/r/uncensorednews has been banned

390  2018-03-12 by reformedman

It has been banned. Where can we get uncensored, free news now?


Anyone know why?

It said for inciting violence... I don't know how though.

There was a thread talking about killing Muslims and black people.

Is there anything archived? Maybe some of their last posts could give context.

Subreddit drama linked a post just before it was banned. It seemed like there was a big argument among users of the subreddit about which was worse, Jews or Muslims.

Things must have been getting out of hand. I haven't actually seen the thread since the sub was banned and haven't been able to find an archived link to the thread.

I read the SRD link a bit ago. If the quoted comments are to be believed, it was definitely getting out of hand. It looks like there were threats being passed around. Was that common in that sub?

If you'd visited uncensored news anytime in the past year or so, the front page would've been filled with things either:

Advocating death to some minority group

Blaming some minority group for something

Blaming immigrants for something


Wrong, the articles themselves never advocated for the death of anyone. The comments did occasionally but they were usually removed. There were some obvious trolls who would come in and make blatant racist statements on articles not even about race, most likely someone's alt created for the purpose of reporting the sub since these were newly created.

The second one did happen sort of, it was more in the context of black on black crime in Chicago or criminal activity of illegals who were deported several times. There was never an article about blaming a minority just for the sake of doing it.

Minor but important correction on the third one, it was blaming illegal immigrants for something. This is a distinction that is very important and that a lot of people don't make. There is a big difference and blurring the line only serves to push a narrative. So there was an attempt by you but its not accurate. You speak like someone who has never been there.

Nope, the mods specifically stated and enforced the rule that calls for violence were not tolerated. Every now and then it would get brigaded with newly created accounts who purposefully violated the rules. Racism was fairly common though, which would fall under free speech in my opinion, and considering it was allowed for a long time the admins must have agreed at some point. Personally I never bought into their whole Jew conspiracy but overall it wasn't that bad. You could see articles there that you couldn't anywhere else.

Apparently it was full of Nazis.

Such as yourself?

exactly :)

First they came for the Nazis, i said nothing for i was not a Nazi...

The mods literally had swastika flairs. Why would anybody care if they got banned.

History has always proven that limiting the ability of people with radical ideas to discuss them, and being confronted about them with the possibility of altering those ideas, to be very effective.

Or wait...

Do you know what the original meaning of the swastika was?

Throughout the millennia it appears as a peace symbol, used by many ancient civilizations.

Then they came for the fat-haters, and I said nothing because I wasn't a fat-hater

Then they came for the incels, and I said nothing because I wasn't an incel.

And then things were pretty great and there weren't any idiots spewing bile at ethic groups or genders.

I agree and i could only hope it ends up as you put it.

History would show that this is simply not the case, how ignorant we must be to think history will not repeat when it has time and time again without fail...

Nazis have had their public forum removed once before, in the 40s. What was the negative outcome of that? Things seemed preeeetty good, so I agree that we should continue to silence Nazis.

I believe World War 2 was in full swing and escalated around that time.

Things seemed preeeetty good

If you say so.

I believe World War 2 had recently begun and started to escalate around that time.

No shit. The point literally whooshed over your head so hard. They started a war, lost, and had their forum removed. Once denazification started, the number of nazis dropped dramatically. Color me shocked.

You can't compare modern day wannabe Nazi's with that of Germany.

My point still stands, if they take away the rights of one group - they will do it to another. Perhaps the number of Nazi's dropped dramatically because they were slaughtered by the allies.

You can't compare modern day wannabe Nazi's with that of Germany.

Why not?

Perhaps the number of Nazi's dropped dramatically because they were slaughtered by the allies.

Yeah, no shit. That's what happens when you proudly genocide others for factors they can't control, like race or sexual orientation. It's optional to be a nazi, it's not optional to be gay. If you willingly choose to be fascist, well... we fought an entire world war to establish that all fascists have given up their rights to live among us. Prepare to spend the rest of your life in jail.

Ah I recommend you read historical accounts from the losers as the winners always write the history books.

WW2 was far more of a clusterfuck than you would believe. The hate for gays was universal and the German people were the subject of racism from all round the world - that is why Hitler was so easily able to rile up the country.

Nazi is used because it is just a blanket term for bad - you could quite easily pick a better descriptive word.

Why tf are you at negative 7 points for asking if anyone knows why?

Certain users are not big fans of AP.

It seems offically that the mods were instructed by the admins to remove some stuff. The mods refused so the sub was taken down.

No, the sub was over-moderated. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that they were publishing factual stories and material that exposed the current climate and not narrative. They were getting massive traffic and that wasn't good for reddit's advertisers. Corporate fascism.

Admins recently removed some violent comments that the mods would not. I'm betting that was the reason why.

The /r/uncensorednews mods try to claim that the admins deleted "pro-white" comments with only a screenshot of the users whose comments were deleted and the threads they were in. However, you could go into those threads and use ceddit to see exactly what was removed by the admins. They were all violent comments.

So the subreddit was probably banned because the mods were not sufficiently removing comments inciting violence. One of which was, "When are we gonna retaliate? Plenty of veterans from the anglosphere would gladly slay any ghoul trespassing white land." - the now suspended user /u/GasJewYork

It was coontown 2.0, will anyone miss them?

I Google search, <news I seek> news now.

For example, "north korea news now".

The search result will return a page by a news website which compiles the latest news for a single topic, from every news site around the world. It commonly lists zerohedge and alternative sites, and also major sites. It puts flags beside each article so you know which country the article was printed in. It's very useful and then you don't need to rely on others to post articles. You can find them directly. Furthermore, every other thing you see on Reddit can be found directly, with some work and ingenuity. Nobody really needs Reddit.

Nobody really needs much at all if we're going down that path.

Precisely. My argument is that we should become and remain self-sufficient as not to be dependant upon any source. This will inculcate critical thinking and investigational skills.

I think he's talking about how google censors a lot.

Nah I'm saying we don't need the internet, we don't need cars.. etc.. Necessities and luxuries are pretty blended these days.

ah mb

You just suggested people use google. Please leave r/conspiracy in shame now.

Oh which search engine do you suggest? I thought of switching a while ago but forgot which other ones are good. Plus isn't clicking on one search engine the same as clicking on any of them? Idk :(

Duckduckgo is finally, honestly, better than Google. Although Google had to deliberately degrade itself a lot to help meet Duck halfway.

And no, only Google is The US Ministry of Truth.

Seems to relate to this subreddit drama thread:


looks like the racism got a bit too heated

People from AgainstHate and other liberals posting on larp accounts isn't the fault of a sub or mods. The more likely tipping pointwas the fact the reddit mods were deleting content and the sub mods made a sticky pointing out they were doing it and what was deleted for all to see.

CringeAnarchy is likely next sub to go. Or ImGoingToHellForThis. Much more alleged racism in those popular subs than uncensorednews.

It was the liberals being racist says “6Gorillionlies”

I'm comforted that r/conspiracy generally downvotes the comments like that. There always are comments that go something like, "Accusations of racism towards that subreddit are greatly exaggerated." ~ u/1488forever, probably

I'm comforted that r/conspiracy generally downvotes the comments like that.

For all the flack r/conspiracy gets for anti-semitic comments being common here - and it's true that they aren't uncommon, so the flack isn't totally unwarranted - the users tend to be pretty quick in downvoting overt hate and bigotry, for the most part.

But not always.

There is some homophobia and transphobia that pops up here from time to time, too, and once in a while one of those threads will get traction, but for the most part they don't and are quickly downvoted as well. Again, not always, but more often than not.

At the very least, it's certainly better in that regard than it used to be.

isn't the fault of a sub or mods

Mods gotta remove that stuff, if they were removing it then it wouldn't have been an issue.

Several of the uncensorednews mods were self-proclaimed neo-Nazis and white supremacists. This isn't exaggeration or anything, these were their own words.

Yes, and this time it's actually true. The main mod is a proper neonazi in Finland, and they don't fuck around. They are what americans WISH they had. Actually violent on the daily, wear combat boots, flight jackets and shirts or tattoos that have nazi slogans.

saw username and stopped reading.

these stormfront incels are just wastes of life.

Jesus. Good Riddance.

Just like the anti-Semite card. People can come along and feel good about themselves for conforming and saying "good riddance".

Completely different situation. True racism including antisemitism is a means to dehumanize people. Look at the way radical Zionists talk about Palestinians - that is racism. Or the way Nazis talk about Jews - that is racism. This is exactly what was going on in uncensored news.

The "race card" on the other hand takes valid criticism against governments and violent groups, and conflates it with the dehumanization and violence of real racism.

Only sheep and shills try to conflate the two, and refuse to see the distinction.

That wasnt really the issue- it was the moderators being completely unwilling to actually moderate, allowing the racism to stay

It's not just that they were unwilling to moderate, they specifically wanted that type of content. Most of the moderators were neo-Nazis and also moderated several other white supremacist subreddits.


While that is true, reddit admins dont seem to care as long as you are "willing to cooperate". If admins really cared that they were neo nazis they would have been banned a long time ago

I think they only step in once the racist subs start getting too much attention. As long as they creep around in the shadows and don't make too much noise, they are allowed to exist for a while. But with the SRD thread on the front page, I could see the admins getting nervous that this would make it in the news somewhere. Or maybe something else happened recently that finally crossed the line. I'll be curious to see if this is ever mentioned or explained in an announcement.

This is just proof that you should have multiple accounts to avoid such opinionation.


SubredditDrama. They had a post on the front page pointing out a post in /r/uncensorednews that had basically turned into one huge argument filled with racist comments. I don't think it was the only thing that brought the ban-hammer down on them, but it certainly brought a lot of attention to just how racist that subreddit was.

The mods had discovered admins had deleted content from their sub without notifying the mods. Strange that they would post admin meddling and then one day later the sub is banned!

Yes, and for once it's actually 100% true. The main mod is a real neo-nazi in Finland. There's quite a lot of them in Finland but many of them are in prison, yet you still see at least 2 every time you step outside (bald head, combat boots, t-shirt that says something like "Thought you got rid of us", flight jackets, specific tattoos and so on).

You know America is fucked when people are happy the moderators get punished for standing up for freedom of speech.

Reddit has rules. If you dont follow those rules, you have no right to NOT be banned.

Ok, what rules were they breaking, exactly?

Even if that's the case, this is still another step towards turning reddit into a corporate shithole. Rules aren't good in and of themselves, and when those rules stop people from freely expressing their opinions they're bad.

According to a comment in the SRD thread, the admins had been stepping in recently and removing some of the more explicit calls for violence in the sub. They asked the moderators to start enforcing these rules themselves and they refused to do so. If you have moderators not only refusing to enforce the site-wide rules but actually encouraging that type of behavior, don't you think the admins have the right to act?

They had the legal right to act, certainly, but they were not right in acting as they did. Denying a voice to those you disagree with - however detestable you find their positions - doesn't make them or their ideas go away; If anything it reinforces their ideas and radicalizes them further.

I disagree. By leaving these groups up you are just giving them one more channel to recruit new members through. I know if I ran a popular website like Reddit I wouldn't want any extremists posting on my site or using it to recruit people to their cause. No it doesn't make their idea go away, but it will help keep it from spreading further. If they want to call for the death of minorities, let them create their own website and do it there. No one is legally, ethically, or morally obligated to host that content on their own website.

Problem is, we can see from real life that's not the case. The far right movement has been getting stronger and stronger as more and more Americans are being disenfranchised and sliding into poverty. People are angry because their lives are getting harder year after year. But instead of remedying the problem your solution is to label them all extremists and deny them a voice. Fuck your SJW bullshit.

Fuck your SJW bullshit.

Wow, that went 0 to 100 real quick. I thought we were actually having a reasonable discussion about this, but apparently I'm a SJW now? And I'm not just labeling people I disagree with as extremists, these are actual neo-nazis and white supremacists. We aren't talking about the alt-right or conservatives or Trump supporters or the disenfranchised poor. We are talking about real, self-proclaimed neo-nazis. People who moderate subreddits like /r/nazi and call themselves nazis.

And no one is denying them a voice. They are more than welcome to have their little klan meetings, hold political rallies, write books, create their own websites, and spread their voice however they want. That's freedom of speech at work. But no one else needs to host that content for them. And no one should be bullied or shamed for banning neo-nazi content.

Neo Nazis and white supremacists should have the same right to speak their opinions as anybody else.

You're cheering censorship. You have your reason, but so has every regime to ever attempt to stop free speech. Fuck your SJW bullshit, and fuck your justifications.

Neo Nazis and white supremacists should have the same right to speak their opinions as anybody else.

I'm not sure how many times I have to say this, but they DO have the same rights as everyone else. Literally no one is taking away their right to speak their opinions. All that happened is they were banned from this specific website for violating this specific website's content policy. They are more than welcome to go to Voat or Stormfront or whatever other website will accept them and keep on speaking their opinions there. But if they break the rules on those websites and get banned, that won't be infringing on their rights either.

You're cheering censorship. You have your reason, but so has every regime to ever attempt to stop free speech.

I'm not cheering censorship, I'm explaining why a group of extremists were banned from a private website. And I find it odd that I need to explain to you that neither I nor Reddit are a regime and neither of us are trying to stop free speech. As long as we have the 1st Amendment and government willing to uphold it, we will always have free speech in America.

Well, no, they don't. They're being censored for political reasons by a corporation that has aligned itself with one political entity. They don't enjoy the same treatment as others because their views aren't politically correct. This is all perfectly legal of course, but only an imbecile or a SJW would cheer this policy, because legal or not it is one more nail in the coffin of free speech.

I'm not the slightest bit interested in your justifications for why you support censorship. The only thing that matters in my eyes is that you do.

You're also not the slightest bit interested in what free speech actually is. Take your ignorant bullshit back to r/The_Conned.

The kid you're arguing with is probably barely into puberty. I wouldn't put too much effort into it

Fuck nazis tbh. If the eventual goal of your ideology is to take away the free speech and rights of others based on race, fuck your free speech too.

The Nazi's are the ones who want to censor opinions, i.e. blue team.

So the ones who literally call themselves nazis and want to kill people aren't nazis, but the ones who ban them for wanting to kill people are? Either you are trolling or your world is completely backwards.

Ironically, no. The nazis were well ordered, civic minded, fanatically nationalistic, hard working, and as a political party they were highly respected throughout the world through the 1920s and 1930s. Politically they were much more similar to the current blue team than they are too a bunch of idiot white supremacists. This current crusade by blue team to censor all speech they don't like is right out of their playbook.

"Politically they were much more similar to the current blue team than they are too a bunch of idiot white supremacists."

getting real fucking sick of these bullshit alt right talking points

Ironic since it was a sub that banned everyone they disagreed with.


Excellent point. I have no choice but to admit defeat.

Here's a good example - mods complaining "Marxist admins remove content from our sub without notifying us. All removed content exclusively pro-white."

Actual content of the posts that were removed - all were calls for violence.

If mods are not only unwilling to enforce site-wide rules but are actively lying about it, I see no reason to give them a platform.

