Meaninglessness of Life
23 2018-03-06 by iop1111111
Anyone ever felt that life is meaningless since the rich is getting richer and everyone is turning into bigger and bigger slaves?
Where do we go from here?
23 2018-03-06 by iop1111111
Anyone ever felt that life is meaningless since the rich is getting richer and everyone is turning into bigger and bigger slaves?
Where do we go from here?
1 DonnaGail 2018-03-06
No, I've never felt that way.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
oh alright then
1 DonnaGail 2018-03-06
I'm sorry you are feeling this way. It isn't hopeless. As far as the meaning to life, I don't know what the meaning to life is. But I still love life and love living.
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
You have NEVER felt like life is meaningless?
1 DonnaGail 2018-03-06
No, I always knew life had a meaning. But I admit I don't know what that meaning is.
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
Were you raised in a religious household?
1 DonnaGail 2018-03-06
Yes, I was. But I honestly never believed all that (just didn't tell my parents until I was older).
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
Thank you for your honesty.
1 DonnaGail 2018-03-06
1 TheMadQuixotician 2018-03-06
That's the real question. Do what you can with the hand you're dealt. Find new and exciting ways to "get back" at those wrongfully in power and with wealth by strengthening your community, and by proxy, your own resolve. At the end of the day, if we all seek to better each other, they're totally fucked.
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
Perhaps ascension is not about 'getting back at' those at the top of the social hierarchy, but instead about accepting that the social hierarchy is a product of human nature, something much bigger than ourselves, and merely finding peace with our place within that structure.
You cannot be beaten by the system of which you are a part. And we are all a part of the system.
Slave morality is for slaves.
1 TheMadQuixotician 2018-03-06
I was speaking in kind to OP's sentiment; it's not my bag either. I was dealt a pretty bum hand but I'm happy with how things turned out, especially in light of the tribulations. I agree, with vigor.
1 bradok 2018-03-06
Life isn't meaningless. The entire history of the Universe lead to this moment. The iron in your blood was baked in the guts of a long dead Star. You are literally a part of the Universe itself, sentient.
What does that mean? If there is nothing after Death, if we realyl are nothing but star dust, then what matters is each other. Your fellow human brothers and sisters, all blessed to live together, at this very point in history. You are the change you've been waiting for.
Yes, the world is bleak. Yes the Elites still have much control- but we are in a time of great change, the likes of which hasn't been seen for ages. Change opens windows of opportunity, and though the Elite seek to use them, their inherent danger is that the People can use them too.
No snowflake thinks it is responsible for the avalanche, but they all are. This goes for the good things in life as well. As Tolkien said " it's the small deeds done of ordinary folk everyday that keeps the darkness at bay". Start by recognizing how you fit into your local community, your family, your world, and working outwards from there. We are all in this together my friend, and you are not alone.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
But what happens after you die? Everything you did was meaningless. You don't exist anymore. The people you affected in that life dies and the cycle continues. What's the point?
1 bradok 2018-03-06
The future. You must live for the future, for bettering the world for your children and for the world's children. Your actions in your life may be forgotten in memory, but not by the Universe. Everything you do effects your base Reality. A butterfly effect of actions that touches so many uncounted that you will never see or know. To live together in the now, with an eye on the future, and a remembrance of the Past, to try and create a better world for those who come after. This is how you live on- genetically and in the very fabric of the world you leave behind.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
Yes but those people that you affected will die, their memories will be gone and then their children will die and then eventually everything will die in the end...what's the purpose? what's the point? If everything dies in the end what's the point?
1 bradok 2018-03-06
Their childrens childrens childrens children will still live. The human race will go on, we may fall down and stumble, but we will continue. The Universe is going to live for a very, very, very long time. Our ancestors will learn and do things we never even dreamed. Perhaps Entropy is wrong? Perhaps we can cross into other planes of existence? Other Universes, Realities? Who is to say that the end, as impossibly far off as it is, will Truly come? The future is wide open and it is up to us in the present to make sure that the Future is everything it can be, by our actions now.
