The final redpill is understanding that it's all a stageplay. Left vs. right, Trump vs. the media, the scandals and the victories. Keep quibbling, and daddy Israel will keep receiving it's multi-billion dollar payments no matter who is President.

88  2018-03-03 by [deleted]



True story, Trump is in Israel’s pocket.

Like the world banks, the US Education system, TV, Radio, Pornography, pop music..

God damn Christians

Where does this say anything about true God fearing Christians?

If it wasn't for those god fearin republicans and their rapture fantasies...

The GOP, at least, is pro-Israel (at least in part) due to its base's fantasy that Israel has to survive no matter what mostly so its citizens can all die and go to hell in Armageddon once Jesus comes back. I think that's the point he was trying to make, and it's accurate.

The fuckery doesn't begin and and with Zionist Jews and Israel. That's just as short sighted as thinking the problem is over zealous Christian's or Republicans. These kind of simplistic perspectives are just folds in the veil and one should be wary not to get lost in the maze of the blame game. I think the biggest conspiracy is keeping from realizing the transformative power of love and unity and creating your own reality through the multidimensional power of consciousness, but that's just me lol.

There is great power lying within us all, being brought forward by exactly the concepts you just described. I can’t agree more with you.

Looking for a foreign government that meddles with our Democracy? Look no further than Israel, especially via AIPAC, which is one of the most powerful lobbies in America, which oddly enough, isn't forced to register as a foreign agent.

but what if the goy vs the jew is just another layer of deception, the exact same kind of stageplay you are warning us about? maybe its the designated, top level false dichotomy, a top-level 'conspiracy theory' that is being reinforced but also discouraged at the same time. it is reinforced, because it must live in our minds and we must believe in it as a sure thing. otoh it must be also discouraged, because we cannot be allowed to really dig into it, to fully expose and unveil it, because then we would stare at the real rulers of this world.

The final redpill imo, is that we're a tiny speck in the galaxy, let alone universe and beyond, and we are beach chimps squabbling over coconuts.

That's the blue pill dude. Was put into the mass consciousness starting in the 1500s.

Could be, I don't know it all, I only pretend to on the internet.

Well played sir!

Not the final redpill whatsoever. But it's a big one.

Trump is a fly in the ointment.

Unfortunately, they pulled off his wings well before the election. He's still serving a useful purpose of gumming up the works a bit, but at best it's the equivalent of a worn-out parking brake that you forget is on but slows down the car a bit.

Not the final redpill, there’s one more.

Welcome to level 3 OP. Here are the five levels of truth.

Only the beginning of the “red pill” if you ask me.

It’s all relative I guess.

Actually the final "red pill" is realizing that the "nothing matters" narrative is the manufactured sedative illusion, and that in fact elections and "political work" (protests, boycotts, etc.) do translate into policy that affects you and the country/world you live in...there are just horrid corrupt rocks in the stream that prevent SOME things from happening.

The people trying to convince you that "none of this matters", like OP, are empowering the horrid corrupt rocks in the stream. He's trying to "red pill" you with impotence, so you stay "blue pilled".

Right on man.

Jordan Peterson has numerous discussions online about postmodernism and its nihilistic philosophy agenda, which is essentially what you're describing - the notion that nothing matters and has no meaning.

It's being used as a control mechanism to brainwash the public into submission through the illusion that the public has no power nor control over their lives and that any fight or resistance to the current power structure is futile as there's no higher purpose or meaning behind such an effort. Peterson also highlights Nietzsche's theories about how nihilism ultimately leads to acceptance of authoritarian values, which is TPTB's end game in pushing a self/ego-centered, nihilistic agenda through education and social media platforms. After the public is completely nihilistic and apathetic, the framework for an authoritarian, one-world government is in-place. Couple this with the ever-increasing left/right political divide and race-baiting, the American public will be too divided politically & socially, apathetic, nihilistic, and self-centered that we'll never be able to join arms and to discuss a restructuring of society to the benefit of the majority.

