Jew is now a NATIONALITY !!!

0  2018-03-07 by ihappening

Israel Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: Israel Must Keep Jewish Majority Even at the Expense of Human Rights - Haaretz

"Shaked said :“Everyone has his own Judaism. In the nation-state bill, when it talks about a Jew, it means the nationality.”

Oops... I thought Jew refers the faithful of Judaism, which was later bent by some Jews as a "race" (after it was exposed many so called "Jews" do not even believe in God). And now the term is once again a different thing altogether.

The Irony is ...

According to Rabbi Ron Isaacs "What Is a Jew?"

The Jews are not a race. There are dark Jews and blond, tall Jews and short. There are black African Jews from Ethiopia and African-American Jews in the United States.

It would be equally misleading to speak of the Jews as a nation.

Regardless, it's probably fair to say,

It's now ILLEGAL for AMERICANS to call themselves "JEW". This rule is made by "Jewish Authority" from the land of milk and honey. It's therefore both God's (and the land's) Law.

Technically, only those who live in Israel can call themselves "Jews"? For example, you don't call yourself American if you are not a citizen of the U.S. vice versa.


Noticed the trolls attacked by downvoting the post (no so much comment), so that the post will never see the light again (of course neither will your comment).

For those the post is worthy to share, please get your friends to Upvote the Post to keep it alive. Don't worry about the Comments, they can't save the post.


It's much worst, it's a religion.

It's also a race, gene, blood, culture, tradition ... just about anything you can dream of ... So long that's helpful for them to enslave you, I guess.

You gotta love their racist Talmudic Zionist way of life.../s I wish America would stop giving blood and money to support these people's inhumane life style.

Your lack of self awareness intrigues me.

General statements like that have no value. What is your point?

I know I'm going to get downvoted to hell, but I was already tempted to ask you what on earth you are talking about, on the other threads that you posted a more brief version of this post in, so I'm going to use this as an opportunity to do it.

Why are you so angry? (not trying to rile you up, you just use a lot of bold and caps lock)

Why should we deduct general rules from two different thinkers/politicians/rabbis having different opinions?

What is your opinion on the matter?

What part of this post should I be concerned/worried about?

Are jews white?

If jews are white, can they still be considered a minority?

If an atheist is white, are they considered a minority?

  1. Some are, some aren't. So the answer is probably sometimes.

  2. Any human trait can cause you to be part of a minority. So that would count for the trait of being jewish, the trait of being white and even for the combination of traits that is being a white jew. So the answer is yes, as long as they are in a minority (some argue even a majority can qualify as a minority, but I think that is a rather semantically inept position) they can qualify as a minority.

  3. Excactly the same as for question 2. So that would be yes; they can be considered a minority.

Left-handed people are a minority?

I know I shouldn't answer this question seriously, but I am more related to the field of social sciences than I would like to and I actually had a congres once, where a panel was discussing a very similar example. Long story short, it depends on who you ask. There are people that would argue that because left-handed people are at a disadvantage in society, because everything is built for right-handed people (sissors, nail clippers, even some lawn mowers!). And therefore they could be argued to have a disability in society. And thus they are a minority.

Disclaimer: this is not my opinion. My opinion would be: The question does not serve a purpose and is highly suggestive, so why don't you give your opinion instead of asking me questions and beating around the bush?

What about o negative blood? Does that make you a minority?

To this one I would probably say no. O negative blood does not make you a social minority. At least in current society it doesn't.

But someone with o negative can give blood to anyone but can't take blood from anyone but another o negative... They are quite literally unequal on a biological level..

Okay, I may be wrong on this one but this is my rationale: for a human trait to be considered to be a minority trait in social science, the trait has to impact a groups social status or position in a relationship of power. I think intersectional/marxist/liberal social scientists would agree on this, but then again that would be my interpretation of the debate so do not consider this fact.

White people are a global minority.

Keep those hate facts to yourself... Somebody might see!

