List of reporters that Hillary wined and dined, including biggest journalists and pundits of CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, NY Times, and a lot more. Off the record.

3  2018-03-07 by Bucks2001 (another dinner with 25)

"20 reporters who will closely cover the campaign (aka the bus)"

"Off the record" dinner with 25 press attendees.”

“Hi John - I just wanted to thank you again for your hospitality last night. You were so kind to open your home to us, and the food was as fantastic as promised (everyone at the White House raves about your dinners). I really appreciated the opportunity to connect with a number of folks from Team Clinton. The evening was a great way to kick off this crazy adventure. Thank you, and I hope we'll cross paths again soon. Best, Colleen Colleen McCain Nelson The Wall Street Journal”

No wonder the mainstream media shilled so hard for Hillary during the 2016 election cycle.

The first link is the list of media personalities who went to the "off the record" private party in the personal home of John Podesta. Includes many corrupt, in-the-tank-for-Hillary journalists like John Heillman, Mark Halperin, Maggie Haberman (colluding in other emails with the Hillary campaign) and many others (Diane Sawyer, George Stephanopoulos, Mika Brzezinski, and so many more).

The largest amount of invitees who said yes to the private party are from the New York Times, Bloomberg, MSNBC, and CNN. Seems to nicely reflect the level of corruption and pro-Hillary bias. This is April 2015 so they were influencing journalists for a long time and their investment has clearly paid off.



Now the Whitehouse uses the media to just make shit up.

A lawsuit filed Tuesday lays out a tale of Trump allies, the White House and Fox News Channel conspiring to push a false story about Democratic leaks and an unsolved killing in order to distract attention from the Russia investigation that has been swirling around the president.

But hey, let's talk about Clinton again today Buck.

Lol at you for posting an August 2017 article while complaining about rehashing old news. Well done

Lol at you for not knowing what's going on with the case

Posting an undated article from September 2017 events and pretending it’s current is even worse

The lawsuit is ongoing buddy.

Latest development? Still nothing

It's probably in Discovery. Litigation takes time

It's from February 28th 2018.

It’s still a September 2017 ‘development’ you’re pretending is new.

It is a new development.

The September article is different.

It’s really not


What’s the difference?

I was right and the other guy is a liar.

What’s different about the new development though?

Can you read OK? Read the articles.

Sad, I thought the whole refusing to post information on the sub thing was limited to Q shills and other ultra-Trump fanatics/propagandists.

For anyone else who was curious but didn’t want to read the article, Fox predictably denies it all and is trying to keep it out of court and in private arbitration so people can’t learn the truth, essentially.

Well done! 🌠

Don’t you see how pointless this behavior is? Angrily arguing with Trumpers, sharing no information and telling each other to “do ur own homework”, locked in a perpetuity or stupid petty arguments where nothing changes and no one changes their mind...

Who's angry? Other dude lied I corrected him, you show up and want me to summarise the articles for you... That's it.

So much salt content in you.

No you

Let’s do.

The Clinton Foundation

The Hill reported on Thursday that the FBI has launched a new investigation into the Clinton Foundation which focuses on whether the Clinton’s engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities during Clinton’s time as Secretary of State in the Obama administration.

Clinton’s Use Of A Private Email Server

On Thursday, The Hill published a report from John Solomon which featured former FBI director James Comey’s original draft on the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server. The draft showed that the term “gross negligence” was used multiple times and specifically said that there was evidence to conclude that Clinton committed a felony. Anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok, who texted about having an “insurance policy” against Trump’s election, softened the language in Comey’s draft so Clinton could avoid possible criminal charges.

A senior law enforcement official told Solomon that the DOJ “was exploring whether any issues from that probe should be re-opened but cautioned the effort was not at the stage of a full investigation.”

Uranium One

Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered federal prosecutors at the DOJ in December to begin interviewing FBI agents about the evidence they collected during a criminal investigation into the controversial Uranium One deal, which directly involved the Clintons.

There are multiple aspects at play in this investigation, from the Obama administration threatening a witness to stay quiet because they did not want him testifying to Congress because it would impact the 2016 presidential election, to the Russian officials who were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering directly connected to the Uranium One deal.

The Obama Administration Ending Investigations Into Hezbollah

In December, Politico published a bombshell report about how the Obama administration ended a massive federal investigation, dubbed “Project Cassandra,” into the Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah. The Obama administration’s decision to sabotage the investigation so it could secure the Iran nuclear deal allowed Hezbollah to traffic hundreds of millions of dollars worth of cocaine into the United States and allowed them to operate “the largest material support scheme for terrorism operations the world had ever seen.”

A little over a week after the report came out, congressional leaders announced that they were launching an investigation into the Obama administration’s efforts to end the Hezbollah investigation. This could include investigating Clinton because she was Obama’s Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013 and the State Department was involved in the Obama administration’s efforts to end the investigation, according to the report. Politico reported, “Further complicating the picture was the role of the State Department, which often wanted to quash both law-enforcement actions and covert operations due to the political backlash they created.”


Why do people just spam Hillary stuff she lost who cares anymore

It's called forum sliding.