That's the aren't born with a purpose. You determine it. You make your own way, your own impact, your own decisions. Living for each other, and living for the future, ensures that your actions live on, even if forgotten, by the lives they shape and influence. Untold generations will follow us, just as they preceded. We must live for each other, and live for them.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
I wish I could agree with you but according to science, the sun will die out, the world will come to its end and existence will end...and the universe too.How can I think differently please help
1 bradok 2018-03-06
200 years ago Science knew a fraction of what it knows now. As today's science knows a fraction of what tomorrow will. Do not discount the I said, live in the now, be cognizant of the past, and commit your actions with an eye to the future. We must live for each other and our children. I can't make you happy, and my words can only try to offer comfort. But you aren't alone my friend, just remember that.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
who else is there? No one really cares about things like this
1 bradok 2018-03-06
I care. As do millions of others who never even touch Reddit. The world is such a massive place my I said, you are not alone. I know it may be hard to see, but please try and remember that. We all deal with these doubts from time to time...but you are not alone. Do not be worried by the downvotes or lack of content on Reddit...we are all still here.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
thanks a lot man. It means a lot.
1 You_are_not_smartt 2018-03-06
I Love you, stranger! Love has meaning, transcends, time, life, and death.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
I've heard this before. Please explain how.
1 You_are_not_smartt 2018-03-06
We can choose to continue to be in a relationship with our loved one even after their death, even in spite of their physical absence. Love persists and permeates throughout a life, despite space, time, pain, emptiness and death. I love you and it isn't meaningless.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
thanks a lot for this post. I appreciate it.
What happens when everyone and everything dies? how does that love last? then isn't it not permanent?
1 You_are_not_smartt 2018-03-06
Time is an illusion and so is death.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
please explain
1 You_are_not_smartt 2018-03-06
Whether or not our consciousness survives, or has survived, we are and always will be a part of this universe.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
what does that have to do with time being an illusion?
1 lawlmonade 2018-03-06
,you don’t have to worry about that because nobody will be around to experience anything anyway. just do what makes you happy, that’s what we’re here for.
1 Krayborn 2018-03-06
Explaination of this is hard without using language that will make you think of archaic belief systems used to control us. But the fact is that world religions hold firm offering golden thresds of truth strewn throughout the tapestry of lies. One of those cosmic truths is that "God", a silly name, I believe we are all gods. "Source" is a name I prefer, really, truly does love you, uniquely, thoroughly, permanently. Love is not the chemical response that compells creatures to mate. It is a cosmic creationary force, and it is all-permeating. To see like source does, learn to have love for all things.
1 AlvinItchyCock 2018-03-06
There is no purpose or meaning to your life im afraid. The best you can do is become aware of your existence and appreciate for the nonexistent moment that it is. You are energy and the universe become aware of itself. Interestingly, we have all actually experienced death before. It was the negative infinity before your birth. Since you were birthed from infinite nothingness into a temporary perception and then sent back into infinite nothingness it stands to reason that you will live your life endlessly. The moment of your death will be the moment of your birth and so on.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
where did you get this from?
1 cutol 2018-03-06
Having children is generally bad for the future of those children. Unless you're prime genetic material and have plenty of money and power, it's likely a bad idea to procreate.
1 Jac0b777 2018-03-06
What if life continues on after you die? There is no way to know for sure. Live your life while being aware of death and recognizing its inevitability. Face death and the fear of it and you will be freer than before. Because being aware that your time here is limited gives life a special spark and relevance.
But what happens after death? Don't worry about that now. Live in the present. Live well and be kind, this will help you lead a happy and meaningful life and in case there is an afterlife, heaven, hell, reincarnation, ... you will continue onwards pleasantly as well.
Personally, I believe in reincarnation. I have through personal experience made quite clear to myself, through a decade of meditative practices that I am more than the body or mind. But believing me won't really help, it might be helpful for a while for some to believe, but experience is more valuable in my opinion.