I believe TPTB are simultaneously testing and strengthening the public's current nihilistic state through Trump's appearance as an "outsider" fighting the corrupt and evil system (amongst many other methods). Once he "fails" (he's apart of the facade), his supporters will be even more nihilistic. Numerous times on T_D I've seen comments suggesting that Trump was "our" last chance at taking back our country for the American people -- he's apart of the end-game, which is why they shill so hard for the conspiracy and anti-establishment support, so once he fails at "taking back America," they will be defeated and will further accept the nihilistic notion that all is meaningless and too far-gone as Trump was the last chance before one-world authoritarian rule.

Trump is being used to weaken the last segment of the population fighting for nationalistic, pro-American sentiments that stand against such NWO, totalitarian rule.

I think we likely disagree on most political particulars, but that's fine! I'm glad we agree on what we do agree about. Nihilism is a tool of the status quo, masquerading as an enemy of the status quo. But it has no power because it has nothing but passivity and powerlessness. Regardless of your political aims, and regardless of how different they are from mine, it's important to realize that the system is not afraid of disengagement and nihilism.

I think we likely disagree on most political particulars, but that's fine! I'm glad we agree on what we do agree about.

Honestly, we may share more views than you presume. My beliefs aren't as literal as they may have appeared in my response -- I believe in the underlying abstract concept and using terms like 'TPTB' are merely a way to instantiate/apply those abstractions in a general, worldly manner. Also, I should've prefaced my rant about Trump being used for an ulterior, nihilistic agenda with 'I could see this being a possibility' instead of 'I believe.'

Nihilism like OP's is a tool of the status quo, masquerading falsely as an enemy of the status quo. But that nihilism has no power because it has nothing but passivity and powerlessness, which it presents as "wise", but that presentation presumes a godlike separation from reality that no human actually has or exists within. It's an escape from the fear of failing in one's own power, not a power in itself.

Very well said. The manifestation of passivity and powerlessness from nihilism is exactly why it's such a powerful tool for control -- The subjects/public perfectly play into the hands of TPTB while falsely believing they're all the "wiser," as well as separate from and 'above' the reality in which 'ordinary' folk reside. It gives them a false sense of superiority, rendering them passive against and complacent with the current system.

Regardless of your political aims, and regardless of how different they are from mine, it's important to realize that the system is not afraid of disengagement and nihilism. So thanks for your reply.

I don't have any political aims, but I understand how you could think that. Ultimately, I was trying to highlight that postmodernism and its nihilistic traits could potentially be weaponized against the public to render them ineffective against fighting political/system corruption, or whatever cause the richest/most powerful want ignored. Basically,

it's important to realize that the system is not afraid of disengagement and nihilism

is my central point, along with the possibility of powerful figures intentionally weaponizing and increasing that nihilistic philosophy through current events/media/education (and maybe even Trump) for the purpose of control.

Let's respectfully agree to disagree. IMO, the 'world' as most Americans know it post-WW2 has been a well-orchestrated stageplay. We're very deep into the stew of this pseudo-reality now. Elections, policies- just the illusion of choice. Yes, we can have an impact and bring about change, big and small, by playing within the sandbox of American governance- but none of that ultimately has any impact on the greater structure of control that's in place.

Think about all of these right-wing or otherwise 'woke' social commentators that have risen to prominence (ie Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, etc). One would wager on the surface-level that these men are the harbingers of a new truth- anti-PC, pro-Freedom, etc. But in reality, nothing these men preach is 'outside of the box' of what's ALLOWED in modern discourse. In fact, these two in particular are very pro-Israel.

In essence, I am not discouraging involvement in the system. Many quality-of-life changes come about through activism. All i'm saying is that these changes don't even begin to impact the real game being played. This is by design.

In essence, I am not discouraging involvement in the system. Many quality-of-life changes come about through activism. All i'm saying is that these changes don't even begin to impact the real game being played. This is by design.

I think we still likely disagree, but if all you were saying was the paragraph I've quoted above, that's correct and we agree.

elections and "political work" (protests, boycotts, etc.) do translate into policy that affects you and the country/world you live in...

Can you give some examples of the policies you mentioned here?

That's not the narrative OP is pushing lol

Easy there, Rust......


