Why has there never been a US school shooting at a private school?

47  2018-03-10 by FartfullyYours


Went to private school, was the weird kid, they're uptight and intervene as soon as a kid gets weird or expresses violent thoughts at all, they thought I was going to shoot up my high school from an internet post about how dumb I thought the school and Catholicism were on my xanga my senior year, a teacher found it reported it, and the school requested my parent's take me to a psyche and had a big meeting with all the councelors and liason officer, it was blown out of proportion completely, but Catholic school is like that and I imagine other private schools are the same, so I assume they get kids in counceling sooner and if you go to a private high school chances are you went to a private elementary and middle school, so they've been keepimg tabs on ya and probably got you help at some point if you were that school shooter kid, it probably has to do with student teach ratios at the end of the day, and what're considered warning signs are probably more strict than a public school

That is an Amish school. I wouldn't say it is a typical private school. The average household income of an Amish family is $24,500.

Of course your going to have kids whos families are from different ends of the spectrum money wise, but the families at the low end of your spectrum obviously paid rent and bills, fed themselves, bought clothes, they also had 2 parents who cared for them.

I would say that they had a far more privileged background than the lower end of the public spectrum who consist of single parents, sometimes with hard drug addictions, disabilities or who are in abusive relationships, living far below the poverty line who often only get one meal a day at most.

It doesn't suite the national narrative. However if you live in these areas you will know damn well they occur. I lived in Kansas City and there were shootings every week just about. I was working with a guy there who had to leave to attend his Auntie funeral who was shot on the day her son was shot a year before on the same porch. It blew my mind how normal it all seemed to him.

wow, the down votes come quick.

yea. and poor kids are at the low end of the gene pool. /s

Private schools are not always full of decent kids. Some are just dumping grounds for kids that are too bad for the regular public school system.

Dont assume that. Many do, but there are also private schools for kids who got expelled from the public school system.

They’re gang related or mostly to settle conflict. Instead of fights kids just stay strapped. It sucks. Our education system is so out of wack and lawmakers could give diddly shit about it

All parents give a shit, some just have more money to do it with.

Around 55 million compared to around 5.5 million. So 10% of the total students in the US. The private institutions themselves make up about 25% of the total schools in the US.

So it's partly the raw number of students, but probably more that the schools have smaller populations and much greater staff to student ratios. Everyone knows everyone and any issues are more likely to be addressed before they get out of hand in a private school environment. The higher socioeconomic status of the average private school student probably contributes too.