They're not calls to violence. They're applauding violence. Which is their right in America, however detestable you find it.

I guess incites was the wrong word. They're definitely encouraging/glorifying violence though.

Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people

It's their right to go out on the streets or make their own website saying it, sure. That doesn't mean that Reddit is required to host it though.

Well, thankfully we have voat too. Now reddit is the mainstream echo chamber for the facebook crowd and voat is a place where even those who don't fall within the narrow spectrum of political correctness can have a voice.

That's not out of political correctness, that is fucking Nazism. Stop being so apologetic for these retards.

Which is their right in America

Also in America, private property rights trumps that right, however detestable you find it.

I am aware.

Does that mean they're going to ban technology as well? They had to put a sticky saying not to call for violence and death threats, and they're still doing it.

Ok, what rules were they breaking, exactly?

Probably the one where you cant call for the deaths of people like jews, gays, muslims etcq

They constsntly banned people for anti racist comments or for pointing out the overlap between their mod team and the mod teams of other racist subs. They never supported free speech, it was a convenient excuse to spread their disgusting ideology.

I completely, 100% support their right to espouse racist views without legal consequences, providing they are not calling for violence and/or criminal activity.

I also completely, 100% support Reddit's right to say, "You're not going to use our platform to do it."

The bigots' freedom of speech does not extend to someone else's platform. A private company or entity saying, "not here" is not infringing on someone's freedom of speech.

It just isn't, and no amount of pouting and crying will change that.

Feel free to tell me to fuck my "SJW bullshit" for believing in a company's right to host, or not host, the content it chooses, as you've already said to others.

But if you actually believed in freedom, you'd recognize that freedom of association is a thing, and if Reddit doesn't want to be associated with such blatant bigotry, well ...

They weren't.

Then you're a sucker.

Allowing corporations to decide what constitutes correct speech is beyond foolish. You are selling your society to corporations for pennies on the dollar.

As I've said, I don't care what your justifications for supporting censorship are, only that you do.

Allowing corporations to decide what constitutes correct speech is beyond foolish.

You seem to be missing the point.

Corporations aren't deciding what is correct speech.

They are deciding what is acceptable speech on their platform.

I don't know why you work so hard to miss this point again and again and again and again, because it's a really damn important distinction.

Every one of the people on that sub were and remain free to express their views on another platform or, even better, create their own platform so they can say what they want, how they want, when they want.

That's freedom of speech.


You're full of shit. I mean first, no one on Reddit can violate your right to free speech. And second, using your definition, they violated my right to free speech by banning me.

The mods actively moderated that sub. I was banned myself, for point out that another comment was racist. The mods called me a "libtard" and said that they don't tolerate "virtue signalling."

They weren't tolerating racism. They were actively supporting it.

I was also banned from /r/uncensorednews, for pointing out that the many of the moderators were self proclaimed white supremacists. The response was basically "So? That doesn't mean they're bad mods." So glad to see that shit pile banned.

that is true though, you can be a supremacist a be a good mod

I was banned for pointing out fake news

I got banned for responding to someone like you by saying, "That's par for the course around here."

So you were censored.

I was banned for saying an article about zombies was fake news

Well was it really fake, or were you just trolling? /s

Why should they be forced to delete things just because some people disagree with them? Reddit is gay

What's that word mean to you?

So you like gays :-)

You are more than welcome to not use it then.

Racism is all over this subreddit. So much Jew hate and blame without solid proof.

I’m all for blaming people for shit when there is proof or its very likely to be true.

Anti-White racism is all over Reddit, big deal.

Since when does religion = race? im sure if people posted about the corruption and ridiculousness of scientology it wouldnt even be an issue

Israel is taking heat and people are starting to rip at the wool over their eyes. Time to make sure everyone knows questioning jewish anything is not tolerated.

I mean they control own whole entertainment model and push filth and degenerate ideals on us to weaken us as a country. Sexualizing young girls? Media entertainment. Overly violent videogames? Hell they broadcast tournaments on TV now. Absolute garbage programming meant to dumb us down and promote this inner darkness and degenerate behavior.

Harvey Weinstein is facing arrest charges and I couldn't be happier. Zionists love their perversions.

Race = religions for jews so they can scream muh religious freedom and yer racist at the same time. That's all. Palestinians are more semite than they will ever be and they hate it.

Uncensored news. Created because news censored everything about the pulse nightclub shooting. including the calls for donating blood.

And... it's gone.

Figures. Their recent stickies were “anti-Semitic”.

Most of the content was happily a JIDF circle jerk about “muds”, but a couple of weeks of articles stickied on the Polocaust and false-flagging Jews and their pedo agenda and the sub has vanished with all of its content.

For further information:

Lots of archived pages about that sub here http://archive.is/search/?q=r%2Funcensorednews

Some of the sub's wiki pages Rules http://archive.is/y9GE0 Reasons to Subscribe http://archive.is/2uGL3

And this post: A Reminder of What This Sub Is and Isn't http://archive.is/qhqko

Lots of coverage of ongoing racist activity on that sub https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/search?q=r%2Funcensorednews&amp;restrict_sr=on

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So we threatened to kill non whites and non christians so fucking what it's our freedom of speech

Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.

Reddit is a business not the government.

The concept of free speech exists outside of the doesn't amendment.

The “concept of free speech” is not a right guaranteed to you anywhere. Certainly not on social media.

Never said it was a right. You're so anti free speech that you couldn't even read my sentence I guess.

People who say hateful, violent, or "bigoted" things on the internet have the right to do so, do you people not sense the irony in policing thought crimes and shaping a minority report society all so you can have the illusion of safety and comfort?

This argument that Reddit, Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter are private businesses and not the government so therefore they have the right to censor and police the thoughts, actions, and content from anyone everywhere at any time is entirely hypocritical considering each of those companies are entire monopolies of information, social media, news, culture, entertainment, and everything that shapes current society.

All the while these coveted corporations use government funded public infrastructure to distribute mass propaganda and channel the very same freedom of speech, assembly, journalism, and privacy against everyone on the planet.

Far from crying wolf that everyone on Reddit who disagrees with me is a shill, but many of us are 100% certain of the concerted effort to craft and mold public opinion, and this shit did not start with Russian troll farms on Reddit or /r/conspiracy or/r/politics. It started first with paid promotion of course like all things, then a moderator takeover of /r/videos, followed by the moderator teams who policed large amounts of subreddits, and then the slow creep into /r/AMA so that our favorite celebrities could play advertisement with us and we got to find out which ones cared marginally about outreach, and which did the bidding of their agents and advertisers.

This a concerted effort brought about by decades of brain-drain in America and the world serving various interest, but the point is and just so you're aware, bots, seo's, script kiddies, ddos/doxxing and corporate influence of Reddit was pre and post Obama which goes to show you that people who defame Russian propaganda are blissfully unaware of the private, corporate, and state efforts which incorporate all actors on this so called world stage.

People who say hateful, violent, or "bigoted" things on the internet have the right to do so, do you people not sense the irony in policing thought crimes and shaping a minority report society all so you can have the illusion of safety and comfort?

Do I have the right to come on to your property, yell at your family and neighbors about "niggers, muzzies, and kikes." Making threats to people as they pass by. Would you let me set up a lawn chair with a megaphone in your office yelling awful bigoted things while you meet with clients?

Or, do you think you'd ask me to leave?

Yes, my unrelated comment is relevant to your straw man.

I don't even understand your response because it has entirely nothing to do with the premise of conglomerate corporations controlling speech, but sure if it makes you feel better then just ban, silence and attack anyone who disagrees with you.

Your bigoted comment was not silenced on this website because it didn't break the terms and conditions - things like encouraging or calling for violence. It's pretty easy to not get your subreddit banned, but the mods there just didn't care.

My comment is unrelated to this comment chain and you know it. This game you play is a slippery slope, you're more interested in framing a narrative and painting me as a bigot because of my comment in a different conversation and subreddit. People like you will take this attitude and multiply it given the platform and tools.

Primarily the difference is Reddit admin rules and moderation versus subreddit moderation and rules. I'm pretty sure long ago it was decided by public opinion that we're going to be offended by the word nigger and faggot, so that is an easy way to ban people and there messages based off rhetoric they use.

The mods of uncensored news had a hands off approach, it must frighten reddit users what happens when you don't police your own discussion boards and let the users upvote and downvote what they please, its a stark contrast to what this website has devolved into.

The_donald mods work pretty hard to keep their sub on Reddit by making sure they follow the terms and conditions laid out - are the unfairly attacked? Probably, which is not right. But Christ are they fucking annoying, just a cunthair more annoying than the subs that constantly call them out.

No where in this discussion is the /r/the_donald mentioned, but since you did and the irony escapes you criticizing the most scrutinized subreddit which has its own containment rules and algorithm which is unprecedented, but was introduced by our coveted reddit admins and moderation teams.

There are 15+ subreddits dedicated against /r/the_donald and Donald Trump. You can't even see there content like the rest of Reddit on the frontpage, and yet you're trying to champion reddit policy and action as something to hearld as a standard.

I read your analogy, and it's a pretty poor comparison given what's at stake.

Reddit has a parent company which has subsidiaries that deal across multiple outlets and publications with influence across media and information.

Reddit is ranked #4 most visited website in the US, 80 billion in pageviews, 500 million montly visitors, and you're trying to argue there is not precedent or motive to quell free speech? Or is your argument really as naive as we should take a call to violence or threat made on Reddit as grounds to ban entire subreddits and users.

If we follow your logic Reddit should implement hate speech filters, should scan users profiles for dissenting thoughts and search for violent or threatening behavior past, present and future. It should follow through on finding alternate accounts linked to subreddits that violate it's rules and then it should start reporting people to the authorities.

Reddit being privately owned is exactly why it should fall under scrutiny. Your home is not privately owned, the bank owns it, and they can dispatch the sheriffs to evict you. Your place of business is again seldom privately owned and still falls under local, state and federal jurisdiction, hence no longer having the right selectively choose who to service.

What you're saying essentially is that you do not have the right to stand outside a bank, an institution, or a government building and protest because it's privately owned and thoughts are bigoted.


Rereading your original comment it sounds like you're encouraging government overreach into privately held corporations, which I don't agree with but to each their own.

I'm encouraging the federal government to do its job, I'd like to think we would all agree on regulation and enforcement of law and order, as it pertains not just to silicon valley, but big pharma, and practically every institution as we know them considering private interests have infested government, military, law enforcement, prisons, media, food, infrastructure, health, schools, etc etc.

The mods of uncensored news had a hands off approach

Fucking lol. I'm done here

Niggers don't have skin colors.

Bye bye cry baby.

Go to voat if you want to share your (((conspiracies))) and hate for "niggers."

reddit won't be a platform for your bullshit anymore. We need to keep this kind of shit away from children.

LOL, now you cowards are using children as the excuse for your totalitarian vision? Pathetic, truly.

I have zero sympathy for you crybaby assholes.

Lol... r u serious?

At first I thought it was sarcasm, but his history seems to prove otherwise.

Found the snowflake.

Sucks to hear that. r/Altnews is a good place. Besides that, we can continue the fight over here too.

Cheers for the link, IDK why are being downvoted.

Pay back. They get more violent when I do something they don't like.

I think I know why. People want to frame the narrative by making it seem as if banning for a good reason is a good idea. Banning people for talking about any given subject, is the slippery slope to censorship that anti-censorship advocates have been waiting for. It means in the near future, we will see a purging of anything deemed against the "values" of "Western Society".

If you find their ideas ridiculous then refute them and the public will ultimately see how silly there views all.
Banning them only gives them more of a mandate.

Exactly. People without critical thinking skills expect the government to even stop people from thinking and talking at them. That was never the government's job, and should not be undertaken by any industry! It's absurd!

For another thing, how did banning alcohol end up? How is banning marijuana working out? How is pretending that something existant, doesn't exist, ever helpful?

You get banned for 'refuting' in those subs. It becomes an echo chamber where everyone agrees with one another and makes them think their ideas are mainstream and infalliable, when they're not.

Glad it's banned, hope the orange cult sub is next.

it was an openly neo-nazi circlejerk run by alts of the /r/european mods, good riddance

r/european was banned because Admins gatekeep. It wasn't banned for the benefit of Europeans. It was banned so non-Europeans would not see news or talk about issues that Admins don't like.

Problems with racism and mods exist in all major subs. Feel free to look at removeddit and censorship subs if you don't believe me.

I see you are a big fan of ASH. ASH is the subreddit that brigades, plants "racism" in threads, and then demands subs get banned lol

Your comment was hidden by downvotes within 7 minutes of posting it. Interesting.

Neah. European turned to shit. There were only posts about what random criminals in Europe did.

TIL a random criminal is anyone who is an economic immigrant, a self-described terrorist or a non native European.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

To the surprise of no one you are brigading

Says the guy getting called out for commenting from an NP link.


Who called me out? A bot? lol

Sorry for not doubling my digital footprint for someone who is brigading r/conspiracy .

Maybe you're getting downvoted because youre being an idiot?

Interesting theory. The thing is I post here frequently. I respond to a variety of topics. I hardly ever get downvotes in those threads.

The user I responded to only participates in certain r/conspiracy threads. You can probably guess which threads.

You were not here early. I'll tell you what happened. I posted and I stepped outside for 7 minutes .Lo and behold 7 downvotes. The only comments being upvoted are the one I responded and one other. The other is a near verbatim carbon copy. One user responds to me and it turns out they are brigading(full transparency-he did not come from ASH).

The reason I got downvoted was because some people don't like the truth. Every regular r/conspiracy users knows Admins gatekeep. Everyone knows problems with mods and racism exist in all major subs. But what really bothers some people is talking about ASH. Despite the name ASH is a hate reddit sub that brigades, plants racism and ultimately goes on a witch hunt.

You should probably reinvestigate the idiot theory

Why because it went from +6 to hovering -25?

Would it be crazy to say you came here from r/SubredditDrama? I see you do have some conspiracy posts but only post in certain r/conspiracy threads (namely those dealing with Trump/Clinton/Russia). You are otherwise absent.

Is that unusual to you? That the people who respond like you do only post in certain r/conspiracy threads and tend to brigade?

Still waiting for that Soros money to come in

A lot of people got burned. $15 an hour to troll online and commit irl felonies is a sketchy fucking deal. You have to be dumb to sign up for it.

Speaking of dumb people...Some people do things for free. They only comment in certain threads, brigade and get a Soros internship sans pay/criminal record.

Anyway, mind answering the questions I have asked you?



The brigade makes me think you’re right

Well that's a logical line of thinking.

Why do you think the thread got brigaded?

Most likely because it was linked on subreddit drama that reached the front page. That's why I'm here. Your logic is basically "If this is being downvoted, then it must be true because they're trying to hide it!!"

You got here after following a link in a r/SubredditDrama post? Weren’t they using a np link?

As if I care. I browse /r/conspiracy and still here sometimes.

And you’re here to mock one of our regular users about their justified brigading concerns. Do you even realize what you’re saying, or are you dumb enough to believe there are no consequences to what you’re doing?

