West Virginia has more guns per capita than any other state, yet no school shootings, why might that be?

12  2018-03-06 by RMFN

Are we having a gun problem or a urban problem? Why is it that rural communities do not have the problem that larger cities have with mass killings?


Mental health rates?

Possible but likely related to population numbers as well. If anything, with the poverty that’s ravishing many communities in WV, one would expect more mental health issues.

And more crime...


The PTB (CIA & friends) haven't staged on there yet.



The other thing.


Acceptable answer!

now they know where to go....thanks op.

if they wanna get shot in the face

They only seem to happen in swing states that need new gun control laws.

One factor in gun ownership rates is the people who use them strictly for sport. I think it should be obvious that there are fewer deer-hunters in urban areas compared to rural.

An ar15 isn't a sporting rifle?

A bazooka can be a sporting rifle if you point it at a deer.

Another false equivalence.

No it's a suppression fire rifle made for providing cover fire.

It's not normally a hunting rifle, unless you consider hunting people a sport.

So it's different than other semi automatic rifles of the same caliber?

A lot of them don't even have 30 round magazines available because that's not legal for any licensed hunting use other than invasive species where caliber and capacity isn't looked at because it's not "sporting."

I never took anything deer hunting other than a lever action 30-30 because I'm not such a bad shot that I need 30 rounds to shoot something.

The people who hunt with 30 round magazines for anything aren't sportsmen they're jackasses that wanna shoot a bunch of shit they don't plan to eat.

Because people hunt in a different style as you the guns they use aren't valid for the task? Because that's logical....

Different style?

Yeah, mutilating animals instead of shooting for clean kills makes everyone not doing that absolutely not a sportsman.

mutilating animals

/>uses a 30-06 to hunt groundhogs

What a joke

Used the 30-06 with a scope, often, to kill a stray groundhog on our farm.

I wasn't going to use the 22 lr or the shotgun from 100 yards +, or gear up like I was trying to pretend I was in an action film.

Do you have wild pigs where you live?

Yep, thanks to idiots in Texas who raised them to shoot at them after letting them out of cages with ar15s to start with.


An AR-15 is the best option for varmint hunting. Whether it's groundhogs or wild pigs.

You need 30 round magazines to hunt groundhogs?

How shitty are you with a gun that you miss 29 times?

Lol you use a 30 round magazine to shoot 30 groundhogs quickly.

30-06 is ridiculous overkill for a ground hog, that's just dumb.

Where have you ever seen 30 at once? Who's neglected fucked up farm has 30 groundhogs in 1 spot?

Are they farm raising groundhogs for you rednecks to slaughter so you can jerk off after?

Dude on a 1000 acre ranch you can't just kill every single groundhog and they just disappear forever.

But you clearly don't have any valid opinions on this and are just slinging dumb shit around. I'm done talking to you.

30 at once.

I've walked 1000s of acres of timber to count it, in areas where no one lived in rural TN and never seen more than 2 or 3 at once.

Find me a picture of 30 groundhogs just hanging out on someone's farm waiting to be shot.

You do know that a AR-15 can have a magazine with less than 30 rounds right?

Sure, had one here at home back in the day.

We didn't ever use the 10 round mag replaced it with 30s immediately but never used it once to hunt anything.

Was exclusively something my stepdad used to play with for range practice, for fun.

Cool, so you admit you’re basing all that off your PERSONAL experience.

No rational hunter is going to carry an extra 20 rounds and deal with a weapon that’s harder to handle becayse of a large cap magazine while hunting or hiking in the wilderness. The AR-15 is popular for hunting because of how easy it is to modify. I can change the optics, caliber, and attachments in a matter of 5-15 minutes to go from hunting caribou with .300 AAC to deer with .223 to things even smaller with .22LR or .45 ACP

It's popular as hell because people like to feel powerful.

It's the gun equivlent of an asshole driving a Hummer to look like a badass when really they're a coward.

you live in a world of cartoonish stereotypes stop it

You modify 1 rifle and redo it over and over to hunt different things?

Fellas we found a unicorn.

