show who has bigger dick with bombs. We need to slowly change existing structures to better serve us and our children. Now I don't blame aliens, only our stupidity. Thank you very much!!! <3

The problem isn't having or getting "enough sex", it's one of not being "loved enough" and "making love enough" to go with it.

Simple sex may be the closest substitute but it's a poor and extremely temporary one at best. In fact no amount of it by itself is ever "enough" and never satisfying beyond the moment it occurs by comparison.

This. 10/10.


Ive never known a polygamous relationship that works. Always ends in jealousy. Monagamy is the natural state. Love as a bond is achieved through work. The kind of work youd have to p ut in foe multiplle partners wpuld weaken the relationship betwren the other partners. Also, its an excercize in greed. Its less about being with another person, and more about a 'you' or 'I' that has multiple partners.

with the current discoveries regarding epigenetics ... it apparently seems that monogamy (or even polygamy) are better than polyandry. Maybe it wasn't like this 100s of thousands of years ago, but battle of the sexes continues to be waged