Bruh I comment and browse and argue with people here sometimes. Just because I was led from a different link doesn't mean I can't post.

Just because I was led from a different link doesn't mean I can't post.

Actually, it does.

Prohibited behavior Asking for votes or engaging in vote manipulation


Forming or joining a group that votes together, either on a specific post, a user's posts, posts from a domain, etc.


It is typically a 24 hour site ban for what you just did.

Hahahaha how stupid are you? I'm not part of a brigade or vote manipulation committee. I just got linked here from the somewhere from the front page (/r/all) and made one comment pointing out some retarded logic. That doesn't constitute a ban.

I haven't put words in your mouth.

After u/MissType asked you

You got here after following a link in a r/SubredditDrama post? Weren’t they using a np link?

You replied

As if I care. I browse /r/conspiracy and shill here sometimes.

Now all of a sudden you came from r/all.

How stupid are you?

My very first comment said I was led from subreddit drama. I never disputed that, I just said I post here sometimes otherwise. So no, I'm not stupid, but here is even more evidence of you being retarded.

I said I was led here from subredditdrama. I never disputed that

Asking people to vote up or down certain posts, either on Reddit itself or through social networks, messaging, etc. for personal gain.

Forming or joining a group that votes together, either on a specific post, a user's posts, posts from a domain, etc.


So no, I'm not stupid, but here is even more evidence of you being retarded.

hmm Lol

I've already thoroughly explained to you how nothing I did was against the rules, but I don't think you'll ever admit you're wrong. But that's just par the course eh?

No not just the comment. The whole thread is being brigaded. Astroturfing is easy to spot

Yeah I know the Russians and their internet research agency are all over the place spreading right wing propaganda and defending Nazis.

Yes that’s what the Shareblue shills day

No, that's what Russian shills say.

Just chiming in:

I think you’re failing to grasp how a lot of people use Reddit. I lurk through subs I don’t participate in (like this one) because I’m genuinely curious about what people I probably disagree with are saying about various topics. I often don’t care to upvote or downvote stuff, unless it’s needlessly hostile or bigoted, but I’ve definitely felt the urge to downvote something I’ve found to be very stupid. I’ll bet a lot of people actually do follow through with downvoting stuff they disagree with or find stupid (which is a circle shaped Venn diagram), so it makes perfect sense to me that a post that’s gained popularity on a front page subreddit would get an uptick in votes from people who don’t participate in the sub. That’s not brigading, that’s people using the voting system.

I also just have a hard time imagining what the purpose of Astro-turfing an inconsequential Reddit thread would be. Where is the money for that coming from? Who would get paid to do that? Who actually thinks doing that would be at all impactful? Reddit isn’t as closely tied to the actual public world of material power as someone who spends a lot of time online would probably think. Same goes with twitter and the hysteria over “Russian bots” there. That’s my lefty reading of the situation, at least.

Are you new to reddit? Reddit is almost completely dominated by bots and shills

To what end? There are many very open conspiracies that are easy to spot because you see can trace them back to a beneficiary. Who benefits from downvoting you?

Who do you think benefits from controlling Reddit?

No answers, only questions

Prob the rich and powerful. The establishment, so to speak

With the rise of Bernie Sanders, we saw how powerful grassroots forums can be

Good thing the Pretending ProgressiveTM is here to set the score straight, though!

All of the upvotes means were right!

Also, all of the downvotes means theyre trying to silence us because were right!

When theres no room in your model for you to be wrong, you might want to examine your logic a little bit closer.

Why do you think this thread got brigaded?

I dont think it did, I think people just legitimately hate white supremacists and understand that "freedom of speech from censorship" does not extend to ideologies that actively and proudly argue for violence towards entire populations of people.

That’s fine. But when you require shills to AstroTurf threads in r/conspiracy it kind of invalidates your ideas no? It automatically makes me want to rebel against it

You missed the entire point. What you call shills, I call normal people. Normal people hate bro-nazis. No shills needed.

Then why are they acting like shills? The thread Is clearly being brigaded. I agree shills aren’t needed, so why use them?

You're a special one arent you.

No, just a regular person.

I guess you’re not understanding. You’ll learn to recognize astroturfing. They are not organic users

I love how people always talk to me like I'm new here whenever I disagree with them. Ive been around this and other boards like it for a long time.

Then why aren’t you able to recognize astroturfing? Somehow you’re benefitting from vote manipulation

It's because he's being reasonable while you're not.

what is wrong with national socialism?

Low quality bait, friend

True, though. Fascism elevates government over all -- religion, ideology, human rights -- and therefore is exactly as /u/sacrimony described. Only someone who understands that true nature of government will understand just exactly how profound a curse this is.

Mussolini's "Doctrine of Fascism":

If liberalism spells individualism, Fascism spells government.

(Mind you, he is using "liberalism" in the old sense, the closest American equivalent would be libertarianism or "classical liberalism.)

Fascism is indeed the greatest form of government. In as much as we elevate government over religion and speech and culture and human rights of all kinds, we embrace fascism.

Beware! Down this road lies utter ruin and abject desolation.

greatest form of government


it took three empires to defeat a nation the size of texas.

one that was cannibalizing it's own people and economy for war. even if it had won, germany would have starved itself of resources and lost control of all their territory within a decade or two

Hitler kicked out the bankers and now he is vilified.

Yeah, that’s why he’s vilified.


When your paper on Nazi Germany is due tomorrow and you haven't started it yet

fuck off cuck.

Go team Cuck! Flame on!

Hahahaha solid refutation dude

no u

Looks like /r/rickandmorty is leaking...

lol, I've never even visited that sub

Pickle Rick!

While it certainly had people with unpleasant opinions, it was also one of the only remaining Reddits where you could find news that liberals don't like.

reading nazi propaganda to trigger the libs

So fuck off back to stormfront if that's what you desperately crave.

Seeking out biased news that "upsets your political opponents" is psychotic behavior.

What the fuck is stormfront?

And how is it psychotic to seek out facts?

i like how you didn't even know where they got their logo from... lol

you know exactly what stormfront is if you knew what uncen news was.

The mods had swastika flairs. Good riddance indeed.

Swastika flairs are found on all kinds of subs.

such as?

I forget, but have seen them in lots of places.

So remove those mods too...? Not sure what point you think you're making.

It's a mad world, frendo.

I don’t think anyone should be allowed to have a swastika as flair.

The symbol is several thousand years old. I don't think anyone should be allowed to have your username.

Fucking lol from “zyklon_bae”.

It came to me in a dream..I have no idea what it means.

which was also banned...

Why is it OK to be proud to be black, but not white?

One involves utter and open hate of anyone who is not, and the other doesn't.

What utter rubbish.

If you want to know who rules over you....

Does it matter where the quote originated from?

Repeating a Neo-nazi talking point in a thread about a subreddit being banned for literally having self-proclaimed neo-nazis as modes.


But repeating a hasbara talking point of dubious accuracy is ok, right?

No wonder you hate Jews. They cut off the tastiest part of baby dicks so it's less pleasurable for you to suck.

Removed. Rule 10.

While that exact quote might indeed originate from a neo-nazi, it's very dangerous to label the question "which elites are censoring dissent" as exclusively a neo-nazi talking point. It then gives elites the power to dismiss anyone who questions censorship as nazis.

Even if a "neonazi" is recorded to have said the phrase, do you really believe that such an idea was completely unique to him, and that it hasn't been said by numerous scholars, in an altered form, for millenia?

Stealing linguistic territory from your enemy is a dirty, yet common strategy. A recent example of this strategy the attempt to rebrand "globalism" as an antisemetic term. Once this rebranding is complete are people no longer allowed to discuss that word on reddit either without being called a neo-nazi?

While that exact quote might indeed originate from a neo-nazi

Yep, that's a non-starter for me. You can stop right there.

This is what I think about Neo-Nazi's and anyone that knowingly quotes them

Every word you just used has been spoken by a neo nazi. Better keep your mouth shut

Lol oh you’re one of those. Enjoy your role play.

You act like what you pretend to hate.

Tremblez, vos projets parricides, vont efnin recevoir leur prix!

Removed. Rule 10.

Does it really suprise you that the new people here, who only listen to what cnn, abc, nbc, fox news have to say, only evaluate the source and not the content?

That is a tired hasbara response that is irrelevant. Are you trying to say that it isn't true?


I had to google that, turns out I'm part of the (((conspiracy)))

That's the worst kind of sockpuppet--the kind who doesn't even know he is a sockpuppet.

I'm saying it's odd that people who spend so much time "just asking questions" about Jews are so eager to quote neo nazis.

Maybe there's a link between the two, I guess we'll never know...

I'm saying it's odd that people who spend so much time "just asking questions" about Jews are so eager to quote neo nazis.

So, you cant dispute the claim, so you attack the source. Next time, maybe you should call anybody who opposes your puppetmasters' censorship agenda Russo-Macedonian, alt-Right, neo-Nazis.

I'll go with 'it's not', since the same could be said about black people in a way and they're obviously not in charge.

In fact I would argue the quote is constructed by Strom to create a profile that just so happens to fit the jews. But it falls apart when subjected to scrutiny; as mentioned, black people fit the bill, and criticizing Israel is common among the American left.

And this goes to why the originator of the quote is important, an individual who starts with the conclusions he wants (Jews are bad) and then makes a philosophy that just happens to get them to that end is suspect.

Funny, I dont see the word "Jews" anywhere in the quote. The fact that the truth hurts doesn't make it any less true.

It's original use is in reference to Jews, nice attempt though.

Attempt of what? You are the one who attempting to obfuscate the obvious influence of hasbara on reddit.

And you're clearly being lanipulated by the real, visible conspiracy to consolidate power in far right groups.

Right. Globalism is really a far right agenda masquerading as neo-liberalism.

No, the spectre of globalism is a far right conspiracy.

How do the tens of thousands of shuttered factories and perpetually shtinking middle class figure into your delusion?

That it has nothing to do with the jews.

George Soros is Baptist? Who knew?

I think you're onto something. I have the suspicion the reddit admins rule over reddit.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reddit

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 159093

You cant say that stuff out loud man!

This goes deep

It was a neonazi recruiting ground (top mod was a neo nazi, a lot of the mod team were mods of /r/european_nationalism before it was banned, it had neo nazi symbols in the sub css), good fucking riddance

Silencing unpopular opinions is always wrong.

Would you be okay with ISIS subreddits?

Of course.

Better question, say if you owned reddit, would you take responsibility/take the flak for hosting ISIS subs?

Of course. It would be inappropriate for someone to attack a second person for allowing a third person to communicate.

Advertisers wouldn't agree, and therein lies the issue.

I thought that's what they made Reddit gold, so that they didn't need advertisements affecting their decisions. Do they not earn enough from it?

I'd bet not, else they're just putting ads on the site for extra dough

Hmm, that is a much better question. I would probably sell out my free speech beliefs for the number of zeroes likely to be involved in reddit's IPO. Still doesn't make it right.

lol yeah, could you imagine the shit show that reddit would be if they had shit servers capable of being hugged to death at a whim? They need them their advertising dollars.

Would you not rather know what they're talking about/thinking rather than driving them underground where their discussions and plans are hidden from you?

Do you think that banning those types of groups and thoughts means they have gone away?

Those are fair points, but you have to remember that reddit might not want to host ISIS content for the sake of the ads needed to run the site.

I get that…but, in fairness, I don't think that was the original point you were trying to make. Your comment specifically asked the poster if THEY would want an ISIS sub, irrespective of reddit's financial position.

You right, I should have led with that question, it's closer to the point I wanted to get across.

I would be ok with ISIS subreddits. Id got there and shit post there too!

Meanwhile they'd be using it to organize brigades to manipulate conversations and recruit new terrorists. These extremists are a danger and letting them do whatever they want will cause death. Calling them mean things over the internet isn't going to do anything, removing their safe spaces that they use to organize is much more efficient.

I think we should go one step further and declare war on them!!!

Wait, are we talking about goat fuckers or nazis now? Ah, who cares!


Isis use twitter not reddit. Duh.

only if they hate jews & muzzies

But it's not just an "unpopular" opinion, it's an opinion that calls for violence against people who aren't white. Not all opinions are valid, if you went around killing people because in your opinion they were lesser, would it be wrong if society made it so that you were stopped? Or is it just society cutting off an "unpopular opinion"? And sure, maybe most people commenting on neo Nazis stuff don't end up acting on it, but what about the people that do act on it?

You cannot equate "calls for violence" and "killing people." There's a big difference between speaking about an act and committing that act.

If I think people should be allowed to drive without a driver's license, it is 100% okay for me to advocate for that. Until my advocating works and the laws are changed, it's still not okay for me to drive without a driver's license.

conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime.

Yes there is a difference but both threatening to murder someone is just as illegal as murdering someone.

In the context of criminality jaywalking is just as illegal as rape. That doesn't make your statement any less ridiculous.

ya except you actually get jail time for both threatening violence, rape, and murder, as opposed to a ticket with jay walking.

In practice the end results for threat of murder and actual murder are vastly different. Much easier to convict one vs the other and for good reason. And the penalties aren't even close.

That was the point of my original comment. and the follow up is that there are different consequences. and the users of uncensorednews should be happy that their calls for violence were only met with being shut down and not ended with them being arrested which is fully within a states right to do.

People making death threats against the president online get nothing more than a talking to by the secret service. I'm pretty sure they aren't losing any sleep over it from a legal perspective. Although I really wish I could see an archive of that thread.

making death threats against the president online get nothing more than a talking to by the secret service.

unless they confirm your threat is credible. and you admit there is no distinguishing between a credible threat and a non credible one unless someone physically checks it out. Which is why I am on reddits side in removing the subreddit for calls of violence. there is no way to curate what is credible and not especially when the mods wish to promote the threats regardless of credibility because they want to be edgy to triggering or are actually hateful.

I want to see the actual posts and not just what people are saying they said. My concern is that there seems to be a concerted effort to silence people for political beliefs across all of the social media platforms.

No, threatening to murder someone is not just as illegal as murdering someone.

it is binary, either something is illegal or it is not.

Severity is a pretty important factor.

yes consequences are different.

Everything is legal unless specifically made illegal. Whether something is illegal is often times a discretionary issue.

exactly and just because someone uses that discretion doesn't mean illegal and legal is not binary, it is the consequence that changed.

Another counter argument is that calling for the removal or mistreatment of people based on racially based stereotypes is wrong and we should not allow it in any form.

We shouldn't even be having this argument, if someone goes around trying to let nazis speak, they're a piece of shit. Nazis are pieces of shit. People who agree with Nazis and support them are pieces of shit.

When you resort to silencing or insulting a group, you show that group that you aren't capable of refuting them on the merits of what they are saying.

It's a really easy subject to refute. You shouldn't give up so easily.

It is an easy subject to refute so I have no need to actually do so. If you need a guy on the internet to explain to you why being a Nazi I'd bad, then maybe youve got something wrong with you.

If it's so easy to refute, then you shouldn't need to resort to censorship or bullying.

Bullying? You think making fun of nazis is bullying?

You think making fun of any group is bullying?


