The disturbing truth about PETA

79  2018-03-11 by Upupabove

From the article linked above: "On October 18, 2014, two employees of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals drove their van to the small community of Parksley, Virginia. Parksley is an out of the way rural town of less than 1,000 people. The destination of the PETA van was a trailer park located there, made up largely of poor, Spanish speaking immigrants. The park is described by a local resident as “difficult to find unless you know where you are going.” The PETA employees knew exactly where they were going because they had been there before.

Over several weeks, PETA representatives had been visiting the trailer park and befriending the residents. They got to know who lived where and who had dogs and cats. They sat with the families on their porches, talking to them, offering biscuits to the dogs, promoting vaccinations, sterilization, and other PETA services. One of the families they spent time with had a three year old Chihuahua named Maya, a happy, healthy, and beloved dog. And on October 18, her home was one of the houses PETA set out to visit. This time, however, they were not there to talk to the family or any of the other residents or to offer any kind of assistance. In fact, they knew the family was not home.

The PETA employees backed their van up to the porch and threw biscuits to Maya, who was sitting on her porch, hoping to coax her off her property and give PETA the ability to claim she was a stray dog “at large” whom they could therefore legally impound. In Virginia, PETA is licensed as an “animal shelter.” But Maya refused to stay off the property and after grabbing the biscuit, ran back to the safety of her porch. One of the employees went onto the property and stole Maya. But larceny wasn’t the only law the PETA employees would break. Virginia law requires dogs to be held for five days before they can be killed by shelters. It also requires private shelters like PETA to notify the municipal animal control shelter of any “stray” dogs they take in. PETA would do neither. Within hours, Maya was dead. PETA had killed her with a lethal dose of poison.

Maya’s family ultimately sued PETA. Last month, after arguing and losing pre-trial motions that Maya was worthless and facing the specter of PETA administrators being forced to turn over records and testify under oath about their inner workings — particularly, their campaign of animal extermination — PETA settled the case by paying Maya’s family $49000

In 2014, PETA killed 2,324 of the 2,626 animals it acquired, including Maya. It had a 1% adoption rate. In 2015, it killed another 1,494. Last year, 1,442 were put to death. The majority of the remainder were taken to local pounds where they were killed. "

"In fact, DxE’s leader has publicly stated that Newkirk is “brilliant,” and “just the sort of the leader our movement needs,” despite being provided with evidence demonstrating that PETA is not only responsible for the deaths of more than 13,744 animals over the last 13 years, but that it encourages pounds across the country to kill even more."

" This evidence includes impound records acquired through Public Records Act requests, reports by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services after its inspectors visited PETA facilities, affidavits, witness testimony, and court rulings in criminal and civil cases, accounts of other PETA employees, as well as statements made by PETA founder, Ingrid Newkirk, herself.

And what this evidence reveals is that PETA employees both take in and seek out, often through deception, theft and outright lies, thousands of animals every year, the vast majority of whom they immediately put to death with a fatal dose of poison. While PETA claims the animals it takes in and kills are “unadoptable,” the facts do not support this claim.

Healthy mother cat and two kittens killed by PETA within minutes, despite promising to find them a home. Employees have described — and records reveal — 8 week old, 10 week old, and 12 week old healthy kittens and puppies routinely and immediately put to death with no effort to find them homes. PETA has been caught stealing healthy animals and putting them to death. Rescue groups, individuals, and veterinarians have come forward stating that the animals they gave PETA were healthy and PETA insiders have admitted as much, one former intern reporting that he quit in disgust after witnessing healthy puppies and kittens in the kill room.

Indeed, a former PETA fieldworker says that killing is not an ancillary part of PETA’s program; it goes to the core of the mission. “The objective of the program,” she says, “was to get as many animals as possible and the vast majority of those animals were killed.” Nothing came between that objective and the staff, including lying by telling people the animals would be adopted knowing full well they would be killed: “I was told to pretty much say anything I needed to say to gain custody of an animal… I was told to lie by my direct supervisors directly and then by Ingrid [Newkirk]…”


SS: PETA, who claims its mission is to protect animals actually has a program to kill as many as they can, even if it means stealing them.

I don't know if this is a conspiracy. Everyone knows PETA is nothing but a bunch of assholes.

I actually didn't know, I was surprised...from what they claim to be at least..

Animal sacrifice what they seem to be practicing.

Penn & Teller did a nice episode on PETA. But, one argument I've heard is that their views are actually consistent with this murder spree. They see animals as pets basically as slavery and consider killing them to be a mercy. It's pretty shitty and I think more people need to hear how horrible of an organization they are. I'm curious if Bill Maher still sits on their board.

