When did it all change?

9  2018-03-08 by Theloc5

America is a young country and I don't believe we were always as corrupt as we are now. So when do you all think it changed and why?


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Federal_Reserve_System?wprov=sfti1

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Thank you for linking this. Idk how much longer I will be up but I will read all of it and then reply because I skimmed it and have questions already

I also want to know if you think Wikipedia is credible

It will give you cursory information.

Thank you

Depends. Politics and health absolutely not. Govt agencies edit it and somekne had a video tracking IPs back to Pentagon. I am sure NSA and CIA do also and hide it better.

For info on Elizabeth the great probably acupdate enough.

Always check the cited sources and remember everyone has an agenda/bias.

You seem to know a lot more than I do about well I guess being secretive. Do you have a search engine I could use besides Google? Do you have a platform besides YouTube? I get people have their bias but I'll never understand why. There is either fact or fiction. There shoukd not be an argument here

Try searX.me for an alternative search engine.


Always check the cited sources and remember everyone has an agenda/bias.

The Wikipedia page for freemason conspiracies of course asserts that they're all silly and fake, and yet the references back up all of the theories perfectly.

For O.P; Wikipedia usually (as in most/over 50% of the time) is reliable as long as it does not assert an opinion. Having said that, many things too close to home such as pizzagate, or 911 have blatantly false information on them. So wikipedia is usually a first stop, hell lots of things even have their own specific wikia.

Kind of like snopes

Yup. The Federal Reserve pretty much sums it up.


Incrementally. The Bankers pushing for a Central Bank from the beginning and our first Presidents fought it but after they forced the Civil War Lincoln was over a barrel for funding and he tried to rein it in after and thus why he was assassinated.

Wait, is there anyway you can go more in depth about this or link me to something that will because I've never heard anything like this about his assassination

Sure m the book by A. Ralph Epperson The Unseen Hand: A Conspiratorial View of History it's on Amazon and free also online I will find the link

Every President ever assassinated was against the central bank.

Or the CIA but same difference I guess.

See there are so many presidents in history and I'll pull out hayes. He was for the gold standard but wasn't assassinated.

I think it has more to do with them being close to, or perceived to able to, actually accomplish it.

sir what was your greatest accomplis...


When the Fire Nation attacked

You honestly got me laughing on that.

^ wish I could give 100 upvotes

The 14th amendment.

Check out “The Corporation” doco

Thank you, internet.

Everything changes. Federal Reserve, industrial revolution, and even earlier the RR and oil trusts were the beginning of the bitchification and corporate overthrow of America.

I wrote a post yesterday that attempts to provide a cohesive narrative behind the connection between the American Revolution, Jesus, and the Bible. A lot of the fuckeries we see around the world can be directly attribute to a small group of individuals - my research suggests these individuals originate from ancestors who have been manipulating human affairs for millennia.

1900's - the Fed, income tax, militia turning into national guard, and endless war

I know a lot of people like to say it was with the establishment of the federal reserve, but honestly, do you think a country founded on colonizing and genocide and trans-atlantic slavery was ever on a moral high-ground? <tinfoil hat> Also, the country was also founded primarily by free masons, if they weren't the bad guys, then the bavarian illuminati who came later to infiltrate the lodges were. But the designs of DC and all the obsession with occult imagery has me believing they were satanists and the whole thing was a psy-op all along.

</tinfoil hat>

If you watch JFK to 911 - Everything is a Rich Man's Trick you'll see that America has always been corrupt.


Elites existed before the USA - there is a plan they follow. Borders do not matter to them

Believing the past was better is a common self delusion.