Oh spare us all the noble middle ground arguments. Nazis are scum who call for the removal of anyone who is not white/European/whatever we all know what a Nazi is. Maybe it's a form of bullying accepted by society, but being a Nazi isn't some condition you are born with. Making fun of someone for how they look or talk is one thing, but making fun of someone who woke up one day and decided that they really hated everyone else? Perfectly ok.

A bully always believes that they have legitimate grounds to bully their victim.

What a hero we have here everyone! He's so neutral he even defends Nazis.

It looks like you are confusing supporting the right to speak with supporting the content of speech.

Silencing dangerous propaganda is always right

It's only dangerous if you lack the ability to refute it. If you lack the ability to refute it, you may be on the wrong side.

Not true at all. There will always be violently racist people that hear dogwhistles. Inciting and recruiting these opinions is how people get hurt

People are responsible for their actions. If you blame the speaker for the actions of the person inspired by the speaker, you are denying the inspired person their autonomy and improperly assigning blame.

Some "opinions" when used for the sole purpose of inciting violence should not be allowed. This site isnt a government entity, the first amendment doesnt apple here. Its a privately owned website.

People are responsible for their actions. If you blame the speaker for the actions of the person inspired by the speaker, you are denying the inspired person their autonomy and improperly assigning blame.

Whether the First Amendment applies is relevant to whether an action was legal or illegal. It is not relevant to whether an action was right or wrong.

Inciting violence is wrong. Thats an absolute.

People are responsible for their actions. If you blame the speaker for the actions of the person inspired by the speaker, you are denying the inspired person their autonomy and improperly assigning blame.

No one is blaming the speaker for anyones actions. We are blaming the speaker for hate speech and inciting violence. Both are immoral

It is wrong to silence unpopular opinions.

True. But it is right to silence speech that is harmful, dangerous, and encourages violence

It is not.

And why is it not right?

Because things that you disagree with, especially things that you find harmful or dangerous, need to be addressed and refuted.

When we silence an opinion, we validate that opinion. We admit that we cannot refute it.

Something I disagree with is "mayonnaise is gross". "Kill all jews" is not an "unpopular opinion" and shouldn't be treated with the same tolerance.

Addressing and refuting an idiot only validates the idiot as your equal. Its why the world doesnt allow North Korea to be seen as a serious world power or deal with them as such

Resorting to name calling is almost as bad as silencing.

Its why the world doesnt allow North Korea to be seen as a serious world power or deal with them as such

And as a result we have millions of starving people and an alienated potential nuclear power.

I dont think silencing or calling nazis, idiots is bad.

And having nuclear capabilities does not make you a nuclear power

That is why you are wrong.

Ok 👍

And having nuclear capabilities does not make you a nuclear power

But it does make you a potential nuclear power. Which is what they said.

Because they edited their comment

When we silence an opinion, we validate that opinion.

Or, we decide that a given opinion has no redeeming value, and that providing a platform for it does more harm than good.

You're not going to be able to "refute" the argument of someone who believes Jews are subhuman and should be killed, because their opinion isn't based in reality. They're not going to read an editorial or something and think "Hm, you know what, maybe Jews are people and we shouldn't kill them."

Your argument sounds an awful lot like the argument they would use to justify their desire to silence Jewish people.

Because things that you disagree with, especially things that you find harmful or dangerous, need to be addressed and refuted.

When we silence an opinion, we validate that opinion. We admit that we cannot refute it.

Most importantly, we don't decide what is allowed and what isn't. We might be the ones with the unpopular opinions in the future.

If you're not a PR manager for white supremacists, you sure talk like one. This is almost word-for-word an extremely common talking point passed around by the "alt-right" and neo nazis to try to get people to listen to what they have to say. That's because in current year the biggest problem white supremacists have is getting their word out. No one will listen to them. They know that 98% (number I made up) of people will automatically reject their message, but as long as that other 2% gives that message a chance then their movement grows.

When we silence an opinion, we validate that opinion. We admit that we cannot refute it.

It (racism) was conclusively refuted by the American Civil War in the 1860s. It was conclusively refuted again with the defeat of the Nazi army in 1945. It was conclusively refuted again by the american civil rights movement in the 1960s. How many times must we "sit down and have a discussion" about why Jews aren't evil? How many times must we "discuss" that blacks aren't inferior? How many times?

It sounds like you're confusing supporting the right to speak and supporting the content of speech. My statements apply to any unpopular opinion, whether it's nazis in 2018, gays in 2012, communists in 1992, blacks in 1980, etc.

It's hard to take the high road and actually refute what bad people are saying. But, if you don't do it, you validate them. More importantly, if you don't do it, your audience doesn't know that you are on the right side.

If an audience sees one side trying to support their stance and fighting for their right to speak it, and the other side resorting to trying to silence them or resorting to insults, the audience is going to take the side of the former. The audience never hears why the first group is wrong, they are just told that the first group is wrong and then witnesses them being treated unfairly.

Silencing them doesn't make them go away, it makes them come back bigger in a generation.

Youre not going to convince me to sit down and have a conversation with racists. I dont need someone to exlain to me what racism has to offer. When a jehovahs witness knocks on my door and asks "would you like to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ?" I answer no thanks and then i shut the door. Do you think i'm saying no because i'm trying to silence them? Lol? Do you think im saying no because i refuse to hear what their religion has to offer? Lol? Do you think i should sit there and debate them about why i think theyre wrong? Lol?

Or... do you think i say no because im 30 years old and i already know what theyre peddling and i know their religion isnt for me?

Stop pretending that i need to sit down and have a discussion with everyone i disagree with. Im insulted that you think im dumb enough to fall for your alt-reich logic. Maybe youll use that "logic" to trick a young teenager into joining your movement but the rest of us know better than to fall for that crap.


It sounds like you are confusing "do not silence" with "listen."

Inciting violence is not an opinion.

Setting aside the repeated, deliberate misuse of the phrase "inciting violence," yes, inciting violence would require expressing an opinion.

"Go attack ABC" carries the implicit prefix of "I want you to."

"I want you to go attack ABC" is also not an opinion.

People are responsible for their actions. If you blame the speaker for the actions of the person inspired by the speaker, you are denying the inspired person their autonomy and improperly assigning blame.

Furthermore, while inciting violence is wrong, it is never appropriate to silence the speaker.


In 1971 he was convicted of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder for the deaths of seven people, all of which were carried out at his instruction by members of the group.

Keep going. Try to make a point that doesn't absolve the other murderers.

Yeah its pretty obvious you didnt think your previous comment theough before posting it LOL

TIL no one could refute Hitler.

I don't think anyone has made that claim. You are deliberately misrepresenting a statement.

Nope. Propaganda is by definition refutable and yet it persists, serving its purpose which is to harm. The fact that people continue to even make propaganda is proof that the danger comes independent of its truthfulness.

It sounds like you've latched on to a word without knowing exactly what it means.

You're grasping now. Propaganda is inherently untruthful and thus refutable. Its untruths serve to mislead and misrepresent people which causes them harm.

Nazi propaganda included antisemitism that is easily refuted and yet it was effective. People aren't always interested in or capable of finding or discerning the truth. All through history the masses have been incited to violence with lies.

Take the L, correct yourself, and move on.

I strongly encourage you to Google a word you have heard other people use before you use it yourself.

Bias is untruth and in the 21st century, propaganda describes biased material. Also the semantics here are irrelevant. Even if we restrict ourselves to discussion of propaganda with the most obvious biases, such as antisemitic Nazi propaganda, it's clear that speech can be used to incite violence in spite of its refutability--and any example that fits under my relatively modern, exclusive definition of propaganda fits under your more traditional and inclusive one as well. So, again, you're grasping for straws in the rubble pit of your argument. But my larger point remains:

People aren't always interested in or capable of finding or discerning the truth. All through history the masses have been incited to violence with lies.

These simple facts formed the very bases for Hitler's success as an orator, for the Nazis' successes in genocide. People aren't always rational actors. Even when there's underlying issues priming them, it's often indoctrination that gives them that final push. Fact checkers can go ignored, can themselves be propagandized against. You're acting like speech plays no part in this, like words aren't used to radicalize, and you're frankly embarrassing yourself, bud.

That's why it's so important not to silence unpopular opinions.

It's not that they're unpopular. It's that they're dangerous. Why should mainstream websites provide homes for these self-reinforcing 24/7 hate rallies that themselves bar and bury conflicting views? Nothing good comes of them. They aren't open to a genuine dialogue. All they do is affirm, radicalize, and organize angry, impressionable, powerless-feeling individuals.

Yes people need places to explore ideas. And there are plenty of those. Reddit has subs for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, socialists, and on and on. There's this sub. There's the flat earth sub. If you can't find a single community that's not a hateful cesspool to discuss your ideas, your ideas are probably shit.

The simple fact of the matter is that convenience is king and if we stop letting Nazis set up their noisy clubhouses on private fucking property right next to popular outlets for video game discussion, memes, and porn, we'll lose less people to hateful ideologies. That's a net good, end of story.

That's exactly why it is so wrong to silence them. When you don't let them talk, you don't get to explain why they are wrong. When the audience doesn't get both sides, or gets nothing but bullying/hatred/silencing from one side, they're going to pick the wrong side.

Words are only dangerous if you try to suppress them.

Mocking dangerous propaganda is always right. Silencing them only entrenches them and does not win hearts and minds.

Banning them is only going to increase their resolve rather than let it go in their own little circle jerk.

Satire is far more powerful than book burning.

I dont think anyone is interested in winning their hearts and minds. Let them go talk into an echo chamber somewhere else

At first they came for X....

We've been here in history before. Why are we repeating it?

Because the last time we were here in history millions of Jews were exterminated. We learned. Shut an asshole up before they get too many other assholes to agree with them

But who decides who the assholes are? It's a dangerous game you play.

Not really. The assholes are people who incite harmful or discriminatory behavior based on someones skin, sex, religion, or handicap

It's not that simple my dude.

It really is

Totalitarianism is a hell of a drug.

So America was wrong during WW2?

Huh? I'm just saying totalitarianism is bad and one of the first things that happens is the silencing of dissenting opinion.

American went to war and silenced Nazism, that was wrong?

Terrible argument. Clearly the nazis were wrong. Just like the communists and every other totalitarian regime in existence. That's my entire point. Totalitarianism is bad and we should never go down that path because all it produces is misery.

So we agree silencing nazis is good?

Quite the opposite. We shouldn't silence the nazis or the communists. We shouldn't silence anyone. Words are not actions. If you can't see it this conversation is pointless.

Why do you hate america so much?

When did you buy that strawman factory?

The same month you signed the deed on the Misused Political Tropes Museum

That was just a loaner, yo.

Why don't you care about Stalin's crimes? Or Mao? Why is Hitler declared the supreme mass murderer? He barely hit 3 million counting in homosexuals and blacks and anyone not a white german. Mao and Stalin killed 10x as many people? And their own citizens at that!! Break your conditioning.... if you can. Good luck.

Because we are discussing neo nazis

Nice deflection you'll surely stop the cabal with wisdom like that.

A deflection from what exactly?

A deflection from his deflection.


Nice deflection

Wtf are you even going on about? You're the one deflecting here by bringing up unrelated shit. Are you really this stupid or are you just being a disingenuous troll?

That's the cover they use isn't it?

Now we have multiple progressive anti war voices being demonized, banned., and restricted because of extentions of these same rules. They want you outraged. That gives them cover, manufactured consent , to ban other forms of dissent you may agree on.

You want to beat them? LAUGH at them. Otherwise you just enrage them and make them even more radicalized.


The reference to an anti-Nazi poem falls a little flat when it's being used to defend Nazis.

The point of the poem is that you should stand up for good people with whom you have reasonable differences of opinion. Hateful ideologies are not good or reasonable.

In fact the point of the poem is that people did nothing which allowed Nazism to fester. It's the exact action that user wants to take too, do nothing to allow this new age neo-nazi, racist, nationalism to fester and grow.

We've been here in history before.

In the past, Nazi propagandists were executed by Americans, getting banned is not nearly as severe a punishment as the gallows.

In Germany people can now gather in the streets to laugh at Nazis, but they are buttressed by laws against Nazi propaganda, and the remembrance that if you take Nazi propaganda too far you might end up hanging at the end of a rope shitting and pissing yourself.

Yes lucky we don't have actual killing, just virtual killings.

Right, being told b y a private business to move somewhere else to speak your mind is just the same as a virtual killing. /s

Nazi propagandists are free to say whatever the fuck they want, but none of us are obligated to listen to them. That is not even remotely comparable to the historical practice of executing them.

If you finish typing the poem you'll see the point of it is the exact opposite of the one you're trying to make.

And here we are stomping out nazi ideology before it grows, as that poem suggests.

Mocking dangerous propaganda is always right.

Mocking the propaganda does nothing to prevent the propaganda from achieving its goal of getting its hateful message out and recruiting people to its cause.

It absolutely does. Satire has the effect of neutralizing propaganda and countering it's absurdity. Banning bullshit and sweeping bullshit under the rug doesn't make it go away. It only makes it stink more.

Sure it might feel like a victory burning books, banning subs, and building walls, but all you are doing by banning these places are reinforcing these people's worldviews radicalizing them more, and really becoming the very thing you are trying to prevent.

uncensored news was basically a shit post hur durr muh race and religion is superior sub. Easily mocked. Full of snowflakes.

If there's no where left to post the propaganda then how does it "stink more"? How does a hate movement recruit people without a place to post its message?

It absolutely does. Satire has the effect of neutralizing propaganda and countering it's absurdity.

You make it sound like the people targeted by the propaganda are members of the same groups of people who criticize it. Do you think people in r/enoughtrumpspam mocking propaganda posted in TD effectively "neutralize" it? Few people in TD question the facts presented to them in memes, and the mods of TD ban people with dissenting views. But TD and ETS are just one example. People who only browse echo chamber subreddits (or whole websites) aren't going to get any of that "satire" you're replying on to balance out the propaganda.

but all you are doing by banning these places are reinforcing these people's worldviews radicalizing them more, and really becoming the very thing you are trying to prevent.

No one cares about the people who get banned. IMO they're lost causes. I care about stopping them from recruiting more people to their movement. A thousand pissed-off nazis angry that their favorite subreddit got banned is a lot better than letting them have a platform upon which they can recruit fifty thousand more.

ETS isn't a mocking sub. It is a hate sub in itself.

A lot of people have fallen out of T_D acknowledging how bad it has gotten. Any dissent - BANNED. Any questioning - BANNED. We've come across these in other subs that talk openly about things.

So it does work.

The banning is extending far beyond the so called Nazi subs. It is extending to the anti war progressives as well.

The Commie-Nazi game is a distraction.

ETS isn't a mocking sub. It is a hate sub in itself.

Hate of what? Naziism?

A lot of people have fallen out of T_D acknowledging how bad it has gotten. Any dissent - BANNED. Any questioning - BANNED. We've come across these in other subs that talk openly about things.

...I think you just proved my point. Banning TD would let those people go to communities where open discussion is allowed, or start a new echo chamber community on a website far smaller than Reddit.