Redo what? Literally only requires screwing on a different barrel to go from .223 to .300

It’s not uncommon, AR-15 conversion kits are some of the most popular accessories for them.

You mean you don't even sight it in afterward?

You really are into praying and spraying huh?

Laser bore sighter. Goes in the barrel end and allows you to sight in the rifle without firing a shot. Takes about 2 minutes.

You having a grenade launcher has no bearing on this conversation, you said yourself yours was not used for hunting. Regardless a grenade launcher can be attached to any weapon with a rail, they even make them for handguns. Just because a weapon can be used for one thing doesn’t eliminate every other possible use for it. That’s the beauty of an AR-15, it’s versatile.

But like I’ve said multiple times, the smallest thing I’ve hunted with a rifle was a wolverine. You’re obviously not interested in considering my points or even accepting that maybe you don’t understand the rifle or situations for it’s use completely

I don't believe it's the best for any job, but I believe you firmly need one to feel like a man, it's like your emotional support animal.

Why does it have to be the best for the job? Am I a bad person for driving a sports car that isn’t the fastest or get the best MPG?

It can do the job (in this case hunting wildlife) in a perfectly acceptable way and lets me get a clean kill every time. I’d understand if you had a problem with a specific caliber or function of the rifle, but functionally it’s no different than any other semi-auto rifle other than the fact that it’s easily modified. You haven’t given any real reasons why it isn’t the one of the best options for a lot of scenarios

It doesn't. Other people argued about how it was above.

I'd rather someone have a semi- auto with 29 rounds to back up a bad shot if they miss the first time. Better than winging an animal and letting it suffer.

The 30-06 holds 6.

I've sometimes needed 2 bullets for a deer or groundhog or hog.

I'm a little lost as to what exactly is your contention here. There is always a give and a take with different ballistic platforms. I'd rather be shot at by a roaming deranged school kid wielding an ar15 and 30 round mag at short to medium range any day of the week than a hunter of average skill with a bolt-action, 30-06, 6 round mag and low power scope at medium to long range and shooting from a fixed position hide.

No it's a suppression fire rifle made for providing cover fire.

You might be thinking of the full-auto versions (M4 or M16), but even then I've never heard them called a "suppression fire rifle". Did you just make that up? In the military it's the LMGs that are generally used for suppressing fire anyway, but no one calls them "suppression fire guns".


If you're retarded I guess.

If you're retarded I guess.

Classy. Nice argument.

It was as well developed as yours.

Thinking of it in single shot setup. It can still be used to lay suppressive fire, unless your finger has nerve damage making you incapable of firing it at a normal rate.

Without full auto I can empty a 30 round mag and put a new one on in less than 20 seconds.

You can do that with a mini-14 too.

Sure, it can be used that way but it's disingenuous to say the AR-15 was built for that, is intended to be used for that, or even is used for that. It is no more of a "suppression fire rifle" than a Ruger 10/22.

It was designed for that specifically using DOJ funding.

What planet do you live on?

The AR-15 is a civilian rifle manufactured by civilian companies for purchase by civilians. This is why gun control arguments always suck so much. One side has no clue what they are even talking about.

The ar15 was developed with funding from the doj to use as a combat weapon, and is the civilian variant without a full auto selector switch.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Your argument is terrible, being that nearly all guns have had military funding, at one point in time and in one form or another. I mean, FFS, even computers have had military funding, which let to civilian products/markets.

Factual, but it's a terrible argument, just totally true.

It's a bad argument, and you should feel bad.

Facts that disagree with your logic are emotional huh?

Facts that disagree with your logic are emotional huh?

No, shitty arguments, are just that... shitty arguments, which yours is.

Why do gun nuts sound like children or women arguing about their feels instead of adults with rational logic and facts?

Alright, now you are projecting, here... Methinks, it's because you've lost the debate, because of your shitty argument. Now, you are going to flip it, back onto me. C'mon "liberal" tactic. Have a good one!

You just told me I'm bad and should feel bad, then 1 post later said that I'm being unfair to you by projecting.

