Why aren't you subscribed to r/911truth?

13  2018-03-07 by DontJoinTheMilitary

Virtually every person on this sub doesn't believe the official 9/11 story yet r/911truth still has a low subscriber count. Even if you don't want to contribute threads or comments, don't you think it's important that you at least be counted?


Thanks OP subscribed.

Thanks for the info. I really don’t know what to believe. I hate the idea that a few of my fellow Americans may have had something to do with it, but find a lot of validity in some of the documentaries that I’ve seen along with some of what I’ve read. I’ve also seen and read things that dispute some of the questions that have been put out there. Either way, I feel that there is more to the story than we know.

Coming from a long construction and some Demo history it was even daunting for me! It is ultimately what brought me to reddit...I had signed on with digg just as it was dying and I was encouraged to come here.

Low and behold as I was just coming to reddit site-wide they were hammer banning accounts for 9/11 talk. I didn't understand all the rules of reddit and was very limited on time so I lost two accounts and a couple years karma time(?) Anywhoo, I've been here nearly eight years.

A New Pearl Harbor is good (5 hours!) if you take it like a mini series and discern the high points and low points for yourself, IMHO you'll come out pretty well rounded in the basics.

This is Danny Jowenko seeing WTC7 for the first time - Neils Harret is presenting this video to him and letting Danny walk thru it in paces. This video was the one that sealed the deal for me. On a sad note...Danny was killed in a very strange accident within a few months of this video.


A company that I worked for, Morrison Knudsen aka M-K at one time did the "Claim work" on this bridge. We left Florida the morning the new bridge was opened.


Thanks. I’ll check them out.

There are also many other very intelligent people raising valid questions about the 911 Commission Report. Search AE911Truth's YT page for their interviews.

Also, the Corbett Report is probably one of the best, factual sources on 9/11. Look up his 9/11 Suspects playlist and his 9/11 Trillions documentary. You won't be disappointed, I promise.

Its been settled. We all know 9/11 was done by MOSSAD agents posing as Art Students to help achieve full spectrum dominance written by a bunch of dual nationalist Israeli US citizens in PNAC. We know that (((Michael Chertoff))) helped draft the PATRIOT Act and he deported the Israeli MOSSAD agents that failed lie detector tests. We also know that (((Larry Silverstein))) bought the buildings despite it being filled with asbestos, and he got a huge insurance policy and made money off of the event. We also know Benjamin Netanyahu said that the 9/11 attacks have been very good for Israel.

9/11 has been settled. There is no more research to be done. We know for the most part who is behind it. We know the main country that benefitted from it. There’s no need to act like it’s some giant conspiracy any longer, because the truth is out there right in front of your face.

Eh, nothing about 9/11 is settled, dude. You sound like a global warming cult member. Instead of GW, it's 9/11. Don't be so closed minded...

Oh stop it. It has been settled. We know who did 9/11 and who benefitted from it. Maybe we don’t know every single person that was involved but we have a good idea. The Jewish mafia and the Jewish imperialists did 9/11 and that can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Everything I listed above is absolutely true. You honestly sound like a shill or an apologist or something.

You said I sound like a “global warming cult member”. Like what the hell does that even mean. I don’t believe in global warming for the most part but I have no idea what you’re getting at.

But honestly to me you sound like a pussy. Like the type of person that would say “It’s the big bad Illuminati that’s behind all of the world’s ills. Not the Jewwwws.” 9/11 is as clear as day to anyone who’s done research on it. It’s as clear as day. Why is everyone such an idiot? Has the CIA really damaged our minds that much that people aren’t able to change their opinions once they see empirical evidence? Ughhh it’s so bad that there are so few people willing to admit obvious truths about 9/11 and the Holocaust

^ See this shit/vitriol right here, this is what I'm talking about, in regards to the AE911Truth crowd, in my other comment. That said...

... yes, Mossad had a major role in 9/11, imo. However, the main culprits/ring leaders where the Jesuits and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

The latter groups control all levels of the CIA and the MIC. Look at all top brass... they are either SMOM, Jesuits, or Jesuit trained. The Zionist Khazars you speak of, work for Rome, whether wittingly or unwittingly, and ultimately the Holy Roman Empire benefited the most from post 9/11, imo.

The Holy Lands is controlled/owned by Rome, via King Felipe VI of Spain, and his Sovereign title of the King of Jerusalem. He outranks all Khazars in the Holy Lands.

I truly hope you dig deeper than just the simplistic views of AE911Truth, and the "it was just the JEWS!!!", dis-info. The world is far more complex, than that.

