If the Politics sub is the sub for political posts... why didn’t they allow direct submissions to Wikileaks in the 2016 election? Why did reddit users have to go to this sub or T_D to find posts with direct links to Wikileaks?

94  2018-03-10 by Democratsaresmarter

It seems odd that users couldnt go to the Politics sub to discuss the Podesta emails without having to go to a thread that was a link to a journalists opinion of the content Wikileaks released. Why did this sub become a battleground for the left & the right? Was it by admin design?


The Donald forced it's way onto the front page and demanded attention, then banned anyone who tried to engage with them. I think this sub became a boogey man, but I honestly don't have a lot of sympathy for the "how did every sub become political" arguement.

Because the purpose of that sub is to promote the agenda of the DNC.

Politics is the Hillary/dem sub, so not odd at all tbh

Then they should be forced to change the name of it.

It really is, isn't it? Even the conspiracy community has been infiltrated. You have a few machines that lay the foundation, and then real people finish the house. Calling everyone with an opposing view point a shill is rapidly deteriorating online discussions in communities that were once somewhat civil.

Oddly enough, this discourse is the result from actual shilling. Rather than it being us vs them it's me vs you. Things are getting bad, and we're not winning "them".

She's not a fascist lol, neither is Trump for that matter but that's besides the point.

Sure maybe you can be liberal and votes for Trump for some reason. But if you continue to support him and his policies, which are strictly right wing, then no, you're not a liberal, I'm not sure why this is difficult to understand.

What? That is actually a legit pic of mods there? No way.

Disagree completely. This is more of the bullshit about there being a division on the left. We have disagreements but on most policy issues we agree. Most moderates want some form of universal coverage, drug legalization, infrastructure support, and gun control. There's not much of a division, except on the internet where often harmless remarks get mistranslated.

Okay but we know wikileaks was working with the Trump campaign. That's all been verified. Whether Trump knew, idk, but other people did. Why should people be allowed to link to a known conspirator to defraud the United states? Next people will insist pizzagate theories should have been allowed on the sub. Certain entities are not to be trusted with information sharing, and Wikileaks has fallen greatly in stature from when it appeared to be working on behalf of the people.

Feeling like /r/mandelaeffect with all this misremembering going on then

Sure, but the belief that this was some overnight "switch flipped" performance that took over politics instead of a generally left wing sub supporting the most likely left wing candidate to win is just silly. I have asked multiple times for any evidence of it and have only been met with comments along the lines of "we don't need proof, we remember it alright" which leads me to believe its completely false and just radicalizing people.

People can criticize HRC but if you want to stick around in any of the default subs or the bigger subs like r/politics...GLHF with talking about the Truth concerning HRC, the Primaries, or 2016 in general. There were no good options, HRC is a terrible person, and Bernie should have been the nominee. But to give HRC and the DNC the criticism they deserve is met with accusations of "RUSSIA" and "RIGHT WINGER", especially if you criticize them from the Left, which is really, really, really easy to do.

The Politics mod excuse was that the content of each email needed to first be verified by a journalist.

And when they got that, they found a new way to deflect criticism and responsibility.

it's a leftie echo chamber

No, it's a Fascist echo chamber.

I see that as a good thing, lets readers know that they are not safe and secure with any side.

Couldn't be more on point.

What's the difference?

Except here. Its just a right wing circle jerk in here.

It's a shame what this forum (and Reddit, yes due to the left wing jerking session like you said) overall has become.

r/politics and other big subs were taken over by NEOliberal (economically very right wing to extreme right wing) corporate shills for Clinton/DNC/Soros/corporations (e.g. mon saanto, big pharma, etc.).

Most politicians in the modern Democrat party are not left wing, centrist or even moderate right and haven't been for decades (Reagan onwards: things went downhill). Get money out of politics and you'll get decent representatives and not NEOliberal shills pretending to be left wing. We can at least get centrists and not fake centrists, ya know (just sayin)? Also nationalizing the FED, and getting rid of freemasons would help us clean the government ("drain the swamp").

The Democrat and Republican parties are both funded by corporations (incl. military-industrial complex), banksters, wallstreet, etc. Neither party is "moderate". The corporate media pretends "between Democrat and Republican" is moderate but being in between two similarly corporate extremist parties is still extreme.

They're all extremists. Bernie was an independent who ran as a Democrat and thus was a rare exception and tried to bring back FDR's near-centrist New Deal mixed economics (social democracy: fair market capitalism + untampered social programs with no corporate interference or at least well regulated against profiteering cronyist scams).

I also want to remind the sub that "THE LEFT"/"THE RIGHT" is language we should ideally avoid because it's A) divisive, B) prone to extremely broad generalizations, C) what some think is left/right is not actually left/right respectively and centrism is also ignored for some strange reason, D) everyone on the left half of the spectrum is a leftist, but people seem to confuse left wing with SJW/feminist/"white privilege" brainwashed people lol. This just increases the divide and conquer agenda's power.

Saying left wingers are SJWs is like saying right wingers are racists. Not everyone who is left/right wing is SJW/racist. The whole SJW vs alt right or whatever is divide and conquer.

LET ME REPEAT TO ASLEEP PEOPLE: CLINTON IS NOT LEFT WING, DAMNIT. People to the left of Clinton are fucking centrists and moderate right! Clinton is an extremist who (secretly) wanted TPP for goodness sake (she pretended to change her mind but come on, wallstreet was breathing down her corrupt neck). Left wingers are pro-worker and anti-corporate/banking corruption.

Obama's 2008 promises:


Obama's actual 2012 policies:




Jill Stein VS pro-TPP shill Gary Johnson:


What the elites are probably trying to do:


I've been asking for proof this entire these, I'm welcoming any proof you can actually bring up. Not my fault the lack of evidence is appallingly scarce.

Thanks for the support my friend. :) Keep spreading the truth!

Prove it! /s