I wonder how much Soros resources are being wasted away in this sub

0  2018-03-02 by Tunderbar1

Seriously. I wonder how many man-hours are being wasted trying to keep the lid on this one inconsequential little conspiracy theorist sub.

LOL. Keep it up guys.


Probably about as much as the person paying you is spending on all the other people on their side.

Can't wait to get my cheque. LOL

Same with everyone "being paid" by Soros I'm sure!


One cannot speak against their employer is they want to stay employed. Soros has his fingers everywhere.

Well that must mean everyone you don't agree with is being paid by him huh?

Ingenious retort. Genuinely stellar.

That's what you are arguing for here. Did you not read the thread/topic you are commenting in?

You do realize no American spells it 'cheque', right?

Did he claim to be American?

And what non-American would give a shit who George Soros is?

You know, besides the vodka drinking ones...

His movement is a globalist movement. He's fucked over many countries other than the US.

Please cite.

My understanding is he used the free market to short a currency of one country at the right time and won super bigly.

It's not like he's polluting the environment and people all over the world have to pay for his negative externalities, right??

Jesus. You're actually going to try to defend Soros? Lol.

You still haven't provided any evidence about your claims. How is Soros a 'globalist', how many countries did he fuck over, and how did he fuck them over?

Again, I know of just the one time he used ForEx to make billions shorting a particular currency. If he's done more or worse, inform me, educate me. By all means. I'm asking for knowledge.

You still haven't provided any evidence about your claims.

Do your own homework. This stuff isn't a mystery.

Op is too unpredictable to be on the payroll.. Definitely ignorant, and the amount that they throw around the "s" word would raise an eyebrow or two, but alas, he's just another wacky conspiracy nut..

just another wacky conspiracy nut

Posting in conspiracy sub. Just like you. LOL.

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Lot's. One of their favorite lines is "both sides do it!"

I know right? LOL. It's as good as an admission. LOL.

Everyone that disagrees with me a shill. My opinions and beliefs are so obviously right that the only possibly way anyone would pretend that they're wrong is if they're being paid!


I want to go on record for here. If he is spending big, I am not getting any of it.

Does anyone know how to sign up?

Lol auto downvotes

Crazy how that happens when people say stupid things.

Are you seriously trying to debate the corporate money that went into swaying opinions on Reddit?

How much does it cost to run a 700 user botnet 24/7? Probably not all that much really.

Share blue, Russian bot farm, what's the fucking difference?

One breaks US laws, the other doesn't.

Unclear. Which one? According to our laws, neither one did. Show me otherwise

If you think this sub spends a lot of his money, declare to run for office in a local district.

Even if you don't campaign it will require time, effort, and money to assess and stack the deck. Assume that in many districts across the US an establishment candidate can run unopposed, or each candidate running is an establishment candidate. Suddenly each district has half a dozen civic minded public running in it. Even through dumb luck of random selection, odds are less likely that establishment candidates get through. Forces the hand to throw campaign dollars and greater effort at the process. That's time and money not spent mucking up some other aspect of the world.

Look up local campaign laws and declare candidacy. In many areas it's free to declare. In others there is a registration fee, that can often be bypassed through signatures.

A potential public organization campaign can be around organizing signature groups to promote getting civic minded candidates on ballots. I'm uncertain whether all signatures must be from that district, or must be unique. Worth looking into whether a group of signors may be organized then used to promote dozens of candidates declarations.

Soros generally tries to pull the left into the centre / centre right with neo liberals like Blair and Hillary doubt there would be much point investing here not many left wing people on this sub.

You give the sockpuppets too much credit. Nobody has to pay most of them, they are dumb enough to slavishly do Uncle George's bidding for free.

Everyone that disagrees with me a shill. My opinions and beliefs are so obviously right that the only possibly way anyone would pretend that they're wrong is if they're being paid!

Are you paid?

Paid in lulz

Serious question. Are you paid?

Yes, in lulz

You're not answering the question.

I just did

Probably alot. He has no problem making public donations to local political candidates so I doubt he has any problem paying anonymous trolls to comment & vote.
