Mirarmar Police are 30 min away from Parkland. How was SWAT inside the school at the same time as the shooter's "7 Min Rampage"?

78  2018-03-09 by [deleted]



Good god get yourself together. First off one of the SWAT members was near the school, I'm not sure where the other was located. Also that's not a body they're carrying, I believe it's a bag. Very well could be a body, but I have my doubts. Please take a deep breath.

Because they were the false flag shooters

I can agree on a lot of shit but like, men in the swat teams can just go gun down children and everyone else around then knows but doesn’t say anything??

It is more likely to me that the entire explanation of Mirarmar SWAT in the building at the same time as the shooter is fabricated in order to explain away the eyewitness reports of multiple shooters with differing descriptions. In my opinion, if Nicholas Cruz wasnt the only shooter, than whoever else pulled the trigger doesnt matter, who paid them does.

I agree some people can pay others to do this stuff but I cant believe people who were in the force for so many years will get the call that they now need to go into a school and shoot a bunch of kids.

But I do believe that they probably had multiple people shooting, but not the people who have been apart of the force for most of their lives.

If they were plants, and not actually members of Mirarmar SWAT they could be an operative of any entity that fits the bill. CIA, private mercenaries, mind controlled soldiers. Lets see if we hear anything else about these "two suspended officers", or ever get to put a name or a face to them.

It sucks we live in a world, even with the internet and the knowledge we have that can still go under the radar.

I feel like in the age before the internet, they could have pulled this off and got away with it easily. But at the same time, there would be SO many people pulling the veil away from this stuff.

Because Cruz was a convenient patsy, and cops shot the place up.

FBI gets tipped off about Cruz, handler gets sets in to aid in his plans and ensure he goes through it. FBI plans realistic shooter drill, swat teams are brought in unknowingly for drill weapons loaded with blanks. FBI handler tells Cruz it’s go time. Cruz shoots real bullets, swat shoots blanks, still thinking it’s drill.

SWAT families threatened or they are blackmailed, eyewitness reports armed man with guns shooting. Drill comes to light. David hogg is created.

Well done. I think you are spot on.

But Cruz was talking to that girl while shots were being fired at another location in the school.

Otherwise, nice post.

There was an underclassmen with the name Nicholas Cruz. Your post has been thoroughly debunked

The girl lied?

Weren't there drills running earlier that day?

Ummmm.... Because SWAT shot the students? The police were ordered to not go inside because SWAT was inside murdering students.

SWAT were the ones doing the rampage.

I think this is a likely explanation, although... I'm not sure if they were actually SWAT or some other government organization :x

The same reason a helicopter caught police chasing down a suspect into the woods in the Sandy Hook nonsense.... They fucked up. No matter how many times they rehearse these events shit is going to go wrong.

There was a planned armed terrorism drill that day that involved simulated gunshots. SWAT from nearby cities might have been on-site to be involved in executing that operation. At least, there's plausible deniability for that reason at least.

Swat were off duty or were nearby while on shift. They actually got suspended because they went all Hercules into the school without approval from their CO

Psy op. Chasing your own tail.

Glad to see something about this on this sub. Not sure if it's just already losing steam or what

Ten seconds on Google says they claim to have already been in the area. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/parkland/florida-school-shooting/fl-sb-miramar-swat-cops-disciplined-20180307-story.html

I don't really get how an alternative explanation would work. They were in on it, so then their department suspended and publicly embarrassed them?