Wouldn't every race against all of the others though he a pretty drastic minority?

And I've never believed some of the population numbers I see out of China..

Pretty much. The only true global majorities are probably heterosexuals, cis-genders, oh yeah, and women. Go figure.

Don't forget right handed people. Fucking scum!

You aren't a lefty, are you? That would be just too cool..

Nah, man. I'm not defective ;)

I'm a mirror image of a human!

Statistical minority though. They are a social minority to some but not to others. Marxist feminists would say that you have be surpressed by a certain hiërachy or patriarchy (trigger warning: I've had people send me death threats for simply using the word on this forum so if you are someone that likes to send death threats, please stop reading), and certain intersectionalists do agree that a certain degree of surpression has to be inflicted on a minority. The liberals tend to use a definition closer to yours.

Left-handed people are a minority?

They once were if they were murdered for being “sinister.”

Are jews white?

Ashkenazi maybe but sephardim not so much. They’re very brown.

These are questions that stormfront skinheads debate. You seem a bit too concerned about skin color here.

These are people that tend to be historically attacked and murdered. I think that’s obvious.

Should israel only allow jewish immigrants?

Should israel only allow jewish immigrants?

Why are you asking me? They don’t only allow Jewish btw. Maybe research?

You always gotta play the victim eh?

I’m the victim? What are you talking about ? lol you just rant and rant.

They do only allow jewish immigrants. Youre acting like jews are the victims. Youre jewish. Youre acting like youre the victim.

They do only allow jewish immigrants.

False statement #1

Youre acting like jews are the victims. Youre jewish. Youre acting like youre the victim.

False statement #2.

You’re the Jew. Jew.


Do you even read your own link? Nowhere does it say Jews only.

You realize that Israel is important to other religions too right? Or are you a Zionist as well as a Jew?


Oh wow you got YouTube.

I’ve been there myself. I’m sorry your education comes from YouTube lol.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 157226

Do you even read your own link? Nowhere does it say Jews only.

Google "israel immigration laws". Results yield "Israel, despite being a liberal democratic country, is not animmigration country. ... Based on the above laws, immigration to Israel is mainly possible per Aliyah process, a process available to Zakaey Shvut , persons eligible under The Law of Return with Jewish roots."

You realize that Israel is important to other religions too right? Or are you a Zionist as well as a Jew?

Yes, the guy revealing facts about how disgusting israel is as a nation is a zionist. Nailed it.

I’m sorry your education comes from YouTube lol.

Nah, ive learned things through life experiences. This back and forth ive had with you can be included as one of them.

Google "israel immigration laws". Results yield "Israel, despite being a liberal democratic country, is not animmigration country. ... Based on the above laws, immigration to Israel is mainly possible per Aliyah process, a process available to Zakaey Shvut , persons eligible under The Law of Return with Jewish roots."

Google? And “mainly” means not always. Your own quotes prove I’m right.

How about use common sense and critical thinking?

There’s many churches there. Christians attend these. Priests give mass. Where do you think they get the priests from? lol

Yes, the guy revealing facts about how disgusting israel is as a nation is a zionist. Nailed it.

Ok Jew. You seem to think only Jews live in Israel so you’re a Zionist.

And all you’re revealing is someone who uses google and YouTube to learn lol.

Nah, ive learned things through life experiences. This back and forth ive had with you can be included as one of them.

Life experiences? So you have a Christian friend who got citizenship in Israel too? So you know someone in the ministry of absorption there as well? So you have a good handle of Arabic and Hebrew from going there like me?

Shit the guy just joined Reddit I’m tempted to give you his username so you will stop with this Jew nonsense.

I didnt say only jews live there. I said only jews are allowed to immigrate there. Some of the palestinians they stole the land from are still there.

Ahh so all the priests there were born there then? Is that your claim now? lol


Then how do they get there? And what about my Christian friend who did get citizenship? Hmm?

I’m probably the only person you’ll ever meet that’s looked into this shit. True me. I fell for a girl there.