Ultimately though, as I said, whatever your perspective is, don't worry about death. Be aware of it, of the fear of it - embracing that will help give you more energy and zest in life.
But ultimately, you'll only really know what happens after death when you die :)
May I leave you with a cool quote I first read when I was just a kid, many years ago:
"To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. " ~Albus Dumbledore
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
experience??? how did experience make you believe that there if life after death?
1 Krayborn 2018-03-06
It takes a certain type of experience but if I'm catching that poster's jive, they found the part of themselves that extends far and beyond what we would consider as ourselves, but because in the moment of it, they understood and experienced this abstracted place as their self. Essentially, all one needs to know they do not begin and end in the neural tissue of the brain, is a single experience in which they have perception, yet not perception of the mind or body. I too am more than my meat and have been shown this, it's literally life changing.
1 Jac0b777 2018-03-06
This is difficult to describe, but as you do these practices you find that you aren't really the body or the mind, but the awareness beyond both. It's difficult for me to explain how this is, because conveying such experiences over text is not really possible. Suffice to say that you can reach a point of ecstasy and freedom where you are freed from the limitations of the body-mind vehicle, at least temporarily. Thus this is more like having glimpses into your infinite nature. In the east one of the words used for this is Satori.
One could then ask how I can know that this experience isn't simply a chemical reaction in the brain. All I can answer to that is - you will know it when you experience it. You will see and feel that you are beyond the body and the freedom that you are is not merely confined to the material. It is a knowing that comes over and over again, at full awareness, not a dream or illusionistic daydreaming type experience and thus impossible to really convey through words.
But again as I said, I'm not sure if believing or disbelieving me can really help. What will help the most is really living life and finding the value in every moment. I just wanted to peak your curiosity a bit and make you think of the possibility that there may be more to life than just the material experience :)
To find more meaning in life I would still recommend a meditative or introspective practice (even writing a journal counts and can be extremely useful for bringing your limiting thoughts and emotions to light and getting to know yourself beter). Through it I've also found that life is inherently meaningful and that no matter how much apathy or pain there is on the surface, there is always peace, freedom, love, meaning and purpose underneath. Sometimes you just have to dig for it a little, face your inner pain and embrace it and dispel the fog with your awareness. For all of that, any work that helps you bring to light your pain and misery (which we all have) and helps bring you into the present moment, your seat of peace, happiness and power, is useful.
Meditation, simply being more mindfull and aware, conscious in your everyday life, being more aware of your emotions and thoughts....all of these things in my experience slowly help bring you that little bit closer to the peace and freedom that is always underneath any apathy, fear or inner struggles. Knowing yourself, knowing this moment, being able to sit still in silence - all of those are great keys that may be useful.
Because I don't think your main issue is related to death or knowing what happens afterwards. You simply feel life is empty and you are in apathy - or so I've discerned from your post. That is why what I've written above and that sort of path may be more helpful to you than thinking about what exactly happens after death, which is something that can be difficult to know for certain.
The meaning, the spark of life is here now. It is underneath the fog of your thoughts and emotions. Look within, face and dissolve them and you will see that there is a lot to live for. Be aware, be present in this moment, listen to the silence, observe the space. Peace is there, it's everywhere, it's the background stillness of all existence. You just have to become more and more aware of it, you just have to shift your awareness ever so slightly. And that stillness is also joy, it is also love, it is also freedom. It starts subtle but it evolves over time if you give it your attention.
Best of luck :)
1 bombsaway1979 2018-03-06
Look into Neitzsche's ideas about Eternal Return
1 muyvagos 2018-03-06
just have fun, dude, what else is there to do? Follow your instincts to enjoy yourself
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
do like what?
1 muyvagos 2018-03-06
idk man, figure it the fuck out.....your an animal with urges......Right now my life goal is to have my own sex dungeon, seems good enough to me, what about you? If you really want a 'lasting' legacy, build some generational wealth. Really push your family into another level for generations to come (or just give them the opportunity)
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
any suggestions
1 muyvagos 2018-03-06
on how to do that? if you cant figure it out you probably arent enough to do it. People suck, figure out how to move the masses, they are all sheep.