It is extending to the anti war progressives as well.

Did you just equate anti-war people with pro-genocide people?

Trump supporters are not Nazis. There are some Nazis that are some Trump supporters. The bulk of Trump supporters are people who are fed up with the system and never Hillary voters.

These censors who are banning reddit subs and demonetizing and issuing strikes on youtube of anti war people are using the same rational that they are using to strike and ban pro-genocide people. "not save for all advertisers" So you tell me who is equating who. Same with Reddit. That is the crux of the censorship movement.

We've purged commies, and nazis, and socialists, and Japanese, and profiled many types minorities. Blacklists and inquisitions have happened in the last Cold War too.

This inquisition and blacklisting is a dangerous precedent and one we should have learned before. Guess we forgot and need to relearn.

Silencing dangerous propaganda is always right

Never thought I'd see that opinion on r/conspircy

Its not about conspiracies anymore. Its all left vs right. Its funny how people are so brainwashed that they do this left vs right bullshit when it should be the citizens/slaves vs the rulers.

So would you be okay, when someone would spread hate and lies, incitement to violence against yourself or your family?

If they are targeting me specifically with violence, yes. If they are just saying "Kill whitey!" then I'll call them an idiot and carry on.

They literally were praising people for killing innocent migrants in Italy. They're scum. But if this is the hill you want to die on, go for it buddy.

And there are places on this site where Zionists cheer the killing of Palestinians…and?

That's wrong and should be banned too. Easy peasy. Do you have any actual links to said comments?

Perhaps if he will ever provide some links i would be very curious if these were not fabricated threads or content by some of these Nazi-loons themselfes.... too easy in these times.

It sounds like you're confusing supporting the right to speak with supporting the content of a speech.

Silencing unpopular opinions is always wrong.

No it's literally not always wrong. If a pedophile wants a platform to promote raping children does that not deserve to be silenced? Idk where you got the strange idea just because an opinion is "unpopular" it should be free from consequence...

No it's literally not always wrong.

Yes. It is always wrong.

If a pedophile wants a platform to promote raping children does that not deserve to be silenced?

Yes, if a pedophile wants a platform to promote raping children, he does not deserve to be silenced.

Idk where you got the strange idea just because an opinion is "unpopular" it should be free from consequence...

I never made that assertion.

Lmao tagged as pedophile sympathizer.

It sounds like you don't understand the difference between supporting the right to speak and supporting the content of a speech.

Oh so you don’t support the right to rape children you just think it’s a discussion that’s worth having? Gotcha.

You're deliberately misrepresenting my statements, which is inhibiting your ability to understand them.

I do not support silencing unpopular opinions. The content of the unpopular opinion is irrelevant.

I’m not misrepresenting anything. I’m just taking your own statement to it’s logical conclusion. If you’re saying that no opinion should be silenced then logically you’re saying that pedophile and genocide advocates have opinions that aren’t worth silencing.

That is a correct interpretation.

Muh feeze peach!

Dude, free speech applies to the government silencing criticism. It does not apply to a corporate, private website silencing views that are costing it ad revenue.

It sounds like you do not understand the difference between whether something is legal and whether something is right. The two are not necessarily the same.

In addition, if your side resorts to attacking the other side's ability to speak, rather than the content of the speech, you need to reevaluate what side you are on.

Ok, I evaluated it. And I deemed it should be silenced because it's vile spew that targets people who lack critical thinking.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance

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Your opinion that something is "vile" "spew" or targetted at people you think lack critical thinking is not a valid grounds for censorship.

You should really look at the link I posted, bruh, instead of sticking up for neo-Nazis

It sounds like you are still having trouble understanding the difference between supporting the right to speak and supporting the content of speech.

These far right clowns always try to drape themselves in the constitution. Their ideology is literally the removal of all rights from people of different races. It's hilarious. I say fuck them, they can go found their own country. My grandad didn't take a fist full of shrapnel so that nazis could march on the streets.

The reason they were the bad guys was stuff like what you are advocating. Silencing unpopular opinions and attacking concepts like freedom.

...and arguing with some White-supremacists and Nazis is a waste of time...

...well, you can delete the term "arguing" because these Nazis wouldn't argue and just ban every opposing view... So i guess it was just the almighty Karma-Bitch that stroke back on These Nazi loons ;)

You know who else thought that arguing with Nazis was a waste of time? A large chunk of pre-WW2 Europe.

Silencing, bullying, or ignoring a problem because it's a "waste of time" doesn't fix the problem. It grows the problem.

Looks like /r/rickandmorty is leaking...

I was a regular, no one ever tried to 'recruit' me.

There's a huge demand for free speech and un-bias reporting on the internet. Where can we meet this demand and where can people go?

Voat. Enjoy!

Lol the first thing I saw was r/fatpeoplehate
I'll like this place.

Free speech includes the freedom to offend.

and freedom to ban neo-nazi subs as well :)

Pickle Rick? Is that you?

looks at post history

16 years old

Checks out

Do you really having nothing better to do than look into a teenager's reddit account?

how dare he get an ideia on what kind of person you might be with public info, he pratically molested you!!1! but seriosly grow up a bit and consider laying of the edgy fase, it will not do you good

consider laying of the edgy fase

I was not being edgy.

Then enjoy voat and please don't come back

Dude WTF, why are you being rude? Forgive me for having my own opinions for what I find funny.

go clean your room kid.

Username checks out

Your opinions are what many call "being a dick" and people hate being around dicks. You are more than welcome to hang around the dregs of Reddit at voat.

just sad...

this kid is going down the path to a sad, lonely, bitter life

Voat is an awful place for unbiased reporting. It's a haven for people who were banned from Reddit. If that's who you want to get your news from, then you'll be pretty happy there.

I wouldn’t be caught dead there. I was just being helpful to those looking for “freedom of speech”, “uncensored news”, etc.

If that's what you want, then uncensored news wasn't the place to go get it, anyways. It was full of nothing but horribly biased shit news sites, but they went against the msm narrative, so people pretended they were at all trustworthy.

It was full of nothing but horribly biased shit news sites

If that's the yard stick all the major networks should be eliminated because they are all horribly biased.

I didn't say they should be eliminated. The person I was replying to was specifically asking about unbiased news sources and lightly insinuated that any existed in uncensorednews. That subreddit was more about reading non-msm material that confirmed your biases than about actual news.

I don't think anyone is disputing that, but just because they are doesn't mean we should allow it everywhere. Most news sub dall under this category. The difference is they do what is asked of them by Reddit. Even T_D does what is asked of them.

Uncensored news refused to play ball, that is why they were taken down.

I wont downvote you, but its probably because of the context of this post.

The sub in question certainly wasnt a bastion of free speech or un-bias reporting.

It was as close as reddit has come so far.

How the fuck is a neonazi subreddit “unbias” (also the word you’re liking for is unbiased)

I actually think there is next to no demand for free speech and unbiased journalism. Everybody seems to want the referee crooked in favor of their team.

I think most people assume they're getting unbiased news.

ITT: All pro-censhorship comments upvoted instantly, all anti-censorship comments downvote brigaded to the bottom to hide.

Seems "organic" for a conspiracy sub.

Is it surprising to you that a company like reddit is likely to censor extreme racism?

I'd like to see an example of that.

Extreme racism? Well, I'm on mobile at work, and I can't be arsed finding the archive right now, but subreddit drama had a thread with plenty of lovely quotes.


Interesting, thanks.

No problem! I'd have given more if I was freer, sorry. And... "enjoy" isn't probably the right word, but you know what I mean. Happy perusing. :P

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That whole subreddit is based on hate. It's just the other side of the coin.

Even conspiracy theorists dislike white supremacists.




Here's that "organic" word again. Do you guys get emailed talking points, or do you have to login to a site to get them?

It's the link from /r/subredditdrama; most of them probably don't post here usually, are pro-the banning, and just followed the link to this discussion thread.

Silencing hate only robs us as individuals the ability to determine, on our own accordance, whether or not something or someone is full of shit

ITT: pro-censorship shills saying "good riddance" and votebotting of the thread.

bout to make my own votebots

t_d already has that handled.

Except if there was any evidence of that it would have been nuked a long time ago. Just commenting here to let you know where that one down vote came from. Beep boop.

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If that were true why is td still around? Unless you think Reddit admins secretly support Donald Trump. What a conspiracy that would be!

If that were true why is td still around?

Because admin are shit scared of the next day tabloids "Reddit censors [particulary party] supporters" and they prefer to implement some null changes rather than face that monster.

T_d defenitly had upvoting scripts, i remember the posts from 4chan, and verious other upvoting manipulaiton strategies

If that is true why didn't they stop it back then before it became a juggernaut?

because reddit admins have a history of ignoring the problem and hushing it away at a corner, not realizing that it will snowball to something worst in a matter of time, they've allways done that

because the Trump Curse is real. spez would lose his job & conde mast would stop funding

reddits is serious business

If someone is in your home and going out of their way to make a mess, offend your wife, hit on your daughter and generally be an offensive fool, do you not have the right to tell them to take that shit outside?

Does reddit not have the right to clean their own house in a free market?

Sure, they have a "right." But Aaron Swartz, who founded this site, was a big proponent of free speech (which is not just limited to the Amendment) and he wouldn't be happy with what he is seeing today.

When you start subjectively censoring people for saying things that you deem offensive, even when they are not threatening any actual harm, you are going down a very dark path.

They dont have to threaten harm to cause it though, that's the point.

Reddit is a private company that is looking to go public in the near future. They care about their bottom line. Advertisers have shown a strong willingness to back away from the kind of rhetoric that was on display in uncensorednews and with good reason.

If it was your house, I feel you might think differently about it. Those being censored always have the right to their free speech in their own home.

They dont have to threaten harm to cause it though, that's the point.

I didn't realize that was the point. So they're not threatening harm, but they're causing harm. What sort of harm?

Well, the harm is the lost revenue in advertising dollars as companies dont want to associate themselves with certain extreme viewpoints.

You do bring me to the opposite point though, that the optics of this could also affect their bottom line with different demographics.

I totally understand where you're coming from, but I also understand reddit's stance.

At the end of the day, very few people (corporations, orgs, whatever) will put their principles before their pocketbooks.

I actually agree with all that, which is why I believe that internet discussion forums like this should be regulated as public utilities. I think its only a matter of time until they are.

I believe that internet discussion forums (and social media) like this should be regulated as public utilities.

I agree

I mean...could you blame a house guest for leaving if you allowed another guest to offend them endlessly?

No matter how many times you use that analogy it's still going to be silly. No one was being forced to go to, participate in or be exposed to the content in that sub.

Huh? Being forced to go is completely irrelevant.

The content was hosted by reddit, therefore its in reddit's house. The analogy works perfectly well. I could just as easily tell you that if you're offended in your living room then maybe you should go hide in your bedroom, no one is forcing you to be in the living room.

But if blindly defending white supremacist rhetoric is your thing, you have fun.

Again…if you wish to stick that analogy…you're out to lunch. A more appropriate comparison would be if people were discussing a topic in the bedroom and you were in the living room…it wouldn't affect you nor would you be aware of it unless you went into the bedroom…which no one is forcing you to do.

Fun it is!

But Aaron Swartz, who founded this site, was a big proponent of free speech (which is not just limited to the Amendment) and he wouldn't be happy with what we are seeing today.

Never try to defend your stance by putting words in the mouths of the dead. Unless he specifically addressed that kind of stuff at some point, you can't really be sure how he'd react.

Unless he specifically addressed that kind of stuff at some point, you can't really be sure how he'd react.

Dec. of 2012 he most certainly reacted and made known how rigged it was!

even when they are not threatening any actual harm

The subreddit was banned because the mods were not deleting comments inciting comments.

All of the comments removed by the admins prior to the banning were inciting or supporting violence. One of which was, ""When are we gonna retaliate? Plenty of veterans from the anglosphere would gladly slay any ghoul trespassing white land." - from the now banned /u/GasJewYork

If someone is in your home and going out of their way to make a mess, offend your wife, hit on your daughter and generally be an outrageous fool, do you not have the right to tell them to take that shit outside? Is it wrong to censor them in such a way? What if the house is on the market and you're hosting an open house with other potential buyers?

That is such a disingenuous comparison it's ridiculous. No one was forcing people into that sub to read or participate.

"People" have nothing to do with it.

Reddit's house, reddit's rules. Dont like it? Bye Felicia!

"People" have nothing to do with it.

Now that's the type of delusional thought I would expect from someone advocating censorship.

Are you saying the government should tell Reddit how to run its business? Sounds like your advocating communism bud.

I guess I shouldnt expect any critical though from someone who believes things like "Sandy Hook Principal Interviewed About Massacre a Day Before it Happened!!!"

Are you saying every =opinion you don't agree with should be banished? Because it sounds like you're advocating fascism.

I don't "believe" things. I allow the evidence to direct my opinion. And the evidence in this particular case shows that caching spiders nailed that page the day before the event.

If you can prove it wrong…do so. Using insults to make up for your lack of alternative evidence shows just how limited you are in your ability to debate.

LMAO, you called me delusional in response to a civil comment and now you're complaining about insults.

So typical. You have a good one bud.

And to whom were you referring when you said, "Bye, Felicia"?

As I said…delusional.

And…so no refutation to the evidence presented in the info you trolled so hard to find?

we value capitalism

lol for a second there I thought your comment was serious

That sub was pro censorship, your whining is disingenuous.

A sub can be pro-censorship so that people can discuss the content they want to. Otherwise, trolls (like you, probably) come and throw your shit everywhere and ruin any discussion. They are totally different things, and so you're being disingenuous.


That's how you guys do it, isn't it? Lot's of "REEEE"ing?


Oh my god you are CENSORING HIM

Case in point.

Congrats you found another Nazi sympathizer. ;)

Man there was some good content in that page. Makes me wonder if it was targeted so they could ban subreddit.

Good comment and conspiracy driven, yet you were immediately downvoted into oblivion??

Perfect evidence that this sub has been compromised. Notice that nearly every top comment here has the words, "neonazi" and "white nationalist" and "stomping/ recruiting grounds".

It's almost as if there was a script... no, that cannot be! Why would shills flock to a sub where you cannot call people shills? That's almost as absurd as a criminal carrying out a mass shooting in a gun-free zone.

(Neither is absurd.) Over 90% of mass shootings are in gun-free zones. Gun-free zones attract criminal shooters. This sub attracts shills. Neither place has a proper deterrent. The solution is to give power to the people. Arm the citizens; Allow redditors to call out shills. The biggest bastion for truth on this site has the hardest-working shill-deporters. But they couldn't do it without the members (whom some people refer to as nazis) who call out the shills. I bet many of the shills doing work here have been deported from there.

Really, this sub is becoming a total shit-hole. It is like the Chicago of subreddits. The toughest gun-control but the highest murder rate.

r/conspiracy has been a shithole a long time. Do you think that after the military got its thought-control appropriations money they sauntered here by way of Krispy Kreme as slowly as they could? Or do you think they much more likely got that clause in that NDAA to cover for massive existing operations? I am convinced for example that 100% of the big old communities on Google Plus are run by military narrative-defenders. And reddit is a much higher priority site for that.