They see animals as pets basically as slavery and consider killing them to be a mercy.

I've looked into this claim and it seems to not be consistent at least with what is put on the PETA website. However, it is commonly mentioned by anti-PETA people as almost an absolute truth. It holds little weight when scrutinized though.

If you read the PETA website it says they support responsible pet ownership.

because you can believe everything on the internet.

Well that's what they say on their website so yeah. If it is true or not doesn't matter. The message they are projecting is "we support pet ownership". The original claim was how PETA projects their image. So this whole idea that they don't support pet ownership is not per their image.

i could maybe see the logic there for parrots and lizards but dogs are just fully domesticated wolves that we've basically programmed to be our pals.

Fuck PETA.. It's always been about the money with them. Why else would they sue over a monkey selfie? I'm sure if they won they would of wanted to claim guardianship over the monkey to help it control its finances.

Not sure what is going on, but there are huge conspiracies involving pets. It could be a bunch of people looking for profits, and control.

They must have some kind of reason, seems like a lot of effort...maybe they use them for something and can't get them from the pound...or maybe they are just assholes.

The head lady made the comment "the kindest thing you can do to an animal is kill it"... almost sounds like margret Sanger since she said the same things about a family to a baby.

This stuff is very dark. I don't know what is going on, but new laws are being passed, regarding the kill rate at shelters. Probably just govt theft for the operations.

Well this newkirk lady seems sketchy considering she stayed silent and refused to comment on this:

The thing that annoys me about PETA, is their propaganda videos. They find the worst examples of animal cruelty in the world, cut the videos to look even worse, and then act like every abattoir etc. is like that.

abattoir, oh the butchers of animals are all like this. mor on this later

PETA is a pretty obnoxious group at best.

Why would they go through all that trouble to kill the little dog though? Im not understanding why you would go through all that effort to put down a dog when theres millions already in shelters.

Idk, records said they were though. They lost a lawsuit so...employees admitted to doing it, the had files on it.

I would guess that its not as evil/bad as what was written in your post. Like they received the dog as an actual stray but didnt wait the full time period before you can put a dog down.

Which is wrong and would still call for a lawsuit.

Newkirk herself said the kindest thing you can do to an animal is kill it, and is for the killing of all pit bulls and specific breeds.

That also can't be true about the little dog, as they had met the family that had the pet and sat with them and knew the dog had a home.

Sure, it's a great excuse...but the fact that they even do this without telling people they exterminate animals and lie to owners that the pet will go for adoption is crooked enough to me.

Im not making a case that PETA is great.

Im just saying the story in your post didnt really make sense the way it was told. The link I posted cleared it up

Ya they still don't hit the fact they met with the family and knew the dog was healthy and had a home, nor did they deny they are pro killing pits because that's a quote from the head lady there...and she has said all the that stuff about killing animals.

Idk to me they seem shady AF, but everyone will have their own opionion.

Also, in the article a big part of it was killing pit bulls and certain breeds so maybe it's dog eugenics..

Maybe they take people's dogs and then force then to pay to get it back.

I have no idea why they do this...I was just really surprised because it's sick and they claim to be protecting animals.

Not conspiracy but just evidence of hypocrisy:

A friend of mine was working on a state-funded project that involved experimenting and dissecting bugs. These particular bugs require a blood medium to feed so her and the fellow researchers went to a butcher shop to obtain pig's blood. PETA caught wind of this and demanded that cease with the pig blood, stating that it was cruel and unnecessary. Funny enough, they never complained about the treatment of the bugs (100+ were killed during the entire project).

For an organization that claims they care about all animals, they definitely don't give two shits about insects.

Like how they don't care how their Hollywood vocal supporters wear fur or brake the rules, they are happy to look the other way.

Its called controlled opposition. i'm seeing lots of fighting by fellow vegans.... its classic divide and conquer. all focus is off the TPTB and the system that is the cause of the problem.

pls don't fall for it. :D

Penn and Teller used to have a show called Bullshit. They'd cover a wide range of topics from the position of skepticism, I'm sure lots of people here would like it. Anyway, one of their episodes was devoted to PETA, and they talk about their program killing animals, among other issues. That's where I found out about this stuff. I'd recommend checking out that episode if you find this topic interesting, it's a great expose on the organization even if it is a bit old by now.

Steak is delicious. Fur coats are amazing. Leather is fantastic. PETA is cancer.