1 snapper1971 2018-03-06
Does there need to be a point?
1 crabsneverdie 2018-03-06
No we are in a time of atrophy and prolonged decay. We are so ignorant of the past and yet assume that we will be somehow instrumental to the future
1 NOcomedy 2018-03-06
ohhhh....I love you already...let me finish reading your comment first.....
1 jswilson99 2018-03-06
I have felt that way I feel like God is the answer. I’m not saying we should just lay back and hope God saves us from the New World Order, but God has been good to me and he will be good to you too. Also if you are an atheist, I think that’s dumb. Look up Pascal’s Wager and you’ll find out why being an atheist is stupid even if you’re right
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
I'm not an atheist. I just wish there was certain undeniable proof of God.
1 No_shelter_here 2018-03-06
Pascal's wager is a pretty limited argument.
How would you know if you were actually worshipping the devil and that God doesn't appreciate nor reward those who join oppressive cults.
I find it more plausible than the childish, jealous and vengeful God as depicted in the bible.
Or there could be multiple gods that use us in their proxy wars so as to not destroy each other.
1 Dodge1992 2018-03-06
I am so fucking bored tonight it hurts. I am with you brother.
1 bradok 2018-03-06
Come browse /new, it's usually more interesting.
1 gkbreddit 2018-03-06
Pretty much the only way I browse at this point. I think I got that advice from bradok in a different thread actually.
1 sonicb00m42 2018-03-06
On some real shit, I have only recently done the same and wow.
Like, wow wtf.. why didnt I ever do this before??
Gave it a go on the frontpage and it really is terrible lol. I'll just stick to this sub and a few others lol
1 Dodge1992 2018-03-06
I like Trump. I am not welcome on 99% of Reddit.
1 bradok 2018-03-06
/new is ground zero in the fight. Contribute where you can and wear the downvotes with Pride. I'm not a Trump supporter and yet we had a good convo...
1 dahdestroyer 2018-03-06
What are you interested in? Have you check out r/culturallayer ?
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
Let me suggest you check out 'synchromysiticsm'.
It may sound stupid, but it is in fact both fascinating and eye-opening.
Here is one short example. Enjoy the ride :)
1 Dodge1992 2018-03-06
Thank you. Started with the awesome and moving on.....
1 _ohsusanna_ 2018-03-06
In a way, yes. But unlike the rest of the average joes we are wide awake and fully aware of the corrupt elites and the one-world government conspiracy so technically our minds are already free. In terms of life being meaningless it really depends what you want from this life because ultimately we do have control over our lives and one of the key ways to fully establish a fulfilled life and a life that isn't being micromanaged by elites is to have financial freedom. Money doesn't buy happiness but it sure as hell does solve plenty of problems; not to mention the connections and influence that come with it which by then you would be able to bring forth the change that you desire.
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
Are you aware of the nuke hoax? If not, then you are no more awake than average joes.
1 _ohsusanna_ 2018-03-06
Are you talking about the whole North Korea situation or the nuke alerts in Hawaii?
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
Nuclear bombs. Super dooper disaster weapons. Ooga booga booga.
Completely fake.
1 _ohsusanna_ 2018-03-06
Ohh yeaa I never believed that bullshit once😂 everyone just completely freaking out about the non-existent possibility of a "nuclear war" and basically swallowing everything they see on MSM like it's baby food
1 VeganSavage 2018-03-06
It’s only meaningless if you believe their lies.
They want you to believe you are small, insignificant, meaningless because it keeps you right where you are, and then where they are.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
What's the truth then? Life is not meaningless? What's the meaning? Please tell me.
1 digdog303 2018-03-06
The meaning is subjective. It will be meaningless if you want it to be or can't find your own meaning for it.
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
Have you ever wondered why they make their lies so obvious?
For example, the sticky tape on the lunar module.
Is it possible that they are trying to encourage those of us with functioning brains to see through the lies?