Good it was a damn neo Nazi stomping ground

Found the CNN account.

Found the defend Nazism account. See how easy that is for both of us to do

Freedom of speech includes the freedom to offend. You're openly defending the censorship of a forum based off of the beliefs of the individuals in in? Don't you have some flags to burn.

Reddit is a private company. It's no more freedom of speech them shutting down an active subreddit with prevalent Nazism within it than a shop owner kicking a man out his store for yelling about the Jewish conspiracy

Bake the cake you fucking bigot!

You mean the family that was fined for posting the personal information of the lesbian couple online, resulting in their children and family being terrorized by death threats?

~~~mUh FrEe SpEeCh~~~

Hey look, two near identical comments within two minutes of each other.

That strawman tho.

Someone forget to switch the account

I'm guessing it really is two different people and not coordinated. Which makes the identical instant responses even more interesting.

I mean, it was a pretty obvious joke, all kind of variations have been posted recently.

Obvious counter to stated position is obvious.

Yeah, figured I wouldn't waste effort making a different post to each, so just replied the same to both. I guess it's the current talking point.

I'm guessing it's a new /pol/ meme they're both doing some variation thereof. A little creepy how effectively they shape the thought process of individuals. Feels like a trained response to "X is a private company so they don't have to abide the first amendment".

So you want the government to tell a private company how to run it's business?

Yes it's called regulation.

It was the obvious riposte. I'm just surprised noone said it before I did. You can call me a shill if it would make you feel better.

lmao nah, I don't think you're a shill. I've seen the same argument used in a lot of conservative spaces. It just intentionally leaves out context of what actually happened.

I just hate censorship in general. I dislike the antifa crowd as much as do the nazi larpers but censoring them would only add fuel to their fire. Easier to let them rattle on openly then in secret. At least you can get a pulse on what they are up to.

r/uncensoredmods and users aren't paying reddit for a service, and nazis are not a protected group. Your analogy is bad.

Shut up and bake me a cake.

You mean the family that was fined for posting the personal information of the lesbian couple online, resulting in their children and family being terrorized by death threats?

~mUh FrEe SpEeCh~

I love it when people clamor to the constitution yet don't understand it. Thus, making them look stupid.

Reddit is a private company. What you're referring to is anti-capitalism. i.e. you want to silence companies who do things you don't like with government intervention.

Why do you hate capitalism? Who do you want big government to fight your battles?

Whether publicly accessible internet forums constitute a place of public accommodation is presently an unsettled issue. There may be First Amendment implications depending on that outcome.

unsettled issue

So it's currently not protected. Gotcha.

There may be First Amendment implications depending on that outcome.

Probably not. The US is pro capitalism right now. Why do you want big government censoring companies on what they can do.

Sure is fun watching them contradict themselves.

I strongly encourage you to read up on free speech in places of public accommodation. It is not settled whether an internet forum is protected or not.

This is private property. Your rights don't exist here when you signed their agreement to use their site.

Its not an issue. Free speech has to do with the government NOT the people. You sound really ignorant on what free speech is.

It sounds like you are confused about the difference between whether something is legal and whether something is right.

whether something is legal and whether something is right

Write back when you re-read the constitution. The law about how the government can't stop your speech. Not average citizens on private property where YOU ACCEPTED a contract to abide by their rules on private property.

Free speech does not exist here. Speech is not a protected class. You want governments to control business on what they can do are say you can go move to a communist country.

If you actually believed in what you were saying you NEVER would have agreed to reddits TOS. So you're a hypocrite or just incredibly ignorant.

It looks like you are still having trouble understanding the difference between a legal right and whether something is right.

No that's on you. I don't think communism is right.

So all that's leaves us you are wrong and you want communism.

Good chat.

I looks like you are having trouble reading the content of my posts, or you are deliberately misrepresenting my statements. For example, I did not reference communism.

But tbh "defending nazis" is literally what that guy is doing

So? Even if it was, that's not grounds for banning something. Silencing unpopular opinions is always wrong.

Rampant racism and Nazism isn't grounds for your subreddit being banned? Seems exactly like what they've been subreddit before though

Rampant racism and Nazism isn't grounds for your subreddit being banned?


Seems exactly like what they've banned subreddit for before

I'm sure they have. Doesn't make it right.

It's their website. If you don't think it's right nobody is forcing you to stay here

The proper response to inappropriate behavior is to correct that behavior, not to leave.

And hows that going for you?

All I can do is say what I can say while I'm still allowed to say it.

You could always simply leave Reddit for /pol/ or Voat, bastions of free speech.

Ignoring a problem does not solve it.

Good luck with that.

You have no rights when using a private site open to public use. You can get permanently banned for absolutely no reason. If you spent money, it would have to be somewhat justified.

That would be relevant as to whether the action was legal. It is not relevant as to whether the action is right.

Exercising the right to moderate your own space is right. There is nothing morally ambiguous about setting the rules for your space and enforcing them.

Like moderators of this subreddit are free to ban shills reddit admins are free to ban subreddits.

It sounds like you're confusing whether something is legal with whether it is right.

Reddit probably has the right to ban people from its platform for any reason. Whether it is right to do that depends on the motivation. Silencing unpopular opinions is not an appropriate motivation. Being paid to do it is not an appropriate motivation.

For example: let's say there's someone in your house. You have the right to kick them out. Whether it was right to kick them out depends on your motivation. You don't want someone in your house? Ok. You don't want someone in your house because they are black? Not ok. Either way, you have the right to do it, but whether it was right depends on your motivation.

Are you saying I dont have the right to kick someone out of my home if I find them offensive?

It sounds like you're confusing having the right to do something and whether it is right to do something. Whether you have the right to do something, and whether it is right to do something, are not the same thing.

You always have the right to kick someone out of your home. It would be wrong if your only reason for doing so was that you were offended. If you are offended by words, the problem is with you, not the speaker.

How does any of this make me confused?

If I'm offended by your words, I have the right to kick you out of my home. Period. If you're saying its wrong of me to kick someone out of my home for any reason at any time. Your right to free speech is not infringed by me telling you take it outside. If you think its is, its because you're ignorant of what the 1st amendment actually protects.

It sounds like you're confused about the difference between whether something is legal and whether something is right. The two are not necessarily the same.

I'm sure you allow people to walk all over your rules and expectation in your home.

You're having some trouble understanding the difference between supporting the right to speak and supporting the content of that speech.

Of course hate speech and calls for violence are wrong. No one is claiming otherwise. But, we do not silence, censor, insult, bully, or otherwise discriminate people we think are wrong. That's also wrong.

I gotta admit, its hilarious seeing someone try to take the moral high ground while defending hate speech and calls for violence.

No one has been silenced or censored. They are free to say whatever they want in another space. You clearly have some blurry definitions of what is right and what is wrong.

If your side is advocating for silencing the other side rather than advocating for it's own side or advocating against the other side, you need to reevaluate which side you are on.

Wow, thats the best Nazi recruitment speech I've heard yet! Where do I sign up!?

You're having some trouble understanding the difference between supporting the right to speak and supporting the content of that speech.

You're having trouble making any point whatsoever and not repeating yourself.

We get it, you support hate speech and calls for violence. Because that is all you are doing here, no ones rights to free speech have been infringed upon.

You are still not able to tell the difference between supporting the right to speak and supporting the content of speech. Let's give you an example to help out:

You claimed:

you support hate speech and calls for violence.

This is false. I have not stated that I support hate speech or calls for violence. In fact, I have stated that hate speech and calls for violence are wrong.

supporting the right to speak and supporting the content of speech.

You still dont understand that no ones rights have been infringed.

Case closed, genius. Come back when you have read and understood the 1st amendment please.

It looks like you are having trouble understanding the difference between whether something is legal and whether something is right.

I accept some responsibility for your confusion, as I did use the term "right to speak." This may have mislead you into thinking that I was referencing a legal right. I was not.

You can keep flip flopping your argument all day. No one cares.

You're wrong. Hate speech and calls for violence are wrong. Telling people that they should have to put up with such on their property is wrong. You must really like being wrong.

The amount of effort you have expended defending these people tells me everything I need to know about you. I'm done.

I have not "flip flopped" my statements. My statement has consistently been that it is wrong to silence unpopular opinions.

Let's break down some of the errors in your comment to help illustrate the problems you are having understanding my statements:

You're wrong. Hate speech and calls for violence are wrong.

I have not claimed that hate speech and calls for violence are not wrong. In fact, I have stated that hate speech and calls for violence are wrong.

Telling people that they should have to put up with such on their property is wrong.

I have not made this claim.

The amount of effort you have expended defending these people tells me everything I need to know about you.

Considering that the summary of what you believe my statements are has been entirely incorrect, this is unlikely.

They never banned tmor for their hate speech. Why are only certain groups protected?

Hey, silencing an unpopular opinion is always wrong.

Yes because tmor is equal to an actual subreddit being modded by neo Nazis

No difference between Nazi Germany and what's happening in Gaza. Why is /r/israel still up?

Because they have good PR with money backing them. Uncensorednews was kept by a finnish Soldiers of Odin -type famous neonazi who wasn't shy about talking about white power and linking to his organizations or other pro-skinhead sites, stickying the comments on top of unrelated posts.

If there was no difference, every Palestinian in Gaza would have been murdered decades ago. No difference, my ass.

Ah, so genocide is okay if it takes time?

You're retarded.

Go straw man yourself.

Your parents must be so proud of you, not many people with Downs can use the internet as well as you.

Maybe you should go back to the Rick and Morty subs for a few years while your brain develops.

hate speech

Yeah I don't think you have any idea what this term even means

Questioning someone's sanity for holding opinions isn't a demoralization tactic that attacks a specific group? How do you define hate speech?

Hate speech is speech which attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender.

In the law of some countries, hate speech is described as speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it incites violence or prejudicial action against a protected group, or individual on the basis of their membership of the group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected group, or individual on the basis of their membership of the group.

Please explain to me how TMoR linking to stupid reddit comments/posts in any way shape or form resembles the definion above.

TMoR mocks idiots. Idiots aren't a protected class. Making fun of idiots online isn't hate speech. Idk why I'm having to explain this to, presumably, an adult.

Sounds like you're pretty bigoted against who you perceive as "idiots".

Why are only some classes of people protected;

so you are now an sjw?

Why are only some classes of people protected


There's a list of protected classes and the legislation that made them so.

Sounds like you're pretty bigoted against who you perceive as "idiots".

Excellent observation.

TMoR mocks idiots. Idiots aren't a protected class. Making fun of idiots online isn't hate speech. Idk why I'm having to explain this to, presumably, an adult.

One of the best comments here. Thanks.

They arent silenced though.

Just banned from reddit.

Silencing unpopular opinions is always wrong.

Haha no, not all opinions deserve equal representation. If you're of the opinion that we should genocide nonwhites, you shouldn't be surprised when people try to silence you, because, you know, they either don't want you inciting violence or being victims of violence themselves. We've made the mistake of giving these people voices in the name of "tolerance", and I hope we eventually realize that there is no value in giving these people a platform to call for violence.

People like you are the reason it took us so long to get the civil rights movement started.

Your hatred towards a group does not justify silencing that group.

People like you are the reason it took us so long to get the civil rights movement started.

lol did you just compare the civil rights movement to racists calling for ethnic cleansing?

Nope. I compared a group of people trying to silence unpopular opinions to another group of people trying to silence unpopular opinions.

Anyone supporting censorship of people based off of their beliefs is Silently Initiated Like Lucifer.

Did you drop a Y, or an H?

Maybe that's just how they spell shill in Russia.

Would have been a good alternative to /r/news if they cared about anything but the censorship of news based on it's racial implications.

I joined it after /r/news started hiding the race of terrorists, but it quickly became a haven for Nazis.

I am not talking about right wing people, but people who on the fringes of the right.

Yea the mod was openly racist

Who cares if something is racist or not anymore? This is a forum

That's why I went there until I got banned for pointing out how all the news posted there is nothing but anti muslim and anti jewish stuff and that the sub isn't doing what it's suppose to do.

Those cheering/advocating for censorship of thoughts and ideas on reddit (or anywhere else) they find distasteful seem to think that removing these thoughts from their view means they, and the people that share them, have gone away.

Well…they haven't.

Personally I would prefer that thoughts/ideas I find distasteful remain in the open for all to see. I want to know what others are thinking, feeling, sharing. I find a lot of notions from the left and the right straight up lunacy but I don't want them censored. I want them to remain right out in the open so I know what I'm up against.

The only thing that can defeat an idea is a better idea.

Those applauding censorship come across as children who think by getting their mom to puree the onions so they can't see them means they aren't in their meal.

Ignorance may be bliss for the ignorant but for the rest of us it's a pain in the ass.

While I agree with you to a certain extent I also feel like these aren't the type of people to make a private chatroom to be assholes. Therefore a sub like that could potentially polarize and skew more people by it being public. Although, I've been subbed to r/uncensorednews since the presidential race and never knew it was full of neo-nazis. I found many posts alternative such as the violence in Germany and Switzerland due to immigration. Maybe I should have fact checked those in hindsight.

Therefore a sub like that could potentially polarize and skew more people by it being public.

I can only re-emphasize that the only response to a idea is a better idea. If people find themselves attracted to those ideas then there is a deeper issue that needs to be addressed…out in the open…where all can have a say.

In a socially theoretical isolation chamber that removes the factor of human fallacy and probability yes, I might agree with you. But you're much more likely to stifle the spread of a disease if you remove the infected from contacting the public. It's not a matter of eradicating extremists, there will always be extremists.

What happens when you give a man who is toxic a voice through public forums or discourse. That man might get elected president. On the opposite end what happens when you stifle someones influence by removing them from public discourse and forums. Bernie loses the Democratic ballot.

Removing a subreddit that has become polarized towards extremism is a small step towards preventing extremists from amassing a following of semi-toxic but non extremist people. Couch critics who lurk and agree with certain media because they don't realize they're being fed toxicity and their like. It only takes a few radicals to create a situation like the Brian Jones town Massacre. Same concept.

I'm all for free speech but Reddit is privately owned and publicly browsed. They can make their own extremist chatroom somewhere else where it is more isolated, and awkward to browse, and a lot less likely to reach people in a misleading context such as r/uncensorednews.

Honestly, I was subbed r/uncensorednews and had no clue it was run by neo-nazis.

