Is it past time for people to start downloading YouTube videos before they disappear forever?

59  2018-03-04 by sudo-tleilaxu

If you have not been doing so already, I would suggest you install Firefox and install a YouTube video downloader extension and save what you can. (Chrome and Chromium video downloaders will sometimes not work, most likely because Google owns YouTube, but in my experience the Firefox downloader ALWAYS works.)

I know a lot of stuff has been deleted already, but it might be past time for people to save as much as they think they can.

Who knows when they start axing James Corbett and StormCloudsGathering. (for example)

I may not be an Alex Jones guy, but I am starting to think it might be time to have some hard copies of those uncomfortable truths TPTB want to scrub to upload on to another platform.

The Ministry of Truth is on the move.

EDIT - If people have any suggestions of information that may be at risk...I have a lot of storage space and will download stuff I like. Unique and original content is the most important stuff to save. I personally have noticed a lot of stuff I had bookmarked has been deleted now that I am looking through them and checking carefully.. It's kind of chilling.


I've been downloading YouTube videos since the fifth grade and I haven't looked back.

I am fucking kicking myself on some of these bookmarks I saved that are gone now.. I have saved some stuff and have been for years, but some of the shit that's GONE now...I am seriously bummed.

I did not realize the extent of it, YouTube has been quietly scrubbing for a while now. A lot of my Zionist/Israel bookmarks are gone.

This comment makes me feel old.

Put up a torrent?

I bet you people are really popular on snapchat

Anything that doesn't have a non-internet physical backup is disposable. If you care , back it up in multiple offline medium.

See my comment above...I had to learn that lesson the hard way...SO many tough to find / rare books in PDF. Some of them were probably irreplaceable, especially the page-by-page scans of hard copies...ugh, I feel the pain just thinking about it.

i replace the 'you' part of the url with 'hook' and hooktube will allow downloads in webm and mp4. i then upload them to bitchute or just store locally.

This is a great point, I always make sure to download any graphics, images, and I have been "collecting" rare PDFs and books I have found online. Does anyone have any recommendations for storage ?(I have my own domain/space but it's not huge)


As sort of an aside, I have found quite a few harder to find books in PDF form on some of the larger torrent sites. The Pirate Bay mirror that is still up and has come through for me quite a bit over the years. I might start poking around to see if there are other people who are in to collecting harder to find books in PDF and .epub format...seems kind of niche though.

Although I do admit I do wish I had a more complete PDF "book" collection. I lost a lot of stuff a couple of years ago when I lost a hard drive that unexpectedly crashed after 6 months even though it was bought brand new. Quite the hard lesson to learn.

Good thing flash drives are so inexpensive now.

How do you guys get passed the protected status of certain youtube videos? I can download most videos but not all. I'm using Firefox's Video DownloadHelper extension.

try 1-Click YouTube Video Downloader. Haven't yet found a video it can't download.

Cheers mate

The old method by montage parody creators was to upload to YouTube, Vimeo, LiveLeak, and a bunch of porn sites.

I have done this for roughly three years. Whenever I watch something interesting I download it to an external hard drive right away and every now and then I back it all up on another external hard drive I store safely. Sometimes I search up some of the videos I have stored to link them to people, and many of them have been removed from YT. Whenever I’m somewhere with limited internet these videos are great to have too.

If you are collecting all the videos on YouTube you should be collecting actual books from the past first

I have quite a few of those built up too. I have actually been more interested in getting pdf copies of hard to find and suppressed book than I am videos. I am just a little more concerned about disappearing videos at the moment. I guess, even though I am not an Alex Jones fan, the deletion of his channel on you tube got my attention and caused a little bit of worry.

I wouldn't worry about It internet is fake videos are all watered down history only books are clear truths and even those ate fake probably