I get called out every single time i say left vs. Right just divides us, its a way to control the masses, making us think we have "enemies". There is an Agenda in motion that not a single one of us can stop, nor millions if us banding together. I had someone tell me I and my fellow americans are responsible for the slaughtering of innocent people around the world, because "herr derr you're funding your shit government to commit genocide". I topd the guy hes an idiot if he doesnt realuze we can't opt out of paying taxes. Yoy can make the decision but the IRS will find you and lock you away for 50 years. It blew my mind how senseless and just plain dumb some people can be. Fucking society man, we suck

I agree that there is an agenda(s), and that not one of us can stop it. I also believe however, that were enough humans to wake up suddenly and just say no, that we could indeed put a stop to it. I presume the overlords, or whatever you might call them, need us in many respects. We provide the fuel for the economic engine by which they enrich themselves, and which riches then empower them to do whatever they please. If everyone just stopped, looked around, saw what was going on, and just said nope, not gonna be part of this, what can they do? Destroy the whole thing? Maybe, and perhaps that's what will happen.

I went through a mental health crisis a few years back, panic attacks, anxiety, depression. It was bad for a couple of years, but looking back, with a different perspective, I'm not so sure it was just a spiritual awakening. And I think so partly because I do feel like I've woken up in many ways, and my life is different, I'm different. While in that dark place, I constantly wondered what the point of it all is, and I wondered why I spent so much of my life killing myself doing hard work that I didn't always like, and realized that in a real sense, I was a cog in a machine not of my own making. But with that thought came also the realization that I could step our of place and walk away. And I did. It wasn't easy, and still isn't always, but it's alot better than being a slave to the system. I don't have insurance, I don't own a home, or take awesome vacations, or have the option to buy lots of cool stuff. But I also have no debt, wake up when I want to, have a roof over my head and eat well, have friends and time to spend with them. And to me, the sacrifices are worth it. I have more freedom.

I would add that the person who called you out for supporting the government was partially correct: even if we don't support the actions our government takes around the world, it's true that when we pay taxes we are supporting those actions nonetheless. And your fear of not paying taxes, although rooted in reality in certain aspects, keep in mind that the reality in which it is rooted isn't the only possible one. As I said, I stepped out of the machine to some degree, and that is one of the reasons. I don't want to support them, so by being more resourceful and taking in less, I also pay alot less taxes, which means they get less. I am NOT suggesting you follow my lead, I realize that I'm an outlier and that it would have been alot more challenging to make the lifestyle changes I have were I younger, had a family to support, etc. I'm only trying to encourage you and anyone else not to buy into the lie that we are trapped in the system. With will, intention, awareness and determination I believe we can and do shape the very reality we find ourselves in. It can take time, and hence patience, but it's possible. Believe it.

So let me get this straight the final illusion is that we should all set aside our differences ... so that we can collectively hate Israel? Don’t get me wrong Israel has done some fucked up shit to the Palestinians and we (the USA) give them a tremendous amount of monetary aide but that conflict (Israel vs Palestine) and the conflicts of the entire region (Saudi Arabia vs Iran, Syrian Civil War, both Turkey and Egypt’s turn towards dictatorship, etc.) are highly complex geopolitical issues. What it all ultimately oil, money, and power.

Let me explicit here- this is NOT about being anti-Jew (since it seems you, like most, are pushing the argument in that direction), and for what it's worth, even the Israel/Palestine conflict is a distraction from the greater evils being undertaken. That conflict is a part of the sandbox of discourse we're meant to keep within.

This is about a group of people, religion or race aside, attempting to manipulate the future of this world in order to perch themselves atop the masses. Heinous aid packages, blatant proxy wars, and covert operations that bring about death and destruction are the real evils being undertaken to further this ambition. Meanwhile, we're all here bitching and cheering about Trump/Hillary and SJW Marxists.

This isn't about hating Israel in particular. It's about understanding the real forces that have dominion over us. In our world, Israel and Judaism at large are the tools being used by evil men to bring the world to its knees before them.

Yes I sorta understood from your first post that you weren’t a anti-Semite. As well I also despise, as I imagine you do, when people consider criticism of Israel the exact same thing as criticism of Judaism in general. As I specified in my first post there is much to justifiably criticize about the modern day government of Israel.

