It's that time again..another "Dubya Love" post on front page of reddit.

106  2018-03-02 by AIsuicide

Gotta make sure the masses are in a patriotic mood for whatever is about to happen..

Can anyone say "A New Pearl Harbor"?


Please don't say this! I don't want anything to happen!

Got any other explanations for the recent trend regarding positive PR for Georgie boy?

Sorry Donna..I understand very much that you encourage positive thoughts and the results of those..but the situation in the middle east stinks to high heaven.

We are being spoon fed a narrative about what is going to be necessary to "resolve the Syrian conflict"...

Just watch for Nikki Haley speech at the UN on Monday..that's all I'm saying.

I know things might not look good. And no, I don't have any explanation as to why Georgie Boy (LOL!) is being painted in a positive light.

I just don't want anything like Pearl Harbor/911 to happen.

Got any other explanations for the recent trend regarding positive PR for Georgie boy?

My guess is because ol Poppy is about to kick the bucket at any moment. Everyone will be examining his life and "achievements". The bushes know how to play the game where they pretend not to be traitorous cunts.

Very's also possible they haven't quite got their fill of being evil and are focusing all that energy on South America.

Gotta wonder....

I'm sure they are grooming their next wave of evil spawn.

The top comments debunk this post:

Reddit likes dubya now..... Apparently.....

More like Reddit thinks he's great company at a backyard barbeque so long as you don't talk to him about politics.

Why the easily disprovable attacks on Reddit today? On or front page we have a post claiming that r/politics banned a post. You go to r/politics and that's the #1 post on the their front page now. Seriously, wtf is going on?

Where do I mention comments? I mention the lame ass attempt to spin positive PR for Georgie Boy.

And be honest..the comment section is full of comments attempting to help it.

It definitely gave me hope when I saw some of the top comments.

But that's not going to stop me from calling out a lame ass PR attempt when I see one.

He went on TV and said, "Trump is bad!" Now most registered Dems like him. It's madness.

do you think that whole shoe incident was set up? secret service let it happen and Bush doesn't even flinch then he says the "size 10" joke. just a weird thing to happen.

There's this skit he did where he was looking around trying to "find WMSs", and in it he was looking under chairs and other such stuff, when I saw that it quite literally turned my stomach. Also, I too have thought the shoe dodge was set up, I mean, he dodged it pretty aptly, almost precognitively...

two shoes were thrown, the second was prob dodged.

Yeah, seen a lot of attempts to make Dubya likeable lately. He says he doesn't like Trump, and he's supposed to suddenly not as bad as people remember. I had this conversation with my dad a few months after Trump got elected. He said Trump's a thousand times worse than Dubya. And I was like... "The man's just been elected... Dubya had 8 years, a war based on false pretenses that cost so many lives and ramped up terrorism all over the world, not to mention Cheney running the show from behind the scene with Haliburton and Blackwater..." and my yeah was like "Well yeah, but Trump is way worse." My dad is not a stupid guy. And I'm no die-hard Trump lover. But it's fucking shady what the news is doing lately playing on people's emotions and manipulating them to ridiculous and illogical thinking.

seen a lot of attempts to make Dubya likeable lately

It's the old trick from the early days of 2000. Remember how people did not think GWB should be president but they'd like to have a beer with him? He was somehow "likeable"? Never seemed likeable to me -- not someone I would want to do anything with. It was junk then, it's junk now.

Rehabilitation for the next generation.

I agree with everything you're saying. Jury's out on who's worse, but there's definitely some ploy to make people feel generous towards Dubya these days. To what end? I have no clue. It's annoying as fuck, though. Perhaps some attempt to get people to forget the terrible shit Dubya's administration pulled, destroying the 4th ammendment, which was ramped up under Obama? I wouldn't be surprised.

On the other hand Trump is Alps warmongering to get us into North Korea so in wouldn't say he's better that GWB just yet.

How is Trump anywhere as close to as bad as GW? GW is responsible for 9/11 and a million or so dead civilians in the middle east. Trump is a moron, but GW is a war criminal and a terrorist.

This is why I come to this sub. Glad to see people see him for the massive stain on humanity that he is

I completely agree. I say jury's out because there's a slim possibility that in 8 years Trump might do something terrible... and I'd say the same thing if it were Obama, Clinton, anyone else, because I'm just talking purely about possibility. Dubya is everything you said. His administration was a nightmare. He's responsible deaths, while at the same time stripping away the rights of American citizens, and spying on us, and setting up the middle class for financial ruin.. And then Obama did nothing to undo any of it.

Seems like Trump has been completely subverted by the deep state now, so I think we can assume that he will. That said, so far he hasn't done anything yet that puts him in the league of monsters like Bush and Obama.

Time will tell. I told one of my friends who was really upset, in tears, over this election it's just a dog and pony show for us plebs. I don't think it made her feel any better.

I don't think he ment to imply W is good by saying D is worse. He just ment that D really is worse, if not the worst. Hair piece talks like a child. The most humble person there is and threatening with "bad things". His actions impact others than Americans.

Both are like characters from a political satire. Still having hard time believing that D is an actual POTUS. If next one is similar clown, balance of power is definitely sliding somewhere else. And I don't want that, Russia doesn't need any more power that it already has. Maybe some wild card stands up? UK howboudat?

"Trump is competetive" LOL

Hillarious and level headed, a perfect example of why I love this sub.