By populating the new queue with old crap it hides possibly more relevant posts. Sometimes it's a preemptive sign that bigger news about Trump is coming down the line.

Sometimes it's a preemptive sign that bigger news about Trump is coming down the line.

Lol you funny.

OP is trying to prepare us. Something big is coming for Hillary and Co.

Save this if you want ;)

I'll just hold my breath instead

Even better.

Something big is coming for Hillary and Co.

Want to give a time frame for this? This week? This month? This decade? Sometime before the Sun goes giant?

By the end of the year. The fallout will endure for much longer, however. There are going to be many "I told you so's" for those of us who have been at this for a long, long time. Save this.

!RemindMe Dec 31 "JakeElwoodDim5th says there is something big (negative I assume, legal I assume) coming for Hillary."

I will be messaging you on 2018-12-31 18:09:36 UTC to remind you of this link.

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Sorry about your lack of education

While I get your point, none of these journalists or pundits are deliberately leaking classified information. Nor are they participants in one of largest, most blatant gaslighting campaigns in American history.

Whataboutism will always win if you’re talking about Hillary on Reddit.

You're correct that they're not journalists, but they were the fucking ringleaders of "one of largest, most blatant gaslighting campaigns in American history".

Iraq and 9/11. I know. I dont trust the fuckers but I believe they are conduits for the truth to be revealed eventually.

These are people who pedal political propaganda for a living. Trump did not have to do anything to win the approval of these guys, they are professional cheerleaders.

Sean Hannity and rush Limbaugh are not journalists. Don’t even claim to be. They are right wing commentators.

ITT: People in a conspiracy forum who are so closed minded that they can't hold another viewpoint in the head to examine it for fear their own beliefs will crumble. You are not conspiracy theorists and you do not belong in this sub.


Why would MSM donate $5b to the Trump campaign if they were shilling so hard for Clinton? It’s all optics dude.

Source of the 5B donation?

The source is him you racist nazi. The actual numbers show the media donated 382,000 to Hillary and 14,000 to Donald. Who cares about facts though.

When campaigns spend virtually all of their donations on media buys, why would the media donate cash? They donate media. It allows them to bypass campaign disclosure laws and provides a more meaningful benefit to the candidates of their choice. MSM donates $5b to Trump’s campaign. They had a clear favorite, the rhetoric is just optics. source

Lol are you serious bro. The media covered trump because he was by far the most entertaining candidate. They covered trump for their own benefit (ratings) not because they wanted him to win. They got played.

Of course they wanted him to win. Ratings don’t suddenly become meaningless after the election. MSM continues to benefit from ratings boosts from Trump’s entertainment. Don’t fool yourself, the industry with the greatest benefit to a Trump presidency is media. NYT and WSJ are having their best years in the digital era, they needed Trump. Of course they’re on his side. They continue to donate to his campaign for the next three years.


Solid rebuttal.

Your source is shit and makes the claim that all the bad press against Trump was a "donation" to him.

It's completely laughable.

There’s no such thing as bad press. It was basically the Trump campaign’s whole schtick.

It sure as hell doesn't constitute a donation. Your claim is bunk.

Of course it does. The media clearly benefits more from a Clinton presidency than a Trump presidency. A Trump presidency had the prospect of higher ratings, lower corporate taxes and looser regulations than a Clinton presidency. It clearly is more profitable to have Trump in the White House. Their plan was to jam the airwaves with Trump 24/7 and it worked. The notion of “bad press” is just optics. Bad press let’s Trump play the victim (even though he gets $5b with of free airtime) and he is given a massive microphone to spread his “outsider” message. Everything else is optics.

No it doesn't.

Your claim is bullshit.

Again with the great rebuttal. The media benefits more from Trump than Clinton. So why do you believe the media wasn’t pushing for Trump? Rhetoric? Lol.

Still doesn't mean it was a donation to Trump.

Your claim is bullshit.

Of course it does. Do you remember election night? Libs were literally crying in the streets. That shit was great for ratings, and the subsequent drama has been even better.

Calling someone a nazi is not a donation.

It blows my mind that your mind can equate spending billions to sling shit on a candidate you don't like with a "donation to the Trump campaign".

Politicians have tried to butter up reporters since they invented politicians and reporters.

Great post OP. The lists read like a who's who of the ongoing campaign to gaslight the American public with this Trump-Russia hoax. What are they so afraid of?

"Wining and dining the press" is ordinary politics. Every president does it. Every candidate does it.

Reports talked to people in the Clinton campaign? Clearly a conspiracy.

I'm not sticking up for either side but this is something that both sides doing. Taking "clients" (which I'll call them in this place) out to dinners and such is a normal thing in sales, politics, business, etc. It steps over the line when it starts being more than just dinners. When it turns into vacations, houses, payoffs, etc. I guarantee that there was tons of money routed and rerouted to different places to add massive "shilling" done on both sides. It's all about tracing that trail and finding illegal acts.

Woah it's almost like she's a politician

I don't understand how people are so surprised when obviously shitty people do extremely shitty things.

Trump for example.

Bingo, my friend

Juicy real conspiracy content: AstroTurf to 0 karma.

Fuck you shareblue.