But I want to specifically indicate that it is the GOVERNMENT of Israel that is immortal not the people. Just like how the government of my country (the US) has sponsored numerous death squads, assassinations, and coups throughout the world that has lead to unspeakable sorrows. But simultaneously the actual American people are not bloodthirsty monsters (yes there are some but all populations have an amount of sociopaths).

This doesn’t just hold for governments but also religions, consider Christianity and Islam. Too ideologies whose members have used it as an excuse to commit horrible atrocities (again personally I’m catholic and the history of the church is riddled with oppression and abuse).

So your accusation in the first post that a specific anti-Israel position is the final “red-pill” and in your second that Judaism is being used as a tool by the elites for mass-manipulation seems to be an oversimplification.

If we follow all the conspiracies and information they lead to the conclusion that money and power are ultimately what is used to manipulate and exploit the masses. Regardless of who has the money, it could be an Arab prince who controls oil who funds terrorism, a Jewish banker on Wall Street who is embezzling money, a catholic bishop who is covering up mass pedophilia, an atheist who is waging genocide, etc.

Nevertheless I’m glad that we can have a civil discussion in search of the truth and freedom.

I think what both you and /u/murphy212 are referring to are the 'ultimate truths' obstructed and hidden away by concerted, structural mass manipulation. I'm quite well-versed in the Vedas, for example, and other ancient knowledge-banks that seem to speak to these truths (one can actually draw a lot of parallels between ancient texts and the 'scientific' reality we're told we live in today).

I am not dismissing such claims in this post. However, I think both you and /u/murphy212 have fallen victim to a 'truth-enduced paralysis' that says one of two things:

  1. The powers that be have already won, everyones brainwashed, it's hopeless.
  2. True change will occur when everyone taps into the power of their spiritual prowess.

Again, not refuting either claim. However, neither of these 'truths' are conducive to actually attempting to cure the problems we have today. Israel & Judaism at large have been used as a mechanism to initiate dominion over the world by the few, evil individuals that truly run the show. This IS the ultimate redpill that can actually GET US somewhere. Telling people it's all in your head or that everything is a lie won't get us anywhere.

I think you misunderstand my position. Look into the hermetic paradox (Kybalion PDF).

Tldr, it is not because you understand the spiritual nature of reality, i.e. that “life is a dream”, that you ignore (or fail to act) in this dream. Actually that would be the “new age” position of “see no evil hear no evil”, or worse “there is no evil because nothing is real”. That would be absolutely and utterly wrong.

And actually, if you look at my post history, you’ll realize very few are about spirituality. About Israel & Judaism, here is a recent post of mine. Similarly in life I most definitely act in a resolute manner (all the more so as I’m not afraid). See this. Cheers mate.

Yes! Red pill the crap out of these people to wake the hell up!

I agree that it's a stageplay in some respects, but I think maybe you go too far. In a sense, reality is truly a psyop, but there are layers that still need peeling back. I do think some things matter, others not so much, and it can be tricky to suss out which do and which don't.

I think you are right that a large part of the agenda is to create division, and personally, I stay away from partisan politics. But I still care, and have my opinions, distanced though I may be from the general melee that has come to characterize politics in this day and age.

I feel ya, but you might try resurrecting a little hope if you can. It may seem like we're too far gone, that they have basically won, but I don't think so. I believe in a deeper reality, and that as each of us grows in mindfulness, presence, awareness and consciousness, we change our reality in subtle but powerful ways. I don't think the outcome is predetermined. And mystery, or not knowing, isn't a bad thing. And, it may just be the only thing.

Tribute is being paid, not aid money.

David Icke covers this well in a recent podcast, albeit mostly from a British perspective:

lol yeah, Israel using a few billion in American aid to buy weapons (from American companies) to fight off blood thirsty barbarians is the big issue in the world

The world is run by groups like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Israel is nothing but their pawn just like the U.S.

Far from final. That's infancy stage. Wait until your looped in time and digitally mapped on the atomic level.

Well played sir!