Please provide me proof that the Jesuits were involved in 9/11. Have a video? And yes, there has been a lot of Jewish infiltration into the Jesuits. And the Roman Catholic Church has been infiltrated by Jews.

Can you just explain how the Sovereign Military Order of Malta benefitted from 9/11? It’s sounds so absurd and so stupid. You just disregard the Iraq war and how that fits in perfectly with the Yinon plan and how the conflicts in Syria fit in perfectly with the clean break plan.

I’m the only one giving actual facts and actual names here. You just state. Oh the Jesuits did it. And then do t explain or provide a video explaining how. It’s such a bold claim, so where’s the evidence. And trust me I have an open mind, unlike you who probably believes 80 bazillion Jews died in the Holocaust

It's obvious you do not want an actual discussion, so... I'll refrain. I will say, re-read my comment and look into the bread crumbs I've dropped for you. We both know you won't, though...

Because it's a limited hangout sub that only allows (cognitively) discussion within a narrow band. You absolutely may not get close to the truth in that sub, or you will be brigaded and downvoted to oblivion. There is nothing more that sub can teach me.

That's why I'm not subscribed.

Bingo, and same here. There was a "war" between users of that sub and this sub a few years ago. You literally had a scarlet letter, if you didn't agree 100% with AE911Truth, and discussed anything outside of their box. Fuck that, and that is not how any of this works.

Wow that's disappointing to hear, I will test it with the 9/11 Trillions documentary.

Indeed, and since then, I haven't been there since, because a few users baited me (and others) into temp bans. Shit really got ugly, and even mod was de-modded, and I really do not understand it all, till' this day. I mean I kind of do, but, ya' know... Just another case of divide and conquer, I suppose.

The purpose of the sub is posted right on the door.

Welcome to /r/911truth! The purpose of this subreddit is to present and discuss evidence showing that the US Government's version of the events of 9/11 cannot possibly be true. Submissions or comments supporting the official version, including links to sites purporting to "debunk" the 9/11 Truth Movement (depending on context), are considered off-topic here.

Bad submissions and comments get down voted like any other sub. Trolls get removed.

Try talking about Nuclear 9/11, DEWs, or any other theory, there... That's the point, I'm trying to make. Anything other than AE911Truth, is consider an "attack" against the cult/hivemind.

Being a 9/11Truth mod and not subscribing to everything AE911Truth says speaks to the opposite. I down vote everything Judy Woods says because I feel I have done the research to be able to do so. Convincing evidence is typically received well. My mind has been opened by differing opinions posted on the sub. After 16 years it has evolved to fairly tight group of like minded people. While not popular, there are other 9/11 subs that better tolerate fringe research. No doubt Top Minds invaded the sub with the intent to muddy the waters

You're proving my point.

FWIW I do the same wrt Judy Woods. After much research, I've concluded she's a psyop, intended to give some explanation to why the buildings turned to dust without exposing the actual nuclear demolition.

I didn't downvote her straightaway. I gave her a good hard look. And I also saw how her work was being used to discredit the nuclear demolition. A certain shill used to mockingly chant "nukes and spacebeams, nukes and spacebeams", as if one has anything to do with the other.

At some point, when you've done a few years worth of research, you figure out what happened.

It only takes a certain amount of good clean dirt to cover over a bit of radiation. I'll assume you know what RADON is and what a scam that became to terrify people, yes? So have you considered more than one Plan of attack for 9/11?

Now, there have been "Known Knowns and Unknown Knowns" since the dawn of time, evidently. How do we ordinary citizens sort thru our Dear Leaders BS meters and the Scientists that they Trot Out to tell us which way is UP?

This is 2003 Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers being questioned about DEW:


I'm not here to support the current version of Dr. Judy Wood, perhaps the damned Deep State has beat her into submission? She toasted the helloutta people asking her for Help in California! I was never pleased with her snotty attitude BUTttttt...the flip side is just as bad when you look at other Hawkers, imho.

Materials sure acted strange on 9/11 so the discussion needs open minded people to consider Redundancy before they behave as bad actors, like Dr. Wood and the crew at a&e9/11 beating us all into submission or killing one another via our keyboards! lol

This is the Sunshine Skyway Bridge Demo and is good look at Steel Girders not turning into dust or twisted metal...


Top kek

Judy Wood is a complete kook. I seriously dislike her since people user her work as a strawman to discredit other, more coherent, 9/11 Truth narratives.

She's not a kook. She's a psyop. Almost certainly a deep state agent, a criminal herself IMO, used to cover up the crimes of 9/11

Yup. Looks at all the crazy lawsuits she filed. She made sure to taint the movement in the eyes of the lawmakers from the get go.