I'm not aware of the AR-15 being funded by the Department of Justice, and I'm having a tough time finding anything that backs that up. Could you send me a source if you have one? I was under the impression it was just Colt wanting to sell a civilian version of the rifle.

Dod rather not doj. I got a show will be a while before I got time to Google for you.

Oh, that's different! But I still think you are talking about the M16 (which was originally called that Armalite AR-15, but is not the same thing). That gun was developed for the military, but the current AR-15 was in no way designed for military use, with DoD money, or for "suppressing fire". Ever since it was first offered for civilian sale, it has been marketed as a sporting rifle.

I was never aware a different version was developed to be honest, that's something about the history of the rifle I didn't know.

The one we had at our house looked just like a m16 for the most part.

You're right, if I remember correctly, it was Colt who bought the rights to the AR-15 in the 50s and so came the M16.

It definitely is used commonly as a hunting rifle, I use my AR-15 and Mini 14 interchangeably for hunting caribou, wolves, foxes, and wolverines up here in Alaska

So you go out to mutilate animals you're not going to eat on the regular, and gear up like you're going to war to do it.

You sound like a rational, grounded advocate for safe gun use.

Ever hear of predator control? I’ve killed two wolverines and four wolves. All of them were either trying to get to my caribou I had shot or trying to get at chickens we have at our summer cabin.

Your ignorant assumptions help no one have a rational conversation. What do you suggest I use? Neither of those guns are used by me for hunting with larger than a 10 round magazine, so hardly “going to war”.

And you used your ar15 for the feels, got it.

That's like saying a pickup truck is made for hauling gravel and can't be used for anything else. If an ar15 isn't a sporting rifle, why do the vast majority of 3-gun competitors use ar15's?

There isn't a type of hunting that a ar15 is the best weapon or or most efficient.

There are tons of guys who wanna play cosplay Rambo who like to claim it is because they think it makes them look cool.

As is their Creator given right which is solified by the 2nd amendment. Who are you to tell someone what they need/can have? Furthermore, give a 12g shotgun to a woman and have here shoot it, then give her an AR15 to shoot. See which one she says she is more comfortable with if she was alone and someone broke in, and she needed to use it to defend herself. I guarantee you, it will be the AR15 because it's fairly light and the recoil is almost nothing.


You think God came down and wrote that?

Nope, and Creator doesn't mean God. Which is the beauty of it. Nice deflection attempt, though!

What's it mean then? A guy named Steve that made everyone?

What if I don't believe in a creator, or Steve?

What's it mean then?

It means it's a catch-all, and a brilliant one at that.

A guy named Steve that made everyone?

Sure, if that is your belief, no one can take your right(s) away.

What if I don't believe in a creator, or Steve?

Doesn't matter, the right is inalienable. Hence, the brilliance of it. You don't have to be in someone's Creator, for them to have the right. Just like they don't have to believe in your Creator whether you believe in one or not.

Founding Fathers, FTW!

Doesn't actually mean anyone even has to believe the rule is valid.

Natural Law.

So guns evolved via nature in your dimension?

I'm glad we can communicate with people who live in other world's that aren't like this one.

Pigs, it's great for pigs you won't be eating. Lots of shots with enough lead to kill with body shots. In the end it comes down to personal preference. I prefer my bolt action .280, but I'm methodical and a one shot kind of guy. Not everyone is like me though. Some folks like to see how many screaming running pigs the can shoot.

Those people are assholes.

Some of them maybe.

Do you own a gun?

Do you feel safe where you live?

Do you live in a city?

Yes, yes, and yes.

Oh? You own a gun!? But you don't think other people have the right to?

I never said I don't think people should have the right to own guns.

You're willing to undergo a mental examination in order to keep your firearm?

Yo the way you jump around conceptually without responding to what comments actually say is not only rude but suggests you aren't trying to have a discussion so much as cycle through all your talking points.

You're willing to undergo a mental examination in order to keep your firearm?

Yes or no?

This RMFN account does this very consistently.

"Sky is blue"

"You're saying your make-believe sky friend waved his magic phallus and made the sky blue in 6 days?

If you're going to talk shit engage me directly, degenerate hippie!

