I have always defended John Kelly and always will even though I don't agree with everything he has ever said. His son lost his life (truly) defending this country and he has spent his life defending this country. He, to me, deserves leadership over everybody. Look at his recent comments.

0  2018-03-03 by PussyRiot2016

Do you think this honorable man knows something about serial draft dodging drump? He called serving in the Trump administration a possible curse from god for something he did bad in his life.


This certainly doesn’t belong here. Maybe politics, but probably not there either. What’s the dem equivalent of t_d? That’s where this belongs.

This certainly belongs here. Your anger belongs elsewhere though. Maybe towards your parents where it belongs, or doesn't.

The Jesuit?

Kind of hyroglyphic, care to expand?

you never corrected me on my bad spelling, how can I take you serious? I don't click links as well. Explain yourself or don't bother.

I don't care bout spelling never have never will. Maybe God is punishing him.

nice ninja edit

You can correct spelling it's not against the rules

You being relevant isn't agains the rules either.

I tell you I don't click links and you continue to send links. Sign of the times?

They aren't for you don't get all full of yourself. There are dozens of us here , dozens I tell you!

Falling on your own sword. Okay then.

I also think John Kelly is a good man, but how exactly does this shit belong in /r/conspiracy?

The conspiracy is he is in Trump administration but is an anti-Trump. Already explained dit.

That isn’t a conspiracy though. It’s more like gossip?

Is there a difference? You sound like a partridge family member.

Yes, there’s a difference.

Really now? They are both an assumption of truth based on your minds best capabilities of reasoning


Good defense.

What is there to defend when you seem to not understand what a conspiracy even is?

Look, I’m sorry for raining on your parade here. You clearly figured you’d spam the sub with some anti Trump ranting and hey, I don’t like Trump either, but this just doesn’t seem like a conspiracy to me.

2 posts equals spamming to you. You obviously have zero concept of spamming or reasoning.

If you say so...

serial draft dodging drump?

Woefully uninformed. Sad

Trump was given what are called "deferments." He was allowed to put off reporting to his draft board until he'd finished college. All American university students--regardless of wealth or influence--were allowed deferments. When Trump reported to his draft board, the MILITARY DOCTOR declared him physically unfit to serve. Trump had no say in the matter.

He is skull and bones, he and W are interchangeable because there is no left and there is no right. I beg you to look deeper and realize that all the “choices” we have had since at a minimum post JFK have NOT been choices at all. They are all figureheads of the corrupt system to protect itself!

Yes, there’s a difference.

Good defense.

Falling on your own sword. Okay then.