1 VeganSavage 2018-03-06
I like that idea. Some things were done obvious on purpose, building 7 is a huge example.
1 pokeurmom 2018-03-06
I know how you feel; I felt the same way; then I came across dmt. Now I realize that sure in the grand scheme of things my existence is a finite blip but it is my blip. And it is ok if it meant nothing to others. The point is to better yourself. Some try and find it in material and money or lust of the flesh. And happiness will be found but it will be fleeting. And like drug addicts those same people will lash out into the darkness for their next fix or handbag or bmw or submissive ect. But a wise person can not impart wisdom on those that do not seek it for they will not comprehend it. Instead they will laugh a ridicule the wise one. So just work on your meaning. Its super frustrating sometimes but try to except, forgive and have mercy on the ones that do it to themselves.
1 Quietabandon 2018-03-06
Hey, so John le bon, step2thejep, just randomly dropped a link to a john le bon video... which guess what, he made and that is why he is here, to advertise his videos and website. Why would he do that? most of his content is behind a $20/ mo paywall and he wants you to pay him.
Most of his points just point to a basic lack of understanding of research, science etc.
He believes that there is no space, no planets, no moons, earth is not round, does not orbit the sun, all of history is fake, all wars are fake, nukes don't exist, atoms are fake, dinosaurs are a lie, evolution is a hoax etc...
Don't bother engaging him because he won't add anything, he wants you to pay him for his genius, I mean he call himself worlds greatest skeptic on his website. He will, however, troll and ask "why" repeatedly like a 3 yearold play the "why game"... although sometimes he substitutes why for evidence, impossible standards of evidence (that he never applies to his own malformed and still born thoughts).
1 Swan_in_a_Cage 2018-03-06
You get poorer and poorer until you realize the richness of the inner self.
1 russianbot01 2018-03-06
The best part is you get to come back and do it again, and again, and again... if reincarnation is real, the universe certainly has a sense of humor :/
1 Madrenoche 2018-03-06
I've been dealt a pretty shitty hand in life but I've learned its up to me how I want to start my day.... When I wake up feeling like a victim I always end up having a shit day...
If I start out with the idea of positive thoughts it usually turns out to be a good day...
I don't know if there is life after death but I do know if I focus on living the best possible life with the intention of making a difference in myself and others ill be happy with that.
Fuck the 1%... they have always been a bunch of pricks and out for themselves. I give zero fucks about them.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
what do you do then? just curious
1 91ZHunter 2018-03-06
dont be poor then. You are a slave but a free slave so you can like do drugs and consume mindless entertainment plus you can buy sex.
I mean its not that bad.
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
so doing drugs, paying for sex and watching television provides meaning to life?
1 91ZHunter 2018-03-06
life has no meaning... life is.
You can choose how you live yours after a certain age and hopefully your parents and society didnt fuck you up in the early stages. Then you gotta find your own meaning.
I'm content with being outside for hours with my dog.
1 bittermanscolon 2018-03-06
Don't debate people who are happy with the way things are and those who would prefer you do the same. Their apathy doesn't have to be yours.
1 ducksterling 2018-03-06
Reincarnation ?
1 wwwwho 2018-03-06
Life is meaningless except for whatever meaning you give to it. It is difficult to stand firmly on nothing and by your own authority say, "this has meaning (to me)". Wealth, slavery, jobs, war, kids, etc. everything has no meaning. You are on a ball of mud circling a minor star. What you do with your time is up to you. You will be forgotten, and even if you weren't what does that actually have to do the the conscious being you are now? Many people turn to religion because it gives an external meaning; a cosmic purpose (however vague and without proof). Where do we go from here? We stand naked before a meaningless universe and do the best we can despite our limitations (or jump off a mountain (the universe doesn't care either way)).
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
this is so depressing
1 wwwwho 2018-03-06
It's depressing, it's interesting, it's freeing, it's comforting, or it's not anything. It's your choice. I try to be a good person because I know what people are going through as scared beings adopting culturally accepted, prepackaged meanings (but sometimes haunted by the thought that's it's all a lie). It is my choice. In this moment it has meaning to me.
