“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” - George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

374  2018-03-03 by [deleted]



Whatever, you are definitely shutting him up. It seems like you would have trouble eating.

Youre telling the world you're a fucking psycho and all the pussies go running for a hidey hole...brutality and violence "win" again

Especially once they have their firearms taken away

Yeah my wife is a bad bitch...

But who is censoring us, one might wonder. For those brave enough to venture just that little bit further down the rabbit hole:


Not all heroes wear ca-

god bless

Nazi punk fuck off.

Eat shit Nazi

Stop listening to Russian propaganda.

Is it such a radical notion that the people who lied about human soap, human-skin lampshades, electric floors, deathcoaster, bicycle-powered head smashing machines, and shrunken heads might not be telling the whole truth?

Yes, but it's a whole other thing to claim it's a complete fabrication. Just because some elements weren't real doesn't mean all weren't. You have to research yourself and decide.

and before someone links me some tripe website with a predictable name like 1488truths.com, please don't.

Nice quote, but what's the conspiracy here?

"Hodor." - George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones


The feels

Finish the next book.

Makes you wonder why the left is always shutting down so much speech online (look at all the downvote brigades lately on Reddit alone, nevermind YouTube now etc. etc.), on campuses, and in the media.

Oh wait, it doesn't make you wonder at all. It tells you who's on the wrong side of history.

the left primarily, but it truly does go beyond just left/right. Jews run all of it.

look at all the downvote brigades lately on Reddit

Yes, right leaning subs like t_d and conservative would never downvote or ban someone for having a different opinion.

You took one line out of my entire post, and still failed to make a reasonable response. Next time just turn the computer off.

Or you are doing it because of a song he sung...

Yeah this quote implies righteousness. Say, a hate group being kicked off youtube, demonetized, whatever... doesnt make them righteous in their cause.

IN the dark days before screens lit the children's faces with the holy strobe a sword, a gun, a blunt object could end a controversial thought.

Overtly shuttering and shaping the internet is a large undertaking and watching it unfold causes me to remember the times without it when knowledge was learned and not "looked up".

I am tired of the signal becoming a world while the real world falls apart.

One's ability to discern remains unmolested. One's ability to prepare their offspring to not be lead remains unshackled. Quantity over quality in the context of DNA demands the world to fall apart, as reciprocation. The immutable law of supply and demand governs our undoing. AI may be what determines the depth of suffering during the inevitable correction.

deplatforming nationalist is different though

When you throw Grannies in jail for questioning the holocaust, you've basically admitted its fake and Western politicians and historians are CRIMINALS.

You can fear someone falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater, without making them right, morally superior, or justified in so crying.