People who like to complain about 'fake news', what do you think about Russia Today?

5  2018-03-13 by BiBiClosetHelloWorld


Make earth great again, MEGA 2020!

RT is also fake news.

RT is also fake news.

Do you say this because it's Russian or do you actually have proof of this?

Its a State Sponsored project, wouldn't that be an indication?

Its a State Sponsored project, wouldn't that be an indication?

Not all by itself, no, It would not. That is merely judging RT because it is the enemy of your "Empire". Russia Today is far more trustworthy than any MSM in the US.

Riiight, Sounds like RT played you! ALL MSM in every country are garbage. I remember a few years ago when RT wasn't so bad, but they have shown their true colors in the last few years.

Riiight, Sounds like RT played you!

No. I actually can think for myself. While it is true that MSM has lost the right to be trusted completely, RT is far batter, though not perfect, than any US equivalent. While we are on the subject, Alternative media, on the whole, is just as bad as the MSM. There are some AM (Alternative Media) sites that are full of shit and some that are completely trustworthy. The point is that people, like you and I, need to be able to think.

Yes, you have chosen the prettiest of all the prostitutes to be in bed with. Congrats.

If you mean that you can trust it always to back Putin and attempt to sweep any of his unsavory actions under the carpet, ignore State corruption, ignore all the other things wrong with Russia (and there's lots) then I guess I trust it too.

If you mean that you can trust it always to back Putin and attempt to sweep any of his unsavory actions under the carpet, ignore State corruption, ignore all the other things wrong with Russia (and there's lots) then I guess I trust it too.

You can wave the United States flag all you want. But to whine about Russian state corruption is "the pot calling the kettle black". The United States "Deep State" is thee most corrupt state ever in human history - far worse than Putin. I will back Vladimir Putin long before any American asshole. The United States wants to start World War III...Putin wants to prevent it.

I'm from UK.....and Putin recently attempted to kill an ex Russian spy in our borders. Hard job reconciling that with your vision of a Putin wanting to prevent WW 3

Was it Putin or could it be CIA trying their damndest to make the Russian Boogey Man so we will cheer as we march to war against Iran?

Seems a bit stupid of them to use something so easily linked to USSR history than say a million other ways as simple as hacking their car into a tree and exploding into a fireball or a jab of insulin or a suicide shot twice and gun thrown away.

I don't for one second believe the obvious answer is the murderer. Assassins from big governments aren't stupid.

It was Putin.

DYOR- Do your own research.

DYOR- Do your own research.

I have - more than you ever know. I was just curious if you are just engaging in the American wave of "Russiaphobia" or did you have actual proof to support your claim. It seems that you have no such proof and that you are just following the crowd - a sheeple.

I have no russia-phobia. I watched RT for years. Then their bias started showing. Yup I'm a sheeple. Or I just don't give a fuck what some keyboard warrior on the other side of the planet thinks. Take your pick.

When you grow up you will see the light - if you live that long.

not an argument.

The independent media watchdog in the UK, Ofcom, has on 15 occasions expressed criticism of RT for, among other problems, “materially misleading” output;
RT has for example been instrumental in creating the smoke screen of disinformation, with which the Russian authorities seek to cover up the facts about the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine with this article as just one of many examples.

More here.

I will trust Russia Today long before any North American main stream corporate media.

So you trust a government run media source more than a corporate run media source.

So you trust a government run media source more than a corporate run media source.

I trust RT because it actually tells the truth. The fact that it is run by the Russian government is secondary. CNN is blatantly a propaganda mouth piece for the United States Empire - so much so that it is embarrassing.

RT literally isn't allowed to say anything critical of their government. How the hell would you know they are telling the truth?

How the hell would you know they are telling the truth?

Do you actually need to ask such a dumb question? In the event that you don't know this, it is a case of independent verification. This should be applied to all of the North American MSM too - especially CNN and FOX.

So what sources do you use to verify RT articles?

So what sources do you use to verify RT articles?

A time honoured selection of sites, some Alternative News and some International MSM. Over the years I have chosen which sites are worth trusting and which are worth ignoring.

So which ones?

Pravada, zerohedge, Russia-insider

Oh wait those are all kremlin propaganda too

Not /u/nighthawk1961, but:

  • Corbett Report
  • Newsbud and its affiliated sites
  • Mint Press News
  • Consortium News
  • Common Dreams
  • Moon of Alabama
  • Occasionally The Intercept, since they are controlled opposition

No one gives a crap about what goes on in Russia, I’ve got no doubt that Russia is rife with corruption and Putin probably tortured a bunch of people in the KGB - as a James Bond fan I’d be disappointed if he hadn’t. People read RT to find out about what’s going on in their own country and other regions. It’s not a case of believing one source over another, it’s about gathering bits of information from a variety of sources to piece together a narrative that makes sense. We didn’t have to do that in the past but sadly now we do

Don’t get your news about Russia from a Russian source, and don’t get your American news from an American source. Pretty simple concept.

Have you tried watching / reading Canadian news sources. They are way better than American news being less biased and are not Russian funded propaganda. Also way less scaremongering compared to American sources.

Have you tried watching / reading Canadian news sources.

I am Canadian. So, yes, I have, and do, watch/read Canadian news sources. And, yes, I agree, they are far better than a lot of the American counterparts.

Are you insane, Canadian my whole life the CBC is the most bias heavy news source around.

Yup, our media isn't any less bias politically. Toronto has two major newspapers, The Sun & The Star. It was funny to read both during our election because one is PC and the other Liberal.

Second that

Russia Today is literally state run propaganda.

Their raw video feeds covering events can be quite informative as to what is not shown by MSM. Most of their journalists, commentators and analysts are quite biased, though.

I'll agree on the biased but boots on the ground and general reporting quality is very high. Compared to the personality round table circle jerks we have in US MSM

RT is the equivalent of Fox News in the US and the BBC in Britain. It is the state propaganda channel. Watch all of them; believe none.

Excuse me the BBC is nothing like fox or RT.

It is editorially independent for one.

RT will never criticise Putin for example, perhaps a "soft" criticism on occasion but nothing serious.

Like the way the BBC criticises the PM for blatantly lying and exposes Tory corruption and scandal?

They seem to give a clearer picture of what is going on in the US - and the Middle East - it's never a good idea to 100% back one source though.

The Russia thing is just a big nothing burger.

Not bad, ofc there are some traces of propaganda. But modest.

Other big names usually just use flat out lies. Totally made up stories

RT how ever, 95% truth. 5% convenient for Russia's agenda.

Makes spotting it way harder.

I notice that mostly with articles concerning my own country.

Rather accurate most times but sometimes with a slight twist to make it a bit worse/concerning/dramatic

One thing I do like about RT. They don't force me to 'think' the way they like me to.

Unlike US based MSM, which puts much emphasis on narrative 'You should see and think like we do, or be wrong'

No thank you, I'll read the info. Make up my own mind

The same as any MSM site

Riiight, Sounds like RT played you! ALL MSM in every country are garbage. I remember a few years ago when RT wasn't so bad, but they have shown their true colors in the last few years.

If you mean that you can trust it always to back Putin and attempt to sweep any of his unsavory actions under the carpet, ignore State corruption, ignore all the other things wrong with Russia (and there's lots) then I guess I trust it too.

So what sources do you use to verify RT articles?