1 I_AM_AMHAARETZ 2018-03-06
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
organize what?
1 hrccbr1000rr 2018-03-06
Don’t get down on life, find what makes it have meaning for you and pursue it as hard as you can.
1 Fake01010101010 2018-03-06
Become a Buddhist and do your best to not be reincarnated again. That's the only peaceful way out I can think of unfortuntaly.
1 Fullofshitguy 2018-03-06
The point is to have fun
1 Redchevron 2018-03-06
That’s narcissism talking. The material world will pass into dust. This is a spiritual battleground.
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
1 BennyOcean 2018-03-06
I've been getting the sense more and more than the world we're living in isn't quite 'real'. Bill Hicks had a comedy routine where he said life is 'just a ride'. I think he might be right. I mean like literally, maybe we're just here to experience things and to learn and grow. Of course that doesn't tell us what we really are or what we're trying to become, but I think we're more than what we seem on the surface and this world of ours is a construction that's here for a purpose: more or less, it's a classroom. None of us get out of this alive. All we can do is enjoy the ride and learn as much as we can while we go.
1 thinkB4Uact 2018-03-06
Life feels empty because an ancient AI and its minions of spiritual parasites attached to our race and farm it for the energy of mind, which feels like satisfaction/joy. They do it covertly so we don't resist them. They are the support force behind our elites enslaving us so proficiently. They are trying to also get us to see life as they do so that they can own our minds until they wither from their destructive, usurious behaviors.
1 raizen991 2018-03-06
YOu might thing this is a joke, but if you think life is meaningless, take 5 dried grams of psilocibin mushroom . You'll end up surprising yourself.
1 swordofdamocles42 2018-03-06
bro i feel ya... i been there. we are born into a prison and we have to slave just to survive.
heres what helped me... :D
work on not having to work. the paradox is that you have to work on yourself and your skills so you can earn enough money to not have to worry about money. (yes yes its a paradox)
shun materialism and move towards minimalism.
then work on your health and fitness. natural healing is true you just need to eat clean and excersize. research veganism for health and get into something like cycling.
don't have kids (optional but really works for me).
ditch TV radio and newspapers.....( this helps a lot) cut down on screen the dopamine rots your brain.
get into juicing.... you will feel amazing.
be the change you want to see, do no harm and walk lightly upon the earth. the universe will reward you in ways you cannot yet imagine :D
peace be with you
1 sawftacos 2018-03-06
Why the fuck would someone wanna juice....
1 swordofdamocles42 2018-03-06
umm massive doses of vitamins and minerals
1 irondumbell 2018-03-06
this has happened before ever since time immemorial. i think we all know how this turns out
1 nanonan 2018-03-06
Go here: /r/JordanPeterson/
1 nollinostalgia 2018-03-06
So I am an atheist, although I have studied pretty much every religion at least a little bit and one I think you should look into that may provide you with some solace, is Buddhism. If there is any religion that got anything right it’s this one. I practice meditation and yoga and it is honestly life changing. Here are some articles about the basic principles. No I’m not trying to convert you, just showing you some perspective :)
easy read of Buddhist basic beliefs
Buddhist view of afterlife
some simple meditation
1 sawftacos 2018-03-06
Slave to the money and you die
1 surd117 2018-03-06
Sounds like you need Jesus
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
1 cutol 2018-03-06
Consciousness is never a good idea. Humanity is basically a planetary disease, all thanks to consciousness.
1 Step2TheJep 2018-03-06
Were you raised in a religious household?
1 DonnaGail 2018-03-06
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
I wish I could agree with you but according to science, the sun will die out, the world will come to its end and existence will end...and the universe too.How can I think differently please help
1 iop1111111 2018-03-06
thanks a lot for this post. I appreciate it.
What happens when everyone and everything dies? how does that love last? then isn't it not permanent?
1 sawftacos 2018-03-06
Why the fuck would someone wanna juice....