But you're much more likely to stifle the spread of a disease if you remove the infected

Ideas aren't diseases. An idea can be defeated with a better idea. Can a disease be defeated with a better disease?

The rest of your post is incredibly subjective and could easily be applied to many other "approved" subs that push a particular pov/agenda, that while perhaps approved of by you, may be seen by others as every bit as toxic as the views you abhor.

Ya I don't know exactly what was going on with this sub that got it killed. Still trying to figure that out. It's probably political, I'm, sure it wasn't as toxic as r/thedonald. They must have specifically been targeting people or something

I love writing. If there's one thing I really desperately want to believe, it's that the only thing that can defeat an idea is a better idea.

But often it's just not true. Dangerous ideologies are all over the world, and have been through history. You could maybe argue that they were defeated at times thanks to other ideas, but a more practical person might argue that they were defeated thanks to people following other ideas carrying big fuck-off swords/guns/tanks.

Dangerous ideologies are all over the world

An idea dangerous to someone may be an idea born from one's experience with that person/group.

BDS is a dangerous ideology to Zionists but it is an idea born out of the experience of Palestinians dealing with zionist's brutality.

I was speaking in general terms, not specifics.

Lol…my pleasure

Personally I would prefer that thoughts/ideas I find distasteful remain in the open for all to see.

I wouldn't. Reddit has no responsibility to give these people a platform to call for acts of violence and influence others with those kinds of ideas. These kinds of ideas do not deserve tolerance, and tolerating them will only lead to further acceptance and recognition of them and their ideas in the name of "tolerance".

a platform to call for acts of violence

I have not seen one person in this thread supporting that…nor was that the point of my post.

Nice straw man.

I have not seen one person in this thread supporting that…

Where not here to talk about this thread, we're talking about the subreddit that was just banned with the reason given as inciting violence.

But sure, go with the straw-man argument.

It was a complete strawman. My post, to which the poster replied, had nothing to do with calls for violence yet that was the first stone they threw.

And last I checked, you weren't the thread police determining what we are or aren't talking about here.

They weren’t interested in debating ideas though, they’d ban you for any opposing opinion or even a question hey didn’t like. How do you change minds and debate people who ban you for asking questions or making salient points? This was not a sub of “ideas”, it was a bunch of ducking nazi pukes jerking each other off.

The same types of echo chambers where controversial opinions are being shared and those who disagree are being barred from participating are being created on university campuses all across the US and people cheer it as being progressive.

people cheer it as being progressive.

No, naive assholes do that, but nice straw man.

Not a straw man at all. Nice try tho. This site is populated with subs that will ban you for going against the prevailing opinion. You may even be a member of those subs but don't care because your opinion falls in line with the prevailing narrative.

And…every day there is another story in the news about some university creating groups based on race or gender that discriminate against others, where alternative povs are simply not allowed and this seems to be fine with many.

People on /r/Politics also down vote to hell when mentioning pro Trump views. Not outright censorship but your opinions don't really count for anything unless you follow the hivemind on Reddit

This site is populated with subs that will ban you for going against the prevailing opinion.

Yes, we were already discussing r/uncensorednews

So many chills I'm going to need a coat!

Where can we get uncensored, free news now?

If you are solely getting your news from reddit, your are doing it wrong.


You can't be serious.

I am. Just ordered some nice neck thickening broth from there too. Gonna look so alpha

If you thought that uncensored news was free and uncensored you're doing it wrong as well.

It was less censored than r/news and the like. Fucked up that it's banned.

It was just as censored, just in the opposite direction. The mods there were literal ban happy neo nazis who didn't hesitate to try to snuff out any opposition.

So why isn't r/news banned then?

Who were the mods?

The mods were literally ban happy Neo Nazis

Source: the comment you responded to.

I'm so damn confused. Please explain.

Head over to Subredditdrama, they have a good summary about it

Whatever it was, I didn’t see a reason for it to be banned. I anti nazi and going tons of articles that were important and true. Like crimes from illegals.

If you want to talk about nazis, there are tons of comments and even posts here that are just as bad or worse with much hate against Jews.

It's kind of hard to tell now the site is banned, fortunately the archive.org snapshots allows one to decide for one self.

Try r/thenewright

Or, you know, don't...

Better than r/politics

R/politics is so diverse and definitely not biased


I was banned in that sub for being Jewish

The place was a haven of fascism

He's right guiz, ban anything you don't agree with because that is "doing it right".

well when the sub was willingly holding up nazi symbols from the daily stormer as their logo... it really has nothing to do with who was agreeing with what.

I like surfing different subs to get my news. I’m genuinely curious because I haven’t really made an effort, where do you get unbiased news?

where do you get unbiased news?

this doesn't exist anywhere in the world.

There is plenty of places to get info and understand what info to take from it and what info to do a bit more research on. Good information is worth the effort.

try https://www.theknifemedia.com/ - Tim Pool covered it in one of his recent videos. It tries to deliver news as dry as possible ;)

Man you've got that right. I read both left and right biased news, even the fringe ones, then I come to my own conclusions based on my own total collective sum of knowledge, education, experiences, observations, logic, biases, desires, etc. to calibrate my mental bullshit detector and then I fire it up! It's not 100 percent accurate, but it's more accurate than Snopes. But then again, what isn't.

unfortunately it doesn't exist. anyone who cares enough about something to report on it already has an agenda, whether they admit it or not.


There is no such thing and never has been. The word you're groping for is objective.

Even if you observed the event itself, your interpretation of it would still probably be biased. Truly unbiased news doesn't exist, everything has a spin to it.


If information is leaked you can be sure there is an agenda.

I like Ben Swann

The AP site is mostly straightforward



Not true. You wouldn’t believe how many people are willing to write and cite a paper on any topic you like by simply baiting them into an argument.

Exploiting someone’s pride and intellect with a well placed “you’re wrong” makes a well read report that won’t be caught on plagiarism scanner.

Nice deflection, bro.

"To Learn Who Rules Over You, Notice Who You Cannot Criticize"


You couldn’t criticize the mods, posters and ideas on uncensorednews, and those inbred nazi fucks don’t rule shit.

It's doubly stupid when you could say the same thing about black people; no one is allowed to question slavery and he taken seriously, and black people clearly don't rule shit.

How the fuck does a person “question slavery”? Like, you think it’s a good idea?

That's what I'm saying; the questioning brought up on the quote refers to the holocaust usually, the big bad thing that makes people sympathetic to the Jews. Slavery is like that but for black people. Questioning it is stupid in both cases.

I guess I misunderstood what you meant.

Yes, nazi quotes to defend Nazis!

One more step towards a completely corporatized, sanitized reddit totally lacking in any organic content.

When they lost their right to shout fire in a crowded movie theater, people said this was the end of the 1st. And yet here we are. Freedom of speech has limits and there are no laws that force a private company to host hate speech and actual fake news like was found on that sub. Sorry but no loss here.

I never once in the last 5 years saw hate speech on /r/uncensorednews. I saw a lot of people claiming that certain discussions were hate speech even when they weren't.

In any case, I'm not arguing that they can't do this, because obviously they can. I am arguing that this makes reddit a worse place than it was before. It's becoming apparent that blue team won't be happy until they've denied a voice and a forum to everybody who disagrees with them.

Yeah and I'm sure you also believe Trump has never lied to the American public. It's called conformation bias.

When I first found that sub I hoped it would be a good source for independent media. What I found was a cesspool of lies and hate.

Trump has lied countless times, he's not one bit better than Obama in that regard. I ain't no Trump suppirter.

Compared to /r/news and /r/politics it was a mecca of free information. News and opinions that didn't fit the CNN narrative could be posted and discussed there. It had its share of fake news and bullshit like every sub, but no more than any political sub, and far less than /r/news or /r/politics.

Yeah and I'm sure you also believe Trump has never lied to the American public

And there it is…lol

Funny how the partisan posters seem to think that all members of r/conspiracy hold partisan views.

In point of fact the most diehard members of subs like this have no political affiliation and think the entire system is rigged by those who couldn't possibly care less about us.

Unfortunately you don't seem to one of those types.

A. That board had not been around long.

B. You're full of shit, that place actfively cultivated a racist community. The head mod /u/ramblinrambo3 was a proud racist. [Check this thread out](r/uncensorednews can't decide if muslims or jews are more dangerous.), there are some quotes from 2 guys arguing over who the bigger scourge were, Jews or Muslims.

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I can't help your lack of reading comprehension, sorry.

Yes the guy saying the Jews have parasitic genetic markers from interbreeeding with blacks is totally not a racist statement. My bad, I will try to work on my reading comprehension

Ok, so that's racistish. So what? Racists should have every bit as much right to speak their opinions as anybody else.

Show them why they're wrong, don't reinforce their prejudices. Talk to them. I mean, racism is fundamentally stupid, it shouldn't be that hard to argue your case.

Racist...ish? If genociding races is only registers as slightly racist to you, I think you might be arguing in bad faith! I'm so shocked frankly!

Yes, there is definitely an element of racism in that statment. I repeat: So what? Racists deserve to speak their opinions every bit as much as anybody else.

I edited in a follow up to you so what

Yeah, I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with a corporation deciding what is acceptable discourse. The more censored reddit gets the worse reddit becomes.

The problem is that this sets a precedent for bad actors to post hate speech in the subs they dislike to try to get them banned. We'll probably start seeing more hate speech on all subs rather than less.

Bullshit. Subs with active and engaged mods who don’t tolerate that shit have ZERO to worry about.

you can look at histories like yours and see why you'd be pissed a white supremacist sub got banned.

Cant you master race kids just toddle off to voat and 4chan? thanks

What? I'm not a white supremacist. I think racism is idiocy.

r/uncensorednews was literally the embodiment of racism and hate. And not like liberals like say TD is full of racism and hate because they find comments insensitive, the moderators of the sub literally had a swastikas as their flair.

I believe this thread title is the example in the dictionary for the word "irony"

No difference between Nazi Germany and what's happening in Gaza. Why is /r/israel still up?

They’re pushing people into trains and locking the door. Also having people sift through cremated ashes to collect gold fillings?


Gaza is no different from Warsaw. Concentration camp walls and white phosphorus are the modern day gas chambers. The practice may not be identical but the attempt is much more effective.

You can't brush off the holocaust of truly Semitic people taking place I'm Gaza and the west bank.

The liebensraum of Israeli expansion into occupied territory looks nothing like Hitler sizing the studetan lands..

ok there stormfront...

Go straw man yourself. Everyone here has read the goldstone report. We know what genocide looks like.

Painting everyone who criticizes Israel as a Nazi is mental illness.

go back to stormfront snowflake

go back to stormfront snowflake

Go straw man yourself.

Looks like /r/rickandmorty is leaking...

Is anyone really surprised that reddit would censor a sub that doesn't agreed with reddit's politics?

Well that sucks. I liked that sub. It was very entertaining!

It was only a matter of time though. They said some things there that are very taboo in our current culture.

/r/conspiracy will be next. mark my words. Many unpopular, taboo things are discussed here and there is no way they are going to allow this to continue.

The totalitarians march on.

Im so fucking glad Im going to be dead before these fuckers get their utopia.

Im so fucking glad Im going to be dead

you're not the only one...


This shit makes me hard!!

lol You offended an "adult" from TMoR, ASH and r/bestof. That is like the trifecta of stupidity. I am envious of such a honor.


Guessing you just got told you have a week to live?

more than a week.

r/conspiracy has its head in the sand. Bigfoot stories won't get this place banned. If r/conspiracy actually posted real current conspiracy news they might get banned.

Because websites with the title 'uncensored' really are.

ITT: (((Censorship is okay because nazis)))

Even saying the word 'nazi' will get you sent to the gulag.

I just read some of the "argument" between the "supremacists". Totally not falling for it, that was about as fake as you can get. Ive seen real arguments over shit like that and these guys were so obviously scripted or just plain larping.

Then why didnt the mods actively delete that shit?

sigh..."reeee!!! false flag!!" huh?

son, they had a white supremacist/neo nazi symbol as their symbol...

thank god. this place should go next together with vile racists and anti-semites.

Go straw man yourself.

Totally not a slithering hill interred living lies..

Made an alternative for discussions r/Uncensored_media

Subreddit banned 43 minutes ago.

haha we are only allowed to have Spez/ShareBlue approved news

Lol. Wow.

I got banned from r/conspiracyundone for pointing out that r/uncensorednews had open Neo Nazi mods and banned anyone who disagrees with them. Apparently that was a troll comment.

they see disagreeing with their rhetoric as "harrasment", so no surprise there

If that's how they are then I'm glad they banned me.

Like how these subs automatically ban people when they post in T_D?

r/offmychest r/blackladies r/blackfellas r/fullcommunism r/latestagecapitalism

Yeah and they use the word rhetoric like they are actually smart and philosophical.

Sounds like /r/The_Donald

Their version of freedom of speech only includes those agreeing with them... At least those Nazi loons are great at complaining and crying like some 4th graders (i apologize hereby to all real 4th graders, you're way smarter than them) when they receive some opposing comments. ;)

I was actually subscribed to it due to r/news and /worldnews censoring heaps of big time news stories such as the pulse night club shooting etc, but it turned into a sub for legitimate racists which is not why I originally subscribed. Whether or not it deserved to be deleted is another story but they really were a bunch of racists in that sub.

This is why I was sub’d to it too... I need to get out of here... reddit is swinging farther left and will probably never come back.

You gonna head to voat? Or 4chan?

the new hot thing is talking to people and doing things irl

Oh, you mean like what I do the other 99% of the time I’m not on here?

Neither. I’ll stick around here until the bitter end. I’ll just have to find my unbiased news elsewhere. Sad thing is I’m far from what is being considered a neo-nazi, but what is and isn’t these days probably portrays me as such. What is the world coming to?

Users on that sub often called for racial and ethnic purges. They promoted the superiority of the white race. Are these Conservative stances now?

Are these Conservative stances now?

What's frightening is that for some, they are becoming conservative stances. It's a minority so far, but it's a growing one.

It shouldn't be that way. It's not that long ago that I would have said I fall on the conservative side of many issues.

It's not something I'd say anymore - not because my stances have changed, but because the crowd calling itself "conservative" is changing.

The shills are using the "leftists" rhetoric of tolerance to crush free speech. It's not real liberals. It's manufactured.

That's ridiculous. Who are you to decide what is real liberal rhetoric and what isn't?

Totalitarian voices vs voices of love. It's pretty easy to tell after you engage with the individual.

Implying that all lefties are totalitarian and all right wingers are lovely people? The us vs them perspective people like you push is so unproductive

.... >Implying that all lefties are totalitarian and all right wingers are lovely people? The us vs them perspective people like you push is so unproductive

Where did I imply that?

Why don't you go straw man yourself.

You were either implying that or the opposite, but somehow I didn't think it likely you were referring to any liberal as a 'voice of love'.

This is what you guys do, dodge and avoid the question then weakly try to discredit the person who asked it. It's a cheap trick.

Yeah, I gave you an honest and really good answer for determining the difference and you're implying I'm acting in bad faith?

Go straw man yourself.

Who are you

It's one of those Nazi-apologists and sympathizers... check the posting history

There's our problem right there. The moderate subs are too highly regulated and the "free" subs are full of reactionaries.

Where does a sane person go for independent news without all the reactionaries? Why don't more independent people who are not reactionary go to subs like this one?