I do not see that rule in the sidebar and I will continue to conduct my behavior as best suits me.

Ah, talking behind people's back really tells a lot about your personality...

That comment is typical of the pattern you display, a pattern I do not care for, consider disingenuous at best, and forum manipulation at worst. I avoid you on purpose. I have no time for things I do not care for.

Your loss.

I have no dog in this fight.

Your "debate" style sucks and you need to rethink the way you engage people.

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Isn’t it annoying when someone ignores your comments and then proceeds to ask a series of leading questions? I felt compelled to say something...

if they didn't want to engage with the op then they shouldn't comment...

Did they comment?

Yeah he does this everywhere. It's less like discussion and more like a game of wack a mole.

lol what a great analogy

Why is it always "all or nothing"? Why can't someone own a gun AND still want reasonable restraints on gun purchases?

Ever heard of a slippery slope?

Yeah it's a fear mongering tactic related to strawmanning.

Yes, it's a fallacy.

What do any of those questions have to do with his comment? What’s the point of even participating on reddit if you’re going to ignore what people say?

Since you asked and I’m interjecting myself into the convo: yes on all counts

Oh, wow I think I must have misread my sources, thanks for correcting the record!

And for the record, Alaska has no major mass shootings or anything of the sort. As a resident, there are a ton of guns but people seem to be pretty responsible with how they are used. The murder rate in my city has risen dramatically in the past 3-4 years though

Alaska nonetheless has the highest rate of gun deaths in the country. I'd guess a high proportion are suicides.

I agree metal health screenings could be beneficial, but I think a large part of the high suicide rate in Alaska is due to being in a state that feels incredibly isolated at times with long, dark, cold winters. Seasonal affective disorder is a major issues up here, universities even give out “happy lights” to students suffering from depression.

The issue is someone could be perfectly well adjusted in June but by February after 5+ months of snow on the ground, very little daylight, and temperatures near or below zero their mental health could have deterioriated dramatically

I'd also guess suicides. Suicide-by-gun in rural places like Alaska may be a form of retirement planning more than/as much as mental illness.

"Also, for the record, WV fits the general trend for the positive correlation between gun ownership and gun deaths."

How does countries like Norway, Sweden or Austria compare to that?

Strange how some countries manage to have widespread gun ownership without acting like idiots with guns.

What do you consider to be a "school shooting"? In 2006, someone killed two people and himself at Shepherd University in West Virginia.

He inconsistently said "school" shootings in the title, and "mass" shootings in the body of his post. He was probably looking at statistics of mass shootings and not school shootings.

I believe mass shootings statistics captures those with 4 or more victims, so the incident you cited might not have been captured in what the OP was looking at.

Irrelevant fact if true. It’s the POTENTIAL damage to human life; of which Virginia, amongst all states that allow the sale and ownership of guns, which is why there are calls for bans.

3 upvotes, 80 comments, 1 hour. What could that mean?

2 votes 52% upvoted. Someone hit a nerve in the narrative

Take notes. They want rural people, Who love in the safest places, to give up their weapons.. Once disarmed, bussed into the mega cities.

Must have pinged David Brook's personal hit squad.

Or a better question might be, what do these states where the shooting occur have in common in terms of demographics - what type of person dominates these communities?

Got any conjecture?

West Virginians are placated with generous supply of oxicotin.



Acceptable answer!

now they know where to go....thanks op.

I never said I don't think people should have the right to own guns.

A lot of them don't even have 30 round magazines available because that's not legal for any licensed hunting use other than invasive species where caliber and capacity isn't looked at because it's not "sporting."

I never took anything deer hunting other than a lever action 30-30 because I'm not such a bad shot that I need 30 rounds to shoot something.

The people who hunt with 30 round magazines for anything aren't sportsmen they're jackasses that wanna shoot a bunch of shit they don't plan to eat.

Why is it always "all or nothing"? Why can't someone own a gun AND still want reasonable restraints on gun purchases?

They only seem to happen in swing states that need new gun control laws.

I do not see that rule in the sidebar and I will continue to conduct my behavior as best suits me.