Just a reminder. This subreddit has been taken over by the same CTR "r/esist" "r/politics" crowd that has bullied the rest of reddit into submission. Fuck reddit. This place is a propaganda machine.

1  2018-03-01 by [deleted]


You will be assimilated.

It's just you. Every one else here loves the establishment and thinks WaPo and NYT are the most legitimate news sources ever and Hillary did nothing wrong and the only valid conspiracy theories are the ones you read about on the MSM. And Trump, Trumpers, something Trumpity Trump TRUMP!!

Do I even need an /s?

You forgot to mention that everything else is Russia.

I think you will find that is * MuhTM Russia * and this subreddit is the Dotard2

Everyone who disagrees with my narrative is either an alt right Trump supporter or a Russian troll!!



It was her turn!!!!

She won the popular vote!!!

Those damn Russians!!!!!!

Just a reminder. Sometimes people in life will have opinions that are different from your own. That doesn't mean those people are "paid" by some evil jew in the sky. It just means they have an alternate opinion.

Maybe instead of blindly calling people shills, you could try to convince them to see things your way?

There's just been a huge swing the other way. Naturally in the sub you are allowed to question everything. I think recently there as been an significant amount of ideas being shot down immediately. Not only shot down but then OP is berated with insults. Just unnecessary stuff. I don't think OP is wrong here as recent Parkland theories have lead to significant backlash from /r/politcs , But to say there has been a take over is a bit extreme.

Sure, but everyone knows that Shareblue et al do pay people to Correct the Record on the internet

^ lol

I don't see where OP called anyone a paid shill, only brainwashed by CTR.

Man, some people are really upset with the lack of conservative circle jerking going on anymore like it was during the election season. Now people see a few negative posts about Trump and the whole world is falling apart.

Oh, look. It's you right on time with a ridiculous straw man.

Go off script once in awhile, bud. This nonsense is boring now.

Oh cause I'm a shill with a script right bud? Good one. Haven't heard that before.

I don't know. Are you?

Either way, you're following a script that's used all over this sub. Maybe it's unintentional, but painting this whole sub as a bunch of "conservatives" for questioning the mainstream narrative is most definitely a manipulation tactic.

That's what you're accusing me of apparently. Why hasn't anybody else in this thread said the same thing I have? Maybe you should try arguing your point instead of calling everyone who disagrees with you a shill. That's just lazy as hell dude.

And your comment was so full of effort. Not a buzzword or regurgitated, tired phrase in it..

Hey at least I can say things without freaking out on people who disagree with me. I'd say that's a good start.

I see you're incapable of a rational conversation, as usual.

Yeah you really started this conversation out rastionally. My bad.

Yeah, I know you don't like being called out on your automated, programmed responses that are nothing but a tactic to attempt to manipulate and shame anyone who disagrees with your narrative. My bad.

Right. My automated programmed responses. Cause I'm a shill? Still going with that one. How intuitive.

Right. And overwhelmingly positive comments and voting supporting WaPo and CNN in this sub is totally normal behavior for conspiracy theorists.

Oh sorry should we be only upvoting shitposts on Twitter and little diagrams from 4chan?

Did I say that?

Do you think it is normal for a sub full of conspiracy theorists to upvote and and comment in support of a WaPo piece that is specifically disparaging conspiracy theorists?

What sources would you like dude? Go ahead.

a WaPo piece that is specifically disparaging conspiracy theorists?

Did you miss that bit?

We didn't upvote that article. So what sources are okay with you. Ones that arent mean to Trump?

Go look at the voting in the comments.

Link when it was posted here then.

It was reposted by Saber this morning. It is in new. Have a look.

Word, didn't see it there.

Straw man again. It's like you can't help yourself.

What sources would you prefer? Let's hear it.

It's like you legitimately have no idea what independent or freelance journalism is.

But your MSM gods have labeled all those "Russian propagandists" so I get why you're afraid to leave your little MSM bubble.

I asked you a question. You're dodging it like the plague.

I've been down this road with your type before. I can list a long list of independent news sources and you'll attack every single last one.

You know damn well if it's not mainstream source, you're going to bitch about it. I've seen you do it many times. You're incredibly predictable.

Hah cool you don't need to answer the questions that are too hard. That's fine.

Haha! I knew that's what you were going to respond with!

Predictable. Like a computer program.

Just let me know if you muster the courage to answer what sources you're cool with. I'll be waiting.

Let me know when you're going to respond with an original thought I don't see astroturfed here in every comment section.

I won't be waiting, because it's not gonna happen.

Still won't answer my question. I guess I'll move on then. Better luck next time champ.

You've got work to do! Off with you, oh might warrior of combating wrong think and free thought!!

Cool, see ya next time. Get those answers ready because this wasn't a good showing.

I remember when r/conspiracy about UFOs and 9/11 etc. I miss those days. Now it's all just fruit-loops banging on about Trump and US politics... which as a Scotlander I really couldn't give a shit about.

Removed. Rule 12.