I think Trump is kind of blatantly worse though, right? Every president for a while has been a puppet for this or that private interest, W was a piece of shit but he didn’t blatantly represent scumbag rich sociopath behavior has part of his platform...this particular president we have now is a a goddamn loony though, he’s actually a bumbling moron, he’s dumber than Reagan and that guy had Alzheimer’s. Hes worse because he’s openly sleazy and shitty and a rat fink liar and he doesn’t care. And he’s the president ,which means that’s the mindset of a large group of people, they think that shit is the bee’s knees.

Shitloads of people don’t care about admitting they’re pieces of shit, they’re refusing to go along with social changes and they have a powerful person saying gibberish on tv that jerks them off. That’s insane. That’s the worst thing to happen in a long time, and he’s certainly representative of this whole anti-intellectual, anti-progress, pro-powers-that-be mindset that infects politics and television and internet communities and school, so on and so forth. Shit sucks. But at least W seems like he wouldn’t cheat at golf, he probably thinks he has a moral compass he’s been following, you know what I mean?

Wow. You really represent exactly what OP was complaining about. Good job.

"At least W seems like he wouldn't cheat at golf"

Are these the current standards?

Are you aware of how many people died, how many lives were destroyed, due to the actions of the Bush administration?

You're one year into his presidency, do you have any reason why Trump is worse then George W. Bush? That's someone who knowingly wrongly went to war with a country, cost hundreds of thousands of lives and (at the very least) stood down over a major terrorist attack. Not to mention putting the Patriot Act into action.

While not the most likeable person, I find it a leap to put Trump on the same level as George W. Bush.

I agree. I'm with you, man.

It's cooler to hate Trump. What is there to gain politically for hating W at this point?

Don't forget legalizing torture.

Dude, just look at most of reddit. People act like Trump is somehow the worst president ever. Fuck, based off what we know, it appears Obama spied on Trump. Whether you agree with that intrepretation, or not, would you be OK with Trump being able to do what Obama did in 2020 against the guy running against him? That's what this fight is about.

I feel like a majority of people are very susceptible to media influence about what to think. Is Trump a great guy? Probably not. Should we trust politicians and media that has repeatedly lied to us and tried to mislead us when they say he's a bad guy? I'm not sold. Funny how so many people we used to hate also "hate" trump. Yadda, Yadda, Enemy of my Enemy!

Fuck it, if nothing else I love seeing Trump piss off all those terrible assholes on Capitol hill who has worked so fucking hard to take away freedoms guaranteed to citizens.

It does not look like Obama spied on Trump, it looks like the entirety of Trump's campaign was on Russia's payroll

Obama and his minions spied on ALL the Republican candidates during the GOP primaries and beyond.

this is Watergate 2.0

Ugh, Trump is waaay worse than Dubya. He like totally proved that he raped and sodomized every woman he's ever been with when he admitted he grabbed that bitch by the pussy. Like hashtag that shit or GTFO.




I had this exact same argument with my mother. She used to fucking hate GWB (and rightly so.) But now, she's convinced that Trump is way worse and GWB isn't that bad in retrospect. The establishment Democrats are cozying up with the neocons, so the "left" media are rehabilitating the neocons' image. Bill Kristol is on MSNBC all the time bashing Trump. My mom watched MSNBC religiously and eats up all the propaganda.

Should be in a cage

Reddit has become a fucking cesspool of military worshipers, big pharma worshipers & blind followers of the mainstream scientific & academic communities.
Aaron Swartz is doing 5000 RPM in his casket.
The big question now is: How many of them are real people vs bots & shills and how many of the votes are purchased/manipulated votes.

I'm guessing a lot of them started as shills and bots, and eventually the weaker minded people started parroting what they saw other "people" saying.

How many of them are real people vs bots & shills and how many of the votes are purchased/manipulated.

Pretty much everything you see is manipulated.

great quote from jr. " if ya don't like what we tell ya to believe in . . we'll kill ya "

I bought the whole GWB is a clown thing while he was in office. Sometime into Obama's tenure I caught a piece about him and he was seemingly speaking unscripted while showing the interviewer around his ranch or something like that. The contrast was so night and day compared to the guy who was president, now that I think about it, tis kinda weird. He was well-spoken, calm and collected and much more likable than I had ever seen him as president.

In the early 2000s, I used to play d&d with a guy that thought it was the patriotic thing to do and joined the military. Bush and his cronies are responsible for the lies that lead to his death... And I shall never forgive them.

This was Trump's main job, to lower the bar. People were starting to want more than the establishment was willing to give. Now the masses will be happy if we just have a president that knows how to read.

Obama lowered it too. Trump is continuing the tradition.


Reagan and dubya destroyed America. History isn't going to favor those two corrupt puppets

Depends (((who))) writes the history books.

Lots of Vietnam War "nostalgia" as well.

This is why I come to this sub. Glad to see people see him for the massive stain on humanity that he is

I completely agree. I say jury's out because there's a slim possibility that in 8 years Trump might do something terrible... and I'd say the same thing if it were Obama, Clinton, anyone else, because I'm just talking purely about possibility. Dubya is everything you said. His administration was a nightmare. He's responsible deaths, while at the same time stripping away the rights of American citizens, and spying on us, and setting up the middle class for financial ruin.. And then Obama did nothing to undo any of it.