r/neutralpolitics isn't that bad

Try Reuters. They're probably the least biased news organization I've come across.

Reuters is a known front for the Israeli Mossad/Saudi Royal family, and is objectively fake new.


AP is even better.

because they get quickly overran by insane people to the point where it’s almost impossible to manage

That's my story. Started going there during the Pulse shooting, stopped going when it devolved into boring white power rhetoric with no point.

Yea I'm sure someone who posts in rAgainsthatesubreddits and posts in rNews mocking rConspiracy started browsing rUncensorednews after pulse and isn't larping to distract people from the real reason why they were banned.



Hate to say it but users of ASH and TMoR are going to start harassing you now. They follow me around Reddit and one is dumb enough to think I am a conspiracy mod.

The sub was actually an uncensored news site for like...a week. I remember the day it got founded, I subscribed. And, because I know you're going to check, yes, I'm a big old Lefty.

The runic/nazi banner they put up was just way too much lol.

Runic? You one of those that believes Norse culture is anti Semitic?

Sounds like it was subverted. Turn the sub into a racist hotspot so you have a reason to ban it.

I don't think subverted is the right word when it was created to be a white supremacist group from the very beginning. The mods were neo-Nazis who saw how many people wanted an uncensored news subreddit, so they created one and advertised it pretty heavily. Their goal was to take advantage of people who were angry about censorship in other subs and start exposing them to neo-nazi talking points. I don't know if it was to recruit more members or just to have a safe space to post all of there stuff, but it was their intention from the very beginning.

Still seems fishy. Equating alternate news with extreme political views has been a tactic of the powers for a long time. Subverted isn't the correct term if it was run by neo-nazis from the begging though.

All extreme political groups are co-opted in one way or another, they serve the role of the useful idiot.

Seriously, they were

Same here. The level of racism was pervasive, it was not what I had signed up for.

How coincidental the uncensored news became full of 'nazi's'. To me that is just too perfect in the sense that it was slightly planned.

lol this comment section. Nothing suspicious here

I know. Everyone knows that people love subs where people argue over which is worse, Jews or "Muzzies". Clear evidence of shilling/brigading/whatever, I've had a long day at work.

Yeah, really weird seeing /r/conspiracy praise censorship.

You can't go around calling black people the n word, jews kikes, using swastikas as a flair and expect to not be banned. I think that is a fair place for the line to be drawn.

For real. I have lots of Jews in my family (and my husband's) but I loved r/uncensorednews. Frankly, I think the JQ is really important and that disproportionatly high levels of Jewish power in our government/media/education institutions is extremely important for people to talk about. Plus, I think the Holocaust narrative has been weaponized against the West so that Israel can always play victim while America does its bidding.

People act like racist talk is the worst thing in the world. It's not and I prefer there be a place that acts as a steam release valve for some of the anger. Users who straight up threaten to harm people should be investigated individually but banning the whole sub is lame.

I know people will say that racist talk incites hatred but let's be clear that so many of the racist hate stories turn out to be hoaxes.

Shilling itt is insane. People love censorship now, love buzzwords and lowkey love far left ideas. You can't make this shit up.

Anyone have any screen grabs from the post ?

Nothing about that sub was "uncensored". It posted stories about non-white criminals and was infested with white supremacist.

You mean it reported based on statistical representation? What a crime.

It was the JOOS

That sub was really disgusting. I'm surprised it didn't get banned sooner. Those people talked about killing immigrants. Sad thing is now all of them are going to go to r/Cringeanarchy

Well you could never get it there to begin with, it was just a racist circlejerk

Looks like this post is a /r/Topmindsofreddit magnet. I wonder why....

Because there's people in a conspiracy sub defending a literal hate group? How some of you guys made that sub into your boogeyman is beyond me.

Because there's people in a conspiracy sub defending a literal hate group?

Literal hate group? Not censoring posts due to your definition of racism is very different than organizing a group of any sort.

How some of you guys made that sub into your boogeyman is beyond me.

Because that /r/Topmindsofreddit routinely brigades other subs to censor opinions they don't approve of and they do it with the approval of reddit Admins.

How did you establish that there were brigades to other subs? I find it hard to investigate user participation between subs.

How was uncensorednews a hate group? Wanting free flow of information is hate?

When all that gets posted is bent towards racism and xenophobia.... yeah. Duh.

Yo. Not everyone who lurks/used to actually reply in this sub is a fan of /r/uncensoredbs/. Legit, a bunch of folks here are calling out that sub for being toxic af. Of course there are always the dipshits who only turn to /r/conspiracy/ for anti Hillary/DNC stuff, but there is always a good portion who just wants to question shit.

5 words that will get you banned:

The sad irony is the same people who want all wrongspeak subs banned support net neutrality.

I q

jeez, reddit is an absolute shitshow now except for some small subs.

Not far right & outwardly racist = absolute shithole?

why yes, how did you know?

Aren't you lovely

no, should I be?

So happy to see that shithole go

I've noticed it too, I wondered where did 30 days of comments go.

The sub was already under attack by reddit admins removing comments with their bot called "Truth and Safety".

They still have however a sub at voat, it's /v/uncensorednews

They had it in their sidebar incase the sub is down.

Damn, uncensorednews was for me one of the best subreddits on reddit I've ever seen.

Holy shit. Why do you think that? I'm hoping your a rational human that can explain why a subreddit full of very open and vocal white supremacists was your favorite.

It boggles the mind

The subreddit that banned people for saying genocide of muslims and jews was wrong is the best subbreddits you've ever seen?

Pretty suspicious that I was banned from r/politics and that r/uncensorednews was banned on the same day that they announced Trump had no collusion with Russia. Seems like the leftist Reddit and Sub Reddit mods wanted to silence conservatives and those on the right from talking about it.

You think pretty highly of yourself?

It is absolutely FASCINATING how you think that's the conspiracy and not the fact that the guy currently being investigated shut the investigation down and said 'nothing to see here!'

This is why people don't take this sub seriously. You aren't free thinkers who see the obvious flaws and conflicts of interest in the official story and run with it; you take the official story at face value and twist the entire world to fit the word of the powers that be.

I didn't say that's THE conspiracy, I implied it may be A conspiracy related to it. Guess I should have alluded to how jet fuel can't melt steel beams or how there was a second shooter in the grassy knoel for you to me seriously as a "free thinker".

P.S. 9/11 was an inside job.

I actually was subbed there until recently. I unsubbed cause the comments were like straight up racist sometimes. Maybe it's like a hub for all those far right enough to care about politics hosting only liberal propaganda. Example being r/Bitcoin being censored causing the creation of r/btc which is just a hub for those dissenting from r/Bitcoin. It's the irony that uncensored news would only have one sided conversations (idk if they censored) while promoting free speech. I consider myself center right libertarian but that sub made me uncomfortable with some of the remarks.

Lol implying it wasn't just another muslim/jew hate sub. Took them long enough to get rid of it.

I subscribed to it one day for no reason really, never actually looked at it. Didn't realize it was that bad.

r / deport is still at your service

But isn't being racist just exercising your 1A?

Only if you're racist against white people.

Got it - I like how I'm already at a negative score.

That is a USA law.

The constitution means the government can’t arrest you for views. It doesn’t mean Reddit has to give those views a platform...

Tell that to those Colorado Bakery owners.

That’s a completely different situation. Nazis aren’t a protected class of citizens.

So you only like the 1A when it matches your ideas?

Seriously, why are you even bringing up Nazis? Lol.

It’s not a first amendment issue. At all.

I’m bringing up Nazis because this is a thread about a Neo Nazi sub getting banned from Reddit.

uncensorednews wasn't a neo-nazi sub

Christian Colorado bakery chose not to do business with a gay couple as they should be able to do so, just like how reddit can ban subs as they see fit.

I mean you can lie if you want to, but it absolutely was. The thread that got them banned was a bunch of Nazis arguing over if they hate Muslims or Jews more.

A small portion of people circle-jerking doesn't make up the entirety of the sub. I'm not lying, you probably never went there or even heard of it until after this happened.

The sub was a bit over the top and allowed some questionable content but it's no worse than other subs (LCS, ETS, BLM, etc.) that are on the other side of the spectrum.

It's called a spectrum for a reason and there are just as many racist liberals as there are these so called "nazis" that you speak of.

ah yes. The Nazis got banned because the liberals are the real racists!

You really struggle staying on topic, don't you? Which number of the sockpuppet chain are you?

We prefer to think of it as a conga line. Mr Soros pays me $70k a year to argue with idiots on Reddit.

I'll be sure to let him know that you're slacking since you've yet to bring an argument to the table.

If ya want real news listen to Alex jones

Who doesn't trust a man who takes every other minute to sell you his vitamin water?

censored news

Thanks Reddit.

Everyone from that sub is welcome at https://saidit.net


They were never about uncensored news, they were all about racist discussion.

Exactly. They only featured crimes that non white people commited

Damn loved the content shared there, never realized it was supposedly a Nazi friendly place. Did see some anti Semitic shit in comments occasionally though

Now we just need r/topmindsofreddit banned and all will be right in the world.

In the last week or so I saw a surge of nationalistic threads and comments there. I thought it was odd. I guess reddit did too.

So was uncensored news actual news or a bunch of racist ranting?

I stayed away from the comments. The news links were good...thus sucks

Black is beautiful!

Is that OK? Sure it is!

Yeah he is funny tho but at least he tells it like it really is

Where can we get uncensored, free news now?

If you think the news you got there was uncensored, then I've got bad news for you.

That sub was a race baiting shit hole.

toll status: paid

The major internet sites are now no different from the mainstream media of the pre-internet days. You wouldn't expect to find certain stories on CNN, you shouldn't expect to find them on reddit or facebook now either. A shame, but that's how things have gone. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if this sub is banned too

There was a lot of hatred in that sub but there were a lot of articles you wouldn’t see in the main news subs.

I just feel like when those subs are banned the people just migrate to another smaller one and start impacting those smaller communities.

But I guess it’s for the better

Banned for ENCOURAGING OR INCITING VIOLENCE? are you kidding me?? Maybe a shitpost or two encourages violence, but do you ban an entire sub for that? What the fuck is going on with or "progressive" society?

Liberal censorship at its finest. These site admins are a fucking joke.

Great. Reddit's only news sub that hasn't banned me, is now banned.

Found the CNN account.

Nah I'm saying we don't need the internet, we don't need cars.. etc.. Necessities and luxuries are pretty blended these days.

If you find their ideas ridiculous then refute them and the public will ultimately see how silly there views all.
Banning them only gives them more of a mandate.

Is it surprising to you that a company like reddit is likely to censor extreme racism?

So? Even if it was, that's not grounds for banning something. Silencing unpopular opinions is always wrong.

Even conspiracy theorists dislike white supremacists.

That strawman tho.

Yeah, figured I wouldn't waste effort making a different post to each, so just replied the same to both. I guess it's the current talking point.

Someone forget to switch the account

Of course. It would be inappropriate for someone to attack a second person for allowing a third person to communicate.

Hmm, that is a much better question. I would probably sell out my free speech beliefs for the number of zeroes likely to be involved in reddit's IPO. Still doesn't make it right.

"I want you to go attack ABC" is also not an opinion.




If there's no where left to post the propaganda then how does it "stink more"? How does a hate movement recruit people without a place to post its message?

It absolutely does. Satire has the effect of neutralizing propaganda and countering it's absurdity.

You make it sound like the people targeted by the propaganda are members of the same groups of people who criticize it. Do you think people in r/enoughtrumpspam mocking propaganda posted in TD effectively "neutralize" it? Few people in TD question the facts presented to them in memes, and the mods of TD ban people with dissenting views. But TD and ETS are just one example. People who only browse echo chamber subreddits (or whole websites) aren't going to get any of that "satire" you're replying on to balance out the propaganda.

but all you are doing by banning these places are reinforcing these people's worldviews radicalizing them more, and really becoming the very thing you are trying to prevent.

No one cares about the people who get banned. IMO they're lost causes. I care about stopping them from recruiting more people to their movement. A thousand pissed-off nazis angry that their favorite subreddit got banned is a lot better than letting them have a platform upon which they can recruit fifty thousand more.

In the context of criminality jaywalking is just as illegal as rape. That doesn't make your statement any less ridiculous.

The same month you signed the deed on the Misused Political Tropes Museum

If that is true why didn't they stop it back then before it became a juggernaut?

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they see disagreeing with their rhetoric as "harrasment", so no surprise there

That whole subreddit is based on hate. It's just the other side of the coin.

I was speaking in general terms, not specifics.

Ironically, no. The nazis were well ordered, civic minded, fanatically nationalistic, hard working, and as a political party they were highly respected throughout the world through the 1920s and 1930s. Politically they were much more similar to the current blue team than they are too a bunch of idiot white supremacists. This current crusade by blue team to censor all speech they don't like is right out of their playbook.

exactly :)

Your parents must be so proud of you, not many people with Downs can use the internet as well as you.

Yes, my unrelated comment is relevant to your straw man.

I don't even understand your response because it has entirely nothing to do with the premise of conglomerate corporations controlling speech, but sure if it makes you feel better then just ban, silence and attack anyone who disagrees with you.

No, just a regular person.

I guess you’re not understanding. You’ll learn to recognize astroturfing. They are not organic users

where do you get unbiased news?

this doesn't exist anywhere in the world.

unfortunately it doesn't exist. anyone who cares enough about something to report on it already has an agenda, whether they admit it or not.


There is no such thing and never has been. The word you're groping for is objective.

R/politics is so diverse and definitely not biased


Here's that "organic" word again. Do you guys get emailed talking points, or do you have to login to a site to get them?

reading nazi propaganda to trigger the libs


Even if you observed the event itself, your interpretation of it would still probably be biased. Truly unbiased news doesn't exist, everything has a spin to it.

So fuck off back to stormfront if that's what you desperately crave.

Seeking out biased news that "upsets your political opponents" is psychotic behavior.

It boggles the mind

Sounds like /r/The_Donald


When you resort to silencing or insulting a group, you show that group that you aren't capable of refuting them on the merits of what they are saying.

It's a really easy subject to refute. You shouldn't give up so easily.

No, threatening to murder someone is not just as illegal as murdering someone.

I like Ben Swann

It's the link from /r/subredditdrama; most of them probably don't post here usually, are pro-the banning, and just followed the link to this discussion thread.

I’m not misrepresenting anything. I’m just taking your own statement to it’s logical conclusion. If you’re saying that no opinion should be silenced then logically you’re saying that pedophile and genocide advocates have opinions that aren’t worth silencing.

If your side is advocating for silencing the other side rather than advocating for it's own side or advocating against the other side, you need to reevaluate which side you are on.

Their version of freedom of speech only includes those agreeing with them... At least those Nazi loons are great at complaining and crying like some 4th graders (i apologize hereby to all real 4th graders, you're way smarter than them) when they receive some opposing comments. ;)

The AP site is mostly straightforward

Swastika flairs are found on all kinds of subs.

Duckduckgo is finally, honestly, better than Google. Although Google had to deliberately degrade itself a lot to help meet Duck halfway.

And no, only Google is The US Ministry of Truth.

I believe World War 2 had recently begun and started to escalate around that time.

No shit. The point literally whooshed over your head so hard. They started a war, lost, and had their forum removed. Once denazification started, the number of nazis dropped dramatically. Color me shocked.