9/11 or WW2 Holocaust or MH370?

2  2018-03-05 by curiouscuriousone

Let’s say that after you die, you get to heaven and God says to you that you get to learn one great truth to be revealed to the people still alive on Earth, as a final gift from you, and proceeds to give you a choice on which ‘secret’ you would like to unlock for humanity from the following list:

A) The truth behind the 9/11 attacks in 2001, who was behind it, motivations, cover up or not.

B) The truth behind WW2/Holocaust, role of rothschilds in the war before and after, reveal depth of postwar atrocities of victors, and motives of those involved.

C) The truth behind what happened to MH370, final resting place, actual passenger manifest, background behind targeting of that specific plane.

Which one would you choose?

What conspiracy theory, if proven factually accurate beyond a reasonable doubt, would cause a shift in life as we know it?

(SS: What would be the best ‘red pill’ to give humanity if you could?)


I'd go with A even though B is pretty tempting. I feel like the 100% truth there would blow peoples minds.

If I met God in Heaven I could give a shit about any of that stuff. Lol


Hard choice between A and B.

Ill throw another in

D) The actual truth behind the JFK assignation, who planned it, who carried it out.

There is some truth slipping out regarding JFK.

Forensics research recently released on the windshield in the car he was in showed a bullet hole facing inward from the front to the back.

Someone shot through the windshield from the front.

More info to be revealed.

Oh, and it’s also public domain knowledge already what happened to Tesla’s research. Take a look at Trump’s uncle and it will BLOW YOUR MIND.

I'd go with B even though I think I already know the answer, but I'd really like to know every single small detail that has been hidden.

Obviously B. A has pretty much been solved

WW2 holocaust without a doubt , you get can arrested for being a holocaust denier , absolute proof off the rotchilds plan 911 has turned into a meme where I believe that anyone who looks into it doesn't truly believe the narrative

Kick him in the balls for his genocides and evil followers, then go along my merry way.

Whether he exists or not, most of the ones who committed these evil acts are his followers anyway, so I don't see him being concerned about the "truth" any time soon.

If I were to discredit a movement, or religion, I would proclaim to be a zealot and then behave in a horrible manner. Something for you to think on

Except that this murderous zealotry is baked into the doctrine itself. Or did you just gloss over all of the god mandated infanticides, genocides, purges, possessions, rapes, and blood sacrifices?

I think you missed the New Testament my friend.

I didn't miss it. We could get into the Roman Caesars' co-opting the Jewish covenant for their own gain, but that doesn't address how more than half the book can be full of inhumane bloodshed and god inspired depravity.

I would choose B, although i am equally willing to know the truth about the upcoming second american revolution and america's descent into the NWO and exposing the lies and deceit behind it.

WWII because it would expose everything else from there. A vast amount of the American population doesn't know how engrained the Nazi's became after the war.

The best/most effective red pill would be 9/11.

The ultimate redpill is the simulation theory.

In this scenario, would heaven be a simulation too? Wouldn't the existence of God and Heaven disprove it?

What makes you think that a simulation is this limited?

If we actually live in a "coded" simulation, everything is possible.

Sure. So then who/what is running the simulation? Wouldn't that be what we perceive to be "god"

Sure. So then who/what is running the simulation?

If we knew it wouldn't just be a theory.

Wouldn't that be what we perceive to be "god"

God, the creator, the maker.. It's however you want to name it. But yes, it would be some sort of "god" status.

Just think about the improvement we made in computers and graphics in just 20 years. Now think about the possibilities with quantum computing over 10.000 years.

We would be able to simulate infinite universes accurate to the building blocks of "life".

It's not as far fetched as people think. The execution might sound far fetched because we aren't even close to simulating such thinks on computers.

It makes just as much sense as some of the other theories.

Great argument.

I think all these choices are good indications that shitty stuff really happens behind the scenes.

Placating ourselves with after death niceties has been the downfall of mankind for millenia... I ain't playing.

Of all the options to choose from and you give us these.

How about the truth behind the pyramids or what humanity’s true origin is?

I like to think I have a general idea of what happened with A and C, so I'd take B for sure. I want to know what Hitler was really up to, now what the conquering nations have told us about him.

D) the truth about the earths shape and motivations behind the massive lie.