Your responses were seriously along the lines of calling me a racist nazi. Then saying its obvious jews are victims historically.

Seriously, can you be any more cliche?

Facts bother you? Try and refute my fact.


No, the implication does.

Ok Jew

You got it wrong. They know it's better to downvote the post itself so that the post will never see the light again (neither will your comment).

If you like the post, please get your friend to upvote the post to keep it alive. Comments can't save the post.

Wait, you make a lot of assumptions about me. For no reason. I am Dutch and I live in the Netherlands. I am not Jewish, not Israelian, nor have I ever been to Israel. I am not a Jewish Thinker and all my questions were genuine. I am asking what the relevance of your post is, and I cannot see how you could deduct from the things you posted before, that it would be illegal under any law system, for people in the USA or elsewhere in the world (we have a great deal of portugese Jews in Amsterdam, where I live.) to call themselves Jews, without a certain heritage. As far as I know, the term Jew is not legally protected, just like the terms christianity and muslim. I do believe the term God is slightly protected but I should search through my law bundles for that one.

I have next to no opinion on the matter myself, so I am asking you: why should I care about this? While reading your post, all I could think was: Why would someone without any cultural or ethnical jewish heritage want to convert to Judaïsm or be called a Jew.

what the relevance of your post is

There is a big scam going on ... wait for the subsequent exposes.

No one who is not a Jew, Fake Jew, politician affected by the Jewish scams and plots, or Humanitarian will be interested in topics like this one.


Swear to Yahweh openly that your dick/pussy will rot and disintegrate if you lie.

But let me warn you first, you don't have to believe in Him, but for unknown reason, I am one of those you will call "lunatics" that could connect to Him occasionally.

Technically, it's now ILLEGAL for AMERICANS to call themselves "JEW" (cos Israel has claimed the legal right over the term as their NATIONALITY).

I didn't realize Israeli law applied outside of Israel or that a statements by Justice Minister constituted law.

Never heard of The Lobby? You need to start Lesson 101 first when it comes the Great Plague of Humanity

You need to show me the law APAIC has gotten passed that makes it illegal to be Jewish outside of Israel.

AIPAC is a bootlicker, a "Pimp" so to speak. They're not lawmaker.

The law is being passed in Israel.

Since they claim they're the "Jewish" state (which is a lie). Their law is Jewish Law per se.

G-d ask you to earn, not parasite or steal from others, so, at least try to find the answer yourself first.

Thank you.

Technically, it's now ILLEGAL for AMERICANS to call themselves "JEW" (cos Israel has claimed the legal right over the term as their NATIONALITY).

Israel can say what they want. It doesn't change anything.

It does.

Israel together with rest of so called "Jews" control the word.

It's whatever the person invoking it needs it to be, in order to secure an advantage.

It's a "religion" when they need that 'G_d' they invented to 'Choose' them or dictate to the rest of the world that they own a patch of desert.

Except... when you call out those "Atheist Jews", it suddenly becomes all about whose vagina you emerged from.

Your grasp of this topic is tenuous at best.

Then how about enlightening us, because from where I sit it's one double-standard after another.

You’re asking me to educate you when you’ve already declared yourself an expert?

Tyoical hypocrisy. Promote nationalism for themselves while attacking it in the US and Europe.

Obsessed with da jooooooo much?

Not exactly, I am actually afraid of the bad ones among them.

The downvoting on this post is indicative of who is responsible for the recent increase of shilling of this sub.

No, it's sabotage by the Pests & Plague - The Lowest of the Lows

Logic is hard.


Israel Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: Israel Must Keep Jewish Majority Even at the Expense of Human Rights - Haaretz

Does not mean this:

It's now ILLEGAL for AMERICANS to call themselves "JEW".

Nah, man. I'm not defective ;)

I didnt say only jews live there. I said only jews are allowed to immigrate there. Some of the palestinians they stole the land from are still there.