Theresa May is pinning the spy and nerve agent situation on Russia... false flag?

4  2018-03-12 by primo_pastafarian

Most of the top posts in the worldnews subreddit right now have to do with a spy being killed by nerve-agent, and how Theresa May is going to pin it on Russia.

I guess I have a few questions about this situation...

First off, WHY would Russia bother with nerve agent? It seems extremely over-the-top, cold-war era, super super obvious, might as well have left an autographed picture of Putin on the scene as well. If I were Russia, and wanted this guy dead, wouldn't a bullet have been easier, and less suspicious? Or maybe just put the guy in a locked duffel bag in his bath tub, because nothing wrong was found the last time that happened.

Second, what evidence do they have that it was Russia? At least right now, the public only knows that it was a nerve agent. Where did that nerve agent come from though? Do we have communications that say that Russia was directing its use?

Third point, and really related to the first question, if I were Britain or the United States and I wanted to create a false flag operation to make people angry at Russia, isn't this kind of thing the perfect situation for it?

I'm not saying Russia didn't do it. Most likely, the intelligence community has some sort of actual evidence that points to Russia that isn't privy to the public.

But. This really sounds like something we should be certain about, instead of jumping to the obvious conclusions.


Russia, and Putin specifically, kill people who go against them all the time. It is wildly unlikely he did not directly order this. He has political opponents shot in public, put radioactive isotopes in his enemies tea, and jails his critics without a second thought like they're murderers.

I do agree that it is MOST LIKELY Putin's work. But I hate governments and news organizations throwing around accusations without any actual evidence, and expecting us to just take them at their word.

Agreed, but the evidence in this case would likely cause panic due to the fact a deadly nerve agent was easily smuggled in and used in a foreign country by them, though I do not doubt it exists as Putin truly is a supervillain come to life in his actions. He's basically what happens when Lex Luther become president, except he was a vicious killer first with a military mind.

It should be no surprise that something like this can be easily smuggled in.

Nerve agents can probably be stored in plastic. Small enough volumes can probably be disguised in something that looks like a gel-cap in a pill bottle.

There is no way to actually stop someone from smuggling in something like that, if they wanted to get it in.

This isn't something like a gun, that will set off a metal detector, or show up as conspicuous on an x-ray machine.

Even something metal can be smuggled in if Russia really wanted to, via unmonitored parts of the boarder.

Likely in medical glass with a rubber/plastic cap, safest way to transport assuming a caustic liquid(which many nerve agents are) and the transport would be undetectable as its sealed for safety in a medical type setting and can be concealed easily. I know it's easy to transport them, it's the public that's upset by things like that, which is why governments control information flow especially in incidents like this. Which unfortunately leads to lots of conspiracy theories whether they have merit or not.

throwing around accusations without any actual evidence

You must be new to r/conspiracy

Lol, I don't have any evidence either.

Russia, and Putin specifically, kill people who go against them all the time. It is wildly unlikely he did not directly order this. He has political opponents shot in public, put radioactive isotopes in his enemies tea, and jails his critics without a second thought like they're murderers.

And this "knowledge" is based on what exactly? Just think a minute about who produced/released all this information ...

And this post is based on what? Just think for a second about who pays you to question my information. You can find this out from many different sources, medical records, biased and unbiased documentations on the subject, and through not being a paid shill. Stfu and bye bye comrade.

To say this would be like saying "The Clintons have people killed all the time, so obviously Seth Rich was murdered by Hillary Clinton." Rumors of many assassinations in the past does not prove that a new assassination can be attributed to a single person. If evidence points in one direction, and motive fits too, then that's an excellent reason to have a proper criminal investigation, but without an investigation, it's not appropriate to assert guilt. It's not reasonable to assume guilt before innocence like that.

Your confidence in his guilt despite lacking a formal investigation just makes me even more worried that it could have been a frame job. If people are willing to accept this evidence as if it's direct proof of culpability, then that means that it'd be REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY easy to frame Russia. That makes me really uncomfortable, because although Putin is awful and Russia is a corrupt oligarchy these days, there are murderous scumbags involved in oligarchy around the globe who might have a vested interest in framing Putin.

I'm finding it worrying that she is giving Russia until tomorrow to explain Salisbury. Somebody could consider that provocation if they were so inclined to think that way.

There's two explanations for this, either it was another group entirely and it just so happens and is purely coincidental that an ex Russian Spy got caught up in it or it was Russia all along and they're denying involvement.

We know Russia won't confess. The next few days will be interesting. I don't see it escalating but if other countries decide to wade in to help the UK out then it could prod the bear, so to speak.

Somebody could consider that provocation if they were so inclined to think that way.

I certainly would, if I were Russia. What gives them the right to make such a demand?

If I were Russia, I would just not release a statement until 24 hours after the deadline, and say "our condolences, but it wasn't us", and "we do not appreciate your hostility, but we understand why you would jump to these conclusions, as it does sound like an entertaining Hollywood plot."

Indeed. #4 seems to be most beneficial to the powers that be and suit the narrative that "Russia is coming" very well. #1 seems to be least logical IMO, especially under the current political environment - I don't think Russia is itching to look provocative. And as another poster points out, the location just happens to be right around the corner from a nerve agent testing (testing - lol - let's be real here) plant.

The Russian bogeyman is gonna get crammed down the world's collective throat whether we like it or not.

I don't think Russia is itching to look provocative.

This is an excellent point. Russia is trying to slow-push their expansion right now, most recently with Crimea and eastern Ukraine. They have to seem reasonable and non-threatening to the rest of the world though, in order to accomplish it.

It's like quicksand. The more you fight, the worse off you become.

uhhhhh, assuming it's Russia as May alleges, the fact that they poisoned three people on British soil gives them the right to make the demand?

There doesnt appear to be a shortage of parties who would have motive.

I found this comment to sum it up well:

Should there be no credible response, we will conclude that this action amounts to an unlawful use of force by the Russian state against the United Kingdom, and I will come back to this house and set out the full range of measures we will take in response.'

followed by this reply:

That wording definitely seems to imply that NATO Article 5 would come into force

WWIII, habbening unless Russia admits to something it may not have done?

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EXACTLY this. Theresa May is currently war-mongering. "an unlawful use of force by the Russian state against the United Kingdom" is just a synonym for "act of war by Russia against the UK."

Wait, so the war mongering that's happening is from the country saying "Hey, don't kill innocent people on our soil with deadly nerve agents" - not the country targeting people and killing them? That seems a little backwards.

No surprise the British would blame the Russians. For centuries the British have detested the Russians. I don't believe the British government for 1 second. Second in being one of the scummiest in the world (USA is first).

Also don't forget the Russian elections are going to be held shortly, AND FIFA world cup is going to occur in the summer. So take this in mind when considering what went down. Anything is possible of course.

Russia had this guy rotting away in a jail cell for 13 years. If they wanted to kill him why did they wait until the guy immigrated to the UK?

It was obviously a suicide

No false flag here

It should be no surprise that something like this can be easily smuggled in.

Nerve agents can probably be stored in plastic. Small enough volumes can probably be disguised in something that looks like a gel-cap in a pill bottle.

There is no way to actually stop someone from smuggling in something like that, if they wanted to get it in.

This isn't something like a gun, that will set off a metal detector, or show up as conspicuous on an x-ray machine.

Even something metal can be smuggled in if Russia really wanted to, via unmonitored parts of the boarder.

And this post is based on what? Just think for a second about who pays you to question my information. You can find this out from many different sources, medical records, biased and unbiased documentations on the subject, and through not being a paid shill. Stfu and bye bye comrade.