So an enforced echo chamber

I've been here nearly eight years...the story is a long one! When we had the last dust up over any queries on 9/11 it was on and u/Putin_loves_cats and I went to battle for the stragglers and misfits in here - so the conversation could be more inclusive!

Boy those were the days, ehh Putty?!

Fuckin' rights, mate! LetsHackReality, was also on the frontlines, along with 911BodySnatchers. Fuckin' Jackboot and his "friends". It was chaos! I'm glad there was somewhat of a truce, but, you still cannot talk about the main other theories. Downvoted straight to hell, you'll be.

Aye, we've lost a few along the path and that door was lookin damned inviting the past 48 hours - fuck 'em! I just stepped off for the afternoon. Rage was close...

Glad you're here!

Indeed, and I've been there as well, and then the pot boiled over. Certain mods knew it was probably better to just have me "cool off", and it worked. Some were less fortunate, for whatever reason(s) :(. I thank them, and they know who they are, if they are reading this. Cheers, mates!

Glad you're here!

Thanks, and ditto, sir! Stay strong, this community needs good souls, such as yourself. Cheers!

One thing, that I'm extremely proud of, that came from all of it, is this [OC] artwork. Cheers, LHR if you're reading this :), mate! Memory lane!

That was intense and brings up gall to think of all the Ground we've lost to twinkies and masqueraders!

Dunno, I am also not subscribed to r/theskyisblue or r/wateriswet...

Yo OP why don't you participate in the discussion you started?

At least be counted?

By whom?

Chill, homie. I didn't know it was a sub. My bad.

Wow I can't believe I never knew of this sub. Thanks OP I subscribed and will try to contribute

Because I don't care about it

Because Jew is now a NATIONALITY !!!

Israel Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: "Shaked said :“Everyone has his own Judaism. In the nation-state bill, when it talks about a Jew, it means the nationality.https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/82kq69/jew_is_now_a_nationality/

Because it's essentially r/911circlejerk
They suggest the sub's purpose is to "discuss evidence", yet anything critical of their version of 'the truth' is considered off-topic and "subject to removal".
I'd argue that, if their version of truth apparently can't stand the light of critical scrutiny, then it may not be all that truthful anyway..

I've always found the ae911truth group a little weird, especially as the mods of this sub were given documents which showed the ae911truth board sending funds to a website owned by one of the moderators of that sub.

That same moderator also used to be a mod here, but he did not disclose his holdings in websites that he owned and was thrown off the team as a result.

I can assure you we have atleast one mod pulling that same shit with zero consequence. Dare mention it and you will be awarded with a temp ban.


Because you can't debate in that sub. You say anything that doesn't fit what they currently believe and you get banned or harrassed. It simply isn't worth it.

I’m not because I don’t believe in that stuff.

Last time I was there...about 5 years ago...it was more or less bait put out by TMOR. Tried posting actual truth and the usual "Anyone who thinks a missile hit the pentagon is batshit" thing going on...never went back.

has a cancer mod that bans you for stating facts

Didn't know it existed.

Wow that's disappointing to hear, I will test it with the 9/11 Trillions documentary.

The purpose of the sub is posted right on the door.

Welcome to /r/911truth! The purpose of this subreddit is to present and discuss evidence showing that the US Government's version of the events of 9/11 cannot possibly be true. Submissions or comments supporting the official version, including links to sites purporting to "debunk" the 9/11 Truth Movement (depending on context), are considered off-topic here.

Bad submissions and comments get down voted like any other sub. Trolls get removed.

Please provide me proof that the Jesuits were involved in 9/11. Have a video? And yes, there has been a lot of Jewish infiltration into the Jesuits. And the Roman Catholic Church has been infiltrated by Jews.

Can you just explain how the Sovereign Military Order of Malta benefitted from 9/11? It’s sounds so absurd and so stupid. You just disregard the Iraq war and how that fits in perfectly with the Yinon plan and how the conflicts in Syria fit in perfectly with the clean break plan.

I’m the only one giving actual facts and actual names here. You just state. Oh the Jesuits did it. And then do t explain or provide a video explaining how. It’s such a bold claim, so where’s the evidence. And trust me I have an open mind, unlike you who probably believes 80 bazillion Jews died in the Holocaust

Aye, we've lost a few along the path and that door was lookin damned inviting the past 48 hours - fuck 'em! I just stepped off for the afternoon. Rage was close...

Glad you're here!

Thanks. I’ll check them out.