Skittle Heads walk out on "Nazi" who points out biological differences between men and women...I believe the hair color is leaching into their brains causing a massive lowering of the IQ.

3  2018-03-01 by jimmyb207

Common sense, reality, scientific facts...folks, these people are the flat earthers of biology...whats next, no difference between NIGHT and DAY? The crazy is painfully obvious here.


Yes, I saw this one the other day. They need a good slap if they think they can deny reality.

Gotta love those “racist” and “sexist” facts.

After they break the sound equipment

Let me be clear. People do not have the right to tell you what you can and cannot listen to...Fringe elements of society do not have the right to hold you hostage to discourse. This is a university. If we cannot have this conversation here, we can't have it anywhere. We have to be able to talk about it. No issues will solve themselves. That sort of behavior is unacceptable in civilized society.

Small minority, obviously there only to disrupt, looks like morons. They do not do their cause well to try that shit.

It's almost so bad for their professed cause I'd have to at least entertain the though of provocateurs, but I think they're probably serious.

I agree. I understand that there are issues in feminism that need to be addressed, but trying to shut down someone like that in the middle of a civil discussion doesn’t do any good.

Left-leaning here, and I don’t see what the woman was saying that was so offensive. The best way to address differences between the sexes is by clarifying them, and then looking at which ones are changeable.

wtf is a skittle head?

I'm assuming people who have different colored hair (ie green, purple blue etc).

It's fucking retarded.

I have nothing against people with dyed hair, that's fine. Now, the 'protesters' at the end of that video.. now there's something that's actually retarded.

I have different colored hair and I think it's kinda funny.

wow lol. "fascist nazis!"

What are you 14?

Found the skittle head

Oh my God I found you again and I wasn't even trying..

I can always count on "anontifa" to jump up and defend the left at any given opportunity.

Seriously, almost every time I see somebody post an irrational or idiotic comment on this sub this week, I look up and see the name "anontifa".


This is why we need Soylent Green.

lol Power to the people!

They called her a nazi because she said men are generally taller than women.

I mean, seems fair. The gap btwn genocide, attemted global conquest, eugenics, gruesome human experimentation, and calling men generally taller than women is pretty negligible.

They called her a nazi because she said men are generally taller than women.

"Nazi" is just a one-size-fits-all generic slur used by those who are too intellectually lazy to find an accurate one. At the rate it is being overused in the near future people will care as little about being called a "Nazi" as they currently do about being called "anti-semitic". When any term is overused and stretched to mean anything to anyone...the term loses its manipulative power as a slur.

Almost as tired as "racist" i agree when you over use a word it looses all meaning not to mention how intellectually lazy it is

Thank you for giving me the term skittleheads

Why is this stuck at 0?

Here's a conspiracy theory for you (since OP forgot to provide one): those "protesters" are crisis actors.

those "protesters" are crisis actors.

Hmmm...they did appear to be in some form of mental crisis....and they were acting offended....Ok...crisis actors it is!

If you think people with dyed hair have had their IQs massively lowered, you are stupid as fuck

They have zero logic.

If men and women arent different then how come trans need hormone replacement therapy.